The Bar > Pictures & Photoshops

A Polite Request

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SSG Snuggle Bunny:
Hey Guys...

Forgive me if I seem the uncuddly bunny but I would like to see this forum revolve around creative efforts and how to create them.

In other words, if you see an original piece of photoshop art or an animated .gif you would like to share, post it. Also feel free to post well-edited videos. If you see photoshop technique on creating a new font-style of find a website with new filters, this is your forum.

Straight video of the latest movie trailer or some pig farting...not so much. We want stuff that is created, not simply photgraphed or videoed.


I remember a couple of years ago, daveman came up with a great idea for people to brand CU members using photoshops. It was a huge thread with lots of contributions, perhaps we could do something like that.  Here's some things I did for the thread to give the idea.

That is certainly polite


--- Quote from: Mr Snuggle Bunny on January 19, 2008, 10:01:50 AM ---Hey Guys...

Forgive me if I seem the uncuddly bunny but I would like to see this forum revolve around creative efforts and how to create them.

In other words, if you see an original piece of photoshop art or an animated .gif you would like to share, post it. Also feel free to post well-edited videos. If you see photoshop technique on creating a new font-style of find a website with new filters, this is your forum.

Straight video of the latest movie trailer or some pig farting...not so much. We want stuff that is created, not simply photgraphed or videoed.


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So where do we post the pig farting videos at then? :-)


--- Quote from: Toastedturningtidelegs on January 19, 2008, 04:44:41 PM ---
--- Quote from: Mr Snuggle Bunny on January 19, 2008, 10:01:50 AM ---Hey Guys...

Forgive me if I seem the uncuddly bunny but I would like to see this forum revolve around creative efforts and how to create them.

In other words, if you see an original piece of photoshop art or an animated .gif you would like to share, post it. Also feel free to post well-edited videos. If you see photoshop technique on creating a new font-style of find a website with new filters, this is your forum.

Straight video of the latest movie trailer or some pig farting...not so much. We want stuff that is created, not simply photgraphed or videoed.


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So where do we post the pig farting videos at then? :-)

--- End quote ---

LOL in the Comedy Forum! I would love to have you there.  :cheersmate:


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