The Conservative Cave

Current Events => The DUmpster => Topic started by: dutch508 on April 29, 2016, 08:22:15 PM

Title: **** Reagan
Post by: dutch508 on April 29, 2016, 08:22:15 PM
Star Member gopiscrap (12,760 posts)

**** Reagan

and the rest of his enabling family, supporters and keepers!

 :???: You know he's dead, right?

Turbineguy (21,327 posts)
2. When I was in High School in 1968 our economics Teacher (who was in the Normandy Landings) had nothing good to say about him.


Star Member kairos12 (3,536 posts)
4. Most damaging President ever. He birthed Shrub.


Thespian2 (2,633 posts)
9. Short and to the point...

Ray-Gun = top candidate for worst president ever...

wallyworld2 (4 posts)
10. He was the first Republican President I voted for

And the last

I have been told by friends I will burn in hell for it

If I do I hope it's the Fundamentalist Christian hell

I understand there are some very very cool people there

Ken Kesey, Jerry Garcia, JD Salinger, Da Vinci, Galileo, Van Gogh, David Bowie

A place where using your mind and having fun, being different and questioning authority are the right kind of sin

Anyway for my first post here

**** Reagan would be a good place to start.

Star Member madokie (46,839 posts)
17. I've not liked the sob since his 20 mule team days. Always came across as a phony to me. My dad loved him btw.

erpowers (6,812 posts)
24. Do Not Joke About Alzheimer's Disease

If you are talking about the fact that Patti Davis and Michael Reagan came out against Will Ferrell's comedy that was going to focus on Ronald Reagan's Alzheimer's Disease I disagree with you. It was wrong for Will Ferrell and anyone in Hollywood who was associated with that movie to consider putting out that movie.

It would have been wrong to make a movie that could be seen as making fun of Alzheimer's Disease. That is a horrible disease with which many families, Democrats and Republicans, are struggling. Reagan's family is right, there is nothing funny about Alzheimer's Disease.

Star Member BeyondGeography (27,061 posts)
33. The 80s were so dreary

A 50s throwback attempt with a whole lot of OTT Christianity and modern financial piracy added in. A lot of us just shaking our heads in disbelief. One lesson for me at least: this country's a better place when there's a Democrat in the White House.

See, I remember the 80s as years of greatness after having lived through Carter and the recession in the 70s. Is it just that the DUmp monkeys see everything totally backwards?

Star Member Solly Mack (59,519 posts)
44. Well, yeah.

That's a given.
Title: Re: **** Reagan
Post by: GOBUCKS on April 29, 2016, 08:45:49 PM
We are still hearing echoes of the Reagan Boom.

He is responsible for the skyrocketing standard of living most average Americans (and hundreds of millions of other people around the world) have enjoyed over the past 35 years.

He was responsible for the peaceful destruction of the Soviet Union, liberating dozens of countries in Central and Eastern Europe.

He was one of the world's greatest leaders of the 20th century.

It takes a DUmmy to fail to realize that.
Title: Re: **** Reagan
Post by: I_B_Perky on April 29, 2016, 08:57:54 PM
I'm assuming this is about Will Ferrel walking away from the comedic movie they wanted to make about Reagan and his alzheimers that has the dump all wired up.  To me making a film like that would be like filming a movie about Michael J. Fox making James Bond martinis.
Title: Re: **** Reagan
Post by: USA4ME on April 29, 2016, 09:08:49 PM
This primitive says he's a Methodist minister, but if you read his other posts he cusses like he's Satan himself. I can imagine his prayers (if he even prays at all) would be along the lines of "Hey God, How 'bout you start doing what I &#*%$&ing tell you to do? Jerk."

Yeah, this idiots a real winner.  :mental:

Title: Re: **** Reagan
Post by: Carl on April 29, 2016, 09:21:27 PM
That these dolts think the Carter era was a panacea is laughable.
It was depressing in almost every way possible.
Inflation and interest rates were debilitating,we were a laughing stock on the world stage and we had a President that believed we deserved humiliation and overall decline.

