Author Topic: #4 - nadinbrezinski  (Read 15944 times)

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Offline delilahmused

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#4 - nadinbrezinski
« on: January 17, 2016, 11:56:56 PM »
Nads is an expert at everything, which is why she constantly tries to educate the denizens of DU. It's all to no avail since they rarely understand enough to appreciate it. She has had a job in every industry known to man. It's a mystery how she managed to fit all these careers in, even at her age, but the list is stunning. Right now she considers herself a journalist IRL. Journalism is a rather ironic career for her given her mangled grammar & tortured spelling which would be disqualifying for anyone else. With the other winners I've tried to put their posts/threads together by theme but Nads is so ****ing confused & all over the place I just resigned myself to doing it by date. Choosing just a few to highlight was a nearly impossible task but eventually I managed to whittle them down to three because I remembered that regardless of the topic the conversations are the same.

Our first selection is a thread that was locked for being off topic.
"I gotta make a point about language and issues".

She's bitching about the amount of frivolous discussions. She used to refer to them as "crunchy". Nads would like to discuss ISSUES & policy but the other DUmmies would rather discuss novels and WORD issues. As she considers herself intellectually superior and a political expert, those discussions are beneath her. Given that she's ridiculed in nearly every thread she posts about "ISSUES & policy", you'd think Nads would welcome some crunchy topics. I have no idea where on DU she hangs out because we constantly bring over threads relating to these subjects. Maybe she should check the Cave everyday to find links to those discussions.

nadinbrzezinski (142,759 posts)

I gotta make a point about language and issues

This discussion thread was locked as off-topic by one_voice (a host of the General Discussion forum).
Sabrina has made the point, and I have observed the same. You cannot really have a discussion here about ISSUES. You really cannot deal in this place with real policy issues. That is a fact.

People spend a LLLLOOOOTTT of time on things like shitty novels, and the use of a WORD.

Some of us would like to talk policy in the depth some do here over a so called novel.

See, she's spent her time with REAL PEOPLE doing "real" things but no one wants to discuss them. Damn them! Damn them all to hell!

Over the last few years I have spent my time with people who are actually affected by things like pay, unequal pay, getting enough hours at work, what WELFARE REFORM has done to them, childcare, or more precisely lack of it. There are other issues that matter to these folks, including rape in the workplace, not just in the armed forces. Trust me,a word is not at the top of the list. Not even near the middle to be exact. It is the kind of things parents tell children you do not use.

Posts on policy sink like a rock. Why? There is no obvious interest in those things.

Onto tribes. Evidently there are two but supposedly both concern issues that affect working people, minorities & women. I would consider those policy topics, but this is nads. One tribe discusses words. I'm guessing ones you can and cannot say, which to the left is a very important issue. The other tribe discusses not word related issues, including the ERA. Not sure if she means the long ago rejected Equal Rights Amendment, earned run average or time periods. Have no idea what DU's reputation has to do with other places on the web, but it's important to her. Lately there have been hissy fits between the two tribes and that bothers her.

Not that it matters to me. I really don't give a shit about the reputation this place has as far as policy discussion in other places of the web. It is not my concern. Suffice it to say, when it comes to issue centered discussions, it is not that good. In fact, it is pretty bad.

And yes, we have to watch what we say and what we do... becuase of a small, but very loud clique.

And I must say today we saw far more evidence of that war between two major tribes and several sub groups. It makes taking this place seriously even less likely.

One wonders why she even bothered.

I expect this to be locked, par for the course. It is what it is... it is DU and very predictable as well.

And now comes the laundry list of people she knows. I guess this is supposed to prove her dedication to policy issues, why she cares and (of course) her vast and in depth knowledge of said issues. Don't know why she should be so concerned about DU since she can discuss them with real people: labor leaders, strong women, leaders in education, mothers. Budgets which are political documents (she doesn't specify which documents), infrastructure or war.

I am honored to know labor leaders, strong women, who do fight the fight and walk the walk. They are the real people doing the real fight. I am honored to know leaders in education who also talk the talk and walk the walk. Those are real flesh and blood folks.

I am honored to know mothers, taking on the judicial system, to save their kids from mass incarceration. They walk the walk and talk the talk.

