Author Topic: #5 - mopinko  (Read 15404 times)

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Offline delilahmused

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#5 - mopinko
« on: January 13, 2016, 07:09:15 PM »
#5 - mopinko

Alas! Last year's prom queen is merely a member of the queen's court this year. While the majority of DUmmies suffer from a lack of self awareness, mopinko has made denial into an art form.

She did, however, have one resounding victory this year: her crappy patch of weeds & chickens have gotten a clean bill of health from the city inspector so she can continue being the neighborhood eyesore. Unfortunately, no one on DU cared. Cross posted on two forums...crickets. This one posted in the lounge got only one response.

mopinko (45,030 posts)
cross posted from farm/rural life- woo000ooot
nobody seem to notice it there, so i wanted to post it here.
just had the city inspector here to inspect my home, chickens and farm. he found no evidence of any code violations.
case will be dismissed at the next hearing.
he didnt even look all that hard.
floating on air.
of course, if people complain, they could start this all over. but the fact that it has already been dismissed means they have to come up with something new to complain about. since they threw the book at me this time, that will be damn hard to do.
#1 complainer has his house on the market now because he caught a much more legit case, and cant afford to bring it up to code. this is a very hot neighborhood, recently cited as one of the 3 best places to buy so he should be gone pretty quickly.
meanwhile, its party time.
(take that you trolls going on and on about the way i live.)

On the flip side, she went through a nasty divorce after 30 years of marriage. And her ex is holding out on her.

mopinko (45,030 posts)
i'm just tired. sick and tired.
stbex is dragging his feet on disclosures, and running up the tab w atty fees. not that thrilled w counsel. she is thorough, but seems to be looking for a trial.
broke down and hired a forensic accountant. hoping they are worth the money, dollar-wise. peace of mind-wise, i expect they will be worth it.
but every nasty email from him puts a cloud over another day.
please god just lets get this thing done before the next court date. july 9.

The evil ex did leave her some funds but it's just enough so he doesn't have to pay attorney's fees until she spends it. Granted, I've never been through a divorce but didn't know this was possible. Oh, and disabled daughter wants one of mo's dogs. Mo's concerned the ex will get her "farm" where her and her daughter live and daughter will move into an apartment which would be bad for the dog. Thus, they have a joint custody agreement. No mention of concern for her daughter except she's the only one of her kids she has a good relationship with.

mopinko (45,030 posts)
6. well there is only one pot of money here.
he left me with enough money that i cant get atty's fees until i spend it all. which i sorta refuse to do. so in the end, i pay half.
kids are all grown, but the youngest is disabled and lives in a rental property that we own. it is integral to the farm, so natch he is fighting for it. no equity in it, just spite.
he wants to sell it which will likely force/allow her to move. and take the disputed dog with her. i have released my claim on him so that she can have him, but he is not cut out for life in an apartment. he needs the farm to roam. right now we have a "joint custody agreement" and she can take him when she can prove that she can care for and handle him and keep him fulfilled. she is working on that, but it is hard for her.
she would like to move closer to her snaky bf's job. i really dont want to lose her from my life. she is the only one of my 5 kids i have a decent relationship with.
yeah, spite.

This one confuses for a couple of reasons. They only recently found out that daughter's health problems are caused by a brain injury she suffered as a child and has epilepsy as a result. According to my research a brain injury that leads to epilepsy would have to be severe. How is it possible a child could have an injury of such magnitude and not show any symptoms that would prompt a visit to the doctor?

The other is the daughter losing a job because she has epilepsy. Unless she's a truck driver or fireman or something similar she wouldn't even be required to tell her employer so one wonders how they would even find out. Nor does she have to say anything to a potential employer and they cannot ask.

mopinko (45,030 posts)
10. jeebus.

this kid is on the road to handling it all, but we recently found out that her lifelong, varied health problems mostly stem from a childhood brain injury.
her seizures are mostly under control, but the developmental problems that it caused are here for good.
unbelievably, she recently was fired from a job she loved and was very good at when the company found out she was epileptic. yeah, lawsuit should be a slam dunk. but now every time she applies for a job she has to explain out the gate about it to explain the reason she lost the last job. she is going to have one hell of a time finding another.
she only needs very simple accommodations, like no shift changes and a safety plan. but a steady shift is getting harder and harder to find.
she will need help for a long time.

And she hopes her ex dies before the divorce is final, insuring she doesn't have to split their assets. What a gal!

mopinko (45,030 posts)
7. me too.
if only mine would keel over. preferably while we are still legally married.

Holidays are shitty for her, for which she bears no responsibility. I was unaware that parents could actually be awarded visitation on holidays when all their children are adults. Pretty sure a court would have no jurisdiction here because adults can and do decide who they want to visit on holidays. Since two of her children aren't even speaking to her, one she's having issues with and one lives far away (evidently wanted to get as far away from her as possible) they wouldn't show up even if she was granted visitation on holidays. Of course, one of her children has been brainwashed by a therapist who put false memories into her head. Her ex is responsible for the other child not talking to her and she was also hard to raise which evidently makes it the daughter's fault as well.

mopinko (45,030 posts)

aahhh the holidays. whose holidays are gonna suck?

