The Conservative Cave

Current Events => Politics => Topic started by: Hawkgirl on March 14, 2016, 12:01:27 PM

Title: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: Hawkgirl on March 14, 2016, 12:01:27 PM
Yesterday I attended Trump's rally in Boca Raton, FL and it was awesome!

NO protesters, GREAT Music, Beautiful Venue, and of course Trump did a fly by over the park on his helicopter before landing and making his speech.  I have never been motivated to go to a candidate's rally in the past as the enthusiasm just wasn't there before Trump.

His rallies are like a cross between a sporting event and a concert.  Great music, sound system. Food, concession stands and lots of Trump stuff for sale.
SS and Law Enforcement set up metal detectors at the entrance, and were dispersed throughout the crowds, it felt very safe.   Everyone was enjoying themselves, not one protester in the crowd.  Though I read about it afterwards, BLM did try to organize and did show up at the rally, but the police escorted them to a sectioned off area away from the entrance.  They must have been far away as the park is pretty big and I didn't catch a glimpse of them. :lmao:

All and all, Trump supporters, when they are not provoked, were able to support their candidate in a beautiful peaceful rally.  Everyone was polite, lots of enthusiasm, he sure knows how to energize a crowd.  I shall be voting for him tomorrow in Florida with NO hesitation.  :cheersmate:
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: Big Dog on March 14, 2016, 12:49:32 PM
I'm glad you had a good time. It sounds like fun.
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: Boudicca on March 15, 2016, 09:33:20 PM
Hawkgirl,  I watched the youtube version.  Looked like the crowd was happy and revved up!
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: Hawkgirl on March 16, 2016, 09:44:27 AM
Hawkgirl,  I watched the youtube version.  Looked like the crowd was happy and revved up!

Yes! it was...I posted a clip on my FB page and FB group.

Our boy is half way to his delegate count... :yahoo:  Sore losers everywhere....but who cares about them!  The voters came out in droves to support him.  The best part was a total SWEEP of Florida with the exception of ONE county, Miami, which went to little Rubio. 
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: docstew on March 17, 2016, 07:35:29 AM
Yes! it was...I posted a clip on my FB page and FB group.

Our boy is half way to his delegate count... :yahoo:  Sore losers everywhere....but who cares about them!  The voters came out in droves to support him.  The best part was a total SWEEP of Florida with the exception of ONE county, Miami, which went to little Rubio.

You should, because without those "sore loser" voters, your boy will hand the WH to Hillary. It's probably too late for him to mend bridges, but he needs to start if he plans to make amends.
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: Hawkgirl on March 17, 2016, 11:56:28 AM
You should, because without those "sore loser" voters, your boy will hand the WH to Hillary. It's probably too late for him to mend bridges, but he needs to start if he plans to make amends.

No, the sore losers I'm talking about are the #Never Trump people who vow to not vote for Trump is the nominee.
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: docstew on March 17, 2016, 07:07:55 PM
No, the sore losers I'm talking about are the #Never Trump people who vow to not vote for Trump is the nominee.

And calling them losers convinces them to change their mind how?
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: Chris_ on March 17, 2016, 10:43:11 PM
And calling them losers convinces them to change their mind how?
Because insulting your allies are the best way of bringing them into your camp.  #bestwords #giantbrain #Trumpclowns
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: SighLass on March 25, 2016, 08:30:25 PM
No, the sore losers I'm talking about are the #Never Trump people who vow to not vote for Trump is the nominee.

To me this is kind of ironic, I was one of the people on the side of the road holding homemade "Sore-Loserman" signs back around 2000. I bookmarked the thread on FR where I talk about my time but it seems time ate it and the link no longer works (I guess FR either lost it or does not do the bandwidth to present it any longer).

Now I am called the same name that I used to fight against tyranny way back when. Funny how that happens. I was proud of my few days protesting (only time in my life I did that). It is sorta personal being used against me now.

Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: Chris_ on March 25, 2016, 09:15:17 PM
The best part about Trump’s pathological lying is that his supporters believe everything he says.
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: J P Sousa on March 27, 2016, 09:19:06 PM

  Scott Pelley: Universal health care.

Donald Trump: I am going to take care of everybody. I don’t care if it costs me votes or not. Everybody’s going to be taken care of much better than they’re taken care of now.

Scott Pelley: The uninsured person is going to be taken care of. How? How?

Donald Trump: They’re going to be taken care of. I would make a deal with existing hospitals to take care of people. And, you know what, if this is probably–

Scott Pelley: Make a deal? Who pays for it?

Donald Trump: —the government’s gonna pay for it. But we’re going to save so much money on the other side. But for the most it’s going to be a private plan and people are going to be able to go out and negotiate great plans with lots of different competition with lots of competitors with great companies and they can have their doctors, they can have plans, they can have everything.

Is that Bernie running in BOTH party primaries ?  :lmao:
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: Chris_ on March 27, 2016, 10:36:35 PM

Is that Bernie running in BOTH party primaries ?  :lmao:
It's amazing the number of people who think Trump is some sort of conservative.
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: GOBUCKS on March 29, 2016, 11:02:12 AM
It's amazing the number of people who think Trump is some sort of conservative.
The amazing thing to me is that just a year ago most of today's Trump nuts were decent and civilized people.

Then they listened to this loud-mouthed buffoon telling them they aren't successful in their lives because of Mexicans and because the "elite" have stacked the deck against them.

So they've joined a "movement" based on vague slogans and the belief that class envy and hatred are the keys to their future.

Before Trump, those were pillars of the democrat party!

Since LBJ, the democrat party has been based on class envy and class warfare, now Trump nuts think those are republican values.

Today's Trump nuts are nothing more than violent, uneducated versions of yesterday' Occupoopers.
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: dixierose on March 30, 2016, 03:07:58 PM
The amazing thing to me is that just a year ago most of today's Trump nuts were decent and civilized people.

Then they listened to this loud-mouthed buffoon telling them they aren't successful in their lives because of Mexicans and because the "elite" have stacked the deck against them.

So they've joined a "movement" based on vague slogans and the belief that class envy and hatred are the keys to their future.

Before Trump, those were pillars of the democrat party!

Since LBJ, the democrat party has been based on class envy and class warfare, now Trump nuts think those are republican values.

Today's Trump nuts are nothing more than violent, uneducated versions of yesterday' Occupoopers.

The more I see Trump followers tweet, the more I believe when he said he could kill someone and not lose a vote. Most of his supporters on twitter are blind to his shortcomings. It's eerily like a cult. And all because he's gonna "build a wall".

I understand the anger that pushed people towards him early; but I cannot understand their continued support. Especially after hearing him NOT answer questions. He just repeats statements and slogans.