How history repeats itself in many ways.
Title: Re: **** Reagan
Post by: SVPete on April 29, 2016, 10:30:06 PM
I'm assuming this is about Will Ferrel walking away from the comedic movie they wanted to make about Reagan and his alzheimers that has the dump all wired up.  To me making a film like that would be like filming a movie about Michael J. Fox making James Bond martinis.

I think you called it! Besides the disappointment that the movie may not be made, They're also probably upset that Ferrell droped out because: 1.) he realized it would be a BOMB; 1.) he realized making it it would be a career killer!
Title: Re: **** Reagan
Post by: Chris_ on April 29, 2016, 10:49:38 PM
We are still hearing echoes of the Reagan Boom.

He is responsible for the skyrocketing standard of living most average Americans (and hundreds of millions of other people around the world) have enjoyed over the past 35 years.

He was responsible for the peaceful destruction of the Soviet Union, liberating dozens of countries in Central and Eastern Europe.

He was one of the world's greatest leaders of the 20th century.

It takes a DUmmy to fail to realize that.
Only a DUmmy would be too stupid to take advantage of the boom Reagan provided.
Title: Re: **** Reagan
Post by: Chris_ on April 29, 2016, 10:56:08 PM
A modern comparison for the ignorant wretches that inhabit the DU.

On Thursday the Commerce Department announced that the U.S. economy expanded at the slowest pace in two years. GDP growth rose at an anemic 0.5% rate in the first quarter of 2016 after a paltry 1.4% for the fourth quarter of 2015.

The Bureau of Economic Analysis has reported that the 2015 U.S. real GDP growth was just 2.38%.
Barack Obama will be the first President in the history of the United States to not one one single year of 3.0%+ economic growth during his presidential tenure.

While you wallow in your poverty, food stamps, and unemployment... yea, **** Reagan. :whatever:
Title: Re: **** Reagan
Post by: I_B_Perky on April 29, 2016, 11:00:05 PM
I think you called it! Besides the disappointment that the movie may not be made, They're also probably upset that Ferrell droped out because: 1.) he realized it would be a BOMB; 1.) he realized making it it would be a career killer!

It would be in very poor taste no matter how funny it was.  Probably piss off anyone that had a loved one with that disease.  I think you are correct in your assessment that it would be a career killer for Ferrell. I bet his agent told him to run away from that as fast as he could.    :cheersmate:
Title: Re: **** Reagan
Post by: SVPete on April 30, 2016, 06:54:20 AM
On Thursday the Commerce Department announced that the U.S. economy expanded at the slowest pace in two years. GDP growth rose at an anemic 0.5% rate in the first quarter of 2016 after a paltry 1.4% for the fourth quarter of 2015.

The Bureau of Economic Analysis has reported that the 2015 U.S. real GDP growth was just 2.38%.
Barack Obama will be the first President in the history of the United States to not one one single year of 3.0%+ economic growth during his presidential tenure.

I remember, resentfully, the way in 1992 the MSM minimized and denigrated the economic recovery then undergoing saying the 4% annual growth was terrible. The MSM lied to boost WJC's, "It's the economy, stupid," slogan. But now, with Obama in the WH and that Golden D after his name, <3% growth is healthy.
Title: Re: **** Reagan
Post by: Movie buff- The Sequel on April 30, 2016, 08:06:26 AM
"Thespian2 (2,633 posts)
9. Short and to the point...

Ray-Gun = top candidate for worst president ever..."
Worse than, for just one example, Woodrow Wilson (aka the president whose public, glowing endorsement of the film 'Birth of a Nation' was widely credited as helping to bring about the second age of the Ku Klux Klan)?

He was responsible for the peaceful destruction of the Soviet Union, liberating dozens of countries in Central and Eastern Europe.
That's a big part of the reason why the DUmmies view him as a monster, I think. They viewed the S.U. as a wonderful utopian paradise that mean old Reagan destroyed in order to help the evil corporations or something.
Title: Re: **** Reagan
Post by: Carl on April 30, 2016, 08:43:48 AM
I remember, resentfully, the way in 1992 the MSM minimized and denigrated the economic recovery then undergoing saying the 4% annual growth was terrible. The MSM lied to boost WJC's, "It's the economy, stupid," slogan. But now, with Obama in the WH and that Golden D after his name, <3% growth is healthy.

