The Conservative Cave

Current Events => The DUmpster => The DUmping Ground => Topic started by: franksolich on December 12, 2009, 10:37:05 AM

Title: question time about the DUmpster, Skins's island, the primitives, &c., &c., &c.
Post by: franksolich on December 12, 2009, 10:37:05 AM
note from franksolich: this is an old thread, from about two years ago, but in time for the beginning of the autumnal festivities in the DUmpster, I thought it would be a good idea to take this out of the DUmping Ground and put it back into the DUmpster, for the refreshment of long-time members and the illumination of newer members.

One may feel free to ask new questions.

By the way, "chris_" on this thread is not chris_; it's somebody else (I know not who) who didn't get sorted out during the chris_ crisis of two weeks ago.  The "Chris" on this thread is Chris.

* * * * * * * * * *

I get a lot of personal messages asking questions about the DUmpster, Skins's island, the primitives, whatnot.

As a moderator, and as a member who wants conservativecave to flourish and prosper, it's part of my job to be communicative and open with members, and I like that sort of job.

And so the more questions I get, the happier I am.

However, many when asking a question betray a sort of hesitancy or timidity about asking, which of course is nonsense.

In real life, I can drive people nuts with my own questions, which comes with the territory of being deaf, I suppose.  In fact, I betray no hesitancy or timidity when asking questions, having acquired the interrogatory manner of the KGB while I was wandering around the socialist paradises of the workers and peasants with free medical care for all.

That 404-pound guy who shovels grain at the local elevator, for example; I've been questioning him right and left about the predicaments of fat people, so as to gain a better understanding of the plight of the gigantic primitive.

Or maybe it goes back further than that; when a little lad, I once politely inquired of an elderly lady--high society, no less--why she was adverse to the usefulness of bathroom tissue.

So one should not feel hesitant about asking questions.

One of the most frequently-asked questions concerns the odd numbering system on Skins's island, where comment #3 follows comment #57 which follows comment #19 which follows comment #127, and so on.  I assume I've answered that one enough that most here know what it's all about.

So everyone and anyone should feel utterly free to ask questions about the DUmpster, Skins's island, the primitives, and all else, either here on this thread or in a personal message.
Title: Re: question time about the DUmpster, Skins's island, the primitives, &c., &c., &c.
Post by: DixieBelle on December 12, 2009, 11:17:35 AM
Great idea Frank!!!
Title: Re: question time about the DUmpster, Skins's island, the primitives, &c., &c., &c.
Post by: franksolich on December 12, 2009, 11:45:10 AM
Great idea Frank!!!

By the way, madam, don't forget to vote for your top primitives, in the official ballot here.

Yeah, yeah, we all have six more days, but I thought it would be good to be pushy.
Title: Re: question time about the DUmpster, Skins's island, the primitives, &c., &c., &c.
Post by: franksolich on December 12, 2009, 12:00:33 PM
By the way, there's a handy-dandy manual describing Skins's island here, in the DUmping Ground, which is the "reference secton" of the DUmpster.

DU for decent and civilized people, 2010 short edition,37163.0.html

It's not long; I promise.

Previous editions had been long, but this one's short and quick to read.
Title: Re: question time about the DUmpster, Skins's island, the primitives, &c., &c., &c.
Post by: franksolich on December 12, 2009, 03:30:04 PM
Okay, so we had a recent incident, where a primitive mentioned us on Skins's island, and my fellow alum immediately doused that bonfire.

I'm not sure why it is the way it is, but while freerepublic is freely allowed to be mentioned--and even linked to--on Skins's island, any mention of our old home or this place, gets immediately deleted.

The rationale my fellow alum uses is that he does not want to give publicity to opposing web-sites.

As is his right; Skins's island is after all private real-estate, and Skins is free to make any rules he wishes to make.

It's kind of a grey area, I think; my fellow alum has every right to have the rules he draws up and imposes, but then on the other side of the coin, Skins's island is dedicated to free expression, diversity, and tolerance.

This is one of the reasons franksolich is glad he isn't Skins.
Title: Re: question time about the DUmpster, Skins's island, the primitives, &c., &c., &c.
Post by: BlueStateSaint on December 12, 2009, 03:55:34 PM
It's kind of a grey area, I think; my fellow alum has every right to have the rules he draws up and imposes, but then on the other side of the coin, Skins's island is dedicated to free expression, diversity, and tolerance.

As long as you toe the line over there, and don't freely express opinions contrary to those of the hive, you're right.  Otherwise, the island is one of hypocrisy.
Title: Re: question time about the DUmpster, Skins's island, the primitives, &c., &c., &c.
Post by: franksolich on December 12, 2009, 07:50:30 PM
We had a second sighting by the primitives today--which is all good, of course; we want the primitives to see us--during which time a primitive inquired about the origin of "primitive" and "primitives."

Yours truly proudly takes the blame for that.

I dunno when it was--we were at our old home at the time--other than some time during the second term of George Bush, when I came upon a thread where the DUmmies were discussing Richard Cheney.

The only thing distinctive was that the carpetbagging maternal ancestress, the mother of the misbegotten Bostonian Drunkard, the "Raven" primitive, was there.

It's easy to put words into pictures, and like Saul on the Road to Damascus, I was struck by how much the scene reminded me of primitives sitting around a fire, each of them passing around his own home-made voodoo doll of Richard Cheney, oohing and aahing and dribbling and jabbing pins at each other's creation.

Of course, one has to be careful with that "picture;" the primitives in no way resemble the more-civilized peoples of the South Seas, as Skins's island is self-admittedly 97% or 98% of European derivation.

As is my own pattern of thinking that evolves over time, at first I called them "Neanderthalics," fearing "primitives" might be too strong, but I was cured that misconception within a couple of months, and discarded "Neanderthalics" in favor of the more-descriptive term.