I honestly do not believe he's a racist; but most white supremacists love him. He's even re-tweeted a person whose user name was WhiteGenocide.  I DO believe he's a sexist. The way he and his supporters have gone after that reporter is disgraceful and shameful.

It's called the cult of personality. The Dems had it in 2008 & 2012. I thought conservatives were too smart to fall for that; but they have proven me wrong. I just hope that this does not mean all future elections will be about that or we will be looking at President Kardashian before you know it.

Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: txradioguy on March 30, 2016, 03:34:45 PM
I'm having a lot of fun poking the Branch Trumpidians on Twitter right now. Their over reactions to anything critical of DJT are funny as shit.
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: Big Dog on March 30, 2016, 04:32:45 PM
The more I see Trump followers tweet, the more I believe when he said he could kill someone and not lose a vote. Most of his supporters on twitter are blind to his shortcomings. It's eerily like a cult. And all because he's gonna "build a wall".

I understand the anger that pushed people towards him early; but I cannot understand their continued support. Especially after hearing him NOT answer questions. He just repeats statements and slogans.

I honestly do not believe he's a racist; but most white supremacists love him. He's even re-tweeted a person whose user name was WhiteGenocide.  I DO believe he's a sexist. The way he and his supporters have gone after that reporter is disgraceful and shameful.

It's called the cult of personality. The Dems had it in 2008 & 2012. I thought conservatives were too smart to fall for that; but they have proven me wrong. I just hope that this does not mean all future elections will be about that or we will be looking at President Kardashian before you know it.


Brawndo. It has electeolytes.
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: Crazy Horse on March 30, 2016, 05:35:14 PM
Brawndo. It has electeolytes.

 It's what plants crave.
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: Carl on March 30, 2016, 06:09:53 PM
The more I see Trump followers tweet, the more I believe when he said he could kill someone and not lose a vote. Most of his supporters on twitter are blind to his shortcomings. It's eerily like a cult. And all because he's gonna "build a wall".

I understand the anger that pushed people towards him early; but I cannot understand their continued support. Especially after hearing him NOT answer questions. He just repeats statements and slogans.

I honestly do not believe he's a racist; but most white supremacists love him. He's even re-tweeted a person whose user name was WhiteGenocide.  I DO believe he's a sexist. The way he and his supporters have gone after that reporter is disgraceful and shameful.

It's called the cult of personality. The Dems had it in 2008 & 2012. I thought conservatives were too smart to fall for that; but they have proven me wrong. I just hope that this does not mean all future elections will be about that or we will be looking at President Kardashian before you know it.


This is IMO what it is about,he latched onto something that many conservatives have been demanding for over a decade.
It is a correct position,will give him that if he keeps his word if elected but am troubled by him beyond this.

What I find a bit annoying is that those of us who swallowed hard and supported for national office or accepted less then perfect candidates for others (Scott Brown in Mass) were derided as sell outs,RINOs,liberals,etc are now seeing that 3rd party faction of a few years ago swoon over a person that is the epitome of a RINO.
Trump may be okay for all I know but he has zero conservative pedigree that I know of,none whatsoever.

He is a Jesse Ventura and given the alternative I will likely vote for him if I have to but will be in disgust and minimal hope or expectation that he will do things I agree with.
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: txradioguy on March 31, 2016, 06:19:55 AM

He is a Jesse Ventura and given the alternative I will likely vote for him if I have to but will be in disgust and minimal hope or expectation that he will do things I agree with.

The only reason I'll hold my nose and vote for him if he's the eventual nominee is because I don't want Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders signature on my certificate of retirement from the Army.
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: Hawkgirl on May 03, 2016, 05:53:25 PM
Looks like my guy is about to close down on Indiana and shut out the other two schmucks still tagging along. :-)

Trump is leading by 20pts so far...I predict CNN will announce him as the victor at 7:01pm.


Trump vs Hillary to the finish line in November!  IT will be an exciting match up!

Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: Hawkgirl on May 03, 2016, 06:03:08 PM
OK....I was off by ONE minute. Polls closed at 7:00pm.   CNN projection at 7:00pm.  Trump wins. :-) Decisively clearly. 

Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: J P Sousa on May 03, 2016, 06:36:10 PM
Get used to "President Hillary".
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: Chris_ on May 03, 2016, 09:53:58 PM
CNN projection at 7:00pm.  Trump wins. :-) Decisively clearly.
Enjoy it.  It will be the last time "your man" wins anything.


Trump vs Hillary to the finish line in November!  IT will be an exciting match up!
Yes, if you consider Hillary's money man getting beaten like a rented mule "exciting". :whatever:
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: txradioguy on May 04, 2016, 02:25:29 AM
Looks like my guy is about to close down on Indiana and shut out the other two schmucks still tagging along. :-)

Trump is leading by 20pts so far...I predict CNN will announce him as the victor at 7:01pm.


Trump vs Hillary to the finish line in November!  IT will be an exciting match up!

You're happy that the GOP will be destroyed as a party and Hillary Clinton will finish Obama's job.

That somehow causes you joy?

You're pathetic.
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: txradioguy on May 04, 2016, 02:27:30 AM
Enjoy it.  It will be the last time "your man" wins anything.


Yes, if you consider Hillary's money man getting beaten like a rented mule "exciting". :whatever:

Chris bookmark this thread.  I want to know exactly who to call out and thank for Hillary's election in 6 months.  All these gleeful idiots thinking everything will be skittle shitting unicorns with Trump need to be reminded of their bold and wrong predictions.
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: Hawkgirl on May 04, 2016, 08:04:58 AM
I'm hoping he comes back to South Florida in the Fall so I can attend another rally with my family.  I would attend a Summer one if it's an indoor venue. :-)

I'm sure it will take some time for the Cruz supporters to accept it, but y'all need to come around and get behind our candidate.  Priebus tweeted it's time to get behind our man.  I hope the sore losers don't sabotage him...but anything is possible...Sour grapes are to be expected but  hope you all get it out of your systems in time for the election. Unfortunately, if you don't you'll only succeed in giving Hillary the nomination.

Now it will be interesting to see who he chooses as his VP.  Hmmmm.
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: lastparker on May 04, 2016, 10:49:44 AM
I'm having a lot of fun poking the Branch Trumpidians on Twitter right now. Their over reactions to anything critical of DJT are funny as shit.

 :rotf: :rotf:
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: txradioguy on May 04, 2016, 12:04:27 PM
I'm hoping he comes back to South Florida in the Fall so I can attend another rally with my family.  I would attend a Summer one if it's an indoor venue. :-)

I'm sure it will take some time for the Cruz supporters to accept it, but y'all need to come around and get behind our candidate.  Priebus tweeted it's time to get behind our man.  I hope the sore losers don't sabotage him...but anything is possible...Sour grapes are to be expected but  hope you all get it out of your systems in time for the election. Unfortunately, if you don't you'll only succeed in giving Hillary the nomination.