And I concluded this place is NOT a place to talk budgets, which are economic and political documents. It is also not the place to talk infrastructure... or for that matter issues of war and peace.

And then the topic changes completely to the election in Mexico. One municipality has "anuled" the results. I've never heard the word "anul" before but given nadin's vast vocabulary, I looked it up using her most trusted resource. A google search shows it's a misspelling of the word "anal". Can't imagine what they're voting on. Sadly, this is not a bug but by design. I've always thought a bug was an insect or a problem having to do with computers and similar devices. Maybe Skins put in code that rejects threads on foreign news.

Now I return myself to the elections in Mexico... where we already have had one municipality anul the elections, and we are not even at midday to the end of the election. Not that I expect many here to care, and those who do, like me, find alternate sources. DU is not, hardly anymore, a good source for foreign news. That is by design. It is not a bug, as I tell myself often, but a feature.

And another pivot concerning the movie "Spy". In her role as movie critic, she was merely doing a PSA to warn other DUmmies of the offensive language. The rest of the thread is a back and forth between nadin & her sycophants and those who have no interest in her attempts to educate them.

As to those who were insulted by the PSA regarding the movie Spy, I mean it, if you get easily offended by language do NOT watch it. It has plenty of it. It is a good comedy, but.

Have an excellent day.

In an ironic twist, she starts a thread on...wait for it...words just one month later: On the evolution of language and the "W" word.

Her condescention is thick. She doesn't consider this might be part of the reason she's not popular over there, thus there's the usual back and forth with DUmmies who sound sensible next to nadin. The word in question is "political whore". Well, the use of the whore part. As usual, she uses google, her most trusted source for information, though she suspects most people won't believe her despite the fact that she provides links. It's an icky word used by both sides of the political aisle.  It's becoming such a common phrase in the political lexicon it won't be long until we find it in such lofty publications as the NY Times. After using the word several times nads switches to symbols rather than using the "w" word because the real word is "magical" or something. Oh, and brothels. Whores have brothels.

But none of this matters because she has a World Health Organization papers to read (which begs the question about why she started the thread). There's a storm coming and for some reason she'd be unable to read them if it rained really, really hard.

nadinbrzezinski (142,759 posts)
On the evolution of language and the "W" word
Here  Faux "news" and "Judge" Jeanine Pirro are still flogging the fake Benghazi "scandal" for every drop they can get out of it. This Saturday, Pirro attacked former CIA director Michael Morell as a "political whore" and accused him of lying to Congress to protect Hillary Clinton.,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/ll1bn7yqsf8zqeqwozk5.jpg

Political Whores Form Brothel
The executive director of the Republican Governor's Association and the executive director of the Democratic Governor's Association announced today that they are getting together to sell their mutual political connections to the highest bidder.

THE POLITICO reports that RGA head Phil Cox and DGA head Colm O'Comartun are now ready to completely abandon any pretense of ideals or, indeed, care for any cause greater than their own bank accounts. They are forming "a bipartisan consulting firm that will help corporate clients navigate state governments," which is the very highest calling of those who have entered the noble field of politics. Their new brothel, 50 States LLC, will be a one-stop shop where corporate interests can get all of their strategic consulting needs met by seasoned political operatives unburdened by any form of mortal soul. No longer will you, the corporate client, need to hire a Democratic firm to pursue your interests with Democrats, and a Republican firm to pursue your interests with Republicans; now, you can hire one firm that believes in absolutely nothing except the almighty dollar, saving you a great deal of hassle.

For the record, this piece has in it the definition of the term, in better language than Urban Dictionary.,fl_keep_iptc,g_faces,h_365,w_652/msuwctueeuw6cni0anrs.jpg

California NOW President: 'Meg Whitman Could Be Described As A Political Whore'

Last week, the National Organization for Women and the PAC of the California NOW chapter took heat for their endorsement of state Attorney General Jerry Brown (D) over Meg Whitman (R) in the gubernatorial race in the wake of comments by a Brown aide that Whitman was a "whore." At the time, national NOW President Terry O'Neill said that anyone who "from here on" calls a woman a "whore" should be fired.
She might want to have a talk with California NOW President Parry Bellasalma, who today told TPM in response to a question that "Meg Whitman could be described as 'a political whore.' Yes, that's an accurate statement."