Since then, like an anthropologist, I think I've done at least an okay job describing the rituals, the rites, the ceremonies, the dances, the tabus, the manners, the tiers, of the primitives on Skins's island.
Title: Re: question time about the DUmpster, Skins's island, the primitives, &c., &c., &c.
Post by: kenth on December 12, 2009, 09:07:03 PM
I would love for you to capture on film their undulating dance of the healing vibes.
Title: Re: question time about the DUmpster, Skins's island, the primitives, &c., &c., &c.
Post by: franksolich on December 12, 2009, 09:12:31 PM
I would love for you to capture on film their undulating dance of the healing vibes.

Most of the dances of the primitives resemble something malignant, not healing; most of the dances are based upon primitive arguments and disputes between themselves.

When the primitives start walking around the bonfire and wiggle-waggling their arm-pits at each other, one immediately knows a real primitive brawl is in the offing.

It's better than television, the images the primitives produce with their own words.
Title: Re: question time about the DUmpster, Skins's island, the primitives, &c., &c., &c.
Post by: Oceander on December 12, 2009, 11:39:24 PM
Sounds like the damper, more fetid nether regions of Plato's cave.
Title: Re: question time about the DUmpster, Skins's island, the primitives, &c., &c., &c.
Post by: franksolich on December 13, 2009, 06:03:43 AM
Sounds like the damper, more fetid nether regions of Plato's cave.

I once had a dream about going through DUmmieland; this was during the Scamdal of 2005, which interestingly predated any notion of Skins's island and the primitives.  There was no sound, only visuals in mostly green-and-black.

I was on a canoe, rowing down a very narrow, unmoving river.

The banks of the river were jungle; congested trees with all sorts of vines and stuff hanging from them, and the sky above wasn't visible because the trees were large and crowded enough that their tops reached over and touched the tops of trees on the other side.

Amidst all this strangling foliage were things that moved; it took a while to discern what they were, mostly reptilian beings with human faces of DUmmies.  For the most part they ignored me, too preoccupied with groaning and moaning and squirming and sweating and eating and defecating and greasily copulating; there were some dead beasts too, that just laid there, rotting.

DUmmies with faces of those involved in the scam tended to be fat-but-short snakes in the trees, the only ones who noticed the canoer in their midst.  They would snap and hiss at me, zing out their tongues at me, but never quite reaching me.  At times, I thought perhaps I should thwack one of them on the mug with the paddle, but instead just kept going.

Although nothing happened to me in the dream, it was a relief to reach clear skies again, and wake up.

I make no apologies for my interest in the primitives; hearing people have all sorts of diversion and entertainment, from television to radio to movies to concerts to chitchatting on cellular telephones, available to them.  I was not born with a rock inside the skull, but a brain, and was not made to merely sit around comatosely twiddling the thumbs.

One is compelled to do the best one can with what one has.
Title: Re: question time about the DUmpster, Skins's island, the primitives, &c., &c., &c.
Post by: Oceander on December 13, 2009, 02:17:26 PM
I meant no offense with my remark about Plato's cave.  I would quite agree with you that there is both plenty of amusement value, as well as useful information to be had by studying the paleolithics, and it strikes me that you do the rest of us a great service by keeping tabs on them! :cheersmate:
Title: Re: question time about the DUmpster, Skins's island, the primitives, &c., &c., &c.
Post by: franksolich on December 13, 2009, 02:19:39 PM
I meant no offense with my remark about Plato's cave.  I would quite agree with you that there is both plenty of amusement value, as well as useful information to be had by studying the paleolithics, and it strikes me that you do the rest of us a great service by keeping tabs on them! :cheersmate:

I saw no offense.

In fact, I was so flattered I ended up writing another piece.

But that's what this thread is for; discussions and descriptons of Skins's island, and of course the DUmpster itself.
Title: Re: question time about the DUmpster, Skins's island, the primitives, &c., &c., &c.
Post by: Oceander on December 13, 2009, 02:21:15 PM
I saw no offense.

In fact, I was so flattered I ended up writing another piece.

But that's what this thread is for; discussions and descriptons of Skins's island, and of course the DUmpster itself.

Ok, phew! 
Title: Re: question time about the DUmpster, Skins's island, the primitives, &c., &c., &c.
Post by: Karin on December 14, 2009, 02:36:34 PM
Actually, Frank, I'm still in the dark about the odd numbering system.  However, if you're sick of answering, I can muddle through life without knowing. 

When I first came here, in response to a link posted on a thread at Newsbusters, I encountered the word "primitive."  I had just assumed it had something to do with the name here, i.e. "cave."  I figured it was just in keeping with the caveman theme.  They were primitives, and we were something else.  A more advanced homonid, perhaps.  Now I know. 
Title: Re: question time about the DUmpster, Skins's island, the primitives, &c., &c., &c.
Post by: franksolich on December 14, 2009, 03:49:38 PM
The system we have here, as well as used on sites such as freerepublic and our old home, lists comments in exact chronological order. 

As a thread grows, it tends to draw comments referring to comments, and not to the original post.

Here, as at our old home, if a commenter wishes to refer to an earlier comment, instead of punching "reply," he punches "quote," and so when his own comment shows up, the comment to which he was referring also shows up.

As easy as strawberries-and-cream for us, but difficult for those with lesser-developed cerebral capacities to grasp.

At freerepublic, which of course is older, it's a little bit more time-consuming, where one has to do the "<" and ">" stuff, but after one's done it six or half a dozen times, it's easy.

Easy for decent and civilized people, but difficult for those with primitive brains.

The bottom line being, all posts are shown in exact chronological order.