Now it will be interesting to see who he chooses as his VP.  Hmmmm.
Along with your Trump designer knee pads...this bit of legal advice might come in handy for you at the next Trump cult gathering you attend.

Sent from my Q10 using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: Hawkgirl on May 04, 2016, 03:17:34 PM're still in the military, right?  I thank you for your service and I think you should simmer down and not talk about your Commander in Chief that way.  You will be reporting to him, and you don't want this type of dissent to get back to him.
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: Chris_ on May 04, 2016, 03:35:30 PM're still in the military, right?  I thank you for your service and I think you should simmer down and not talk about your Commander in Chief that way.  You will be reporting to him, and you don't want this type of dissent to get back to him.
Are you ****ing serious? :whatever:
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: txradioguy on May 04, 2016, 11:49:29 PM're still in the military, right?  I thank you for your service and I think you should simmer down and not talk about your Commander in Chief that way.  You will be reporting to him, and you don't want this type of dissent to get back to him.
First off you ignorant scrunt...Trump"s not anything yet but a bloviating ball of orange shit at this point...that's all.   And in November that is all he will STILL be.

Secondly...since 1992 I have served under exactly ONE Republican President. My Conservative views..values and opinions have never waivered.

Third...and I mean this...take your best shot. I've had DU and the ass hats from Clown Posse try to take me down with the same Brown Shirt tactics you are threatening. I'm still here...even gotten promoted a couple times too.  He'll I just got hand picked for a plum assignment in Kentucky by my Regimental Sergeant Major.

You think you can succeed where others have failed? Bitch please. I go at Trump directly on his Twitter feed. Your implied threat isn't even as good as what gets tweeted at me by all the paid trolls that hover around Trumps Twitter feed.

I'll give you any name in my chain of command you want. And then I'll post a picture of us all pointing and laughing at the dumbass shit you sent.

Now run along and go practice your skills Monica don't want to be out of practice when Donny rolls into town.

Sent from my Q10 using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: txradioguy on May 04, 2016, 11:50:40 PM
Are you ****ing serious? :whatever:
Sadly she is. She's already wearing her custom fitted brown shirt and jackboots.

Sent from my Q10 using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: J P Sousa on May 05, 2016, 09:48:30 AM
I'm hoping he comes back to South Florida in the Fall so I can attend another rally with my family.  I would attend a Summer one if it's an indoor venue. :-)

I'm sure it will take some time for the Cruz supporters to accept it, but y'all need to come around and get behind our candidate.  Priebus tweeted it's time to get behind our man.  I hope the sore losers don't sabotage him...but anything is possible...Sour grapes are to be expected but  hope you all get it out of your systems in time for the election. Unfortunately, if you don't you'll only succeed in giving Hillary the nomination.

Now it will be interesting to see who he chooses as his VP.  Hmmmm.

Trump has used "scorched earth" on his republican opponents and burned far too many bridges to get the support he needs.

If the candidate was anybody else I might hold my nose once again......BUT Trump has been so offensive that it is impossible to vote knowing he is such a scum bag.

Hillary = Trump = democrats. It would be like buying a car without knowing anything about it other than it is "supposed to be a car".

My bet is he will (if he is lucky enough to get elected) nominate Merrick Garland, Obama's Supreme Court nominee, to the Supreme Court. Merrick Garland is anti 2nd amendment and seems to me just the kind Trump would want.

Remember, Trump is a deal maker BUT what kind of deals will he make ???
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: J P Sousa on May 05, 2016, 10:13:55 AM
Trump changes mind frequently;


Trump in 1999: GOP is ‘just too crazy’

The last time Donald Trump was on 'Meet the Press' he announced he was quitting the GOP. Plus, Trump says he won't 'rip up' the Iran nuclear deal. Lawrence O'Donnell talks with fmr. Rep. Tom Davis (R-VA), and reporters Zeke Miller, Anne Gearan, and Josh Barro.
He'll make it work. ?

Well, too late now.  :loser:
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: Duke Nukum on May 05, 2016, 11:56:10 AM
Trump has used "scorched earth" on his republican opponents and burned far too many bridges to get the support he needs.

If the candidate was anybody else I might hold my nose once again......BUT Trump has been so offensive that it is impossible to vote knowing he is such a scum bag.

Hillary = Trump = democrats. It would be like buying a car without knowing anything about it other than it is "supposed to be a car".

My bet is he will (if he is lucky enough to get elected) nominate Merrick Garland, Obama's Supreme Court nominee, to the Supreme Court. Merrick Garland is anti 2nd amendment and seems to me just the kind Trump would want.

Remember, Trump is a deal maker BUT what kind of deals will he make ???

Trump hasn't been so offensive that he backed leftist rioters as did Cruz, Rubio, and Kasich when it suited their politics.  So there's that.

Part of me was wishing Cruz would win because that is the only way to dispel the illusions of the Cruz-ifixated. But this works too.
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: RobJohnson on May 05, 2016, 12:01:40 PM
Looks like my guy is about to close down on Indiana and shut out the other two schmucks still tagging along. :-)

Trump is leading by 20pts so far...I predict CNN will announce him as the victor at 7:01pm.


Trump vs Hillary to the finish line in November!  IT will be an exciting match up!

(   LOL
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: txradioguy on May 05, 2016, 12:17:26 PM
Trump hasn't been so offensive that he backed leftist rioters as did Cruz, Rubio, and Kasich when it suited their politics.  So there's that.

You know it takes a special kind of stupid to keep repeating a lie as if it was fact.

Never thought I'd say that about you but damned if you don't prove the point.

Cruz never supported leftist rioters you obtuse jackass.

Part of me was wishing Cruz would win because that is the only way to dispel the illusions of the Cruz-ifixated. But this works too.

 :whatever: :stoner:
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: Hawkgirl on May 05, 2016, 04:26:16 PM
First off you ignorant scrunt...Trump"s not anything yet but a bloviating ball of orange shit at this point...that's all.   And in November that is all he will STILL be.

Secondly...since 1992 I have served under exactly ONE Republican President. My Conservative views..values and opinions have never waivered.

Third...and I mean this...take your best shot. I've had DU and the ass hats from Clown Posse try to take me down with the same Brown Shirt tactics you are threatening. I'm still here...even gotten promoted a couple times too.  He'll I just got hand picked for a plum assignment in Kentucky by my Regimental Sergeant Major.

You think you can succeed where others have failed? Bitch please. I go at Trump directly on his Twitter feed. Your implied threat isn't even as good as what gets tweeted at me by all the paid trolls that hover around Trumps Twitter feed.

