The Conservative Cave

Current Events => The DUmpster => Topic started by: Texacon on July 14, 2018, 09:55:05 AM

Title: Ok, It's Been 15 Hours And I'm Still In A Rage.
Post by: Texacon on July 14, 2018, 09:55:05 AM

Ok, It's Been 15 Hours And I'm Still In A Rage.

Friday's CBS Evening News aired a brief clip showing Donald Trump and Theresa May at a press conference after their meeting yesterday afternoon. Reporters questions were being fielded and when CNN's Jim Acosta tried have his turn Trump immediately shut him down - I'm paraphrasing here - "Sorry, we don't talk to fake news organizations, CNN is fake, we ignore them in America, etc." He then pointed to John Roberts of Fox News and slobbered him with praise and glowing adjectives, virtually gushing like rivers out of his rotten pores. Of course Roberts didn't have the decency or balls to suggest that Mr. Acosta should have had his turn.

Meanwhile, Theresa May looked uncomfortable and uneasy, and rightly so.

It's funny how a thing like this set me off,  but it was classic Trump - a 15 second news clip that illustrated what he is made of.

I hate that ****ing Donald Trump like no other person in this world. I can't wait for the day when he's gone from the face of this earth and I can do my happy  dance - and I can't dance worth a damn..........

I think these type threads are absolutely hilarious. After 8 years of watching Obama snub and defame FOX News the DUmmies are once again shown ‘what goes around, comes around’ and they hate it!  Plus they don’t recognize it. Possibly because Obama was so ‘nuanced’ and didn’t use the words “fake news”, and DUmmies are stupid.

More at the link. Could get interesting.

Title: Re: Ok, It's Been 15 Hours And I'm Still In A Rage.
Post by: Old n Grumpy on July 14, 2018, 10:40:12 AM
Ok, It's Been 15 Hours And I'm Still In A Rage.][/quote]

Keep it up, maybe you will have a stroke and it will mellow you out. :tongue:
Title: Re: Ok, It's Been 15 Hours And I'm Still In A Rage.
Post by: Delmar on July 14, 2018, 11:08:46 AM
Response to TheCowsCameHome (Original post)Sat Jul 14, 2018, 09:48 AM
True Dough (6,019 posts)
12. Can you imagine being Jim Acosta?

Knowing you are going to be either ignored or insulted by Drumpf every time? Of course Acosta can have the satisfaction of knowing he's maintaining his integrity, but it must be frustrating to have Dolt 45 dodge him constantly.

President Trump doesn't dodge Acosta, he openly mocks him.

What made the exchange really funny was when Jim Acosta came back with the pathetic "well we're a real network too, sir."

Response to True Dough (Reply #12)Sat Jul 14, 2018, 11:42 AM
Crutchez_CuiBono (2,731 posts)
32. No exaggeration. I hold Jim Acosta up as one of my heroes.

Dudes got stones and he's unwavering in asking the questions America wants answered.
Keep on Truck'in Jim!!
He's a sorry ass stupid shitgibbon, he'd sure fit right in at democrat underground.
Title: Re: Ok, It's Been 15 Hours And I'm Still In A Rage.
Post by: Texacon on July 14, 2018, 11:14:50 AM
There was a thing running around Facebook that said you should preface anything Jim Acosta says with; Dear Diary ...

It all makes sense after that!


Title: Re: Ok, It's Been 15 Hours And I'm Still In A Rage.
Post by: DumbAss Tanker on July 14, 2018, 11:41:07 AM
Response to TheCowsCameHome (Original post)Sat Jul 14, 2018, 09:48 AM
True Dough (6,019 posts)
12. Can you imagine being Jim Acosta?

Look, I may be an asshole, but I'm not THAT big an asshole.  No can do.
Title: Re: Ok, It's Been 15 Hours And I'm Still In A Rage.
Post by: Wineslob on July 14, 2018, 11:47:04 AM
CNN's Jim Acosta tried have his turn Trump immediately shut him down - I'm paraphrasing here - "Sorry, we don't talk to fake news organizations, CNN is fake, we ignore them in America, etc.

The DUmbass refuses to acknowledge the fact that CNN and others GOT CAUGHT faking it.

So DUmmie....................... :bird:
Title: Re: Ok, It's Been 15 Hours And I'm Still In A Rage.
Post by: freedumb2003b on July 14, 2018, 12:23:37 PM
15 hours of rage.  For a 15 second comment insulting a network.

As was pointed out, obozo did nothing but insult Fox nonstop for 9 years and I cannot recall any conservatives (or even Republicans) who went into a 15 hour rage.

The left continues to show itself as completely unhinged.
Title: Re: Ok, It's Been 15 Hours And I'm Still In A Rage.
Post by: Texacon on July 14, 2018, 12:30:21 PM
15 hours of rage.  For a 15 second comment insulting a network.

As was pointed out, obozo did nothing but insult Fox nonstop for 9 years and I cannot recall any conservatives (or even Republicans) who went into a 15 hour rage.

The left continues to show itself as completely unhinged.