Two points
These are all in the first page AFTER the definition from Urban dictionary. They are in order of appearance in my google search. The search term was "political **^&(&" We cannot cannot use the actual word because it is magical. This is how language is evolving. You will see this horrible term used increasingly in politics. It matters little what you do, or how much you complaint.

Now, this does not mean I would necessarily use the term in a news article. But you would be shocked how many times I have heard it used to describe politicians on both sides of the aisle and genders, in the recent past. The usage has increased by orders of magnitude in the last two years. And I fear, from reading the entries on the google that we are late to the party in my little cul de sac, that aparently is not part of the country anyway.

As you can see, the NATIONAL ORGANIZATION OF WOMEN did go there and called Fiorina that. You have a fox personality who happens to be a woman and black use the term for a male. And Gawker used it for a K street firm run by two WHITE males.

Now I expect the outrage brigade to tell me how this is not real, never mind it is actually sourced. Fortunately I have a World Health Organization report to read... and there is no storm, so better take advantage of THAT! (Literally calm before the storm, by two we will see if Dolores once again becomes painful... yeah play on words... but you need to speak Spanish to get it I s'pose and I would not be good enough to explain that joke. After all what would a native speaker know?)

BUT, she also finds the phrase used in her life as a reporter because she has tapes. And interviews.

nadinbrzezinski (142,759 posts)
16. I hope you are not too shocked when you see it in LA Times, NYT even New Yorker.

It is coming, because this new use is becoming very common. I have more recordings with it than I care to think So once again, when somebody tells me so and so is a *()&&()) shoudl I stop the interview and scold them for their potty mouth?

And she's a linguist, providing yet another reason for her to look down on anyone who doesn't buy what she's selling.
BTW has linguist been added to her job list?

nadinbrzezinski (142,759 posts)
41. And exactly where did I say that?
Lingustics can be complicated, but it is best to try to behave like an adult and try not to put words into your interlocutor.
So in third grade English... THIS WORD IS GETTING A NEW MEANING THAT YOU WILL INCREASINGLY SEE. That is the point of the OP.
You can try the dutch boy trick and sit by the sea wall with your finger in it though.

nadinbrzezinski (142,759 posts)
198. Then you are surredenring to the few folks
who want to ban words, They will go after others.
Look, I just called down thread by one of these idiots a supposedly banned word, the B word. That was a clearly directed personal insult. I called the person on it and moved on.
We have a group of people here that wants to ban one word after the other. And quite honestly I am damn tired of them.
Oh and on edit. I have not used these magical words, but the articles I linked to from a google search DO. How exactly do we get rid of the word when it will be in media narratives?

nadinbrzezinski (142,783 posts)
124. It is, and I also explained to you a "semantic shift"
this is a term you do not understand

I am not interested in controlling your language, It is not faux outrage, or faux insult. That is all I will say about how I personally feel about the phrase climb down from your cross. Like if somebody uses the world Womyn here, it grates me, bad spelling, but I will not try to control people and their use of language. As I said, I am not interested in controlling how you speak.

I have yet to use the magical word, beyond direct quotes in POLITICAL MEDIA and how it is shifting. I will not use the actual magical word on this site, becuase you folks go into outrage mode. Why I used the letter W... but was not going to change the actual news stories.

Discussing langauge evolution is not something that can be easily done on DU. There are many subjects that you cannot have an adult discussion HERE. We have them at other places, where we do not censor ourselves. The fact that we have to censor ourselves here is not good.

Note to self, do not tell nucleardem a damn thing that might be insulting to me. Will not bring any of this up ever again.

Carry on.

nadinbrzezinski (142,783 posts)
382. Language evolves whether you like it or not

it is not about being valid or not. It is how society uses language, and this one is changing in front of your very eyes. It does not happen often... nor this fast.

Given this particular original word gave you both the roots to the kamasutra (KAMA= desire) and this, why are you surprised? By the way, the ties to prostitution go to Rome. Linguists believe the first break into two major roots happened about 7,000 years ago.

Some of the roots give you the words for beloved in Old Irish.