I'll give you any name in my chain of command you want. And then I'll post a picture of us all pointing and laughing at the dumbass shit you sent.

Now run along and go practice your skills Monica don't want to be out of practice when Donny rolls into town.

Sent from my Q10 using Tapatalk

Yikes!  You're more paranoid and psychotic than I thought.  AS if I would spend my REAL time going after an internet dope like you. :lol:
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: Duke Nukum on May 05, 2016, 04:31:07 PM
You know it takes a special kind of stupid to keep repeating a lie as if it was fact.

Never thought I'd say that about you but damned if you don't prove the point.

Cruz never supported leftist rioters you obtuse jackass.

 :whatever: :stoner:
I guess you are too far gone up the Cruz cross to be able to recognize facts from lies at this point. But the fact remains that Cruz, Rubio, and Kaisich all had a chance to show leadership and all they did was throw in with the Bernie rioters and the "Trump says mean things so he deserves to get rioted" media.
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: Hawkgirl on May 05, 2016, 04:37:32 PM
Yes, Cruz and Kasich both sided with the paid Soros supporters aka as BLM movement/MoveOn org in Chicago when they beat up police officers and overturned police vehicles.    Bunch of losers....
Trump is going to turn Washington DC on it's head.  Even the ex President of Mexico, Vicente Fox was on Cavuto tonight apologetic and nervous since his F bombs about our future President.  This is the political revolution we've been waiting for...and dickhead Ryan is withholding his support after yapping for weeks about unifying.

All these DC eunuchs are in for a rude awakening.
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: RobJohnson on May 05, 2016, 04:48:24 PM
Yes, Cruz and Kasich both sided with the paid Soros supporters aka as BLM movement/MoveOn org in Chicago when they beat up police officers and overturned police vehicles.    Bunch of losers....
Trump is going to turn Washington DC on it's head.  Even the ex President of Mexico, Vicente Fox was on Cavuto tonight apologetic and nervous since his F bombs about our future President.  This is the political revolution we've been waiting for...and dickhead Ryan is withholding his support after yapping for weeks about unifying.

All these DC eunuchs are in for a rude awakening.

I will be convinced if Trump comes back with a check paying for the wall.
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: Zathras on May 05, 2016, 08:36:57 PM
Yikes!  You're more paranoid and psychotic than I thought.  AS if I would spend my REAL time going after an internet dope like you. :lol:

I wouldn't pay any attention to TRG. He's become a one trick pony which, if he keeps up with his zealous hatred of all things Trump, will become an expired young equine that he'll keep flogging.
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: Belle on May 05, 2016, 10:57:09 PM
I pretty much gave up watching any TV news stations, but tonight I briefly tuned in to Hannity.  Laura Ingraham was discussing why Ryan, the Bush's, & Romney won't endorse Trump.  These 3 politicians represent the establishment. Their platform stands for, & is being rejected by American voters:
- open borders
- globalism
- never ending, unwinnable middle-eastern wars.

The GOPe might support Trump if he would support even part of their agenda, which he won't, or choose a VP (as Reagan was coerced to do, which started the Bush dynasty), that would @ the very least go along with their viewpoint on foreign policy...again, I don't think Trump will go for that. 

So, those against Trump, which is certainly the right to choose by any American citizen, don't feel so down just yet.  Its a long, rocky road ahead for him, with multiple pressures from the left progressives & the right neocons.

I am a Trump supporter for several reasons.  I do believe he will:
-  return America to a border nation
- slow down the influx of unvetted, young male, Syrian refugees.
- return America to immigration policies already written.
- stop Common Core
- stop Obamacare
- stop Nation building in foreign countries.
- slow down the foreign visas which have hurt American workers
- undo ObamaTrade

I left this site for awhile, because of the bitterness & caustic nature caused by support for the other candidate.  That was my choice, of course.  I have many faults, but as far as I'm aware, doesn't include name calling & character assassination.  I will always try to go back to default:  agree to disagree.
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: Chris_ on May 06, 2016, 12:13:57 AM
Yikes!  You're more paranoid and psychotic than I thought.  AS if I would spend my REAL time going after an internet dope like you. :lol:
Nice dodge.  You are a carbon copy of your candidate... vulgar and trashy.

Maybe you should return to Conservative Underground. 
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: txradioguy on May 06, 2016, 12:39:18 AM
Yikes!  You're more paranoid and psychotic than I thought.  AS if I would spend my REAL time going after an internet dope like you.
You made the implied threat...and I'm the paranoid one?

You're pathetic.

Sent from my Q10 using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: txradioguy on May 06, 2016, 12:42:09 AM
I guess you are too far gone up the Cruz cross to be able to recognize facts from lies at this point. But the fact remains that Cruz, Rubio, and Kaisich all had a chance to show leadership and all they did was throw in with the Bernie rioters and the "Trump says mean things so he deserves to get rioted" media.
No what I smart enough to know when smoke is being blown up my ass.

You apparently are not...even as Donny does everything he smeared others about...and pushes to the left..suckers like you are still mindlessly repeating his crap.

I pity you.

Sent from my Q10 using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: txradioguy on May 06, 2016, 12:45:31 AM
Yes, Cruz and Kasich both sided with the paid Soros supporters aka as BLM movement/MoveOn org in Chicago when they beat up police officers and overturned police vehicles.    Bunch of losers....
Trump is going to turn Washington DC on it's head.  Even the ex President of Mexico, Vicente Fox was on Cavuto tonight apologetic and nervous since his F bombs about our future President.  This is the political revolution we've been waiting for...and dickhead Ryan is withholding his support after yapping for weeks about unifying.

All these DC eunuchs are in for a rude awakening.
Lay off the crack pipe. Only mentally weak sheep continue to believe that crap.

In case you missed it...your man God just hired a Geroge Soros connected partner from Goldman Sachs to handle finances for the general election.

Yeah...that's REALLY shaking things up in DCm

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Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: Chris_ on May 06, 2016, 01:00:42 AM

Tell me again how this man stands for your beliefs and convictions.

You Trumpers are ****ing stupid.
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: txradioguy on May 06, 2016, 02:12:40 AM
I wouldn't pay any attention to TRG. He's become a one trick pony which, if he keeps up with his zealous hatred of all things Trump, will become an expired young equine that he'll keep flogging.

Recent picture of Zathras when confronted with Trump exposing his Liberal underpinnings


Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: txradioguy on May 06, 2016, 02:15:00 AM
Yes, Cruz and Kasich both sided with the paid Soros supporters aka as BLM movement/MoveOn org in Chicago

Hey Rosa....I guess you missed this bit of news yesterday:

On Thursday, Trump named Steven Mnuchin, the chairman and CEO of private investment firm Dune Capital Management LP, to lead his fundraising.

