The Conservative Cave

Current Events => The DUmpster => Topic started by: FunkyZero on May 26, 2017, 12:10:54 AM

Title: The lastest DUmmie prediction: He'll KILL someone ON STAGE!
Post by: FunkyZero on May 26, 2017, 12:10:54 AM
Some of the DUmpasses are apparently upset over Montana...
I just don't know man (

Fri May 26, 2017, 12:31 AM

RandySF (14,415 posts)

Prediction: Trump will kill someone on stage and his deplorables will love him for it.
That's exactly the direction at least 40% of the country is headed. We've seen Republicans get elected after forcing mistresses to get abortions, sterilize women without their knowledge and, now, beating reporters. We know Donald LOVES to entertain and before he leaves office, he will shoot someone in the head in front of an angry mob of his followers. This is exactly the direction we're headed.

Response to RandySF (Original post)
Fri May 26, 2017, 12:37 AM

Star Member LonePirate (6,210 posts)
1. All he has to do is say the victim is a liberal and the deplorables will stand up and cheer.

This is just too great. They just can't win anything. .. and I can't stop chuckling
Title: Re: The lastest DUmmie prediction: He'll KILL someone ON STAGE!
Post by: BattleHymn on May 26, 2017, 12:13:41 AM
I predict a great harvest of threadworthy material will be found on the Island tomorrow.
Title: Re: The lastest DUmmie prediction: He'll KILL someone ON STAGE!
Post by: Old n Grumpy on May 26, 2017, 01:28:01 AM
He needs to start in congress and the senate.  Take all the liberal obstructionist losers and put their heads on a stick outside the capitol. This will send a message to the dems and rhino's we mean it about making America Great again!! :usflag: :usflag: :usflag: :usflag:

And the republican in Montana, He put that little liberal shit stain in his place. he crossed the red line and got thumped. He learned about manners the hard way.  :-) :-) :-) :hammer: :hammer:
Title: Re: The lastest DUmmie prediction: He'll KILL someone ON STAGE!
Post by: 67 Rover on May 26, 2017, 07:55:13 AM
I like the "You broke my glasses" snip played in an endless loop trying to influence the election.

 In future dust ups you can expect to hear these other phrases.
1. You ripped my onesy!
2. You spilled my Latte!
3. You scuffed my Crocs!
4. Wait until I tell my boyfriend.
5. No fair your not suppose to hit back so hard.
6. MOM!!!!

Title: Re: The lastest DUmmie prediction: He'll KILL someone ON STAGE!
Post by: Maverick1987 on May 26, 2017, 08:19:41 AM
RandySF (14,415 posts)

Prediction: Trump will kill someone on stage and his deplorables will love him for it.

Unlike the Muslim extremists that RandySF and his kind coddle and support, Trump will not do such a thing.

Projection from the DUmbasses ----> Expected
Title: Re: The lastest DUmmie prediction: He'll KILL someone ON STAGE!
Post by: SVPete on May 26, 2017, 08:28:30 AM
What in Hades is R-SF yammering about? Is he still hung over from something-or-othering nude in last weekend's Bay to Breakers "run".
Title: Re: The lastest DUmmie prediction: He'll KILL someone ON STAGE!
Post by: DumbAss Tanker on May 26, 2017, 08:33:57 AM
Oooh, can we pick who he gets to kill?!?

Title: Re: The lastest DUmmie prediction: He'll KILL someone ON STAGE!
Post by: Delmar on May 26, 2017, 09:03:58 AM
Response to RandySF (Original post)Fri May 26, 2017, 04:32 AM
Jamaal510 (10,261 posts)
8. Yet they

have the nerve to call us thugs. When was the last time anyone heard of a Democratic candidate assault a reporter?

Would a democrat candidate assaulting a cop be considered a thug?

Wicklund facing DUI, police battery charges
HUEY FREEMAN Herald & Review  May 19, 2017
DECATUR – Mark Wicklund, a former Macon County Board member and Democratic candidate for the 13th District U.S. House seat, is facing charges after police said he crashed a vehicle while driving under the influence and subsequently struck an officer at the hospital.

Wicklund has been charged with DUI in the April 18 rollover vehicle crash and is free on $10,000 bond.

He also faces a preliminary charge of aggravated battery against a police officer, with a special prosecutor having 30 days to determine whether to file a formal charge.
Title: Re: The lastest DUmmie prediction: He'll KILL someone ON STAGE!
Post by: Delmar on May 26, 2017, 09:17:50 AM
Would a leftist journalist yapping about assaulting a 16 year old journalist be considered a thug?

Ben Jacobs is the new star of the Democrat media complex. He was allegedly body slammed by Greg Gianforte despite never providing video proof of the incident. But Ben Jacobs proves that yet again Democrats are hypocrites when it comes to so called violence. Ben Jacobs in 2014 tweeted about wanting to punch a teenage conservative at CPAC 2014 named Benji Backer.

