Author Topic: We elected a child to do a man's job  (Read 1495 times)

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We elected a child to do a man's job
« on: April 08, 2009, 06:16:00 AM »
Good Morning,

I got the following yesterday from a friend of mine.  It was in the Canadian Free Press.  I hesitated to post it but the more I think about it, there is a lot of truth in the article.  The inmates seem to be in charge of the asylum and when BO wanders away from his teleprompter we see just what has really happened.  He is like a third grader who gets to be the principal for a day and gives everyone free ice cream from the cafeteria for crying out loud.


> Subject: From the Canada Free Press - (UNCLASSIFIED)
> Date: Mon, 6 Apr 2009 16:22:38 -0400
> Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
> Caveats: NONE
> He is a child among grownups and a petulant one at that, Astonishing
> lack of judgment
> Electing a Child to be President
> By Alan Caruba Tuesday, March 17, 2009
> The last time America elected a young President it was John F. Kennedy,
> age 44 when he took office.
> The result was the Bay of Pigs fiasco involving an ill-fated invasion of
> Cuba to overthrow Fidel Castro and the decision to step in for the
> defeated French in Vietnam. Other comparable decisions were cut short by
> his assassination. We remember him mostly for his stirring inaugural
> speech, but his choice of Lyndon Johnson as his Vice President gave us
> the escalation of the Vietnam War and Great Society social spending that
> proved to be a waste of billions.
> Now we have a President who is 47, a very young age to be running the
> greatest economic and military power in the world. He had, on taking
> office, already written two autobiographical memoirs, but people are
> slowly becoming aware of the fact that there is virtually no paper trail
> by which to measure him. His birth certificate and legal standing to be
> President are in dispute. Records from his college days are hidden from
> view..
> His record as a one-term Illinois legislator is replete with "present"
> votes that revealed little about his political positions. He did not
> even wait to complete a full term as a U.S. Senator before almost
> immediately beginning to run for the highest office in the land.
> In terms of political leadership, he is a child among grownups and a
> petulant one at that.
> His first months in office have demonstrated an astonishing lack of
> judgment regarding those who he appointed to office, many of whom were
> revealed to be tax cheats and others who have since demonstrated a
> distinct lack of competence or preparation for positions of critical
> importance. Why, for example, would he appoint a longtime political
> operative like Leon Panetta to be the Director of the CIA?
> His initial policy decisions and statements panicked Wall Street and
> were it not for grownups like Ben Bernacke, Chairman of the Federal
> Reserve, and the steps taken by President Bush prior to his taking
> office, the economy might have suffered even greater damage. His
> decisions in office, however, are widely decried as a repetition of all
> the errors made by the FDR administration that prolonged the Great
> Depression.
> While babbling endlessly about "energy independence" he has again banned
> any offshore exploration and drilling for oil and natural gas. His
> preferences for solar and wind energy ignore the fact that, while
> heavily subsidized by taxpayer funding, these two "clean" energies
> provide barely one percent of the electricity the nation requires and
> are the two least efficient and impractical means of generating power.
> While deploring "earmarks" he signed an "imperfect" stimulus bill that
> contained nine thousand of them.
> Foreign policy under President Obama has been characterized by ignoring
> the human rights and security needs of nations like Poland, Tibet, and
> Israel. Despite more than a half century of resisting the communist
> domination of Cuba, he has softened that and is likely to abandon it.
> He has insisted on a swift withdrawal of troops from Iraq despite the
> obvious need to provide vital protection against the forces that would
> undermine its newly minted democracy. He insists on transferring troops
> to Afghanistan in a war that few regard as anything other than a
> prolonged insurgency with little prospect of a successful outcome.
> Obama may be our first President with Attention Deficit Disorder. He
> went from declaring we faced an economic "catastrophe" to saying the
> economy was still strong in just over a month. Maybe that accounts for
> his dependence on the TelePrompter which, we're told, goes everywhere he
> does.
> We're watching an already long list of fatally flawed decisions and I
> suggest that we are looking at a combination of his socialist ideology,
> his youth and inexperience, and a narcissism that cannot tolerate
> criticism no matter its source.
> His greatest support comes from a younger generation of Americans with
> virtually no knowledge of the nation's history, no grasp of the economic
> issues affecting it, and no more political insight than to rely on "hope
> and change" without understanding that these are not, nor ever were
> sufficient to the task of being in charge of a great nation with great
> challenges.
> Politically, emotionally, and intellectually, Barack Hussein Obama is a
> child. This has become increasingly evident with every passing day.
> It is not too soon to demand those hidden documents. It is not too soon
> for the Democrats in Congress to realize that supporting his policies
> represents a grave danger to the nation and their reelection. It is not
> too soon to begin working to neutralize him by electing a Republican
> controlled Congress in 2010.
> The military's meritocracy is based on experience that comes with age
> and proven leadership.. We require that our police act in a disciplined
> and mature way when dealing with law-breakers. We don't put children in
> charge of our schools.
> We don't believe or support people who regard carbon dioxide-vital to
> all life on Earth-to be a "pollutant" that must be regulated and used to
> raise billions for a profligate government while wrecking its economy.
> "The secret of eternal youth is arrested development," said Alice
> Roosevelt Longworth, a keen observer of life and the politics of the
> nation's capitol. She passed away in 1980, but she would reaffirm the
> truth of that opinion if she was watching the Obama administration at
> work.
> Printed from:
> <>


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Re: We elected a child to do a man's job
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2009, 08:09:40 AM »

Actually my analogy was not a good one.  It should have been the kid who is principal for a day who allows all the underachievers to raid the lunchboxes of the good, hardworking students because they are rich and greedy and take advantage of the poor lazy students.