Mnuchin, according to his Bloomberg profile, was a partner at Goldman Sachs, where he worked for 17 years. He also worked at Soros Fund Management LLC, founded by liberal mega-donor George Soros.

You were saying?
Title: Re: Trump Rally
Post by: Zathras on May 06, 2016, 02:28:09 AM
You know, since I've put the REMF TRG and the rest of the Butthurt Brigade on ignore, CC has become a much better place to visit. I don't see any of the vile hatred bordering on insanity that is reminiscent of what we see over at the DUmp.
Title: Re: Trump Rally
Post by: txradioguy on May 06, 2016, 02:44:30 AM
I don't see any of the vile hatred bordering on insanity that is reminiscent of what we see over at the DUmp.


Honestly if this place is so vile...why stay here?  I'm sure your StormFront member profile is still active.

Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: docstew on May 06, 2016, 09:55:30 AM (

I do have to give Donald credit for something. He definitely reneged on the promises that got him where he's at faster than any other politician I can think of. Most of those guys waited til they were in office before they screwed the people who voted for them. Donald didn't make you wait for it, at least.

Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: J P Sousa on May 06, 2016, 10:04:37 AM (

I do have to give Donald credit for something. He definitely reneged on the promises that got him where he's at faster than any other politician I can think of. Most of those guys waited til they were in office before they screwed the people who voted for them. Donald didn't make you wait for it, at least.


From the link;
“You know, when you put out a tax plan,” said Trump, “you are going to start negotiating. You don’t say, ‘OK, this is our tax plan, lots of luck, folks.’ There will be negotiation back and forth. And I can see that going up, to be honest with you.”   

Everything is a starting point for negotiation. The wall ? I can see that negotiated down to a big sign; "do not enter the United States".  :-)
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: Big Dog on May 06, 2016, 10:23:04 AM

Everything is a starting point for negotiation. The wall ? I can see that negotiated down to a big sign; "do not enter the United States".  :-)

In the final version, the word "please" will be added.
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: RobJohnson on May 06, 2016, 02:51:32 PM
From the link;
Everything is a starting point for negotiation. The wall ? I can see that negotiated down to a big sign; "do not enter the United States".  :-)

Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: RobJohnson on May 06, 2016, 02:52:22 PM
In the final version, the word "please" will be added.

It will be a great sign.
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: Big Dog on May 06, 2016, 02:56:45 PM
It will be a great sign.


And YUUUUGE, too. A YUUUUGE sign!
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: Hawkgirl on May 06, 2016, 04:21:10 PM


This needs to be updated  "Trump Won"...but the rest can remain as is. :-)
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: thundley4 on May 06, 2016, 04:37:41 PM


This needs to be updated  "Trump Won"...but the rest can remain as is. :-)

And in November, update it to Hillary beat Trump.
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: txradioguy on May 07, 2016, 03:17:51 AM
And in November, update it to Hillary beat Trump.
And a lot of will be waiting to say "I told you" so to zealots like Rosa.

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Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: Duke Nukum on May 07, 2016, 09:53:29 AM
And a lot of will be waiting to say "I told you" so to zealots like Rosa.

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I haven't noticed anybody waiting.
Title: Re: Trump Rally
Post by: Eupher on May 09, 2016, 01:18:56 PM
You know, since I've put the REMF TRG and the rest of the Butthurt Brigade on ignore, CC has become a much better place to visit. I don't see any of the vile hatred bordering on insanity that is reminiscent of what we see over at the DUmp.

Last time I checked, the acronym "REMF" is a pejorative, specifically targeting certain jobs within the military.

You sure you want to continue that line of thought?

I seem to recall a TOS that specifically prohibits that kind of attack.

And note, for the record, I'm staying out of the political discussion. This isn't politics. This is a TOS violation.
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: txradioguy on May 09, 2016, 04:20:49 PM
I haven't noticed anybody waiting.

That's because of the position of your head in relation to your fourth point of contact.
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: Hawkgirl on May 10, 2016, 04:34:24 PM
And a lot of will be waiting to say "I told you" so to zealots like Rosa.

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Yes John, was it you who said we should bookmark this thread for November.....Yes we should.  Trump is already tied with HIldabeast in 2 swing states and beating her in a third.  Just out of the gate, without the official nomination, he's already passing her on the left lane....Hildabeast is going to get clobbered.

I may be nice and not say "told you so"....but that's a "maybe" :loser:
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: txradioguy on May 10, 2016, 05:11:16 PM
Yes John, was it you who said we should bookmark this thread for November.....Yes we should.  Trump is already tied with HIldabeast in 2 swing states and beating her in a third.  Just out of the gate, without the official nomination, he's already passing her on the left lane....Hildabeast is going to get clobbered.

I may be nice and not say "told you so"....but that's a "maybe" :loser:
You keep holding onto that fantasy. Come November its all you and the rest of the pathetic Trumpbots will have when all is said and done.

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Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: Patriot Guard Rider on May 10, 2016, 05:40:39 PM
I pretty much gave up watching any TV news stations, but tonight I briefly tuned in to Hannity.  Laura Ingraham was discussing why Ryan, the Bush's, & Romney won't endorse Trump.  These 3 politicians represent the establishment. Their platform stands for, & is being rejected by American voters:
- open borders
- globalism
- never ending, unwinnable middle-eastern wars.

The GOPe might support Trump if he would support even part of their agenda, which he won't, or choose a VP (as Reagan was coerced to do, which started the Bush dynasty), that would @ the very least go along with their viewpoint on foreign policy...again, I don't think Trump will go for that. 

So, those against Trump, which is certainly the right to choose by any American citizen, don't feel so down just yet.  Its a long, rocky road ahead for him, with multiple pressures from the left progressives & the right neocons.

I am a Trump supporter for several reasons.  I do believe he will:
-  return America to a border nation
- slow down the influx of unvetted, young male, Syrian refugees.
- return America to immigration policies already written.
- stop Common Core
- stop Obamacare
- stop Nation building in foreign countries.
- slow down the foreign visas which have hurt American workers
- undo ObamaTrade

I left this site for awhile, because of the bitterness & caustic nature caused by support for the other candidate.  That was my choice, of course.  I have many faults, but as far as I'm aware, doesn't include name calling & character assassination.  I will always try to go back to default:  agree to disagree.

I agree with everything you said, but let me add one.

Take care of VETS. The VA is a complete mess, existing only to enrich those at the top. Wait lists, long lines. I work at a VA hospital and get my care through the VA exclusively. There isn't any way I'd let them cut on me for something major. Thank God I only have routine care. The only time I was treated at one was at the VA hospital in Atlanta for a TIA. The care I got in that instance was exceptional, even to the point that my daughter and her husband had nothing but good things to say about my care.

