The Conservative Cave

Current Events => The DUmpster => Topic started by: Mr Mannn on December 10, 2017, 09:07:43 AM

Title: The mask slips, and is ripped off. Censorship, re-education camps, and a PURGE!
Post by: Mr Mannn on December 10, 2017, 09:07:43 AM
The Dark Side is strong in this thread...
mahina (8,139 posts)
What the hell are we going to do to un-brainwash the 32% of this country still likes this douche b
18 votes, 1 pass | Time left: Unlimited
Community reconciliation meetings guided by Ury and Fisher, authors of Getting to yes
0 (0%)
Community reconciliation meetings guided by the Albert Einstein i stitution
0 (0%)
Other, please list below
16 (89%)
Oh yeah wed better demand publicly financed elections first, with Common Cause!
2 (11%)
1 DU member did not wish to select any of the options provided.
LiberalFighter (35,472 posts)
4. Hound them to HELL

Make their life miserable.

Drive them underground so they never see the light of day.

By the way. They can't be un-brainwashed.
Star Member still_one (55,193 posts)
7. Until the media stops legitimate zing racism, sexism, and bigotry, it wont change
below is a gem of an exchange
maxrandb (7,223 posts)
11. They didn't need to be brainwashed

They actually believe and support the shit Donnie Short Fingers and the Retrumplican party is feeding them.

I have a solution for them. It's called prison!
Marengo (2,575 posts)
43. You want to imprison people based on how they voted?
maxrandb (7,223 posts)
46. YES

That's what the election of Donnie Short Fingers has done to me.

I can't find a single redeeming quality in any of the people that voted for and support this fascist shitstain.

They need to be treated like the Vichy French
more prison for wrong voters below
maxrandb (7,223 posts)
48. Still waiting to see the wins

Lost on welfare tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires

Lost on Supreme Court

Lost on the fascist judges being packed in the Federal Court

Lost on Muslim ban

Lost on police reform

Lost on consumer protection

Lost on dumping chemical waste in the gulf of Mexico

Lost on the environment

And... we're about to replace a champion of woman's rights in the Senate with a pedophile

And folks wonder why I feel Retrumplican deplorable voters should face prison for what they've done to our country
censor the free press
Star Member Different Drummer (1,597 posts)
15. Find a way to get Fox News off the air.

That's the only solution I see.
roamer65 (13,097 posts)
23. Reinstate the fairness doctrine.
Star Member dhol82 (2,628 posts)
51. Also find some way to control hate radio

That’s had as much influence as Fox.
annnnnd here it comes, the kicker. the mask is off now.
Abouttime (603 posts)
33. You're right

Every society reaches the point where some sort of 'purge' is necessary otherwise a war breaks out. War has been an all to frequent theme in human history.
I think unfortunately we will come to a point, maybe trump has already forced us there, where we will have to peacefully, re-educate, reform, or restrain a significant portion of that third of society who sees and deals with the world the wrong way.
Luckily the two thirds of us who see things the right way are compassionate and instead of a bloody war we can engineer a peaceful solution.
Title: Re: The mask slips, and is ripped off. Censorship, re-education camps, and a PURGE!
Post by: franksolich on December 10, 2017, 09:27:06 AM
Oh my.

It looks as if the primitives need reminded the tables always turn.

