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Current Events => The DUmpster => Topic started by: dutch508 on November 02, 2015, 05:00:05 PM

Title: What is wrong with Ben Carson?
Post by: dutch508 on November 02, 2015, 05:00:05 PM
Bigmack (7,726 posts)

Ben Carson....why is he not doing anything in medicine..?

The man was indisputably a brilliant neurosurgeon.

Why isn't he consulting/teaching/mentoring/something?

I know everybody gets to decide when they are going to retire, but guys with life-saving skills and his kind of experience need to teach their craft to others. Don't they? Aren't they in demand?

Is there something I've missed? Some scandal or something?

Additionally, is it possible he's got some sort of dementia starting..? His affect is so low-key that it makes me wonder. Are his strange beliefs and lack of knowledge about such things as foreign policy topics that he should know about indicative of anything other than the usual Tea delusions?


In 2002, Carson was forced to cut back on his break-neck pace after developing prostate cancer. He took an active role in his own case, reviewing X-rays and consulting with the team of surgeons who operated on him. Carson fully recovered from the operation cancer-free. The brush with death caused him to adjust his life to spend more time with his wife and their three children, Murray, Benjamin, Jr. and Rhoeyce.

After his recovery, Carson still kept a busy schedule, performing nearly 300 operations a year and speaking to various groups around the country. He has written several books including the autobiography Gifted Hands (1996). Three other works, The Big Picture (2000) and Think Big (2006), Take the Risk: Learning to Identify, Choose, and Live with Acceptable Risk (2009) are about his personal philosophies on success, hard work, risk and faith in God.

In recent years, Carson has focused more on politics than practicing medicine. He has been known as an outspoken conservative Republican. In 2012, he published America the Beautiful: Rediscovering What Made This Nation Great. In February 2013, Carson attracted a lot of attention for his speech at the National Prayer Breakfast. He criticized President Barack Obama for his positions on taxation and health care. He announced that he was officially retiring from his career as a surgeon the following month. That October, he was hired by Fox News in October 2013 to work as a contributor. In May 2014, Carson published his book One Nation: What We Can All Do To Save America's Future.

[that took 3 seconds of google-fu]

montanacowboy (3,671 posts)
4. Why has he retired?

it does not make sense - the great Dr Carson just quits medicine?

something does not smell right here - and his more than strange behavior, eyes closed, almost mumbling, like he is in a trance or something - there is some awful truth hidden here

Old Codger (2,911 posts)
6. It's like this

Crazy, lunatics don't need a reason for anything they do....In his case he thinks he is so far ahead of and above all things other than what he thinks of.. Surgeons are well known for their "god" syndromes

Peregrine Took (4,717 posts)
11. Was he really a "brilliant" neurosurgeon?

Who said so other than himself. What has Johns Hopkins ever said about him?

NV Whino (19,018 posts)
13. Could have something to do with malpractice suits

This is a pretty thorough discussion. It appears two suits are still pending. It also mentions, that because Johns Hopkins covers its doctor's malpractice insurance, there may be more suits naming the hospital but not specifically the doctor.

Vinca (25,078 posts)
15. I've wondered if Johns Hopkins gave him the retire or be fired option after he began exhibiting

signs of far right wing neurosis. He might be the world's best neurosurgeon, but I've got enough intact gray matter not to let him near me.

sorefeet (869 posts)
18. So his worth is 26 million that seems to be a lot of brain surgery. How much of that was taxpayer bucks. I personally think the guy has a screw loose.

could be the several top ten books he has written

GoldenOldie (1,532 posts)
20. Possibly some form of Autism? My daughter a mental health therapist thought he may have some form of be Autism. He could be brilliant in Medicine yet have difficulties in other formats.

Title: Re: What is wrong with Ben Carson?
Post by: Patriot Guard Rider on November 02, 2015, 05:44:07 PM

In 2002, Carson was forced to cut back on his break-neck pace after developing prostate cancer. He took an active role in his own case, reviewing X-rays and consulting with the team of surgeons who operated on him. Carson fully recovered from the operation cancer-free. The brush with death caused him to adjust his life to spend more time with his wife and their three children, Murray, Benjamin, Jr. and Rhoeyce.

After his recovery, Carson still kept a busy schedule, performing nearly 300 operations a year and speaking to various groups around the country. He has written several books including the autobiography Gifted Hands (1996). Three other works, The Big Picture (2000) and Think Big (2006), Take the Risk: Learning to Identify, Choose, and Live with Acceptable Risk (2009) are about his personal philosophies on success, hard work, risk and faith in God.