Take care of the VETS.
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: txradioguy on May 11, 2016, 12:22:17 PM
I agree with everything you said, but let me add one.

Take care of VETS. The VA is a complete mess, existing only to enrich those at the top. Wait lists, long lines. I work at a VA hospital and get my care through the VA exclusively. There isn't any way I'd let them cut on me for something major. Thank God I only have routine care. The only time I was treated at one was at the VA hospital in Atlanta for a TIA. The care I got in that instance was exceptional, even to the point that my daughter and her husband had nothing but good things to say about my care.

Take care of the VETS.

So when is Trump going to pay up on all the money he supposedly aised for the vets when he ducked out of the Fox News debate?

Those organizations that help vets are still waiting for their money?
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: Patriot Guard Rider on May 11, 2016, 12:59:34 PM
So when is Trump going to pay up on all the money he supposedly aised for the vets when he ducked out of the Fox News debate?

Those organizations that help vets are still waiting for their money?

Everything that has been received has been disbursed. Remember Sparky, most of it was PLEDGES, not actual cash in hand the next day.

If this site had fund raisers, and I PLEDGED $120 per year @ $10 a month, they couldn't spend it until they got it. They get it $10 per month.
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: txradioguy on May 11, 2016, 01:05:02 PM
Everything that has been received has been disbursed. Remember Sparky, most of it was PLEDGES, not actual cash in hand the next day.

If this site had fund raisers, and I PLEDGED $120 per year @ $10 a month, they couldn't spend it until they got it. They get it $10 per month.

You sure about that? 

Trump Vets Chair: Charity Money? Not My Problem

Three months ago Donald Trump held a fundraiser for wounded veterans and apparently raised $6 million. But most of that money has yet to be distributed and Trump’s chairman for veterans issues couldn’t care less.
Trump campaign’s adviser for veterans issues can’t account for $6 million raised for veterans charities by the billionaire—and from the sounds of it, couldn’t care less.

“I could ask, but it’s not high on my priority list,” Al Baldasaro, a New Hampshire state representative, told The Daily Beast.

Back in January Trump skipped an Iowa presidential debate due to a tiff with Fox News, instead holding a fundraiser for veterans charities.

According to the campaign, this event raised some $6 million, to be distributed to 22 listed veterans charities.

Baldasaro played a major role for the Trump campaign in New Hampshire and has been outspoken in the press and on the campaign trail ever since. In fact, he helped deliver money to one veterans charity, accepting an oversized novelty check from Trump on stage at a campaign event before the New Hampshire primary. Soon after, he delivered a real $100,000 check to local veterans charity Liberty House. But he says he doesn’t know where the rest of the money went, and in essence, that it isn’t his problem.

Questions have lingered about whether that money has actually been dispense to those charities—since the fundraiser, numerous media organizations have investigated whether the charities have received the $6 million. The investigations span the ideological spectrum: the progressive MSNBC and the conservative Weekly Standard have been unable to find all the funds; as have The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, CNN, and The Daily Beast.

The money simply hasn’t been found.

In early March, CNN was able to track down $2.9 million, citing the Trump campaign. In early April, The Wall Street Journal traced $2.4 million of the promised funds.

What these investigations have yielded is a solid conclusion that, thus far, Donald Trump and his nonprofit have dispensed, at maximum, about half of the $6 million to the listed beneficiaries. Nearly three months—85 days—have passed since the fundraiser.

You might wanna re-think your statement.
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: Patriot Guard Rider on May 11, 2016, 01:15:54 PM
You sure about that? 

You might wanna re-think your statement.

Nope. I stand by it. Nowhere in the article does it say the entire $6m was received. They say "raised" as if it's all in the bank, which I doubt.

Just so we're clear, I'm no Trumpbot. I started out supporting Carson, then he went away. I switched to Cruz but he lost me when he blamed Trump for the debacle in Chicago. Trump was my 3rd or 4th choice at best. He's the last man standing. #neverhillary, so Trump has my vote.
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: txradioguy on May 11, 2016, 01:19:50 PM
Nope. I stand by it. Nowhere in the article does it say the entire $6m was received. They say "raised" as if it's all in the bank, which I doubt.

What ever pretzel twists you have to make in order to avoid reality...that's on you.

Just so we're clear, I'm no Trumpbot. I started out supporting Carson, then he went away. I switched to Cruz but he lost me when he blamed Trump for the debacle in Chicago. Trump was my 3rd or 4th choice at best. He's the last man standing. #neverhillary, so Trump has my vote.

Anyone who makes the statement that not voting for Trump equals a vote for Hillary is a certified Trumpbot.

Only the zealots make stupid statements like that.
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: Big Dog on May 11, 2016, 02:27:49 PM
Anyone who makes the statement that not voting for Trump equals a vote for Hillary is a certified Trumpbot.

Only the zealots make stupid statements like that.

You just reminded me of something you posted here a few years ago.

you need to choose, because not voting for Romney is a vote for Obama. It’s that simple.

Only one of those statements can be true. Which one is it?
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: txradioguy on May 11, 2016, 03:18:53 PM
You just reminded me of something you posted here a few years ago.

Only one of those statements can be true. Which one is it?
So this is the game we play now?

Be careful you don't have any statements you regret in your posting history that can come back and be used against you.

There were definite distinctions between Obama and Romney.

Romney spoke accurately about Russia and their desire for domination again in Eastern Europe and he talked correctly about the 47%.

Romney showed he was willing to take up some of the issues concerning Conservatives as well.

Also that statement I made was AFTER the primaries were over and the nominees had been decided. I was for Cain and Santorum in the Primaries and critical of some of the problems Romney would make as the nominee.

Funny how you overlooked those posts from me in your pathetic attempt at a quote shaming gotcha.

You suck at trolling. 

Try harder next time.

The short answer to your moronic question is both are true.

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Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: FlaGator on May 11, 2016, 04:08:28 PM
If I may add a different point of view here, I was not going to vote for Trump no matter what. If I had to I'd just say home on election day. However the death of Judge Scalia changed all that for me. Because of Scalia's passing I will vote for Trump. I don't know who Trump will nominate or what kind of Judge he'll pick, but  I do know the kind of Judge Hillary is going to select and decided things right there for me. I'll take a chance that Trump with do the right thing because I know Hillary won't.
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: thundley4 on May 11, 2016, 04:16:32 PM
he helped deliver money to one veterans charity, accepting an oversized novelty check from Trump on stage at a campaign event before the New Hampshire primary.

Several charities said they were requested to provide a member for just such a photo-op for Trump. However, they wisely turned it it down, because Trump would have used it in his campaign, and that would cost charities their tax-deductible status.
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: Big Dog on May 11, 2016, 04:42:10 PM
So this is the game we play now?

