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Current Events => The DUmpster => Topic started by: dutch508 on January 28, 2016, 02:47:03 PM

Title: "Mormons plot attack at Paris Disney World." Jews claim they were gonna...
Post by: dutch508 on January 28, 2016, 02:47:03 PM
Fundamentalist Christian fanatics and Hasidim Jews plot mass murder at DisneyLand in Paris! Attack stopped by Pluto who sniffed out weapons in man's backpack!

MowCowWhoHow III (713 posts)

Disneyland Paris: Man arrested carrying two guns

Source: BBC

French police have arrested a man carrying two guns at an entrance to a hotel at Disneyland Paris.

The man, reportedly aged 28 and not known to security services, was also discovered with a copy of the Koran and a box of ammunition, police said.

He was stopped by security teams while entering the hotel at the much-visited theme park.

France remains in a state of emergency following the deadly Islamist attacks in Paris in November last year.

Read more:

#BREAKING Man arrested in Disneyland Paris hotel with 2 guns, Koran: police

BREAKING: European man, 28, arrested at Disnyeland Paris; his bag contained guns and copy of Koran: Police source

Whoa! Sneaky Jews carry koran to throw off police!

groundloop (4,103 posts)
1. Just exercising his Second Amendment rights.... oh... never mind

Spitfire of ATJ (28,449 posts)
2. The way Europe sees Americans....


Ace Rothstein (344 posts)
4. Huh?  This happened in Paris.
Spitfire of ATJ (28,449 posts)
5. Any article about someone walking around with guns invokes images of America....

Our nuts have a copy of the Bible on them.


Nye Bevan (22,746 posts)
7. Two guns and a Koran?

I'm guessing that his grievance is something other than the Space Mountain lines being too long?

MowCowWhoHow III (713 posts)
13. Gunman arrested at Disneyland Paris after trying to get into hotel with two automatic weapons

Gunman arrested at Disneyland Paris after trying to get into hotel with two automatic weapons

Anti-terrorist officers were today interviewing a man found with two automatic weapons at Disneyland Paris.

The 28-year-old, who has not been named, was initially stopped by security guards as he tried to get into the New York hotel at the theme park.

X-rays then revealed that he had the two guns in his rucksack, together with a box of 20 bullets and a small copy of the Koran translated into French.

He was with a woman, either his wife or girlfriend, who is thought to have escaped just as she was about to be seized by security guards.

She has now been arrested and is talking to police.

Another couple?

probably not automatic weapons but who knows. Europe is wide open with AKs and the like.

Star Member valerief (50,130 posts)
15. I wonder if guns are allowed in Disneyland LA or Disneyworld Orlando. nt

Title: Re: "Mormons plot attack at Paris Disney World." Jews claim they were gonna...
Post by: DLR Pyro on January 28, 2016, 03:45:23 PM
Shortly after the Mormon/Buddahist terror attack in Paris last November, Disneyland in Anaheim installed metal detectors at the security checkpoint.  Initially they were checking everyone, but after a few days of long lines and irate guests they began selecting guests at random to go thru the metal detectors. 

Yesterday I took my 2 grandsons to the park to watch the new Paint the Night parade and watch the fireworks.  As we (my daughter and her 2 sons) went thru the security checkpoint, I was asked to accompany a person who worked for private security company (not Disney security) and go thru a secondary check.  I had to remove my keys and cell phone and go thru a metal detector while 3 security workers watched.  After I was checked and cleared of whatever they were looking for,  I rejoined my daughter and grandsons to enter the park, my daughter asked my why I didn't I tell them I work in the Disneyland fireworks dept and not to hassle me.  I explained to her that they had no way of knowing I worked there since I was not in my uniform and no use in trying to get out of it since I had nothing to hide..  The whole time I was getting checked I was thinking to myself, "If you guys only knew that I come here almost every day, handle hundreds of pounds of explosives and set them off.

....and get paid to do it"
Title: Re: "Mormons plot attack at Paris Disney World." Jews claim they were gonna...
Post by: thundley4 on January 28, 2016, 03:47:50 PM
The whole time I was getting checked I was thinking to myself, "If you guys only knew that I come here almost every day, handle hundreds of pounds of explosives and set them off.

....and get paid to do it"

You didn't do that after they cleared you? Don't they have employee IDs for you guys?
Title: Re: "Mormons plot attack at Paris Disney World." Jews claim they were gonna...
Post by: Patriot Guard Rider on January 28, 2016, 04:58:52 PM
You didn't do that after they cleared you? Don't they have employee IDs for you guys?

I would have, I Gar un tee (Justin Wilson, if you remember who he was).
Title: Re: "Mormons plot attack at Paris Disney World." Jews claim they were gonna...
Post by: freedumb2003b on January 28, 2016, 05:03:27 PM
You didn't do that after they cleared you? Don't they have employee IDs for you guys?

Cast member cards?
Title: Re: "Mormons plot attack at Paris Disney World." Jews claim they were gonna...
Post by: thundley4 on January 28, 2016, 05:10:48 PM
Cast member cards?

