The Conservative Cave

Current Events => Terrorism In the US and Around the World => Topic started by: BlueStateSaint on November 05, 2015, 08:35:38 AM

Title: Mass immigration is on the verge of DESTROYING Europe
Post by: BlueStateSaint on November 05, 2015, 08:35:38 AM
I was originally going to put this in the "News from the Mexican Border" forum, because the thrust of the argument in this article is the same as it is at the Mexican border . . .

Mass immigration is on the verge of DESTROYING Europe, blasts LEO MCKINSTRY

SEVERAL millennia were required to build European civilisation but its impending destruction has been the work of just a few years, carried out by a cadre of irresponsible, unpatriotic and deluded politicians led by German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

By Leo McKinstry

PUBLISHED: 08:25, Thu, Nov 5, 2015 | UPDATED: 09:05, Thu, Nov 5, 2015
The mass immigration is on the verge of destroying Europe[/i]

Dressing up their vandalism as compassion and their cowardice as moral superiority, these leaders have created an immigration crisis so profound that the very existence of our European culture and heritage is under mortal threat.

The tragic paradox of the obsession with free movement and the abolition of national identities is that Europe in any meaningful sense will probably cease to exist this century.

As the social revolution accelerates traditional values of democracy, freedom and solidarity will be replaced by conflict, sectarianism, oppression and intolerance.

Increasingly Islamified, barbaric and poverty-stricken, Europe will become indistinguishable from large swathes of North Africa and the Middle East.

Even the stupendously high levels of mass immigration over the past two decades are now dwarfed by the colossal flood of new arrivals that has occurred since the early summer when Merkel made her woefully illconceived pledge that ­Germany would welcome anyone claiming to be a refugee.

The rest is here:

Mass immigration could destroy the US, as well.
Title: Re: Mass immigration is on the verge of DESTROYING Europe
Post by: DLR Pyro on November 05, 2015, 09:05:35 AM

Mass immigration could destroy the US, as well.
As long as it means more votes for the democrat party, the left doesn't care.
Title: Re: Mass immigration is on the verge of DESTROYING Europe
Post by: Belle on November 05, 2015, 10:18:49 PM
DLR Pyro: 
As long as it means more votes for the democrat party, the left doesn't care.

Agree, but may I add that O & his loyal progressives so loathe America, that this administration is hastening our destruction on so many levels...mass immigration, open borders, young male refugee Syrians, bringing in thousands after thousands of a dependency class to weaken the religious, economic, social, moral & constitutional fabric of our once great America.  & because there is no opposition party, there is no stopping this.
Title: Re: Mass immigration is on the verge of DESTROYING Europe
Post by: Revolution on November 06, 2015, 02:13:21 AM
Until we mold and/or acquire someone with a backbone, and a working brain that doesn't cow tow to the other side (Hi John McCain, Lindsey Grahm, etc) who is a true CONSERVATIVE, (not republican...f that.) who believes in god, guns, country, being great, winners/losers, AND strong military to keep the bastards that hate us at bay, we way as well bend over.
Title: Re: Mass immigration is on the verge of DESTROYING Europe
Post by: libertybele on November 06, 2015, 07:03:26 AM
As long as it means more votes for the democrat party, the left doesn't care.

That's it in a nutshell.  Take into consideration that there are already over 20,000,000 (conservatively) illegals that Barry wants to grant amnesty to.  In addition to that number, Barry has stated that he is going to allow 85,000 refugees ANNUALLY into this country.  Refugees are eligible for citizenship within 5 years (just in time for the 2020 election).  In the meantime they are given money from the government and encouraged to enroll in various programs and they are considered to have the same "rights" as citizens.

If Barry has his way the DEMS will have accumulated at least 20,500,000 new voters.

Voila!  Transformation of America complete!
Title: Re: Mass immigration is on the verge of DESTROYING Europe
Post by: libertybele on November 06, 2015, 07:09:44 AM
Until we mold and/or acquire someone with a backbone, and a working brain that doesn't cow tow to the other side (Hi John McCain, Lindsey Grahm, etc) who is a true CONSERVATIVE, (not republican...f that.) who believes in god, guns, country, being great, winners/losers, AND strong military to keep the bastards that hate us at bay, we way as well bend over.

We don't need to "mold" anyone.  First of all, we don't have time and secondly we already have someone.  Ted Cruz.  He is the ONLY one that has fought against amnesty.  He is the ONLY one that has stood up to McConnell and Boehner.  He has stood up to the Washington cartel time and time again.  He is a constitutionalist and his conservative credentials are impeccable.

Ted Cruz 2016.  Reigniting the Promise of America!
Title: Re: Mass immigration is on the verge of DESTROYING Europe
Post by: obumazombie on November 06, 2015, 04:38:08 PM
Europe shouldn't be made out to be the Lone Ranger.
Mass immigration is killing us here in our own country...the good old US of A.
Title: Re: Mass immigration is on the verge of DESTROYING Europe
Post by: libertybele on November 08, 2015, 07:57:17 AM
Europe shouldn't be made out to be the Lone Ranger.
Mass immigration is killing us here in our own country...the good old US of A.

The Obama administration has increased the number of refugees into this country from 75,000 to 85,000 ANNUALLY.  That is in addition to the illegals that are still pouring over our borders.

Refugees may stay in this country indefinitely and can apply for citizenship within 5 years and will be eligible to vote. As refugees they are given the rights of citizens, they are given $925 to help them get started and they are encouraged to apply for government assistance.
Title: Re: Mass immigration is on the verge of DESTROYING Europe
Post by: obumazombie on November 08, 2015, 01:19:22 PM
Bill Clinton ordered the INS and all immigration services to make 1 million new immigrants US citizens for his reelection.
It is all detailed in "Adios America" by Ann Coulter.