It's no game, my friend. It was a question. Why the butthurt?

Also that statement I made was AFTER the primaries were over and the nominees had been decided. I was for Cain and Santorum in the Primaries and critical of some of the problems Romney would make as the nominee.

If the statement is true in May, then it's true in September. By the same measure, if it's false in May, then it's false in September.

But it can't be both.

*ETA: If Trump is nominated, then may we expect the same exhortation from you to follow him, that we received in 2012?

The short answer to your moronic question is both are true.

Cognitive dissonance. It's not just for DUmmies anymore.
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: txradioguy on May 12, 2016, 12:18:44 AM
It's no game, my friend. It was a question. Why the butthurt?

No butthurt on my part. That's a false assumption on your part.

I think it's just a childish stunt you and wasp are trying to pull.

If the statement is true in May, then it's true in September. By the same measure, if it's false in May, then it's false in September.

That's bullshit and you know it.  NOW is the time to scrutinize and has out the problems one potential nominee may have ove another and the problems it could cause us in the General Election.  You're comparing apples and oranges in a lame attempt at a gotcha.

Stop it.  You're better than that...or at least I thought you were.

But it can't be both.

Sure it can.  You just don't want to make the very clear and logical distinction.

*ETA: If Trump is nominated, then may we expect the same exhortation from you to follow him, that we received in 2012? spent all that time digging through everything I said 4 years ago to try to find one gotcha moment and you missed something I said 2-3 months ago?


Guess you missed the forrest for the trees.  Tends to happen when you're rushing to failure like you did with this.

Just like you missed the times early on that I actually defended Trump.

Cognitive dissonance. It's not just for DUmmies anymore.

You're's infected the Trump zealots as well.

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Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: wasp69 on May 17, 2016, 05:36:53 PM
I think it's just a childish stunt you and wasp are trying to pull.

Uh, how did I get dragged into this?
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: Crazy Horse on May 17, 2016, 05:57:46 PM
Uh, how did I get dragged into this?

Because your man Cruz lost and you'll support Trump as the nominee.
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: txradioguy on May 18, 2016, 04:54:14 AM
Uh, how did I get dragged into this?
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: wasp69 on May 18, 2016, 08:35:42 AM

So an attempt at engaging my fellow board members in an exercise of consistency and intellectual honesty becomes a "childish stunt"?
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: Big Dog on May 18, 2016, 09:59:33 AM
So an attempt at engaging my fellow board members in an exercise of consistency and intellectual honesty becomes a "childish stunt"?

Yup. Pretty much. He's too busy hooting and wiggle-waggling his armpits to admit that he's a hypocrite.

After the convention, he'll use the same fallacious argument, that a vote for anyone but X is actually a vote for Y, and will get pissed off when his inconsistency is pointed out- which it will be.
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: wasp69 on May 18, 2016, 12:49:07 PM
Yup. Pretty much. He's too busy hooting and wiggle-waggling his armpits to admit that he's a hypocrite.

After the convention, he'll use the same fallacious argument, that a vote for anyone but X is actually a vote for Y, and will get pissed off when his inconsistency is pointed out- which it will be.

That's all fine and good, but it was not where I was going with my question at all.  I am seriously perplexed at the disparity I am witnessing between previous elections and now; not trying to play "gotcha".

I'm not directing the above at specifically you, Big Dog, just as an in general.
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: txradioguy on May 19, 2016, 02:34:56 AM
So an attempt at engaging my fellow board members in an exercise of consistency and intellectual honesty becomes a "childish stunt"?

Yes it is.  Because if some Troll from DU like Buzzy or Mineral Man had tried a stunt like that here you'd have put a boot in their ass for trying it.  Same with the Ronulans or any other interloper that's tried that gotcha crap in the past.

Whether that's what you meant to do or you were trying to just ask a came across as trying to pull a "gotcha" on Dixie.
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: txradioguy on May 19, 2016, 02:39:08 AM
That's all fine and good, but it was not where I was going with my question at all.  I am seriously perplexed at the disparity I am witnessing between previous elections and now; not trying to play "gotcha".

I'm not directing the above at specifically you, Big Dog, just as an in general.

As I tried to explain to Big Dog...but it seems too complex an issue for him to grasp...there is no disparity.  The comments he and you are trying to use were made AFTER the candidates were chosen.  Not during the primaries when everything was still being sussed out.

But either that's too complex for Big Dog to understand or he's just engaging in trollish behavior because IIRC he's not voting for either candidate and it's just a matter of shit stirring on his part.

He's trying to play like he's clever with what he tried on me and it failed miserably.
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: olde north church on May 25, 2016, 08:05:08 PM
You're happy that the GOP will be destroyed as a party and Hillary Clinton will finish Obama's job.

That somehow causes you joy?

You're pathetic.

Do you step into closets to fart and breathe deeply?  You seem like that type.  But hey, that's just what you do, right?   :loser:
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: Hawkgirl on May 27, 2016, 11:36:09 AM
As I tried to explain to Big Dog...but it seems too complex an issue for him to grasp...there is no disparity.  The comments he and you are trying to use were made AFTER the candidates were chosen.  Not during the primaries when everything was still being sussed out.

But either that's too complex for Big Dog to understand or he's just engaging in trollish behavior because IIRC he's not voting for either candidate and it's just a matter of shit stirring on his part.

He's trying to play like he's clever with what he tried on me and it failed miserably.


BTW, in case you missed it, Trump clinched the nomination with more states/delegates to go on June 7th.   :yahoo:

When are you going to board the spaceship from Delusionaland, and come join us back in the US to vote for the ONE candidate who will BEAT Clinton? :devious:
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: Crazy Horse on May 27, 2016, 04:19:20 PM

BTW, in case you missed it, Trump clinched the nomination with more states/delegates to go on June 7th.   :yahoo:

When are you going to board the spaceship from Delusionaland, and come join us back in the US to vote for the ONE candidate who will BEAT Clinton? :devious:

Actually until July 21 is here, he has not clinched anything.
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: Hawkgirl on May 27, 2016, 04:54:55 PM
Actually until July 21 is here, he has not clinched anything.

The denial is strong on this board.  :stoner:
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: thundley4 on May 27, 2016, 06:41:32 PM
The denial is strong on this board.  :stoner:

Technically, at least, until the vote is held at the convention, he is still only the presumptive nominee.  However, the poll of unbound delegates that said they were going to vote for Trump, means nothing really. Any of those could still change their minds.
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: Crazy Horse on May 27, 2016, 07:36:13 PM
The denial is strong on this board.  :stoner:

You're a ****ing idiot.  Will Trump be the nominee, I would say yes, but would also remind you that until July 21, he isn't the nominee. 