You might want to explore the origin of language... it can be fascinating.

Regardless, this is a semantic shift that does not preclude other definitions or uses. It adds to it, and I expect these new uses to become increasingly common, and they are actually gender neutral... and take some of the ties to actual, honest to goodness prostitution, off it.

Will it become the primary supra definition of the term? Time will tell. I suspect it might, since American political language is getting more and more coarse due to hyper partisanship. DU has a small part in this coarsening of language by the way, since it is a partisan site.

Now you try to get rid of a word who's origins go back 15,000 years. I not just dare you, I triple dare you.

And yet another thread where nads continues to insult her fellow DUmmies. The topic hardly matters but it was a discussion about the kerfunkle with Sanders' rally being take over by BLM.

nadinbrzezinski (142,759 posts)
64. Editors will look for conflict

breaking news that involve a riot will get more crews assigned than breaking news at the planning board deciding to authorize a new road... unless that planning board meeting devolves into a riot. Then you will get crews there too.

I run a paper that deals heavily with policy, so yes, we will cover that planning board, and gasp, read the documents. Trust me, or not, I really don't care. when I post a story about a local crime spree that will get a lot more hits than the planning board deciding on a new zoning requirement. Never mind that the planning board has far more of an effect on the every day lives of people. But the local 3 alarm fire somehow gets more people to click.

It is human nature. So if you want hits, you do some conflict.

Trust me, the more conflict the better. It is the nature of the business.

Oh and I am an editor

nadinbrzezinski (142,759 posts)
80. I have none on ignore

that stopped a while ago, and in spite of your best efforts you are not going there either, like EVER.

And my friend, we cover these issues locally, which my local media will not touch. So go preach to somebody else who gives a rats ass about your innuendo.

All I am telling you is that this was a nasty, little dirty trick... and you know what? I think its failed. And if it had worked, your beloved candidate should expect a dose of it. She should anyway. But since your prism is only that one... beware of the cute kitties you ignore, for they are truly monsters.

nadinbrzezinski (142,759 posts)
224. I was going to ignore you

but hell, suffice it to say, you either get the OP or you don't... and I think you really do not want to get it, for whatever reasons you might have. Those of us who have a memory longer than this election, do notice these patters.

Suffice it to say, we have increasing amounts of evidence that supports this, and follows a pattern that we have been seeing with different elements of the left.

So you understand this clearly, this does not mean in any way, shape or form that the demands of the movement should be ignored. But this was a trap. It was a very real bad weekend for the movement. And you might want to read this piece from the Atlantic as to why.

This was quite frankly one of the goals of this dirty trick. And as I watch the stream from Ferguson... I notice the coverage from the MSM has been far less than it was a year ago. If you think that is a coincidence, I have some cheap land to sell you in AZ that someday might even be ocean front.
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Re: #4 - nadinbrezinski
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2016, 01:00:43 AM »
Oh no! They she shes got to go there goes gNadzilla...




« Last Edit: January 18, 2016, 01:08:33 AM by CollectivismMustDie »
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Re: #4 - nadinbrezinski
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2016, 06:06:13 AM »
I voted for gNadzilla (apologies to Godzilla, who I love and admire :whistling: ) as the #1 DUmmie, IIRC.  I thought that I'd put her over the top this year. :(
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Chase her.
Chase her even when she's yours.
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Re: #4 - nadinbrezinski
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2016, 06:37:49 AM »
Great job, delilah, dear, and two more to go, after which you're done.

Later today, Monday, I'll be posting the award for the #03 Top DUmmie of 2015.

I know, I know, I still gotta put up the franksolich for 2015, and I will get around to it; but as the whole world already knows, the winner for that one's my good pal Manny, who got overlooked in the voting for Top DUmmies.

And then delilah's got #02 Top DUmmie of 2015, and the Top DUmmie of 2015, the main prize, the one for which primitives salivate and lust, they all want to win it so badly.