My fellow alum Skins knows the primitives well; he knows the primitives either can't grasp this, or are inconsiderate of others, and not willing to use any sort of "quote" function.

So on Skins's island, a primitive just "replies"--either to the original post or a comment.

And so we get the following happening:

original post
1. comment
2. comment
3. comment

But then a fourth primitive comes along, and instead of wishing to reply to the original post, the primitive wishes to reply to the second comment.

original post
1. comment
2. comment
4. comment
3. comment

After which a fifth primitive, replying not to the original post but to the first comment:

original post
1. comment
5. comment
2. comment
4. comment
3. comment

As a bonfire grows, one ends up with something like this:

original post
1. comment
5. comment
9. comment
2. comment
4. comment
7. comment
3. comment
6. comment
8. comment

One supposes this is okay, except except except.....

Readers of ordinary and greater sophistication read things from the top to the bottom, and sort of generally assume that what's closer to the top pre-dates what's closer to the bottom, of the page.

And don't forget the lying, mendacious nature of the primitives.

Some primitives have become adept at using the system to convolute, to lie, as was discovered during the Scamdal of 2005, taking advantage of the fact that it's natural just to assume the higher (on the page) the comment, the older it is.

That's why when I'm on Skins's island, I pay attention to the numbering sequence of comments; one can catch quite a few primitive lies doing that.

A couple of times here, I have posted bonfires, but not exactly in the order they appeared on Skins's island--instead in exact chronological order, to show the vast extent to which the primitives lie.

But I did that only a couple of times; it's a lot of work to re-arrange a thread.

It's just always easier to automatically assume the primitives are lying, some of the more creative lying ones using this as one means of that.
Title: Re: question time about the DUmpster, Skins's island, the primitives, &c., &c., &c.
Post by: franksolich on December 14, 2009, 05:32:16 PM
When I first came here, in response to a link posted on a thread at Newsbusters, I encountered the word "primitive."  I had just assumed it had something to do with the name here, i.e. "cave."  I figured it was just in keeping with the caveman theme.  They were primitives, and we were something else.  A more advanced homonid, perhaps.  Now I know.

So that's how you found us.

In the interests of market research, I'm always interested in knowing how one finds us.

Originally, most members here were from our old home, but that changed a long time ago.  We get members from all over now, and if anyone found us in an interesting way, the rest of us would like to hear about it.
Title: Re: question time about the DUmpster, Skins's island, the primitives, &c., &c., &c.
Post by: Karin on December 15, 2009, 07:22:16 AM
Thanks for that explanation up there, Frank.  It should have been obvious; now it is. 
Yes, somebody at Newsbusters said "If you want to read DemocraticUnderground without actually having to go there, go here instead:  CC."  That sounded perfect, so I hit the link. 
Title: Re: question time about the DUmpster, Skins's island, the primitives, &c., &c., &c.
Post by: franksolich on December 15, 2009, 08:00:11 AM
Yes, somebody at Newsbusters said "If you want to read DemocraticUnderground without actually having to go there, go here instead:  CC."  That sounded perfect, so I hit the link.


So someone at NewsBusters saw us.

Publicity's great.
Title: Re: question time about the DUmpster, Skins's island, the primitives, &c., &c., &c.
Post by: Chump on December 15, 2009, 08:28:05 AM
And likewise, I was brought here from by Karin, who would post in a similar fashion by saying, "On CC I was reading what these morons at DU are saying about...<insert topic du jour>."  This is a great resource to watch the looney tunes without actually going to that frenzied asylum.
Title: Re: question time about the DUmpster, Skins's island, the primitives, &c., &c., &c.
Post by: Karin on December 16, 2009, 09:35:59 AM
Sigh.  I've only been here a year or so.  Frank's last post on the ballot thread concerning the life achievement award made me realize my ignorance on some important matters.

1)  What was Fitzmas, as initiated by Boston Drunk?
2)  What was the quote on radio by Atman?

Thanks for any help. 
Title: Re: question time about the DUmpster, Skins's island, the primitives, &c., &c., &c.
Post by: Carl on December 16, 2009, 09:49:43 AM
And likewise, I was brought here from by Karin, who would post in a similar fashion by saying, "On CC I was reading what these morons at DU are saying about...<insert topic du jour>."  This is a great resource to watch the looney tunes without actually going to that frenzied asylum.

I have to be in the right mood to wander the island because it can really make one feel ill.
Still though everyone should visit themselves because what you see here is really just the highlights.
The seething ugliness that permeates their beings can`t be imnagined completely unless personally experienced.
Title: Re: question time about the DUmpster, Skins's island, the primitives, &c., &c., &c.
Post by: BlueStateSaint on December 16, 2009, 02:28:55 PM
I have to be in the right mood to wander the island because it can really make one feel ill.
Still though everyone should visit themselves because what you see here is really just the highlights.
The seething ugliness that permeates their beings can`t be imnagined completely unless personally experienced.

Neighbor, I'm starting to think that, to "wander the island," one needs to cobble up a suit similar to those worn by sappers in Iraq and Afghanistan--when they work on IEDs.
Title: Re: question time about the DUmpster, Skins's island, the primitives, &c., &c., &c.
Post by: Carl on December 16, 2009, 02:41:01 PM
Neighbor, I'm starting to think that, to "wander the island," one needs to cobble up a suit similar to those worn by sappers in Iraq and Afghanistan--when they work on IEDs.

Large amounts of alcohol help too. :cheersmate:
Title: Re: question time about the DUmpster, Skins's island, the primitives, &c., &c., &c.
Post by: franksolich on December 16, 2009, 03:20:05 PM
Sigh.  I've only been here a year or so.  Frank's last post on the ballot thread concerning the life achievement award made me realize my ignorance on some important matters.