Of course, it's not anything to which I'm looking forward, but it happens nonetheless.
Title: Re: The mask slips, and is ripped off. Censorship, re-education camps, and a PURGE!
Post by: Happy Fun Ball on December 10, 2017, 09:58:55 AM
Title: Re: The mask slips, and is ripped off. Censorship, re-education camps, and a PURGE!
Post by: Ralph Wiggum on December 10, 2017, 10:02:07 AM
Always chuckle when the left cites 32% or some artificially low poll #.  Remember, Trump had less than a 10% chance to win the 2016 election, according to the media.
Title: Re: The mask slips, and is ripped off. Censorship, re-education camps, and a PURGE!
Post by: Old n Grumpy on December 10, 2017, 10:05:47 AM
When sane people see their agenda and mind, set it is no wonder they lose elections. :thatsright: :mental:
Title: Re: The mask slips, and is ripped off. Censorship, re-education camps, and a PURGE!
Post by: DLR Pyro on December 10, 2017, 10:29:48 AM
Fascists being fascists...
Title: Re: The mask slips, and is ripped off. Censorship, re-education camps, and a PURGE!
Post by: Skul on December 10, 2017, 11:35:50 AM
They unwittingly provide one of the reasons the Second Amendment exists.
Their comments also explain their rabid desire to abolish/eliminate the 2nd.
Title: Re: The mask slips, and is ripped off. Censorship, re-education camps, and a PURGE!
Post by: thundley4 on December 10, 2017, 01:15:42 PM
roamer65 (13,097 posts)
23. Reinstate the fairness doctrine.

Um, the fairness doctrine only applied to broadcast TV and Radio.   ABC, CBS and NBC would be force to balance out their 100% currently liberal oriented newscasts with balanced reporting. I'm all for that even if it means Clear Channel having to have some liberal idiots drive ratings down for them. The three major TV networks reach more people than Fox News and radio does.
Title: Re: The mask slips, and is ripped off. Censorship, re-education camps, and a PURGE!
Post by: Old n Grumpy on December 10, 2017, 03:52:14 PM
The three major TV networks reach more people than Fox News and radio does.

You are wrong, Fox news is EVERYWHERE. It plays in liberals heads 24 / 7.

Every TV has it secretly embedded in the programming and you receive it through the fillings in your molars. I read that on the Palmer Report.

 :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Title: Re: The mask slips, and is ripped off. Censorship, re-education camps, and a PURGE!
Post by: I_B_Perky on December 10, 2017, 07:38:50 PM
LiberalFighter (35,472 posts)
4. Hound them to HELL

Make their life miserable.

Drive them underground so they never see the light of day.

By the way. They can't be un-brainwashed.

Go ahead dummie. Make my day. Hound me to hell.   :lmao:  Your ass would wet your pants if you ever met me, let alone hound me to hell.   :rotf:

maxrandb (7,223 posts)
11. They didn't need to be brainwashed

They actually believe and support the shit Donnie Short Fingers and the Retrumplican party is feeding them.

I have a solution for them. It's called prison!

You want to send people off to prison for disagreeing with your point of view. How Stalinesque of you. And you call us nazis.  :mental:

Marengo (2,575 posts)
43. You want to imprison people based on how they voted?

Yes the dummie does.

maxrandb (7,223 posts)
46. YES

That's what the election of Donnie Short Fingers has done to me.

I can't find a single redeeming quality in any of the people that voted for and support this fascist shitstain.

They need to be treated like the Vichy French

And you call us facists.  :mental:

Be careful what you ask for dummie, you just may get it... and it may not turn out the way you desire.

maxrandb (7,223 posts)
48. Still waiting to see the wins

Lost on welfare tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires  welfare tax cuts?

Lost on Supreme Court  yes you did and it was glorious!

Lost on the fascist judges being packed in the Federal Court judges that follow the law are now facist?

Lost on Muslim ban  Yes you did because it followed established law

Lost on police reform  Don't taze me bro!!!!

Lost on consumer protection read the contract before you sign it dummie

Lost on dumping chemical waste in the gulf of Mexico WTF?

Lost on the environment dirty air and dirty water!!

And... we're about to replace a champion of woman's rights in the Senate with a pedophile  Franken championed his right to cop a feel of some women's asses is what he championed. BTW dummie...Franken is from Minnesota, Moore is from Alabama.

