The Conservative Cave

Current Events => The DUmpster => Topic started by: Patriot Guard Rider on January 04, 2017, 05:49:20 PM

Title: Millions of veterans are going to die because of Trump - Hopalong
Post by: Patriot Guard Rider on January 04, 2017, 05:49:20 PM

TheMastersNemesis (6,411 posts)

VETS GET READY TO LOSE YOUR CARE & Pensions - GOP/Trump Ready To Dismantle VA And Vets HC.
Republicans are planning a blitzkrieg to destroy all our basic systems before anyone can stop them.

The American Legion, VFW, et al could have buried the GOP and that bastard Trump, but they remained silent and their members supported Trump for all practical purposes. Now you will likely be put in a privatized system where vets care is triaged based on profits. The regular health care system CANNOT POSSIBLY help these vets and they will be abandoned.

Vets care in the future will be based on what it costs to help and maintain wounded and disabled vets. Vets with really special needs will be put in the general population to fend for themselves because the private system will be a profit model system that will just let people die based on cost to save them.


Bob, Bob, Bob. If you'd care to actually, you know, read the policy proposal to HELP vets, you'd see you're completely and totally wrong. Of course, I know you will NEVER educate yourself because if you did, you'd see you're completely wrong.

More drivel at the link.
Title: Re: Millions of veterans are going to die because of Trump - Hopalong
Post by: Crazy Horse on January 04, 2017, 05:53:49 PM

Bob, Bob, Bob. If you'd care to actually, you know, read the policy proposal to HELP vets, you'd see you're completely and totally wrong. Of course, I know you will NEVER educate yourself because if you did, you'd see you're completely wrong.

More drivel at the link.

 I'm pretty sure that my VFW magazine pretty much stated the same thing that you're saying.  They'll never read it and even if they did they would still feel the same way.
Title: Re: Millions of veterans are going to die because of Trump - Hopalong
Post by: Patriot Guard Rider on January 04, 2017, 06:09:50 PM
I'm pretty sure that my VFW magazine pretty much stated the same thing that you're saying.  They'll never read it and even if they did they would still feel the same way.

Trump is not advocating closing the VA. He understands that in many areas, the VA is uniquely qualified to help vets. Think PTSD, prosthetics and so on.

Trumps idea is to give all vets with a valid VA medical card, basically a credit card they can use at ANY facility IF they can't get a timely appointment at the VA OR the nearest VA hospital is too far away.

Not too long ago, a 76 (?) year old vet walked into a VA hospital begging to meet with a mental health professional. He was told, basically, "not today". He went out to the parking lot and blew his brains out.

Now, imagine if that same vet had the ability to consult a local professional immediately, with a VA credit card. Would the outcome have changed? Who knows. But the important thing is, the option would have been there.
Title: Re: Millions of veterans are going to die because of Trump - Hopalong
Post by: Mr Mannn on January 04, 2017, 06:26:02 PM

Bob, Bob, Bob. If you'd care to actually, you know, read the policy proposal to HELP vets, you'd see you're completely and totally wrong. Of course, I know you will NEVER educate yourself because if you did, you'd see you're completely wrong.

More drivel at the link.
Hopalong knows he is wrong. The lie simply furthers the agenda.
Title: Re: Millions of veterans are going to die because of Trump - Hopalong
Post by: miskie on January 04, 2017, 06:40:27 PM
Sure thing..

Tell me, which administration suggested giving Grandma a pain pill instead of proper treatment to lower costs ?
Title: Re: Millions of veterans are going to die because of Trump - Hopalong
Post by: 98ZJUSMC on January 04, 2017, 06:44:22 PM
American Legion, VFW, et al


Have NEVER influenced my vote.  Not in the least.  My vote corresponding with their endorsement is 100% pure coincidence.
Title: Re: Millions of veterans are going to die because of Trump - Hopalong
Post by: Patriot Guard Rider on January 04, 2017, 06:50:21 PM

Have NEVER influenced my vote.  Not in the least.  My vote corresponding with their endorsement is 100% pure coincidence.

Exactly the same way union votes in Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio and Pennsylvania went to Pickles Von Cankles.

Wait. Nevermind.
Title: Re: Millions of veterans are going to die because of Trump - Hopalong
Post by: SVPete on January 04, 2017, 06:51:59 PM
Since when did facts or reality matter to TMN?

He needs stupid predictions like this one thrown in his face every January 21st, starting in in 2018, demanding to know where the corpses are, where the detention camps are, etc., etc., etc.. With reminders to his fellow DU-fools that they tolerated and cheered on his @#$%.
Title: Re: Millions of veterans are going to die because of Trump - Hopalong
Post by: franksolich on January 04, 2017, 07:05:04 PM
Since when did facts or reality matter to TMN?

He needs stupid predictions like this one thrown in his face every January 21st, starting in in 2018, demanding to know where the corpses are, where the detention camps are, etc., etc., etc.. With reminders to his fellow DU-fools that they tolerated and cheered on his @#$%.

ol' Bob's getting pretty boring.

His wife Clara Belle needs to go to jail for "elder abuse;" she knows her husband is mentally incompetent and makes an ass of himself on the internet, but yet she doesn't take the computer away from him.
Title: Re: Millions of veterans are going to die because of Trump - Hopalong
Post by: I_B_Perky on January 04, 2017, 07:18:30 PM
TheMastersNemesis (6,411 posts)

VETS GET READY TO LOSE YOUR CARE & Pensions - GOP/Trump Ready To Dismantle VA And Vets HC.

Personally I think this is a good thing if the GOP would put something better in place for the vets than the VA.