1)  What was Fitzmas, as initiated by Boston Drunk?
2)  What was the quote on radio by Atman?

Thanks for any help. 

Fitzmas, on May 12, 2006, was hilarious.

And I still bear a grudge towards the Bostonian Drunkard because of it; I had taken his word that Karl Rove was to be indicted that day--as did the primitives--and sat in front of the computer from early morning until suppertime, constantly refreshing Drudge to see the story.

And it never happened.  I had wasted a whole working day, wearing out the computer mouse punching on "refresh."

Fitzmas has been celebrated all over the internet (not just here) every May 12.,7196.0.html

Once you get an idea of what Fitzmas was, the last link at the link above, the original "24 business hours" bonfire on Skins's island, is especially hilarious, where the Bostonian Drunkard tries, and fails, to explain what "24 business hours" are.

Pedro Picasso some time in 2007 (sorry, no link) claimed that Karl Rove and the Republicans intentionally lost the mid-term elections of 2006 as some sort of long-term plan to get the Democrats into trouble, so the Republicans would ultimately end up permanently in power.

The comment was picked up by Rush Limbaugh and widely quoted.

Oddly, Pedro Picasso seemed proud of this accomplishment, as if a retarded kid saying, "Look, mommy, I poo-pooed all over the  kitchen chair, and didn't I do good, there's such a big pile of it?"

I've always thought that Pedro Picasso did at least a million dollars' worth of damage to the reputation and goodwill of Skins's island, and that my fellow alum had a right to sue for damages.  Of course, Pedro Picasso doesn't have a million bucks, but I'm sure my fellow alum would be happy to take ten cents on the dollar.
Title: Re: question time about the DUmpster, Skins's island, the primitives, &c., &c., &c.
Post by: Karin on December 16, 2009, 03:51:34 PM
Thanks very much, Frank.  I did finally take the time to read some of the Fitzmas debacle.  That thread you rec'd above was so funny as the days ticked by...Mon, Tues, Wed....and heads start to splode.  What a classic.  And, here I see smiling Karl on TV nearly every night, talking to Sean and others, free as a bird. 
Title: Re: question time about the DUmpster, Skins's island, the primitives, &c., &c., &c.
Post by: GOBUCKS on December 16, 2009, 03:56:09 PM
Fitzmas, on May 12, 2006, was hilarious.
And DUmmies everywhere were popping corks on champagne they had been saving since before Christmas 2005, when they had been assured Lord Rove's indictment was imminent. The funniest thing about Fitzmas, aside from the shock and in the DUmmy world when it fizzled, was that after Jason Leopold and Pitt dreamed the story up, mainstream democrat politicians briefly bought into it. Hillary Clinton even mentioned Rove's indictment at a public event on May 12. Her humiliation forever doomed any chance Pitt ever had of legitimate political employment.
Title: Re: question time about the DUmpster, Skins's island, the primitives, &c., &c., &c.
Post by: franksolich on December 16, 2009, 04:04:01 PM
And DUmmies everywhere were popping corks on champagne they had been saving since before Christmas 2005, when they had been assured Lord Rove's indictment was imminent. The funniest thing about Fitzmas, aside from the shock and in the DUmmy world when it fizzled, was that after Jason Leopold and Pitt dreamed the story up, mainstream democrat politicians briefly bought into it. Hillary Clinton even mentioned Rove's indictment at a public event on May 12. Her humiliation forever doomed any chance Pitt ever had of legitimate political employment.

What always got me about it was that even illuminaries such as P-J Comix seemed to blame the Leopudlian reporter, Jason Leopold, for the mess, when the blame should fit squarely upon the Bostonian Drunkard.

It's true that the Leopudlian journalist wrote the story, but the Bostonian Drunkard was his editor, where the buck stops.

And then it got even more ridiculous, when the Bostonian Drunkard leaked the story to the primitives before it had been verified.

The Bostonian Drunkard can't keep his mouth shut.

It was reminescent of November 2004, when the Bostonian Drunkard leaked that the Bostonian Billionaire was going to challenge Ohio, and then had to make all sorts of excuses about why it hadn't happened yet, almost clear up until Valentine's Day 2005.

One now sees the foresight of the Bostonian Drunkard's paternal grandfather, in leaving a trust fund for his grandson, but under a trusteeship of responsible adults; possibly the paternal grandfather suspected that if the Bostonian Drunkard didn't spend it all on beer, he'd spend it buying the Brooklyn Bridge.
Title: Re: question time about the DUmpster, Skins's island, the primitives, &c., &c., &c.
Post by: franksolich on December 16, 2009, 04:26:57 PM
Incidentally, it was during the Fitzmas Fiasco that "schadenfreude" was invented.

Some primitive was trying to be clever (before the story turned out a hoax), and mentioned breaking open a bottle of champage as a means of freudenschade, a term in German for gloating over the misfortunes of one's enemy, but got the word ass backwards.
Title: Re: question time about the DUmpster, Skins's island, the primitives, &c., &c., &c.
Post by: franksolich on December 16, 2009, 05:48:25 PM
Someone in a personal message asked the origin of the name "Fat Che," AKA "Fister," BenBurch.

"Fister" comes from a peculiar private sexual proclivity (and perhaps more of a fantasy than a practice) of Fat Che.

Sometime after the Scamdal had died down, about autumn 2005, someone at our old home researched Fat Che, and found a "personal" advertisement Fat Che had placed on the internet in 1996, stating that proclivity, or fantasy.

In it, Fat Che readily admitted he was fat, and at the time (1996) in his forties.