And folks wonder why I feel Retrumplican deplorable voters should face prison for what they've done to our country

Yes and your losing continues dummie.  And there is not ONE DAMN THING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT!!!!   :yahoo:
Title: Re: The mask slips, and is ripped off. Censorship, re-education camps, and a PURGE!
Post by: Movie buff- The Sequel on December 11, 2017, 06:18:27 AM
This is all the more reason why the liberal agenda must be opposed: When their seemingly tolerant masks slip off, they reveal the true face of tyranny.
I mean, imprisoning people just for exercising their right to vote for a candidate you didn't approve of?
Bill Ayers' toxic legacy and beliefs are alive and well among liberal scum.

Um, the fairness doctrine only applied to broadcast TV and Radio.   ABC, CBS and NBC would be force to balance out their 100% currently liberal oriented newscasts with balanced reporting. I'm all for that even if it means Clear Channel having to have some liberal idiots drive ratings down for them. The three major TV networks reach more people than Fox News and radio does.
Now, yeah, but you know that if the liberals regained power and reinstated the Fairness Doctrine, they'd alter it to include ALL television and radio.
Then, once they've silenced all conservative political voices in the media, their next target will undoubtedly be the Christian TV and radio stations. For every minute those stations spend quoting Scripture or talking about the Lord Jesus, they'll be forced by law to devote just as much time to promoting Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Wicca, Satanism, etc., or else be shut down.
Title: Re: The mask slips, and is ripped off. Censorship, re-education camps, and a PURGE!
Post by: SVPete on December 11, 2017, 07:04:59 AM
Star Member still_one (55,193 posts)
7. Until the media stops legitimate zing racism, sexism, and bigotry, it wont change

 :o  ::)  :o

The MSM would first have to stop being racist, sexist, and bigoted. They're still embracing racism and bigotry, just not kinds DU-grade Progs would recognize as evil.
Title: Re: The mask slips, and is ripped off. Censorship, re-education camps, and a PURGE!
Post by: Old n Grumpy on December 11, 2017, 07:59:51 AM
Old n Grumpy says 99% of people wish all you leftist / progressives would jump off a cliff. :-)
Title: Re: The mask slips, and is ripped off. Censorship, re-education camps, and a PURGE!
Post by: diesel driver on December 11, 2017, 08:07:12 AM
They could use all those "re-education" camps that were built back during Bush 43 under Walmart and Target stores... :naughty:
Title: Re: The mask slips, and is ripped off. Censorship, re-education camps, and a PURGE!
Post by: SVPete on December 11, 2017, 08:25:00 AM
They could use all those "re-education" camps that were built back during Bush 43 under Walmart and Target stores... :naughty:

 :hi5: earned and issued!

And if there're too many to be reeducated there are plenty of closed Sears, KMart, and J. C. Penney stores coming available.
Title: Re: The mask slips, and is ripped off. Censorship, re-education camps, and a PURGE!
Post by: diesel driver on December 11, 2017, 08:35:25 AM
:hi5: earned and issued!

And if there're too many to be reeducated there are plenty of closed Sears, KMart, and J. C. Penney stores coming available.

 :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)
Title: Re: The mask slips, and is ripped off. Censorship, re-education camps, and a PURGE!
Post by: 67 Rover on December 11, 2017, 08:38:54 AM
They could use all those "re-education" camps that were built back during Bush 43 under Walmart and Target stores... :naughty:

Do those have the environmentalist approved solar powered ovens?
Title: Re: The mask slips, and is ripped off. Censorship, re-education camps, and a PURGE!
Post by: FiddyBeowulf on December 11, 2017, 09:27:08 AM
maxrandb (7,223 posts)
11. They didn't need to be brainwashed

They actually believe and support the shit Donnie Short Fingers and the Retrumplican party is feeding them.

I have a solution for them. It's called prison!
...and make no mistake, this will lead to the final solution to the deplorable question. You just know that is what the DUmmie really wanted to say.