I think someone cleared to basically handle explosives on Disney property might have a little more than that.
Title: Re: "Mormons plot attack at Paris Disney World." Jews claim they were gonna...
Post by: freedumb2003b on January 28, 2016, 05:24:59 PM
I think someone cleared to basically handle explosives on Disney property might have a little more than that.

They are all cast members -- even Walt himself was a cast member.
Title: Re: "Mormons plot attack at Paris Disney World." Jews claim they were gonna...
Post by: Carl on January 28, 2016, 05:34:11 PM
Response to MowCowWhoHow III (Original post)

Thu Jan 28, 2016, 06:22 PM

Star Member ProudToBeBlueInRhody (14,488 posts)
29. I'm still trying to figure out how the first half of the thread was a rant about dumb Americans

Oh wait, it's DU.

Dodge and deflect from the protected.

You swim in shit and wonder why it stinks.
Title: Re: "Mormons plot attack at Paris Disney World." Jews claim they were gonna...
Post by: thundley4 on January 28, 2016, 05:34:55 PM
They are all cast members -- even Walt himself was a cast member.

He still is, they thawed him out and rejuvenated him a couple of years ago.
Title: Re: "Mormons plot attack at Paris Disney World." Jews claim they were gonna...
Post by: DLR Pyro on January 28, 2016, 05:35:50 PM
I think someone cleared to basically handle explosives on Disney property might have a little more than that.
No, just a standard cast member ID card every other cast member carries.   I do have an employee possessor form approved by the ATF on file with H.R. at Disneyland, but I don't carry it on me.
Title: Re: "Mormons plot attack at Paris Disney World." Jews claim they were gonna...
Post by: thundley4 on January 28, 2016, 05:53:51 PM
No, just a standard cast member ID card every other cast member carries.   I do have an employee possessor form approved by the ATF on file with H.R. at Disneyland, but I don't carry it on me.

Do they do background checks?
Title: Re: "Mormons plot attack at Paris Disney World." Jews claim they were gonna...
Post by: DLR Pyro on January 28, 2016, 06:18:33 PM
Do they do background checks?
ATF does when you submit an Employee possessor form.  We had one guy who worked with us denied because he had the same name as a bad guy,  He was eventually cleared and got his form signed, but he could not touch any explosive item until that was taken care of.
Title: Re: "Mormons plot attack at Paris Disney World." Jews claim they were gonna...
Post by: CollectivismMustDie on January 28, 2016, 06:30:28 PM

Title: Re: "Mormons plot attack at Paris Disney World." Jews claim they were gonna...
Post by: Movie buff- The Sequel on January 29, 2016, 06:00:21 AM
"Spitfire of ATJ (28,449 posts)
5. Any article about someone walking around with guns invokes images of America....

Our nuts have a copy of the Bible on them."
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think ANY of our mass shooters in recent years have been fundamentalist Christians.
Most are Muslims, like this fine fellow.
Title: Re: "Mormons plot attack at Paris Disney World." Jews claim they were gonna...
Post by: diesel driver on January 29, 2016, 08:38:40 AM
...The whole time I was getting checked I was thinking to myself, "If you guys only knew that I come here almost every day, handle hundreds of pounds of explosives and set them off.

....and get paid to do it"

DLR Pyro, I  :bow: before you!!  You have a redneck's ideal dream job!   :cheersmate:
Title: Re: "Mormons plot attack at Paris Disney World." Jews claim they were gonna...
Post by: SVPete on January 29, 2016, 08:39:31 AM
"Spitfire of ATJ (28,449 posts)
5. Any article about someone walking around with guns invokes images of America....

Our nuts have a copy of the Bible on them."
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think ANY of our mass shooters in recent years have been fundamentalist Christians.
Most are Muslims, like this fine fellow.

Well, there was that Evangelical Christian lady in Colorado Springs several years ago who was carrying ... except she stopped a mass shooting rather than perpetrating it.
Title: Re: "Mormons plot attack at Paris Disney World." Jews claim they were gonna...
Post by: SVPete on January 29, 2016, 08:40:37 AM
If the perpetrator of an act of terror was a Muslim, did it happen?
Title: Re: "Mormons plot attack at Paris Disney World." Jews claim they were gonna...
Post by: Mr Mannn on January 29, 2016, 09:16:00 AM
A terror attack/mass murder was thwarted, and all the DUmmies can do is repeat gun grabber talking points.

The ability to miss the obvious truth screaming in front of them is amazing to behold.
Title: Re: "Mormons plot attack at Paris Disney World." Jews claim they were gonna...
Post by: Carl on January 29, 2016, 09:30:23 AM
A terror attack/mass murder was thwarted, and all the DUmmies can do is repeat gun grabber talking points.

The ability to miss the obvious truth screaming in front of them is amazing to behold.

All they read and their retarded minds saw was this.