In recent years, Carson has focused more on politics than practicing medicine. He has been known as an outspoken conservative Republican. In 2012, he published America the Beautiful: Rediscovering What Made This Nation Great. In February 2013, Carson attracted a lot of attention for his speech at the National Prayer Breakfast. He criticized President Barack Obama for his positions on taxation and health care. He announced that he was officially retiring from his career as a surgeon the following month. That October, he was hired by Fox News in October 2013 to work as a contributor. In May 2014, Carson published his book One Nation: What We Can All Do To Save America's Future.

[that took 3 seconds of google-fu]

could be the several top ten books he has written

IF Ben Carson was a liberal, you idiots would be singing his praises and elevate him to a level almost as high as your current jugears.
Title: Re: What is wrong with Ben Carson?
Post by: Carl on November 02, 2015, 05:54:16 PM
How dare the black man not do the leftist bidding.
Title: Re: What is wrong with Ben Carson?
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on November 02, 2015, 06:02:54 PM
"What's wrong with Ben Carson?"

Independent thinking while black.
Title: Re: What is wrong with Ben Carson?
Post by: freedumb2003b on November 02, 2015, 06:31:30 PM
"What's wrong with Ben Carson?"

Independent thinking while black.

Nothing pisses liberals more than a Negro leaving the plantation.  The path to independence for them darkies (in the minds of liberals) is the Underground (thought) Railroad.

Title: Re: What is wrong with Ben Carson?
Post by: DUmpsterDiver on November 02, 2015, 07:07:23 PM
Ben just ain't with the program of survival.   Bless his heart for trying to make the Dindoos do sumptin. 
Title: Re: What is wrong with Ben Carson?
Post by: DLR Pyro on November 02, 2015, 08:01:21 PM
That's rich. A DUmmy who thinks he has the moral high road to tell Dr Carson he should be working instead of enjoying his well deserved retirement.
Title: Re: What is wrong with Ben Carson?
Post by: Ken8521 on November 02, 2015, 08:02:48 PM
"What's wrong with Ben Carson?"

Independent thinking while black.

I was gonna say "Republican while Black"... but yours works to.. :)
Title: Re: What is wrong with Ben Carson?
Post by: txradioguy on November 02, 2015, 08:04:52 PM
Once again the DUmmies are digging for dirt and conspiracies where there are neither.
Title: Re: What is wrong with Ben Carson?
Post by: Fourwinds on November 02, 2015, 08:21:41 PM
What is wrong with Ben Carson? Well let's make a list.

1. He is intelligent

2. He is a hard worker

3. He can separate the truth from crap

4. He has accomplishments

5. He has manners and class

Basically DUmmies, he is and has everything you do not and are not. That's why in your tiny drug addled minds you believe there is something wrong with him.
Title: Re: What is wrong with Ben Carson?
Post by: Delmar on November 02, 2015, 08:39:02 PM
Response to Bigmack (Original post)Sun Nov 1, 2015, 10:44 PM
Peregrine Took (4,717 posts)
11. Was he really a "brilliant" neurosurgeon?

Who said so other than himself. What has Johns Hopkins ever said about him?

This primitive must be getting Dr. Carson mixed up with Sir Golfsalot.

Mr. Obama may have overestimated himself: he has also had a habit of warning new hires that he would be able to do their jobs better than they could.

“I think that I’m a better speechwriter than my speechwriters,” Mr. Obama told Patrick Gaspard, his political director, at the start of the 2008 campaign, according to The New Yorker. “I know more about policies on any particular issue than my policy directors. And I’ll tell you right now that I’m going to think I’m a better political director than my political director.”

Dr. Carson is fine.  But what the hell is wrong with the POS used car salesman?
Title: Re: What is wrong with Ben Carson?
Post by: txradioguy on November 02, 2015, 08:47:17 PM
Amazing how litle it takes to bring out the racism and bigotry of the DUmp.
Title: Re: What is wrong with Ben Carson?
Post by: FiddyBeowulf on November 03, 2015, 12:08:30 PM
Nothing says how ****ed up the DUmp is than the hero worship of the "Gentle Giant" Michael Brown and their insane hate of Ben Carson.

Title: Re: What is wrong with Ben Carson?
Post by: Carl on November 03, 2015, 12:24:15 PM
Response to Bigmack (Original post)

Mon Nov 2, 2015, 07:14 PM

Star Member bravenak (17,002 posts)
32. Ummm? He got prostate Cancer? That could seriously cut down on hours spent in surgery.

He does not seem to have dementia. It's just the blunts we be tokin at the Black people reunions!! Hey! J/K
No. He seems perfectly normal. He has always been kinda low key. No scandal that he won't tell on his own, nothing to dig up, he admits to his dirt. He was a Surgeon and science major not political science, so that's whats up with his foreign policy.
Do not know what strange beliefs means. Religious? Not any stranger than any other religion, imo.

Response to Bigmack (Original post)

Tue Nov 3, 2015, 12:27 AM

Star Member BigDemVoter (1,149 posts)
42. I am beginning to wonder just how brilliant of a surgeon he was.