Title: Re: The mask slips, and is ripped off. Censorship, re-education camps, and a PURGE!
Post by: franksolich on December 11, 2017, 09:38:16 AM
...and make no mistake, this will lead to the final solution to the deplorable question. You just know that is what the DUmmie really wanted to say. a poster I recently saw (and failed to remember accurately) pointed out, with coservatives owning the majority of firearms (12,000,000+) and ammunition (400,000,000,000+ rounds) just how are the primitives going to do that?

I think the primitives really need to find some way of accommodating us.
Title: Re: The mask slips, and is ripped off. Censorship, re-education camps, and a PURGE!
Post by: 67 Rover on December 11, 2017, 09:44:08 AM a poster I recently saw (and failed to remember accurately) pointed out, with coservatives owning the majority of firearms (12,000,000+) and ammunition (400,000,000,000+ rounds) just how are the primitives going to do that?

I think the primitives really need to find some way of accommodating us.

The power of positive thinking and the high road win every time coach. Let's not discourage them shall we.
Title: Re: The mask slips, and is ripped off. Censorship, re-education camps, and a PURGE!
Post by: I_B_Perky on December 11, 2017, 06:54:53 PM
Do those have the environmentalist approved solar powered ovens?

Nope. We got to use dirty coal fired plants that the dummies will have to stoke before they get tossed into the ovens!  Dummies get incinerated and the environment gets polluted!  Win Win!!!   :lmao:

For you idiot dummies, that was humor at your expense. I'm making fun of you nuts and the enviro-nazis at the same time. Why? Because you make it sooooo easy.
Title: Re: The mask slips, and is ripped off. Censorship, re-education camps, and a PURGE!
Post by: Karin on December 11, 2017, 10:29:46 PM
Response to mahina (Original post)
Sat Dec 9, 2017, 10:03 PM
Iahotdog (14 posts)
18. Get as many of the remaining 68% to vote democratic

and show them what irrelevant feels like.

This went over everyone's heads.

That purge post went to facebook.

Response to mahina (Original post)
Sat Dec 9, 2017, 11:05 PM
 sharedvalues (2,984 posts)
29. We can do it. We need to engage on Fox, Limbaugh, right-wing radio. Tell your friends.

The best way to un-brainwash the country is for each one of us to go out and tell everyone we know to stop watching Fox and listening to Limbaugh and right-wing radio.
Title: Re: The mask slips, and is ripped off. Censorship, re-education camps, and a PURGE!
Post by: SVPete on December 12, 2017, 07:21:14 AM
sharedvalues (2,984 posts)
29. We can do it. We need to engage on Fox, Limbaugh, right-wing radio. Tell your friends.

The best way to un-brainwash the country is for each one of us to go out and tell everyone we know to stop watching Fox and listening to Limbaugh and right-wing radio.

 :rotf: OK, let's see how this might play out:

sharedvalues: SVPete, stop watching Fox and listening to Limbaugh and right-wing radio.

SVPete: I don't. Got another stereotype to try?

Title: Re: The mask slips, and is ripped off. Censorship, re-education camps, and a PURGE!
Post by: Wineslob on December 12, 2017, 01:51:00 PM
Star Member still_one (55,193 posts)
7. Until the media stops legitimate zing racism, sexism, and bigotry, it wont change

This meme, I think you've worn it out.
Title: Re: The mask slips, and is ripped off. Censorship, re-education camps, and a PURGE!
Post by: Old n Grumpy on December 12, 2017, 02:04:08 PM a poster I recently saw (and failed to remember accurately) pointed out, with coservatives owning the majority of firearms (12,000,000+) and ammunition (400,000,000,000+ rounds) just how are the primitives going to do that?

I think the primitives really need to find some way of accommodating us.

Your numbers are a little low. found this, I think it is a little closer:
    Estimated private firearms: 270,000,000
    89 guns per 100 residents
Title: Re: The mask slips, and is ripped off. Censorship, re-education camps, and a PURGE!
Post by: Ptarmigan on December 12, 2017, 09:50:57 PM
Fascists being fascists...