This year's top two DUmmies are pretty much interchangeable, and the voting was close, but it didn't tie, as it perhaps should have.  I suspect the #02 Top DUmmie missed first place because, well, he got off on the wrong foot by being such a negative person, which probably turned off a voter or two (that's all it took).
apres moi, le deluge

Milo Yiannopoulos "It has been obvious since 2016 that Trump carries an anointing of some kind. My American friends, are you so blind to reason, and deaf to Heaven? Can he do all this, and cannot get a crown? This man is your King. Coronate him, and watch every devil shriek, and every demon howl."

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Re: #4 - nadinbrezinski
« Reply #4 on: January 18, 2016, 06:39:48 AM »
Nadin is marked by a complete inability to learn from previous mistakes. But then she is so arrogant, she doesn't believe she makes mistakes in the first place.

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Re: #4 - nadinbrezinski
« Reply #5 on: January 18, 2016, 06:42:45 AM »
Nadin is marked by a complete inability to learn from previous mistakes. But then she is so arrogant, she doesn't believe she makes mistakes in the first place.

Man, ain't that the truth.

I don't believe in my whole life, either in real life or on the internet, I've ever met a person as un-self-aware as the cousin is.  She appears to have no idea, no idea at all, how she really is.
apres moi, le deluge

Milo Yiannopoulos "It has been obvious since 2016 that Trump carries an anointing of some kind. My American friends, are you so blind to reason, and deaf to Heaven? Can he do all this, and cannot get a crown? This man is your King. Coronate him, and watch every devil shriek, and every demon howl."

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Re: #4 - nadinbrezinski
« Reply #6 on: January 18, 2016, 07:23:33 AM »
nadinbrzezinski (142,759 posts)
16. I hope you are not too shocked when you see it in LA Times, NYT even New Yorker.

It is coming, because this new use is becoming very common. I have more recordings with it than I care to think So once again, when somebody tells me so and so is a *()&&()) shoudl I stop the interview and scold them for their potty mouth?

It appears that the Jeep guy, hotel maids on strike,and the fire department spokeman are fond of the word "whore".

nadinbrzezinski (142,759 posts)
198. Then you are surredenring to the few folks
who want to ban words, They will go after others.
Look, I just called down thread by one of these idiots a supposedly banned word, the B word. That was a clearly directed personal insult. I called the person on it and moved on.
We have a group of people here that wants to ban one word after the other. And quite honestly I am damn tired of them.
Oh and on edit. I have not used these magical words, but the articles I linked to from a google search DO. How exactly do we get rid of the word when it will be in media narratives?

"The B Word"?






Bitch, please.
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Re: #4 - nadinbrezinski
« Reply #7 on: January 18, 2016, 07:32:13 AM »
Man, ain't that the truth.

I don't believe in my whole life, either in real life or on the internet, I've ever met a person as un-self-aware as the cousin is.  She appears to have no idea, no idea at all, how she really is.

Perusing these DOTY write-ups has focused for me how self-clueless, self-absorbed, and self-blinded some DU folk truly are.
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.

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Re: #4 - nadinbrezinski
« Reply #8 on: January 18, 2016, 07:36:08 AM »
It appears that the Jeep guy, hotel maids on strike,and the fire department spokeman are fond of the word "whore".

"The B Word"?






Bitch, please.
Fire...BAD!!! - John Fetterman

The policies that are indorsed by this party, that they backer of which are much of the 1 percent, causes a social structure much like the one back before the Revolution.

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Re: #4 - nadinbrezinski
« Reply #9 on: January 18, 2016, 10:49:53 AM »
I still have trouble believing Nadin is a real person and not some expertly constructed expert system.

At the same time, she has somehow merged into my experience of the DUmp, it's hard to separate the two out in my mind and when Nadin is on Time Out or has left in a huff for a period of time the DUmp seems less real.

This year at least had some interesting side-drama with the whole Bravenak affair but there is no way Bravenak could sustain the DUmp.  At best it was a very interesting summer replacement.

At the same time, I do wonder if the DUmp would become more democratic if there was less Nadin? Would other DUmmies or episodes rise to the top like the Bravenak Affair happened to? Or would the DUmp simply shrivel and die?
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Re: #4 - nadinbrezinski
« Reply #10 on: January 18, 2016, 10:57:13 AM »
I still have trouble believing Nadin is a real person and not some expertly constructed expert system.

