Author Topic: New young political writer, looking for advice on marketing blog  (Read 2587 times)

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Offline thehackreport

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Hey guys. Looking for both advice as well as publicity/viewership. Any advice would be much appreciated by fellow bloggers. I am 22, recently graduated college, working for a large accounting firm. I have been listening to conservative talk radio since age 12, and am attempting to help influence the election in any way I can!

Here is an example of my blog-

Lets go down the list here:

Medicare: We have a plan to fix Medicare (it WILL go bankrupt, this info is public) and return it to sustainability. They have a plan to use the 'savings' created by essentially cutting the growth rate and placing unelected panels of bureaucrats between providers and consumers of healthcare. These unelected randoms will 'determine' what services seniors get, and what reimbursements doctors get. Nobody seems to know this, despite the fact it has been around the Internet for years.

So that discussion seems over to me.


It seems that Obama has no promising or new ideas about how to fix our ailing economy, but wait, I thought his plan worked? First and foremost, in order to have a chance in the 2012 election, we must educate the nation on three things!

1. The terrible state of the economy
2. The fact that our President has tried his policies, and they have not worked.
3. The relative strengths of each Presidential candidate and his PLAN going forward.

See some of his promises other than the famous 8% promise. Love this video.

Each policy the President attempted contributed to the $6 trillion he added to our deficit. How about some ideas to stimulate our economy by allowing for exploring our natural resources (his drilling moratorium lead to job loss)? How about small business tax cuts? How about a window to allow US Corporations to repatriate cash at a reasonable tax rate? How about decreasing uncertainty over the tax code? How about ANYTHING THAT DOESN'T INVOLVE SPENDING MONEY??

Let me calm down and return to those 3 points. Let us view those three points again. Based on Obama's campaign rhetoric and speeches, how does he answer to them?

1. He doesn't seem to take this seriously, as he has rarely addressed it in lieu of attacking medicare and yelling Romnicide.

2. It appears that he does not believe his policies failed, but rather that we need MORE stimulus and QE. We simply did not spend enough to make a difference. Forget the deficit or where the money comes from.

3. I basically covered it above. Obama will do more of the same. There is a refusal to consider policies that decrease spending. In my opinion, and I think this is very rooted in economic data and fact:

The Obama administration is the least sustainable presidency in recent history.

Offline sparkzilla

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Re: New young political writer, looking for advice on marketing blog
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2012, 04:31:19 PM »
I would pick a specialty and become an expert on that. If people see you as a credible source of deep information then they will link to you.