He doesn't believe in evolution, and after all the other foolish things he's stated, I don't know that I would let that asshole operate on me or any other member of my family.

Response to BigDemVoter (Reply #42)

Tue Nov 3, 2015, 02:42 AM

Star Member bravenak (17,002 posts)
43. REALLY? My god. He pioneered an operation to separate conjoined twins!

How can he not be brilliant? He can be both, a brilliant surgeon AND a conservative christian.
Many blacks are conservative christians, I hope we can try not to run them off. Much of my family does not believe in evolution. They are not idiots. Religious.
He can out surgeon most surgeons. This is painful to watch. I hate this.

Will give her credit for being consistent.
Title: Re: What is wrong with Ben Carson?
Post by: hillneck on November 03, 2015, 12:24:52 PM
What is wrong with Ben Carson?

He decided to venture off the plantation and stand on his own two feet.  That according to the DUmmie way of thinking is craziness.
Title: Re: What is wrong with Ben Carson?
Post by: Duke Nukum on November 03, 2015, 01:00:06 PM
I wonder if Doctor Carson used to hang around the Johns-Hopkins mail room back in the day....?
Title: Re: What is wrong with Ben Carson?
Post by: Ralph Wiggum on November 03, 2015, 01:04:06 PM
I wonder if Doctor Carson used to hang around the Johns-Hopkins mail room back in the day....?
Title: Re: What is wrong with Ben Carson?
Post by: jukin on November 03, 2015, 02:22:21 PM
The DUchebags want the black doctor to be a slave to save lives? I bet just white lives like the DUche's lives.

Once again the true racists and slave drivers show themselves to be leftists/progressives.

Another trait of high IQ people is thinking black men should be forced into labor. Who knew?
Title: Re: What is wrong with Ben Carson?
Post by: SVPete on November 03, 2015, 07:27:35 PM
Will give her credit for being consistent.
Out of the context of who/what bn is, definite kudos for knowing somewhat of Carson and giving him the credit he is due. In that context, well, I don't know enough of her to know what that might be. Would bn, for example, have spoken up if DU-folk were among the Progs who crapped on G. W. Bush's TANG service? Would bn, for example, have spoken up if DU-folk were among the Progs who crapped on G. H. W. Bush's Navy service and DFC?

If I sound skeptical in those questions, I am, but based on what I've seen of Libs/Progs such as those who frequent DU and similar fever swamps. Not on extensive knowledge of bn.

The a priori assumption of many Libs/Progs is that only idiots, and/or mental cases, and/or evil persons would disagree with them. That's the lens through which they "see" a Carson, Rice, Bush, or Reagan. It'd be nice to think bn might notice and reflect on that, but I won't be turning blue waiting for that possibility.
Title: Re: What is wrong with Ben Carson?
Post by: txradioguy on November 04, 2015, 02:58:44 AM
Poor Brave Neck just doesn't seem to grasp the fact that her fellow Primitives will dismiss any accomplishment...any brilliance a person might have...if they don't vote Democrat.
Title: Re: What is wrong with Ben Carson?
Post by: Carl on November 04, 2015, 04:35:47 AM
Out of the context of who/what bn is, definite kudos for knowing somewhat of Carson and giving him the credit he is due. In that context, well, I don't know enough of her to know what that might be. Would bn, for example, have spoken up if DU-folk were among the Progs who crapped on G. W. Bush's TANG service? Would bn, for example, have spoken up if DU-folk were among the Progs who crapped on G. H. W. Bush's Navy service and DFC?

If I sound skeptical in those questions, I am, but based on what I've seen of Libs/Progs such as those who frequent DU and similar fever swamps. Not on extensive knowledge of bn.

The a priori assumption of many Libs/Progs is that only idiots, and/or mental cases, and/or evil persons would disagree with them. That's the lens through which they "see" a Carson, Rice, Bush, or Reagan. It'd be nice to think bn might notice and reflect on that, but I won't be turning blue waiting for that possibility.

Oh hell no,if he was not black she would be leading the crowd but at least giving her minimal credit for not being a hypocrite this time.
Title: Re: What is wrong with Ben Carson?
Post by: SVPete on November 04, 2015, 08:16:06 AM
Oh hell no,if he was not black she would be leading the crowd but at least giving her minimal credit for not being a hypocrite this time.

If she's posting the truth about Carson out of racial solidarity she's doing a right thing for a very wrong reason. Not much creditable in that, IMO.
Title: Re: What is wrong with Ben Carson?
Post by: Carl on November 04, 2015, 08:25:24 AM
If she's posting the truth about Carson out of racial solidarity she's doing a right thing for a very wrong reason. Not much creditable in that, IMO.

No but it is far ahead of most leftists who scream to the mountaintops how much they support minorities,women etc.
That is until one dares not to toe the party line.