Coincidentally, about the same time, I had been shown (not given, but shown) a real-life photograph of the real-life Fat Che--never mind why I had been shown the photograph; it was the most unpleasant experience I've ever had on the internet--which betrayed him as a fatting four-eyes, by then in his 50s.  His belly hung down in front of him, as if an apron.

Fat Che at various times had admitted to being near-sighted and asthmatic, besides obese.

Fat Che, while on Skins's island, had always been advocating violent revolution, machine-gunning down the "class enemies."

And so the "picture" immediately popped up, that of a near-sighted older middle-aged guy wearing a bandana and a Che Guevera t-shirt, machine-gun in hand, wheezily storming the ramparts, his belly flip-flapping in the air.
Title: Re: question time about the DUmpster, Skins's island, the primitives, &c., &c., &c.
Post by: miskie on December 16, 2009, 07:03:53 PM
Incidentally, it was during the Fitzmas Fiasco that "schadenfreude" was invented.

Some primitive was trying to be clever (before the story turned out a hoax), and mentioned breaking open a bottle of champage as a means of freudenschade, a term in German for gloating over the misfortunes of one's enemy, but got the word ass backwards.

I'm pretty sure that's backwards - schadenfreude is the actual word with no English equivalent - meaning to take joy in someone's misfortune , whereas freudenschade came to mean what the primitives got to experience - intense feelings of dismay as the misfortune they were prematurely enjoying was actually their own.  There is a great DUFU on the new word located HERE. (   
Title: Re: question time about the DUmpster, Skins's island, the primitives, &c., &c., &c.
Post by: Odin's Hand on December 16, 2009, 07:18:16 PM
Someone in a personal message asked the origin of the name "Fat Che," AKA "Fister," BenBurch.

"Fister" comes from a peculiar private sexual proclivity (and perhaps more of a fantasy than a practice) of Fat Che.

Sometime after the Scamdal had died down, about autumn 2005, someone at our old home researched Fat Che, and found a "personal" advertisement Fat Che had placed on the internet in 1996, stating that proclivity, or fantasy.

In it, Fat Che readily admitted he was fat, and at the time (1996) in his forties.

Coincidentally, about the same time, I had been shown (not given, but shown) a real-life photograph of the real-life Fat Che--never mind why I had been shown the photograph; it was the most unpleasant experience I've ever had on the internet--which betrayed him as a fatting four-eyes, by then in his 50s.  His belly hung down in front of him, as if an apron.

Fat Che at various times had admitted to being near-sighted and asthmatic, besides obese.

Fat Che, while on Skins's island, had always been advocating violent revolution, machine-gunning down the "class enemies."

And so the "picture" immediately popped up, that of a near-sighted older middle-aged guy wearing a bandana and a Che Guevera t-shirt, machine-gun in hand, wheezily storming the ramparts, his belly flip-flapping in the air.

Someone, I know whom it was and they are a member here, hacked into his webcam and posted various images at CU of him lousing about in his utility apartment.
Title: Re: question time about the DUmpster, Skins's island, the primitives, &c., &c., &c.
Post by: happy1ga on December 16, 2009, 07:38:32 PM
To the end of heping you with market research, Frank, I also started coming here from NewsBusters. I was a heavy commenter there starting in late 07, and this site was mentioned often. I havent posted there in quite a while, so am not sure how it goes now.
Title: Re: question time about the DUmpster, Skins's island, the primitives, &c., &c., &c.
Post by: miskie on December 16, 2009, 07:39:58 PM
Someone, I know whom it was and they are a member here, hacked into his webcam and posted various images at CU of him lousing about in his utility apartment.

BWAHAHAH!!!  I knew nothing about that.

Two important lessons

A) don't leave your webcam connected if not in use.
B) check for viruses and whatnot regularly.

I'm going to guess the tool used was Sub7 or a variant thereof. I also find it amusing that a self-righteous "tech genius" would get caught with a trojan capable of webcam control infecting his PC.  
Title: Re: question time about the DUmpster, Skins's island, the primitives, &c., &c., &c.
Post by: franksolich on December 17, 2009, 12:27:53 AM
I'm pretty sure that's backwards - schadenfreude is the actual word with no English equivalent - meaning to take joy in someone's misfortune , whereas freudenschade came to mean what the primitives got to experience - intense feelings of dismay as the misfortune they were prematurely enjoying was actually their own.  There is a great DUFU on the new word located HERE. (   

Thanks for the correction, sir; German isn't a language of mine.
Title: Re: question time about the DUmpster, Skins's island, the primitives, &c., &c., &c.
Post by: franksolich on December 17, 2009, 01:27:47 AM
During the early evening (I was out), I got another personal message, inquiring of how "Skinner" evolved into "my fellow alum Skins."

My fellow alum Skins of course being the owner of Skins's island, which he has magnanimously given to the primitives, for them to romp and play at will.....and scant gratitude he gets from them for that, but they're primitives after all.

By the way, Skins played rugby for Yale. 

Really; I kid you not.

The first time I saw a photograph of Skins (the one where he was carrying an anti-life sign at a protest), I did a double-take, because minus his ears and eyeglasses, we would almost be twins.

That was some years ago, and while franksolich remains the same, yesterday, today, tomorrow, always the same, my fellow alum alas has aged.  I saw a recent photograph of Skins palling around with Lord Marblehead.

My fellow alum either had his eyes recalibrated, or now wears contact lenses, but the years have not been kind to him--or perhaps it's the futility of trying to please his charges, the primitives--he now looking tight and drawn like Nancy Reagan.


Skins graduated from Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut.  franksolich graduated from the University of Nebraska in Lincoln, Nebraska.

Incidentally, the Center for the Study of the Great Plains at Yale is the jewel in Yale's crown; there's more Nebraska history stored there, than in Nebraska.  Which is of course fine; that way, Yale, and not the taxpayers of Nebraska, pays for preserving this stuff.

