The Conservative Cave

Current Events => The DUmpster => Topic started by: franksolich on April 30, 2018, 12:41:59 PM

Title: primitive allegedly gets trespassed upon
Post by: franksolich on April 30, 2018, 12:41:59 PM

I dunno.

Remember the First Rule of Primitivity: DUmmies lie, all the time, DUmmies lie.

<<<still looking for an exception to the rule, haven't found one.

Baitball Blogger (28,105 posts)     Mon Apr 30, 2018, 11:27 AM

My morning trespasser strikes again. Inside a red county.

As I have said many times before, I live in a red community and the things I see and experience give me something to write about. And so, today, I have something to write about.

This morning, there was another trespass on my property by my neighbor, which now makes ten times since January. It's worth noting because there's no relationship between our houses, except for the cordial civilities that should legally be observed. And that makes this even more curious, considering that this person is familiar with the profession.

In the past, it appeared as if the dog was used as a scout, allowing it to walk on my driveway, the extendable leash stretching to its fullest extent, while the human trespasser hung back by the tree. A few times this person followed close behind. A couple of mornings, the dog woke us up with its barking. We can tune out barking when it's coming from its own yard, but now it was a few feet from our bedroom window. And once the dog was allowed to leave us a deposit, which was never picked up.

Even though I have video on my property, and everyone knows it, this person feels entitled to encroach on our property. This is a good time to point out, that if I did the same thing to anyone else in this community, they would have the police knocking on my door.

I tried to do our due diligence. We decided to put up sensor lights, but it was a couple of months to find the time to set them up. Meanwhile, I put up a security camera to get a good shot of the driveway. The dog was smart enough to see the red burn of the lights, and his hesitation encouraged its owner to back out. That happened a couple of times.

After we put up the sensor lights, I thought the nuisance was over, but a week back, this person walked up the driveway, as if they were trying to test the perimeter of the lights. Again, the dog picked up the infra-red lights of the portable camera and backed out.

Because of that event, we had to readjust the sensor lights so they turn on further down the driveway. Unfortunately, they also turn on when a car drives by. No happy medium. But because of it, I'm guessing that the lights are no longer a deterrent because my trespasser again walked up my driveway this morning, and this time, the dog showed more intelligence than its owner because it refused to follow. This time the dog stopped in its tracks as if to say, "YO, don't you know what you're doing is wrong? Hey, I'm a dog. What's your excuse?" It's owner had to go back and tug the dog across the property.

It's no secret, atleast to me, why this person feels so entitled and privileged. I have a good idea who their support group is in the community. I just wanted to document that it happened because this is how this community dicks you around, in the attempt to push you out.

But that scenario will never happen, because this is the only America that I know -- and of course, I love my house. And, in case anyone else on DU gets the idea to suggest that we move out, please, just walk away. You don't tell a member of a minority group to move out at the same time that you are on this website trying to find a way to help minorities. That's not supportive. This is not our fault.

There is another possibility. I have noticed in this county, that when there is a kerfuffle between individuals, (where one has connections), someone does get an inducement to move out. (I knew someone who worked for the county). So, I wonder if someone is intentionally trying to create a hostile situation in order to get such an offer?

I have complained about this trespassing situation before, in the Lounge, knowing that it would be seen by locals in the communities. That's the crazy part. I put up a blog up a few years back that left a trail large enough for an elephant with a stuffed nose to follow -- so DU is the place I chose to express myself, just to keep everything honest, since I wouldn't trust anyone in this community to carry my message. That's the beauty of social media for those of us who live in communities like mine, where minority views will be misrepresented and marginalized.

This is my experience in Florida, and it should be a concern to others because we are not dealing with uneducated individuals. We have professionals here who think their job is to provide smoke and cover to protect a micro-culture that is comfy with their entitlement and privilege. In many ways, reminds me of small time Cohens.

Unexpectedly, it's a very long thread, lots and lots of primitives getting in on it.

