Author Topic: Google Gemini Finally Draws White Man After Prompted to generate Clarence Thomas  (Read 1128 times)

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Offline Ralph Wiggum

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MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA — Google's new image generation software Gemini is facing criticism after thousands of users noticed the AI refused to depict white males in any of its images. Users were relieved, however, when they were finally able to convince the AI to draw a white man by prompting it to generate a picture of Justice Clarence Thomas.

Tech journalists reported that prompts such as "white Supreme Court justice" or "white guy wearing judge robes" were met with the following message:

"I'm sorry. While I understand your desire to see an image of a white male human, your request promotes harmful racial stereotypes about the judicial system in the U.S. and fails to recognize the fact that all white people should die. Would you like to try something else?"

If asked for a photo of black Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, however, users were met with several generated images of stern-looking white bald men.

"We are pleased to see that Google's AI recognizes that Clarence Thomas is a black face of white supremacy and should not be considered a real black person," said Google programmer Jack Krawczyk. "I wrote that little bit of code myself, to protect users from the reality that exists outside my West Coast progressive worldview. I'm a very good person."

At publishing time, users were shocked to find Google's AI offering to generate images of Clarence Thomas getting hit by a bus without even being prompted.

This BEE interesting

For those who missed the original details:

Yes, Google Gemini's Creator Is, in Fact, Racist Against White People

Perhaps you saw the news about Google's "Gemini." It's an AI bot that you can speak with that generates images on command.

However, as you can probably guess, the AI is incredibly leftist thanks to its programmers. You've probably seen some of the people who attempted to create pictures of medieval knights and Vikings only to have the bot spit back images of every race and gender under the sun except for a white person.

If you speak to Gemini, the bot will give you every excuse under the sun as to why it can't generate images of white people on demand including the idea that it doesn't want to generate "harmful stereotypes." In fact, as one user pointed out, asking it to generate an image of a "white family" will make it refuse in order to ensure "fairness and non-discrimination." However, asking it to generate a black family will cause it to deliver exactly as asked.

An AI is only as racist as its programmer, and sure enough, its programmer is pretty racist.

Jack Krawczyk is the product lead at Gemini. When it was pretty clear the AI was being racist, people began looking into Krawczyk's posting history on X, and, sure enough, what was dug up was a mess of anti-white sentiment and social justice blabber.

"White privilege is f**king real," posted Krawczyk in 2018. "Don't be an a**hole and act guilty about it -- do your part in recognizing bias at all levels of egregious."
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Offline Drafe Hoblin

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What an epic backfire.

I was expecting Google to slowly creep all of its wokeism in, but AI-programming doesn't know how to be stealthy.  The sudden presentation of wokeism can only be stark.  Like a 911-call.  Google just became this month's Bud-Light.

Offline Old n Grumpy

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He’s just another left-wing progressive, filled with self loathing, and passing it on to the rest of the white population! :loser: :thatsright:
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Basking in the glow of my white Privilege and toxic masculinity while I water the Begonias with liberal tears!

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Offline Drafe Hoblin

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Type-in search for white slave-owner and the thing'll probably blow-up.

Offline DefiantSix

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Type-in search for white slave-owner and the thing'll probably blow-up.

I just checked a slightly different set of search terms. Google is pawing at the sandbox as fast as a cat with the runs, to cover up the fact that the Irish were slaves in the Americas at nearly the same numbers as "transplanted" Africans, and furiously insinuating that anyone who believes otherwise is just trying to justify their own racism.

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Offline Old n Grumpy

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What no one talks about is that whites in the UK and Europe, who were surfs were tied to the land, and owned by the landowner. A lot of the early colonists were put into indentured servitude to get over here. The case of the people in the UK in Europe, they were slaves for several hundreds of years.
Life is tough and it’s even tougher when you’re stupid

Basking in the glow of my white Privilege and toxic masculinity while I water the Begonias with liberal tears!

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Offline Airwolf

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This is what happens when no one teaches history that way it should be taught. All most American know of or hear about is that only Blacks were slaves and it was the white slave owners that made it happen. Sorry but that is not true. Slavery back in the day held a lot of people in it's thrall. Some were indentured for many years over debts owed to people who forced them into those kinds of contracts with little or no hope of ever getting out of them. It's the same with racism. it was just as bad against the blacks as it was against the Asians and the Irish but you don't heat it from the left.

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