To get back on track: the University of Nebraska, at least when I was there, used to "borrow" professors from other institutions, finding that less expensive than hiring permanent professors.  Apparently this was a "prestige" thing, eastern professors being invited to teach at Nebraska for one or two years, as the University never had any problem getting them to come out here.

I recall that one time while in college, I commented it seemed peculiar that so many of my professors were from.....Yale.  (This was years before Skins's island existed.)

Well then, since Skins and I were both taught by professors from Yale, I suppose it's reasonable to claim that we're fellow alums.
Title: Re: question time about the DUmpster, Skins's island, the primitives, &c., &c., &c.
Post by: DumbAss Tanker on December 17, 2009, 04:27:23 PM
Incidentally, it was during the Fitzmas Fiasco that "schadenfreude" was invented.

Some primitive was trying to be clever (before the story turned out a hoax), and mentioned breaking open a bottle of champage as a means of freudenschade, a term in German for gloating over the misfortunes of one's enemy, but got the word ass backwards.

Miskie is quite correct, "Schadenfreude" is the correct German word.  PJ, over on DUFU, started using an inversion of it, "Freudenschade," for the particular phenomenom of their malicious glee over our misfortunes (Which would be Schadenfreude, and the word was featured in the gloating DU threads when the pending indictment was trumpeted by Witless Will) turn to ashes in their mouths when events turn on them and they find themselves rather than the VRWC on the losing end, as indeed happened in the Great Fitzmas Fiasco.

I find this site to be a great resource for checking German vocabulary, the dictionary typing utility has a nice little feature that lets you insert umlaut letters rather than going to arcane coding drills or trying to Anglicize them: (
Title: Re: question time about the DUmpster, Skins's island, the primitives, &c., &c., &c.
Post by: franksolich on December 17, 2009, 04:31:39 PM
Yeah, I really goofed on that.

I knew there were two words involved, and wasn't sure how it went, and so flipped a coin.

Obviously I lost.
Title: Re: question time about the DUmpster, Skins's island, the primitives, &c., &c., &c.
Post by: miskie on December 17, 2009, 05:00:35 PM
Yeah, I really goofed on that.

I knew there were two words involved, and wasn't sure how it went, and so flipped a coin.

Obviously I lost.

Oh well, excrescence happens. I have spent a lifetime perfecting the art of making mistakes and will continue to do so for the rest of my days.
Title: Re: question time about the DUmpster, Skins's island, the primitives, &c., &c., &c.
Post by: bkg on December 17, 2009, 08:49:45 PM
My only question...

Why do so many people on this site spend so much time over at DU, etc? I mean, I get the "know your enemy" aspect...

But otherwise dont' get it at all.
Title: Re: question time about the DUmpster, Skins's island, the primitives, &c., &c., &c.
Post by: franksolich on December 17, 2009, 08:55:11 PM
My only question...

Why do so many people on this site spend so much time over at DU, etc? I mean, I get the "know your enemy" aspect...

But otherwise dont' get it at all.

Guilty as charged.

I work at home, accounting and bookkeeping.

I am deaf; can't hear a damned thing, thus no television, no radio, no movies, no telephonic chitchattery, no other forms of diversion and amusement freely available to hearing people.

What is one to do then?  Sit in a comatose state, twiddling the thumbs?

Also, I have an academic interest in anthropology, sociology, and to a lesser degree, psychology.

Skins's island was made for franksolich.

And hence I make no apologies; hearing people watch soap operas or nightly serials on television, which is exactly the same thing.
Title: Re: question time about the DUmpster, Skins's island, the primitives, &c., &c., &c.
Post by: crockspot on December 17, 2009, 08:56:18 PM
I have a question about DUmmies..... Why are they so ******* stupid?  :lmao:
Title: Re: question time about the DUmpster, Skins's island, the primitives, &c., &c., &c.
Post by: bkg on December 17, 2009, 08:58:31 PM
Guilty as charged.

I work at home, accounting and bookkeeping.

I am deaf; can't hear a damned thing, thus no television, no radio, no movies, no telephonic chitchattery, no other forms of diversion and amusement freely available to hearing people.

What is one to do then?  Sit in a comatose state, twiddling the thumbs?

Also, I have an academic interest in anthropology, sociology, and to a lesser degree, psychology.

Skins's island was made for franksolich.

And hence I make no apologies; hearing people watch soap operas or nightly serials on television, which is exactly the same thing.

Hope you didn't think it as an attack. Honest question worded poorly. I just don't get the fascination, though the humor is entertaining.  :-)
Title: Re: question time about the DUmpster, Skins's island, the primitives, &c., &c., &c.
Post by: franksolich on December 17, 2009, 08:59:37 PM
I have a question about DUmmies..... Why are they so ******* stupid?  :lmao:

I'm going to pass that question on to JohnnyReb, our Will Rogers here.
Title: Re: question time about the DUmpster, Skins's island, the primitives, &c., &c., &c.
Post by: franksolich on December 17, 2009, 09:00:52 PM
Hope you didn't think it as an attack. Honest question worded poorly. I just don't get the fascination, though the humor is entertaining.  :-)

No, sir, it was not (mis)construed as an "attack," but rather accurately perceived as an honest question.
Title: Re: question time about the DUmpster, Skins's island, the primitives, &c., &c., &c.
Post by: happy1ga on December 18, 2009, 09:37:22 AM
I came here due to my fascination of the primatives. I dont know anyone like them in real life, so they seem foreign to me. I wanted to understand how they could have such screwed up sensibilities. I still enjoy the reading, but am no closer to understanding them, however. I also work from home and dont care much for television, so this is like a soap drama for me.
Title: Re: question time about the DUmpster, Skins's island, the primitives, &c., &c., &c.
Post by: Odin's Hand on December 18, 2009, 09:46:02 AM
I came here due to my fascination of the primatives. I dont know anyone like them in real life, so they seem foreign to me. I wanted to understand how they could have such screwed up sensibilities.