Yeah,it was literally called a depression as was the economy after 9/11 when Bush 43 was President.
Title: Re: **** Reagan
Post by: CollectivismMustDie on April 30, 2016, 01:28:14 PM
Star Member BeyondGeography (27,061 posts)
33. The 80s were so dreary

Besides being a (D)Ummie, what the **** else is wrong with you?

WTF! The 80s weren't dreary!  The 80s were GREAT! Short skirts, spandex, high heels, big hair, good high energy music that could kick complete ass without needing to sound like a jungle tribe drum beat. (c)Rap music hadn't completely corrupted music yet. Women still looked like women instead of MMA fighters, diesel dykes and sinnead o'connor clones. Gas was even under a buck a gallon.

I'm guessing those are high on your list of objectionable things, (D)Ummie.


Title: Re: **** Reagan
Post by: Patriot Guard Rider on April 30, 2016, 02:21:59 PM
Besides being a (D)Ummie, what the **** else is wrong with you?

WTF! The 80s weren't dreary!  The 80s were GREAT! Short skirts, spandex, high heels, big hair, good high energy music that could kick complete ass without needing to sound like a jungle tribe drum beat. (c)Rap music hadn't completely corrupted music yet. Women still looked like women instead of MMA fighters, diesel dykes and sinnead o'connor clones. Gas was even under a buck a gallon.

I'm guessing those are high on your list of objectionable things, (D)Ummie.



Ronny RayGun was president. Dontchaknow that overrides everything?
Title: Re: **** Reagan
Post by: Mr Mannn on April 30, 2016, 04:36:00 PM
DUmmies will writhe in agony over any Republican president. It doesn't matter who wins, if there is an R behind the name...he will be a monster.
Title: Re: **** Reagan
Post by: jukin on April 30, 2016, 09:36:37 PM
I graduated college n 82. I worked my way through. Three of us started our first company in 84. We later sold it in 90. I partnered in a very successful restaurant. In now way was my engineering background helpful other that money and when we sold that we made money.  In that case it was that the guys were very good and I invested in them. But that was the high optimism, 5+% growth, unlike preznint Shit Midas 2.5% growth. Those were great times. Optimistic times because of Reagan.

Obama has been THE WORST since FDR for economic recoveries. I leave it to the reader to determine shy.
Title: Re: **** Reagan
Post by: Chris_ on April 30, 2016, 09:37:47 PM
Does that 2.5% growth account for inflation?

Asking for a friend.
Title: Re: **** Reagan
Post by: jukin on May 01, 2016, 11:28:26 AM
Does that 2.5% growth account for inflation?

Asking for a friend.

NO and that growth includes the new Obama math on computing GDP. The truth is we have been in a recession the entire time Preznint Shit Midas has been in office.
Title: Re: **** Reagan
Post by: thundley4 on May 01, 2016, 12:18:56 PM
I remember how the dems portrayed 4% unemployment under President Bush as too damn high, but barely under 5% is is super great.
Title: Re: **** Reagan
Post by: txradioguy on May 01, 2016, 12:38:24 PM
I remember how the dems portrayed 4% unemployment under President Bush as too damn high, but barely under 5% is is super great.
They were saying the economy under Bush was the worst since Herbert Hoover.

Sent from my Q10 using Tapatalk

Title: Re: **** Reagan
Post by: SVPete on May 01, 2016, 12:50:59 PM
Does that 2.5% growth account for inflation?

Asking for a friend.

NO and that growth includes the new Obama math on computing GDP. The truth is we have been in a recession the entire time Preznint Shit Midas has been in office.

The government's equation for computing the inflation rate excludes many highly relevant commodities. To be "fair" to BHO, one of those commodities, IIRC, is gasoline, which is way down from a couple of years ago; of course, that decline in gas prices is due to Canada's tar sands, shale oil, and fracking coming online, all things that BHO and other Libs & Progs have condemned and tried to hinder. IOW, the recent decline in gas prices has been despite, not due to, BHO's governance.
Title: Re: **** Reagan
Post by: Ptarmigan on May 01, 2016, 01:26:15 PM
I remember how the dems portrayed 4% unemployment under President Bush as too damn high, but barely under 5% is is super great.

