Author Topic: Just more DUmp Racism and Sexism..  (Read 271 times)

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Offline RuralNc

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Just more DUmp Racism and Sexism..
« on: June 24, 2022, 09:30:35 PM »
Over the years, observing Skins Island, its amazing at how Racist and Sexist the inhabitants are. Maybe its a good thing they/them are all stuck there. God help polite society if these mutts would escape. But then, maybe the opportunity to put them/they down, would present itself.

Anyways, they are pissed...

milestogo (12,607 posts)

**** you, Amy Coney Barrett

What kind of woman joins in an attack on women's rights?

You are despicable.

Lets just play along here. But im guessing a woman who can think for herself? Maybe a woman who has some dignity and self-respect? Something you mutts dont have the foggiest clue about? Im guessing.

It goes on and on. Calling her all sorts of inappropriate names. Making claims about how she is brainwashed and cant think on her own.

Eliot Rosewater (28,682 posts)

27. I'm serious, she is part of a sect of her religion where Women bow to men about


Someone here has to know about it and can link it.

Hey! Its the lying POS Eliot Rosewater! So... Eliot. You are just making more shit up? Sounds about right out of you. Dont have a link? Of coure not. Because your lying. Like always. And trying to drag more DUmp idiots into your own delusions. You really need help.  :loser:

Ocelot II (100,507 posts)

20. There are always people who side with their oppressors.

Log Cabin Republicans remain loyal to a party that thinks they're perverted. There are Black Republicans despite the GOP's increasingly overt racism. Clarence Thomas has consistently opposed affirmative action and other measures that benefit Black people. I don't get it either.

You act surprised that some Black folk escaped the Plantation, try as you might to stop that.

Opposing Affirmative Action. You mean the program that (prentends to) benefit people based on the color of their skin, as opposed to the content of their character? Yeah I cant imagine why anyone would oppose that. Democrats seem all over the concept of Affirm..... hold on! The Dem's had slaves! The Dem's started War! The Dem's started the KKK! The Dem's fought Segregation! The Dem's turned the water hoses on the Blacks! And Released the attack Dogs....  its as if the Democrats are the racists. Imagine that.

Maybe Justice Thomas sees thru your bullshit?

milestogo (12,607 posts)

30. Clarence Thomas is black but he doesn't identify with most blacks.

He probably thinks he's actually a white man trapped in a black man's body.

Ginny Thomas is a woman but doesn't identify with most women. She thinks she's a man, because she uses her husband's power. And she doesn't care about actual women at all.

Wow. Yall are a special lot. And the question begs to be asked of all DUers. Why are you so racist? We as a nation have moved past judging people by their skin color.