That is the first reason I became interested in the DUmpmonkeys, as well. I live in the reddest of the red states and I am not exposed to their lot often outside of the university I attend...even then their views are subdued unlike the DUmp. Then one day, when I had first came across CU through a recommendation by an established member there, Ben "Fister" Burch was saying, bluntly, that he hoped the U.S. military was destroyed during an invasion of Iran had Bush Jr. pursued that line of action through Congress. It was an eye-opener to true mentality and desires of the left on a scale that I hadn't seen before.
Title: Re: question time about the DUmpster, Skins's island, the primitives, &c., &c., &c.
Post by: AllosaursRus on December 18, 2009, 12:14:10 PM
When I had back surgery many years ago, I was restricted to reclining 24/7 for nearly 6 months, I heard of FreeRepublic on a Rush program. Of course the premier thread on FR was the DUmmie Funnies. I joined the Viking Kitties and it became a great competition to be the first poster daily on PJ's most excellent renditions of the DUmp and their petty BS.

I met Coach thru DuFu,  PJ, etc, and was invited to CU during AndyScam. I began hanging out over there more than the more restricted FR. (you have to pretty much watch your p's and q's, plus there seem to be many holier than thou types). When the ronulans took over CU I noticed Coach was not around as frequently along with many of the regular posters I was accustomed to. I asked Coach about this and was invited here.

The DUmmies have always fascinated me as their complete lack of logic amazes me. Having been in construction 30 years and forced into technology to the point of programing, logic is paramount. That they continue to exist without logic is nothing short of a miracle to me. I guess I am like a condor circling it's next meal, waiting for it to succumb to the natural order of things, in order to feed on the dying corpse.

Title: Re: question time about the DUmpster, Skins's island, the primitives, &c., &c., &c.
Post by: franksolich on December 22, 2009, 10:04:18 AM
Well, here's something interesting.

There's much comment in the DUmpster, about the ways the primitives think.

One could allege that the primitives don't think at all, they only "feel."

But that aside, what's always struck me about the primitives and the way the primitives think, is their habit of thinking things to a desired conclusion.....and then stopping thinking.

Never mind that there's much more beyond the point of the desired conclusion.
Title: Re: question time about the DUmpster, Skins's island, the primitives, &c., &c., &c.
Post by: thundley4 on December 22, 2009, 10:21:05 AM
Well, here's something interesting.

There's much comment in the DUmpster, about the ways the primitives think.

One could allege that the primitives don't think at all, they only "feel."

But that aside, what's always struck me about the primitives and the way the primitives think, is their habit of thinking things to a desired conclusion.....and then stopping thinking.

Never mind that there's much more beyond the point of the desired conclusion.

That law of unintended consequences bites them in the ass all the time.  What's the old saying? "The road to Hell is paved with good intentions."
Title: Re: question time about the DUmpster, Skins's island, the primitives, &c., &c., &c.
Post by: Carl on December 22, 2009, 10:30:23 AM
Well, here's something interesting.

There's much comment in the DUmpster, about the ways the primitives think.

One could allege that the primitives don't think at all, they only "feel."

But that aside, what's always struck me about the primitives and the way the primitives think, is their habit of thinking things to a desired conclusion.....and then stopping thinking.

Never mind that there's much more beyond the point of the desired conclusion.

In their feeble minds what they want is always the conclusion and the sense of entitlement means that is what they deserve so it should be.
Anything beyond that might mean that the overall good is bettered by denying them personal good..they just can`t accept that.
Title: Re: question time about the DUmpster, Skins's island, the primitives, &c., &c., &c.
Post by: Karin on December 22, 2009, 12:42:37 PM
Even though that is their preferred political philosophy.  Just can't apply to them. 
Title: Re: question time about the DUmpster, Skins's island, the primitives, &c., &c., &c.
Post by: Oceander on December 24, 2009, 12:54:49 PM
Someone, I know whom it was and they are a member here, hacked into his webcam and posted various images at CU of him lousing about in his utility apartment.

Very interesting; anyone want to divulge any more specifics?
Title: Re: question time about the DUmpster, Skins's island, the primitives, &c., &c., &c.
Post by: Chris on December 24, 2009, 01:51:55 PM
Oh man, that explains those disgusting pictures of him I saw over there.  Gawd, it was awful.
Title: Re: question time about the DUmpster, Skins's island, the primitives, &c., &c., &c.
Post by: whiffleball on December 25, 2009, 05:32:51 AM
What happene when a mole gets tombstoned?  Does one receive a message upon a sign in attempt or just the inability to sign in?  I do believe I may have lost one recently and it's a damn shame since it had been nursed so lovingly.
Title: Re: question time about the DUmpster, Skins's island, the primitives, &c., &c., &c.
Post by: franksolich on December 25, 2009, 06:33:50 AM
What happene when a mole gets tombstoned?  Does one receive a message upon a sign in attempt or just the inability to sign in?  I do believe I may have lost one recently and it's a damn shame since it had been nursed so lovingly.

That's a good question, because my own mole hasn't been mausoleumed yet.

But if I recall correctly, at least some years ago, one just couldn't log on to Skins's island any more.

I had one that deliberately picked an argument with my fellow alum Skins during the John Roberts nomination for the Supreme Court, but that was a long time ago, and I didn't care any more, and subconsciously wanted that mole deep-sixed anyway.