The Dems pay way too much attention to unemployment rate. There is employment participation rate and that is more important.

Employment participation is at 62.7%. That is nowhere prior to 2008.

Employment Situation - Bureau of Labor Statistics
Title: Re: **** Reagan
Post by: I_B_Perky on May 01, 2016, 04:39:00 PM
They were saying the economy under Bush was the worst since Herbert Hoover.

Sent from my Q10 using Tapatalk

Not to mention the nightly MSM news stories of all the poor unemployed back in 2004.  If the MSM would have done 1/100 of those stories in 2012 obumbles would be in a community somewhere practicing activism.
Title: Re: **** Reagan
Post by: GOBUCKS on May 01, 2016, 04:43:18 PM
They were saying the economy under Bush was the worst since Herbert Hoover.

What's worse, as I recall, women and minorities were hardest hit.
Title: Re: **** Reagan
Post by: Movie buff- The Sequel on May 07, 2016, 05:55:22 AM
Besides being a (D)Ummie, what the **** else is wrong with you?

WTF! The 80s weren't dreary!  The 80s were GREAT! Short skirts, spandex, high heels, big hair, good high energy music that could kick complete ass without needing to sound like a jungle tribe drum beat. (c)Rap music hadn't completely corrupted music yet. Women still looked like women instead of MMA fighters, diesel dykes and sinnead o'connor clones. Gas was even under a buck a gallon.

I'm guessing those are high on your list of objectionable things, (D)Ummie.


Good points all!
A couple more to add:
1. The 80s were the decade I was born in.
2. The 80s produced a lot of truly awesome movies of all genres, many of which would be on at least my top 30 list of all- time favorite movies (i.e. The last two original 'Star Wars' movies, the first three 'Indiana Jones' movies, 'A Nightmare on Elm Street,' 'The Goonies,' 'Gremlins,' 'Back to the Future,' 'The Lost Boys,' 'The Princess Bride,' 'Aliens,' 'The Little Mermaid,' 'Poltergeist,' shall I go on?).
The 80's were one of the best decades around, and having a competent president in the White House certainly helped with that.
Title: Re: **** Reagan
Post by: SVPete on May 07, 2016, 08:07:12 AM
Good points all!
A couple more to add:
1. The 80s were the decade I was born in.
2. The 80s produced a lot of truly awesome movies of all genres, many of which would be on at least my top 30 list of all- time favorite movies (i.e. The last two original 'Star Wars' movies, the first three 'Indiana Jones' movies, 'A Nightmare on Elm Street,' 'The Goonies,' 'Gremlins,' 'Back to the Future,' 'The Lost Boys,' 'The Princess Bride,' 'Aliens,' 'The Little Mermaid,' 'Poltergeist,' shall I go on?).
The 80's were one of the best decades around, and having a competent president in the White House certainly helped with that.

Reagan understood something not many Rs and pretty much zero Ds understand: much of the time government's best role is to keep the streets clean and in good repair (literally and metaphorically) and otherwise not obstruct good people from doing their daily good stuff.
Title: Re: **** Reagan
Post by: DumbAss Tanker on May 08, 2016, 09:49:03 AM
Star Member madokie (46,839 posts)
17. I've not liked the sob since his 20 mule team days. Always came across as a phony to me. My dad loved him btw.

DU paradigm in a nutshell.  "My successful parents liked this, but when I failed in life, I decided I hate them and everything that reminds of them."
Title: Re: **** Reagan
Post by: SVPete on May 08, 2016, 10:02:13 AM
DU paradigm in a nutshell.  "My successful parents liked this, but when I failed in life, I decided I hate them and everything that reminds of them."

Given that Reagan worked on the "Death Valley Days" TV show in the mid-1960s, DU-member "madokie" would have to be at least 60ish to have memories of the show. 4 or 5 or ?? decades of failure (or being marginal) in life is a lot of failure, and a lot of nurtured anger and hatred. I'm not contradicting your point, just pointing out the duration of its scope. Time and energy invested in hatred usually yields terrible and unhealthy dividends (case-in-point, TMN, one of DU's more notable soul-train-wrecks).