Author Topic: WTF! This is a liberal utopia! #1  (Read 1814 times)

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WTF! This is a liberal utopia! #1
« on: February 16, 2015, 11:30:16 AM »

Not really sure what 'spam' is?  Not sure if 'giving away' this satirical novel on liberalism qualifies, so send me a message if you'd like a link to my author blog.

Intro: Just what would America look like say by the year 2050 if today's liberals ultimately get their way?  WTF! This is a Liberal Utopia!  :mental:

Excerpt from the 265 page, serial novel by a 'Conservative Wordsmith'er.'

"The story literally got underway some thirty years ago on one fine, spring day in the year 2020. Our hero, Professor Felix Schwartz, was walking with one of his underage students, feigning interest in their conversation, busy admiring her curves, preoccupied with not-so-nice introspection. Without warning, the last thing he recollected seeing was the front end of an oncoming ‘Mack truck’ then...then the lights went out."

"For three decades the hero lived a life in complete bliss, void of any thought, unaware that the country was going through some major transitions around him. By the year 2050 his fraternity of buddies had long since left him, and moved to France to escape what had become the greatest liberal republic on earth."

"The Ivy League faculty member was oblivious to his current living conditions, quality of the meals he ate, or the single garment the former professor wore. Nevertheless, as it turns out, Schwartz was in a great situation, one of the best places to be considering the state of this 'New, Future America.'"