At the same time, she has somehow merged into my experience of the DUmp, it's hard to separate the two out in my mind and when Nadin is on Time Out or has left in a huff for a period of time the DUmp seems less real.

This year at least had some interesting side-drama with the whole Bravenak affair but there is no way Bravenak could sustain the DUmp.  At best it was a very interesting summer replacement.

At the same time, I do wonder if the DUmp would become more democratic if there was less Nadin? Would other DUmmies or episodes rise to the top like the Bravenak Affair happened to? Or would the DUmp simply shrivel and die?

     I've seen the woman in person (at a slight distance, which I recommend). She exists.

     Yet there WAS some disbelief, despite what was clearly in front of me. Seeing Nads in the flesh is like seeing a platypus: you have no idea what to make of it, none whatsoever, and despite the unlikely nature of its existence, there it is nonetheless.

     I learned something important about myself that day: the mental picture I had of Nads was flattering to her actual appearance to an immense degree. I walked away from that experience rather proud of myself, since (a) I managed to keep the contents of my stomach right where they were, and (b) I really do tend to assume the best of people.

     Anyway, congrats, Nads.
NJCher (31,658 posts)

5. IMO

a certain percentage of DU is depressed and has other mental issues.

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Re: #4 - nadinbrezinski
« Reply #11 on: January 18, 2016, 12:08:59 PM »
I just stumbled on this DUmmy thread about that big CH4 gas leaking all around southern California.

The question was asked for a media link to verify that an explosion will soon level southern CA....

Response to Liberty Belle (Original post)

Mon Jan 18, 2016, 01:40 AM

Star Member Duppers (6,860 posts)

2. Terribly dangerous!
Link, please

Since Duppers asked nicely, pinhead3ninny gives the requested link....

Response to Duppers (Reply #2)

Mon Jan 18, 2016, 01:50 AM

Star Member pinboy3niner (46,660 posts)

3. Here...

Dummy is thankful for the link but not really wanting to commit to having relations with the ninny...

Response to pinboy3niner (Reply #3)

Mon Jan 18, 2016, 02:37 AM

Star Member Duppers (6,860 posts)

9. Thanks.

And here it is..........

Response to Duppers (Reply #9)

Mon Jan 18, 2016, 04:33 AM

kristopher (26,202 posts)

19. That source is not generally credible.

The leak is a very bad one but I'd want independent confirmation of anything that sourced to that rag

Right there in Nads home turf.

Ha Ha!!!
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Re: #4 - nadinbrezinski
« Reply #12 on: January 18, 2016, 12:19:28 PM »
nadinbrzezinski (142,783 posts)
382. Language evolves whether you like it or not

it is not about being valid or not. It is how society uses language, and this one is changing in front of your very eyes. It does not happen often... nor this fast.

Given this particular original word gave you both the roots to the kamasutra (KAMA= desire) and this, why are you surprised? By the way, the ties to prostitution go to Rome. Linguists believe the first break into two major roots happened about 7,000 years ago.

Some of the roots give you the words for beloved in Old Irish.

You might want to explore the origin of language... it can be fascinating.

Regardless, this is a semantic shift that does not preclude other definitions or uses. It adds to it, and I expect these new uses to become increasingly common, and they are actually gender neutral... and take some of the ties to actual, honest to goodness prostitution, off it.

Will it become the primary supra definition of the term? Time will tell. I suspect it might, since American political language is getting more and more coarse due to hyper partisanship. DU has a small part in this coarsening of language by the way, since it is a partisan site.

Now you try to get rid of a word who's origins go back 15,000 years. I not just dare you, I triple dare you.

Complete breech of protocol by skipping over the "double dog dare you" and straight to the triple dare.  (Christmas story reference)  :-)
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Re: #4 - nadinbrezinski
« Reply #13 on: January 18, 2016, 01:38:46 PM »
Wait... what?

gNads wrote that the word "whore" has been in use for 15,000 years?

I guess we can add etymologist to her resume.
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Re: #4 - nadinbrezinski
« Reply #14 on: January 18, 2016, 08:06:20 PM »
It appears that the Jeep guy, hotel maids on strike,and the fire department spokeman are fond of the word "whore".

"The B Word"?






Bitch, please.


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