TheBlackAdder (8,826 posts)      Mon Apr 30, 2018, 01:18 PM

46. I was standing at my door watching a remote neighbor's dog pinch a loaf in front of my mailbox.

I was standing there, and the guy saw me, and continued to let his dog take a dump right in front of my mailbox. He didn't pick it up. After multiple times, I finally snapped when I stepped in it. We had two black labs, and I collected a month's worth of their droppings and dumped it all across the threshold of their driveway, as one of the family members watched.

That guy never walked his dog past our property again.

Anybody know what "pinch a loaf" means?

Ah, forget it.  I just checked google, not thinking I'd find anything, but I did find it.

HAB911 (4,847 posts)      Mon Apr 30, 2018, 11:41 AM

6. I had a somewhat similar situation

with a neighbor, since moved away. I'm in FLA too. The teenage kids walked their two large dogs and never picked up behind them. Once they start using a spot it's difficult to stop them. I too have a camera system that I watch from my desk. They always walked them before going to school so I waited for them. My irrigation system has a remote so as soon as one dog did the squat, I turned on the high pressure sprinkler for that zone. It took several times for them to get the message, but they finally did. Thankfully they are gone now.

vercetti2021 (1,282 posts)      Mon Apr 30, 2018, 12:01 PM

20. I can relate with my RW neighbor

If I were you, I'd toss the dog doo back into their yard. My neighbor is a huge right wing asshole who has threatened us a few times. I also made a thread about his extremely odd behavior. But we got to the point where we sack up his beer cans and drop them on his porch with a note saying recycle wisely.

But then again we don't take his shit and push back. Not saying that's what you should do, but I would start by throwing any dog doo back into your neighbors lawn and probably check into getting a fence erected high enough if your HOA allows it.

mercuryblues (6,229 posts)      Mon Apr 30, 2018, 12:05 PM

23. I want to know

WTF he thinks it is that gives him the right to go on your property? If you went on his, I am sure he would shoot in fear for his life. I think that is what he is angling for. To get a rise out of you so he can claim victimhood.

Me/ I would go get some white or black pepper and lightly sprinkle it on my driveway. The dog would absolutely refuse to go near it. The guy will get it on his shoes and the dog won't go near him.

I would also think of shoveling up the deposits the dog leaves and put them in another neighbors yard. When they complain, just say yeah. I have the same problem with XYZ doing it in my yard, he's doing it to you too? or I had the same problem with XYZ doing it in my yard. I had to put up a camera to stop it. He's doing it to you now?

MineralMan (106,864 posts)      Mon Apr 30, 2018, 12:05 PM

24. Neighbors who trespass on a regular basis need to be stopped

from doing so. It's invasive behavior designed to intimidate. The sprinkler idea is a good one. A motion-sensor sprinkler that wets them down would be a deterrent.

However, you may have to involve the authorities. If you have video documentation, that will help. Also, a snail mail letter that advises the neighbor that you do no wish him to trespass on your property might also do the trick. If you have an attorney send it, it would be more effective. If you do that, send it as certified mail with a signature card.

Such letters need to be written carefully, with all demands stated politely, but firmly. You can include the information that you are documenting these protests on video. Just be neutral in your language. Explain the problem, state that it is disturbing to you, and demand that the behavior cease. Keep a copy with the return receipt from the certified mailing. That will be part of the evidence if you have to involve the authorities.

Always maintain an even, polite, but insistent tone in any such correspondence. Again, an attorney knows exactly how to do this.

It's odd, how the primitives object to innocuous dogs emptying their bowels in a place that isn't, uh, appropriate, but at the same time, the primitives don't seem to mind that human beings empty their bowels on the sidewalks and streets of a major Democrat-run city.
Title: Re: primitive allegedly gets trespassed upon
Post by: FiddyBeowulf on April 30, 2018, 12:51:02 PM
Florida has stand-your-ground laws. I would not be wondering around on another's property in the middle of the night, even a DUmmies.
Title: Re: primitive allegedly gets trespassed upon
Post by: Kc25 on April 30, 2018, 01:20:00 PM
I was going to bring this thread over. This dummy alludes that he is "someone" in the community  several times, and mentions "connections" as well. Who is this individual? Who do they believe themselves to be?
Title: Re: primitive allegedly gets trespassed upon
Post by: Skul on April 30, 2018, 01:24:48 PM
Hey Fiddy, ask Travon about that.  :-)
Title: Re: primitive allegedly gets trespassed upon
Post by: Old n Grumpy on April 30, 2018, 01:31:02 PM
Sounds like this guy has nothing to do except look out his window to look for perceived problems. It also looks like he is waiting to use the race card.