Yeah, that's the same Ben Jacobs.

Ben Jacobs  ✔@Bencjacobs
Left, right and center, straight news and opinion, journalists at CPAC have one thing in common, the overwhelming urge to punch Benji Backer

I guess the foot's on the other hand now, isn't it, Jacobs?
Title: Re: The lastest DUmmie prediction: He'll KILL someone ON STAGE!
Post by: 67 Rover on May 26, 2017, 09:21:40 AM
Response to RandySF (Original post)Fri May 26, 2017, 04:32 AM
Jamaal510 (10,261 posts)
8. Yet they

have the nerve to call us thugs. When was the last time anyone heard of a Democratic candidate assault a reporter

How about that clown Alan Grayson in Florida assaulting his wife?  :loser:
Title: Re: The lastest DUmmie prediction: He'll KILL someone ON STAGE!
Post by: USA4ME on May 26, 2017, 09:42:47 AM
Quote from:

When was the last time anyone heard of a Democratic candidate assault a reporter?

Why would you assault your allies? That would be like Stalin assaulting Pravda or Tass. They carried his water, just like the American press carries the water for the Dems.

Title: Re: The lastest DUmmie prediction: He'll KILL someone ON STAGE!
Post by: 98ZJUSMC on May 26, 2017, 10:09:56 AM
Oooh, can we pick who he gets to kill?!?


If it's a Slimes reporter, I'll have him enshrined in Canton and beatified at the Vatican, by sunset.
Title: Re: The lastest DUmmie prediction: He'll KILL someone ON STAGE!
Post by: 98ZJUSMC on May 26, 2017, 11:16:00 AM
Jamaal510 (10,261 posts)
8. Yet they have the nerve to call us thugs. When was the last time anyone heard of a Democratic candidate assault a reporter?

Here ya' go.  Lurking infants, ...... care to comment?

Remember Congressman Etheridge? Probably not, because the Democrat Party protects its own.

Pound it, Jammy boi.
Title: Re: The lastest DUmmie prediction: He'll KILL someone ON STAGE!
Post by: 98ZJUSMC on May 26, 2017, 11:27:07 AM
...and lest we forget:


EXETER, N.H. – Wise-cracking funnyman Al Franken yesterday body-slammed a demonstrator to the ground after the man tried to shout down Gov. Howard Dean.

The tussle left Franken’s trademark thick-rim glasses broken, but he said he was not injured.

Franken – who seemed in a state of shock and out of breath after the incident – was helped back to his feet by several people who watched the tussle. Police arrived soon after.

“I got down low and took his legs out,” said Franken afterwards.

Franken said he’s not backing Dean but merely wanted to protect the right of people to speak freely. “I would have done it if he was a Dean supporter at a Kerry rally,” he said.

“I’m neutral in this race but I’m for freedom of speech, which means people should be able to assemble and speak without being shouted down.”

Oh, really?
Title: Re: The lastest DUmmie prediction: He'll KILL someone ON STAGE!
Post by: Delmar on May 27, 2017, 11:37:02 AM
Criminal charges for Tim Kaine’s son over violent assault on Trump rally

Prosecutors are filing criminal charges against 8 counter-protesters who disrupted the “March 4 Trump” rally at the Minnesota State Capitol on March 4. Among those charged is Linwood Kaine, the son of former Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Kaine

The permitted rally inside the Capitol Rotunda was interrupted by protesters that Saturday, some of whom turned violent. A group of Trump supporters described the scene to Fox 9.

“They brought in pepper spray and tasers, and went after anyone with a Trump sign,” said Sandra Trater, a supporter of President Trump.

With a Charles Nelson Reilly look-alike loser for a father and being stuck with a douchey loser name like Linwood, we should consider ourselves lucky he didn't turn out to be a serial killer.

Title: Re: The lastest DUmmie prediction: He'll KILL someone ON STAGE!
Post by: jukin on May 27, 2017, 12:45:41 PM
I like the "You broke my glasses" snip played in an endless loop trying to influence the election.

 In future dust ups you can expect to hear these other phrases.
1. You ripped my onesy!
2. You spilled my Latte!
3. You scuffed my Crocs!
4. Wait until I tell my boyfriend.
5. No fair your not suppose to hit back so hard.
6. MOM!!!!


7. You stained my Romphim.

Look no farther that the shit stain of humanity the unfunny Al Franken. He tackled a reporter and bragged about it. So shut the **** up.
Title: Re: The lastest DUmmie prediction: He'll KILL someone ON STAGE!
Post by: thundley4 on May 27, 2017, 02:23:27 PM
Would a democrat candidate assaulting a cop be considered a thug?

Damn. That's where I live and I didn't hear about it.  I don't subscribe to the paper, but I do check their  site every day. I must have missed that one.