Disneyland Paris: Man arrested carrying two guns
Title: Re: "Mormons plot attack at Paris Disney World." Jews claim they were gonna...
Post by: Movie buff- The Sequel on January 29, 2016, 09:57:15 AM
btw, I wouldn't be surprised if a terror attack happened at an amusement park. First, the Jihadists could see them as epitomizing Western materialism and excess. Second, there are obviously a LOT of people there when they're at peak hours, both visitors and staff. Third, the long lines to get onto rides could be seen as prime targets for suicide bombers, especially when the lines go inside the ride buildings, since explosions in there could cause structural collapses.
I've been to Universal Orlando loads of times, and I often see Muslims there, especially burka- clad women. I don't see them in the lines for the rides, at the eateries, or the gift shops. They're generally just walking aimlessly around looking at the sights, almost as if they're casing it to look for ideal target areas.
A terror attack/mass murder was thwarted, and all the DUmmies can do is repeat gun grabber talking points.

The ability to miss the obvious truth screaming in front of them is amazing to behold.

Is it really that surprising to you?
They've always cared more about their politics and talking points than about the actual safety of their fellow men.
If they can't exploit it, it means nothing to them.
Title: Re: "Mormons plot attack at Paris Disney World." Jews claim they were gonna...
Post by: Big Dog on January 29, 2016, 10:23:25 AM
Thank Dog that Gendarme Goofy was on the job!

Title: Re: "Mormons plot attack at Paris Disney World." Jews claim they were gonna...
Post by: Fourwinds on January 29, 2016, 10:26:14 AM
Well, there was that Evangelical Christian lady in Colorado Springs several years ago who was carrying ... except she stopped a mass shooting rather than perpetrating it.

Would that be the lady that stopped that mutt from going on a complete tear through New Life Church?
Title: Re: "Mormons plot attack at Paris Disney World." Jews claim they were gonna...
Post by: SVPete on January 29, 2016, 11:24:33 AM

Would that be the lady that stopped that mutt from going on a complete tear through New Life Church?

And earlier he had killed two people at the YWAM base in Arvada, CO (near Denver). New Life Church is in Colorado Spring, FWIW.
Title: Re: "Mormons plot attack at Paris Disney World." Jews claim they were gonna...
Post by: Fourwinds on January 29, 2016, 01:23:13 PM
And earlier he had killed two people at the YWAM base in Arvada, CO (near Denver). New Life Church is in Colorado Spring, FWIW.

Yeah I attend that church, it was in 2007 I believe. A few years before I started going. These days, good luck with trying that. The security rolls concealed and there is CSPD present both outside and inside the church.
Title: Re: "Mormons plot attack at Paris Disney World." Jews claim they were gonna...
Post by: Movie buff- The Sequel on February 01, 2016, 09:33:43 AM
And earlier he had killed two people at the YWAM base in Arvada, CO (near Denver). New Life Church is in Colorado Spring, FWIW.
And the DUmmies portrayed that psycho as a noble hero standing up for gay rights, portrayed the churchgoers he targeted as evil fundy fanatics who all deserved to die, and portrayed the woman who stopped his rampage as a bloodthirsty lunatic.
Title: Re: "Mormons plot attack at Paris Disney World." Jews claim they were gonna...
Post by: Big Dog on February 01, 2016, 09:55:30 AM
And the DUmmies portrayed that psycho as a noble hero standing up for gay rights, portrayed the churchgoers he targeted as evil fundy fanatics who all deserved to die, and portrayed the woman who stopped his rampage as a bloodthirsty lunatic.

Reinforcing what we have always known about DUmmies- that their collective moral compass points due south.

Note: As DUmmies are avowed collectivists, it is not hypocritical for me, a classical individualist, to ascribe to them a collective moral compass. I measured them using their own yardstick.
Title: Re: "Mormons plot attack at Paris Disney World." Jews claim they were gonna...
Post by: SVPete on February 01, 2016, 11:15:20 AM
And the DUmmies portrayed that psycho as a noble hero standing up for gay rights, portrayed the churchgoers he targeted as evil fundy fanatics who all deserved to die, and portrayed the woman who stopped his rampage as a bloodthirsty lunatic.

IIRC, the guy had some real head problems, but I hadn't heard that he was into gay "rights". Not that facts necessarily matter to DU-folk. A year or so prior to the shooting, the kid, who had been raised as a Christian, attempted a Discipleship Training School at the Youth With A Mission base in Arvada.

A DTS has 3 basic elements: 3-4 months of intensive teaching and counseling, plus on-base and community service; followed by ~2 months of outreach, usually outside of the US. Before a DTS student is allowed to go on the outreach, the DTS school leaders have to approve their being part of the outreach team.

The kid was not approved, due to issues during the lecture/service phase. And that was his tie to and resentment toward the Arvada YWAM base.
Title: Re: "Mormons plot attack at Paris Disney World." Jews claim they were gonna...
Post by: wasp69 on February 01, 2016, 11:33:12 AM
And the DUmmies portrayed that psycho as a noble hero standing up for gay rights, portrayed the churchgoers he targeted as evil fundy fanatics who all deserved to die, and portrayed the woman who stopped his rampage as a bloodthirsty lunatic.

Can you link that one?  I'm not doubting you, but I just don't remember it.