I was standing there, and the guy saw me, and continued to let his dog take a dump right in front of my mailbox. He didn't pick it up. After multiple times, I finally snapped when I stepped in it. We had two black labs, and I collected a month's worth of their droppings and dumped it all across the threshold of their driveway, as one of the family members watched.

If he knew the dog poops in front of his mail box it is his own fault if he stepped in it. I wonder if this guys dog is boog? :rotf: :rotf: :rotf:
Title: Re: primitive allegedly gets trespassed upon
Post by: Tess Anderson on April 30, 2018, 02:16:39 PM

This the same lady that complained some golfer took her for a maid but I can see that. Terry is a huge pain in the ass to her neighbors and her house is big enough to house fifty illegals.

Terry lives here (

Title: Re: primitive allegedly gets trespassed upon
Post by: SVPete on April 30, 2018, 02:59:46 PM

This the same lady that complained some golfer took her for a maid but I can see that. Terry is a huge pain in the ass to her neighbors and her house is big enough to house fifty illegals.

Terry lives here (


Yep, a thicket of trees are the boundary between her backyard and a golf course fairway. (,+Winter+Springs,+FL+32708/@28.6665471,-81.258245,994m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x88e76eabc85b44c9:0xe0ae2e4a449a5851!8m2!3d28.6665424!4d-81.2560563) Her house could easily have 5 or 6 bedrooms with 2700+ square feet and 3.5 bathrooms. She's got hers and still isn't happy.
Title: Re: primitive allegedly gets trespassed upon
Post by: USA4ME on April 30, 2018, 03:20:32 PM
Some dog is giving birth to a liberal in her yard and she's complaining about it.

There's no pleasing some people.

Title: Re: primitive allegedly gets trespassed upon
Post by: Old n Grumpy on April 30, 2018, 03:37:10 PM
The Zestimate for this house is $430,556, which has decreased by $1,800 in the last 30 days.

Due to all the dog poop on the property. :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Title: Re: primitive allegedly gets trespassed upon
Post by: BattleHymn on April 30, 2018, 06:18:11 PM
That other person is simply identifying that part of the primitive's yard as their own.

This primitive is being sharephobic. 
Title: Re: primitive allegedly gets trespassed upon
Post by: I_B_Perky on April 30, 2018, 07:26:13 PM

This the same lady that complained some golfer took her for a maid but I can see that. Terry is a huge pain in the ass to her neighbors and her house is big enough to house fifty illegals.

Terry lives here (


And that is all that needed to be said.  Pissed off neighbors have a way of showing their displeasure.  :cheersmate:
Title: Re: primitive allegedly gets trespassed upon
Post by: zeitgeist on April 30, 2018, 07:40:50 PM
Was this an entry in the suppository writing contest at the DUmp?   :pokingpoop:

Title: Re: primitive allegedly gets trespassed upon
Post by: 67 Rover on May 01, 2018, 06:31:35 AM
Maybe he should erect a fence along the border of his property to keep those who do not belong on your property out. Just say'n.  :-)
Title: Re: primitive allegedly gets trespassed upon
Post by: franksolich on May 01, 2018, 08:43:47 AM
Maybe he should erect a fence along the border of his property to keep those who do not belong on your property out. Just say'n.  :-)

It's a "her," who's rather affluent and black.

Probably has a government job.
Title: Re: primitive allegedly gets trespassed upon
Post by: Old n Grumpy on May 01, 2018, 09:44:53 AM
It's a "her," who's rather affluent and black.

Probably has a government job.

Sounds like she is a racist who hates white folks.
Title: Re: primitive allegedly gets trespassed upon
Post by: franksolich on May 01, 2018, 02:03:45 PM
Sounds like she is a racist who hates white folks.

She's a primitive.  Whaddaya think?