The VA tried their best to kill my Dad. Multiple times. When they wasn't doing that they tried to cut his foot off cause he shattered his ankle.  **** the VA.  Send the welfare losers to the VA and send the vets to the regular hospitals.  The vets gave to their country, many gave their lives, and you dummies have never given to this country, only taken.  Get your socialized health care from the VA and die.

It is shameful how this country treats their vets.   :banghead:
Title: Re: Millions of veterans are going to die because of Trump - Hopalong
Post by: Crazy Horse on January 04, 2017, 08:45:46 PM
Trump is not advocating closing the VA. He understands that in many areas, the VA is uniquely qualified to help vets. Think PTSD, prosthetics and so on.

Trumps idea is to give all vets with a valid VA medical card, basically a credit card they can use at ANY facility IF they can't get a timely appointment at the VA OR the nearest VA hospital is too far away.

Not too long ago, a 76 (?) year old vet walked into a VA hospital begging to meet with a mental health professional. He was told, basically, "not today". He went out to the parking lot and blew his brains out.

Now, imagine if that same vet had the ability to consult a local professional immediately, with a VA credit card. Would the outcome have changed? Who knows. But the important thing is, the option would have been there.

You misunderstood, I was agreeing with you.
Title: Re: Millions of veterans are going to die because of Trump - Hopalong
Post by: Karin on January 04, 2017, 09:13:47 PM
Trumps idea is to give all vets with a valid VA medical card, basically a credit card they can use at ANY facility IF they can't get a timely appointment at the VA OR the nearest VA hospital is too far away.

This seems extremely sensible to me.  As long as there are no stupid "nautical miles" rules.  Can't we just keep shit simple from now on? 
Title: Re: Millions of veterans are going to die because of Trump - Hopalong
Post by: Ptarmigan on January 04, 2017, 09:20:43 PM
TheMastersNemesis (6,411 posts)

VETS GET READY TO LOSE YOUR CARE & Pensions - GOP/Trump Ready To Dismantle VA And Vets HC.
Republicans are planning a blitzkrieg to destroy all our basic systems before anyone can stop them.

The American Legion, VFW, et al could have buried the GOP and that bastard Trump, but they remained silent and their members supported Trump for all practical purposes. Now you will likely be put in a privatized system where vets care is triaged based on profits. The regular health care system CANNOT POSSIBLY help these vets and they will be abandoned.

Vets care in the future will be based on what it costs to help and maintain wounded and disabled vets. Vets with really special needs will be put in the general population to fend for themselves because the private system will be a profit model system that will just let people die based on cost to save them.


Looks like someone is going for 2017 DOTY.
Title: Re: Millions of veterans are going to die because of Trump - Hopalong
Post by: Adam Wood on January 05, 2017, 02:03:06 AM
Welcome to the DUmp, where expanding access to healthcare benefits for veterans is somehow magically taking away healthcare benefits for veterans.

Title: Re: Millions of veterans are going to die because of Trump - Hopalong
Post by: Patriot Guard Rider on January 05, 2017, 04:26:35 AM
You misunderstood, I was agreeing with you.

I know you were agreeing. I just pointed out his policy in a sentence for anyone else reading.
Title: Re: Millions of veterans are going to die because of Trump - Hopalong
Post by: FiddyBeowulf on January 05, 2017, 10:36:21 AM
Personally I think this is a good thing if the GOP would put something better in place for the vets than the VA.

The VA tried their best to kill my Dad. Multiple times. When they wasn't doing that they tried to cut his foot off cause he shattered his ankle.  **** the VA.  Send the welfare losers to the VA and send the vets to the regular hospitals.  The vets gave to their country, many gave their lives, and you dummies have never given to this country, only taken.  Get your socialized health care from the VA and die.

It is shameful how this country treats their vets.   :banghead:
Want to improve the VA within a year? Make it mandatory that all federally elected officials, their staff and all federal employees have to use the VA. Any of those people that do not want to use the VA can for a per visit fee use private health care. The money collected would be used to offset the money used for the vouchers vets can use at health care providers other than the VA.
Title: Re: Millions of veterans are going to die because of Trump - Hopalong
Post by: FunkyZero on January 05, 2017, 11:18:43 AM
Want to improve the VA within a year? Make it mandatory that all federally elected officials, their staff and all federal employees have to use the VA. Any of those people that do not want to use the VA can for a per visit fee use private health care. The money collected would be used to offset the money used for the vouchers vets can use at health care providers other than the VA.

My dad just recently started using the VA and some of the stories he's telling me about it are just stupid.
In some respects, it's quite efficient and he's got some good things to say about it, but in other cases, it's a real PITA and barely worth the hassle of jumping through all the hoops. It seems to depend on what you need. If it's a normal, cookie-cutter issue, not too much trouble. Outside of that, it gets difficult to deal with.
That and not living in a major area means he has to drive really long distances to get there. they don't have a very good footprint for services.
Title: Re: Millions of veterans are going to die because of Trump - Hopalong
Post by: I_B_Perky on January 05, 2017, 05:22:29 PM
Want to improve the VA within a year? Make it mandatory that all federally elected officials, their staff and all federal employees have to use the VA. Any of those people that do not want to use the VA can for a per visit fee use private health care. The money collected would be used to offset the money used for the vouchers vets can use at health care providers other than the VA.

I would take out the private fee for the elected officials and make it mandatory they use the VA. If they get caught using private health care providers they lose their elected position and serve a year in club fed's gray bar hotel. It would either get fixed or we would not have life long politicians. Either way is a win.  Oh and they would have to use the VA in their state, not the DC VA.