And besides, I already had a second mole at the time, a "gift" given me by a long-time inhabitant of Skins's island with a high post-count, who had gotten disgusted with the antics of Doug's stupid ex-wife during the Scamdal.

That one, I treasure lovingly and use with care, its main purpose being for personal messages on Skins's island, and not for posting.  Along with the screen-name itself, I had also been given the previous user's list of contacts.  The mole posts, but never at campfires where PoP are to be seen.

I credit the mole's longevity to that it doesn't cause problems for my fellow alum Skins; it respects the rules, and doesn't cause any discombobulations among the primitives.

Now, while Lord Marblehead is as bright as a rock, my fellow alum and the elusive enigmatic Elad are of a quite higher cerebral and intellectual caliber, and probably they know which "primitive" is franksolich.  But as the mole doesn't cause them any problems, they just leave it alone, probably grateful for having at least one rules-following inhabitant on Skins's island.
Title: Re: question time about the DUmpster, Skins's island, the primitives, &c., &c., &c.
Post by: franksolich on December 25, 2009, 06:49:39 AM
By the way, one thing I do is that I never never never use this computer to log onto Skins's island.  I use this computer all the time to "visit" Skins's island as a guest, and so I'm pretty sure that the elusive enigmatic Elad has this ISP (internet service provider) number down pat.

Using ISP "proxies" is s-o-o-o-o-o Fat Che-ish, the sort of thing Fat Che would do, thinking himself clever and devious, but I have no doubt Elad is a hundred times brighter than Fat Che, and at least fifty times brighter than franksolich.

Which is okay; when that number shows up, I'm sure Elad and my fellow alum Skins just wait five or ten minutes, and then come over here to see what I've posted about the primitives.  Anything to encourage traffic here.

When I want to log in to Skins's island, I have three choices; I can go use the computer of a computer guy in town (six miles), which has some sort of superduper set-up, I can go across the river to the old guy's place, where there's a $200-a-month internet service tightly controlled because of sensitive financial information, or I can go to the big city and use one of the computers owned by another computer genius.

Most with moles don't have these options; I on the other hand have always insisted I am the luckiest person I know, and am grateful to God for it.
Title: Re: question time about the DUmpster, Skins's island, the primitives, &c., &c.,
Post by: TheSarge on December 26, 2009, 08:57:39 AM
What happene when a mole gets tombstoned?  Does one receive a message upon a sign in attempt or just the inability to sign in?  I do believe I may have lost one recently and it's a damn shame since it had been nursed so lovingly.

You suddenly can't log in.  Like you typed in the wrong password.

At least that's how it happened to me the two times I got the granite cookie.
Title: Re: question time about the DUmpster, Skins's island, the primitives, &c., &c., &c.
Post by: AllosaursRus on December 28, 2009, 11:02:40 AM
You suddenly can't log in.  Like you typed in the wrong password.

At least that's how it happened to me the two times I got the granite cookie.

Yep, it just tells you the info you submitted doesn't match their records or some such verbiage. I still have one I use to "tickle" a thread now and then when they're going at each others throats and cannot be noticed.
Title: Re: question time about the DUmpster, Skins's island, the primitives, &c., &c., &c.
Post by: franksolich on September 18, 2011, 08:41:58 PM
Oh man, that explains those disgusting pictures of him I saw over there.  Gawd, it was awful.

Now that it's been five years, I can say, yeah, that was actually Fat Che, that disgusting blob sitting in what was obviously a second-story bedroom of his mother's house in Elgin, Illinois.  (His mother either passed on, or was sent to a nursing home, and Fat Che ended up with the house, which he a couple of years later lost to foreclosement.)

I was asked the question at our old home at the time, but didn't answer it because I wasn't sure of the ethics of the situation--but since so many years have passed, and since it's not likely Fat Che's ever going to get here to the roof of Nebraska to play baseball with me, I suppose it's okay to say it--that was Fat Che.
Title: Re: question time about the DUmpster, Skins's island, the primitives, &c., &c., &c.
Post by: DumbAss Tanker on September 18, 2011, 09:52:38 PM
One could allege that the primitives don't think at all, they only "feel."

A hypothesis that is entirely adequate to explain 90% of their posts, especially by the feminoids and shemales, however there is still that irreducible 10% or so that is just plain Marxist/Nihilist/Unicornist indoctrination and muddled thinking, and thus clearly the product of thought (However flawed and based on incorrect assumptions) rather than simple emotion.
Title: Re: question time about the DUmpster, Skins's island, the primitives, &c., &c., &c.
Post by: Erasmus on September 19, 2011, 11:50:57 AM
A hypothesis that is entirely adequate to explain 90% of their posts, especially by the feminoids and shemales, however there is still that irreducible 10% or so that is just plain Marxist/Nihilist/Unicornist indoctrination and muddled thinking, and thus clearly the product of thought (However flawed and based on incorrect assumptions) rather than simple emotion.

That and they suck at math, logic, and reason.
Title: Re: question time about the DUmpster, Skins's island, the primitives, &c., &c., &c.
Post by: DumbAss Tanker on September 19, 2011, 04:58:33 PM

That and they suck at math, logic, and reason.

Also economics, business organizations, management theory and practice, law, critical thinking...
Title: Re: question time about the DUmpster, Skins's island, the primitives, &c., &c., &c.
Post by: thundley4 on September 19, 2011, 05:14:21 PM
Also economics, business organizations, management theory and practice, law, critical thinking...

Much easier to just say they suck and leave it open.  :whistling:
Title: Re: question time about the DUmpster, Skins's island, the primitives, &c., &c., &c.
Post by: DumbAss Tanker on September 19, 2011, 05:39:53 PM
Much easier to just say they suck and leave it open.  :whistling:

Too easy for people to think you're just talking about their sexual proclivities, without a modifier.