There's no denial here.
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: Eupher on May 28, 2016, 03:18:58 PM
The denial is strong on this board.  :stoner:

Breathe deep and whisper to yourself:

"The Convention. The Convention. The Convention."

That's when your lord and savior may become, well, your lord and savior.
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: Hawkgirl on May 28, 2016, 07:47:33 PM
Look at the morons still thinking there is a chance for Reverend Cruz because it's not July 21st...and there may still be a wittle chance!!  :lol: Hold your breath guys!  NO really, hold it. :rofl:

Sigh, it's not even fun anymore how the butthurt brigade just can't accept reality....I feel sorry for you guys, Well, no, I don't.

Tell me it's not so until July 21st again. :rotf:
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: Chris_ on May 28, 2016, 09:05:09 PM
Do you call him Daddy when you fantasize about him?  :whatever:

Trolls gonna troll.
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: Crazy Horse on May 29, 2016, 05:31:07 AM
Look at the morons still thinking there is a chance for Reverend Cruz because it's not July 21st...and there may still be a wittle chance!!  :lol: Hold your breath guys!  NO really, hold it. :rofl:

Sigh, it's not even fun anymore how the butthurt brigade just can't accept reality....I feel sorry for you guys, Well, no, I don't.

Tell me it's not so until July 21st again. :rotf:

You such an idiot.  A lot of things can happen over the next two months and until the convention, Trump is not the nominee.  Where have I or others ever alluded to Cruz still having a chance?  I haven't.

See unlike you I can see clearly.  Trump was not my choice, but I believe he deserves the nomination because he won the required amount of delegates.  However I don't need to pledge blind worship on him like many have, including yourself.

After he becomes the nominee at the convention, he will then have my full support, he shall never have my blind devotion, worship or adoration. 

If you really want Trump as the President, maybe you should stop trolling and try mending fences with the people that didn't support him on the same side.
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: Hawkgirl on May 29, 2016, 12:50:39 PM
Do you call him Daddy when you fantasize about him?  :whatever:

Trolls gonna troll.

It's clear to anyone with a brain that if anyone is a troll here, it's you.  This is the thread that I started about my support (not idolization, as most of you like to claim) of Trump for President.  I have gotten nothing but grief from most of you, called names, insulted, all because of my support for Trump.  Perhaps you and your ilk don't see it because you're blinded by your own fantasy of having the ultimate constitutionalist conservative Reverend Ted as President...unfortunately for you, he has failed miserably.

So keep trolling my thread and my posts only shows how desperate and angry you are.  Most of the Cruz supporters who are the #neverTrump type are like you so easy to spot.  So keep crying about what could've been.

Crazy Horse, glad to see that you will support Trump as the nominee after he solidifies the nomination. :cheersmate:

Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: Belle on May 29, 2016, 01:57:41 PM
Hey, Hawkgirl, I've been a Trump supporter ever since he announced his candidacy. 

Yes, he's not a conservative.  Ryan, McConnell, Graham, Ayotte, Flake & McCain are conservatives.
Yes, he is a nationalist who loves America, & is proud to be an American.
Yes, I believe he will build a border, hopefully both north & south, since Canada elected a liberal government (Justin Trudeau...Syrian refugees welcome via military planes).
Yes, he will slow down the silent invasion.
& yes, he will never be PC! 

That said, it is in my opinion, that the majority here are pro-Cruz, & if not Cruz, never Trump.  &, in America, land of the free, that's fine with me.  It did get a little heated in here, so it was my choice to just pop in once in a while...& if that's not okay, someone just say so.   But some choices of words, in my opinion "Do you call him Daddy when you fantasize about him?" is way below the belt. 

It is true that anything can happen before the convention.  The GOPe haven't given up, that's for sure.  Ryan speaks with forked tongue, so whatever he says, I believe him as much as I believe Obama. I don't think he endorsed Trump yet, but if he does, it would be endosement-light.   
Here's a sampling of Ryan's faux conservatism:  His $1.1 Trillion Omnibus funded PP, syrian refugees, executive amnesty, sanctuary cities, illegal immigrant resettlement, quadrupled H-2B visas & much more spending. He helped give us ObamaTrade & the Iran deal.  He handed a bailout to Puerto Rico; don't expect much accountability.   

Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: thundley4 on May 29, 2016, 02:24:25 PM
Yes, he's not a conservative.  Ryan, McConnell, Graham, Ayotte, Flake & McCain are conservatives.

Like hell they are. If those guys were conservatives, Trump never would have had a chance, because those liberals would have supported Cruz if they were conservatives.

As for Trump he used to be almost as far left as Hillary on every stance, however for his ego fueled campaign, he is willing to say anything to get elected.
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: Belle on May 29, 2016, 02:43:37 PM
You're absolutely right, thundley.  I should have put "sarc" in brackets, because I was being facetious.  That's another topic for me, how the word conservative has been hijacked.  When McCain was running for re-election, he went down to the border, saying it must be closed, & emphasized his conservatism.  By the way, he has a real challenger now.  Unfortunately, the money in his war chest will probably buy him another term.

Ditto for Paul Ryan.
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: Patriot Guard Rider on May 29, 2016, 04:41:17 PM
It's clear to anyone with a brain that if anyone is a troll here, it's you.  This is the thread that I started about my support (not idolization, as most of you like to claim) of Trump for President.  I have gotten nothing but grief from most of you, called names, insulted, all because of my support for Trump.  Perhaps you and your ilk don't see it because you're blinded by your own fantasy of having the ultimate constitutionalist conservative Reverend Ted as President...unfortunately for you, he has failed miserably.

So keep trolling my thread and my posts only shows how desperate and angry you are.  Most of the Cruz supporters who are the #neverTrump type are like you so easy to spot.  So keep crying about what could've been.

H5 earned and given.

Crazy Horse, glad to see that you will support Trump as the nominee after he solidifies the nomination. :cheersmate:
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: Eupher on May 29, 2016, 05:16:39 PM
Look at the morons still thinking there is a chance for Reverend Cruz because it's not July 21st...and there may still be a wittle chance!!  :lol: Hold your breath guys!  NO really, hold it. :rofl:

Sigh, it's not even fun anymore how the butthurt brigade just can't accept reality....I feel sorry for you guys, Well, no, I don't.

Tell me it's not so until July 21st again. :rotf:

LOL. I just love it when the little girl shows up to take stock of things.  :-)

When you wake up from your dream world and realize that there is a convention that will take place, you just might arrive in that land inhabited by adults.
Title: Re: Trump Rally- FLORIDA
Post by: Hawkgirl on July 19, 2016, 06:24:59 PM
To the butthurt brigade:  It's official. :-)

I'll be back on Election Day when he wins the Election. :cheersmate:

We'll get it done with, or without you.