Plus you hear no conservatives yelling for CNN et al; to be banned!  If I don’t like what they’re saying I just don’t watch them. No skin off my nose.

Liberals have been screeching for 20 years for FOX to be silenced.

Title: Re: Ok, It's Been 15 Hours And I'm Still In A Rage.
Post by: Old n Grumpy on July 14, 2018, 12:54:19 PM
Ok, It's Been 15 Hours And I'm Still In A Rage.

Wow, dude, it sounds like you need to spend some quality time with your bong, dude! :stoner: :stoner: :stoner:
Title: Re: Ok, It's Been 15 Hours And I'm Still In A Rage.
Post by: SVPete on July 14, 2018, 02:59:17 PM
Sam Donaldson was obnoxious. Jim Acosta is an obnoxious liar who works for an odious lying "news" network. Big difference.
Title: Re: Ok, It's Been 15 Hours And I'm Still In A Rage.
Post by: Karin on July 14, 2018, 08:15:42 PM
15 hours of rage.  For a 15 second comment insulting a network.

 :rotf:  I know, right.  As if Jim Acosta the asshole, cares a whit about this DUmmie. 
Title: Re: Ok, It's Been 15 Hours And I'm Still In A Rage.
Post by: DUmpDiver on July 15, 2018, 04:26:36 AM
And how much outrage was there at The DUmp when the Obama administration sicked the DoJ on James Rosen of FNC?
Title: Re: Ok, It's Been 15 Hours And I'm Still In A Rage.
Post by: jb2u11 on July 15, 2018, 08:03:45 PM
Best way to cure a 15 hour rage is to drink a glass of bleach.  You have to hold your nose and slam it, don't try to sip it.
Title: Re: Ok, It's Been 15 Hours And I'm Still In A Rage.
Post by: YupItsMe on July 16, 2018, 09:59:58 AM
  Trump OWNS Acosta.   It's frickin' hilarious.

Title: Re: Ok, It's Been 15 Hours And I'm Still In A Rage.
Post by: Ptarmigan on July 16, 2018, 09:09:57 PM
WARNING: Being a DUmmie is hazardous to your health.
Title: Re: Ok, It's Been 15 Hours And I'm Still In A Rage.
Post by: Skul on July 16, 2018, 10:21:38 PM
Best way to cure a 15 hour rage is to drink a glass of bleach liquid Drano.  You have to hold your nose and slam it, don't try to sip it.
A little Improvement.  :-)
Title: Re: Ok, It's Been 15 Hours And I'm Still In A Rage.
Post by: Mugsaway on July 19, 2018, 08:09:43 PM
It must truly suck to go through life with that much hate in your heart.
Title: Re: Ok, It's Been 15 Hours And I'm Still In A Rage.
Post by: SVPete on July 20, 2018, 08:18:09 AM
It must truly suck to go through life with that much hate in your heart.

Hatred for G. W. Bush was the foundation of DU, and they've never strayed from their hate-driven roots.
Title: Re: Ok, It's Been 15 Hours And I'm Still In A Rage.
Post by: Texacon on July 20, 2018, 11:22:36 AM
Hatred for G. W. Bush was the foundation of DU, and they've never strayed from their hate-driven roots.

No truer words... 

Title: Re: Ok, It's Been 15 Hours And I'm Still In A Rage.
Post by: jb2u11 on July 20, 2018, 11:48:52 AM
Seek medical attention if you have a rage lasting more than 4 hours...............
Title: Re: Ok, It's Been 15 Hours And I'm Still In A Rage.
Post by: Rufus2010 on July 21, 2018, 02:59:09 PM
Ok, It's Been 15 Hours And I'm Still In A Rage.

Friday's CBS Evening News aired a brief clip showing Donald Trump and Theresa May at a press conference after their meeting yesterday afternoon. Reporters questions were being fielded and when CNN's Jim Acosta tried have his turn Trump immediately shut him down - I'm paraphrasing here - "Sorry, we don't talk to fake news organizations, CNN is fake, we ignore them in America, etc." He then pointed to John Roberts of Fox News and slobbered him with praise and glowing adjectives, virtually gushing like rivers out of his rotten pores. Of course Roberts didn't have the decency or balls to suggest that Mr. Acosta should have had his turn.

Meanwhile, Theresa May looked uncomfortable and uneasy, and rightly so.

It's funny how a thing like this set me off,  but it was classic Trump - a 15 second news clip that illustrated what he is made of.

I hate that ****ing Donald Trump like no other person in this world. I can't wait for the day when he's gone from the face of this earth and I can do my happy  dance - and I can't dance worth a damn..........

Aww, did Trump hurt your widdle feelings, asswipe?



And please do your crappy dancing. Maybe with a little luck you'll fall and break your neck. :-)

Title: Re: Ok, It's Been 15 Hours And I'm Still In A Rage.
Post by: Ralph Wiggum on July 21, 2018, 04:16:16 PM
Best way to cure a 15 hour rage is to drink a glass of bleach.  You have to hold your nose and slam it, don't try to sip it.

Tequila shooter shot glasses.  Bleach or Drano probably goes down real smooth.