my turkey day will be better than last year, as i am going out for dim sum w some dear friends.
but the ex got the holidays in the divorce. so he is doing the turkey thing w the kids. out of the 5, 2 dont speak to me, one is far away, 1 is a pain in my ass right now.
so, my cooking a turkey wouldnt help at all.
last year ex took them all out xmas eve, had them over for dinner xmas day. by the time they straggled back after 8pm, i was curled up in a ball in bed, and they didnt bother to look for me.
this year i asked the youngest (22yo) to see if i could get a little more parity. i doubt they would exactly repeat all that anyway.
also told her that i would like to see her sister. not sure how true that even is, as i am pretty deeply wounded by the silence, and the bs that has caused it. the kid has some real issues, and imho, therapist help ingrain some delusions in her mind. her memories of her childhood are seriously screwed up. but since she barely excepts how sick she was/is, she cant seem to accept that her brain might have recorded things "wrong".
but i do miss her.
the oldest is just plain lost to me. i mostly have accepted that. the ex did her some real dirt, the true redheaded stepchild. no taking that back. i chose him over her, and the fact that i finally dumped him will not matter.
she was a hard child to raise from jump street. but in her mind she was a little angel.
c'est la vie.
wish the far away child was interested in coming home for a visit, but he is pretty content where he is. we have an itchy but loving relationship. everything i say strikes him as an attack of some sort. trying to figure that out and watch what i say. but.....
maybe next year.
anyway? anyone else care to share their tales of woe?

But, hey, she doesn't have to walk on eggshells. Considering her strained or nonexistent relationships with her children, I'm not sure she got the walking on eggshells part right.  On the bright side, she's dating someone. I'd think someone you're seeing regularly would want to spend part of the holidays with you but I guess not. It could have something to do with the fact that she doesn't think it will last. And she's her "authenic self", or something.

mopinko (45,030 posts)
4. thank you for reminding me.
tho the silence is a little deafening around here, it beats the tension and the bullshit of days now dead.
mostly that is how i feel about it. took almost a year to get over the feeling of walking on eggshells all the time, and sometimes i forget to be grateful for the feeling of firm footing.
starting to really feel like i am my authentic self. been dating someone and somewhat shocked at how much i am enjoying it. especially since i dont think it is actually gonna go anywhere. just a carpe diem sort of thing. pretty surprised at that at 61.
peace and low stress my friend.

Like 99% of the DUmmies, she's had a hard life. Terrible marriage which she chose to stay in. Horrid children who want nothing to do with her. At least she's now properly medicated. Too bad she didn't do it earlier, she might have been the kind of mom her children actually want to have a relationship with. So she's reinventing herself. Can't wait to find out how she turns out. And, for all you young guys looking for a good time: she's doing the cougar thing!

mopinko (45,030 posts)
12. i've had a tough life, too.
tough childhood. long, shitty marriage. difficult kids. lots of episodes of depression. (meds really helping that now.)
kinda feel like i am in one of those spots where i can reinvent myself some. sorta having fun playing the cougar thing a bit, tho i refuse to color my hair.
but i do have good friends. so much more so now that i am a free woman. and have a cleaning lady.
take care dear.

Finally! The key to why she stayed so long. He was her meal ticket which allowed her to stay home. She isn't even slightly grateful for this because he never gave her any credit, especially since a SAHM and five kids looks good to potential employers. I'll have to ask my husband about that one because I didn't think it mattered as much as experience & ability. Poor thing, her sacrifice "greased the skids" for him. Guess in no way, shape or form did she benefit from her ex getting better jobs and/or promotions. It'll turn out okay, though because the judge will suck him dry. Despite the fact that (or maybe because of) a couple of her children aren't talking to her and she has strained relationships with the others she's a happy camper. Go figure.

mopinko (45,030 posts)
14. at least the shitty marriage was to someone w a good job.
tho he never gave any credit to the fact that a full time wife and a bunch of kids looks good to tptb. a hidden asset that he never acknowledged. the fact that he NEVER had to take time off for a sick kid to go to the doctor, never had to take report card day off, never had to make the kind of compromises that the other dads he worked w w working working wives had to make. it greased the skids for him.
but from the get go in the divorce i have said that the judge would be far more generous to me than he ever was or would be. and so it is.
i get to be my own person now. finally.
my life is good.

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Offline franksolich

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Re: #5 - mopinko
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2016, 07:13:59 PM »
A modest little classic, with pictures:

"farmin' with Big Mo" (06-13-2014, franksolich)
apres moi, le deluge

Milo Yiannopoulos "It has been obvious since 2016 that Trump carries an anointing of some kind. My American friends, are you so blind to reason, and deaf to Heaven? Can he do all this, and cannot get a crown? This man is your King. Coronate him, and watch every devil shriek, and every demon howl."

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Re: #5 - mopinko
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2016, 07:22:39 PM »
delilah dear, despite Judy grasswire's dastardly attempts to put you out of commission--and coming too damned close to succeeding--you've done heroically well.

Four more; I have no doubt they won't disappoint.
apres moi, le deluge

Milo Yiannopoulos "It has been obvious since 2016 that Trump carries an anointing of some kind. My American friends, are you so blind to reason, and deaf to Heaven? Can he do all this, and cannot get a crown? This man is your King. Coronate him, and watch every devil shriek, and every demon howl."

Offline Carl

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Re: #5 - mopinko
« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2016, 07:27:32 PM »
Insane child abuser.
Hey Mo Cahill of Rogers Park Illinois,how did you not notice your young child had a fractured skull?
Inquiring minds.

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Re: #5 - mopinko
« Reply #4 on: January 13, 2016, 07:29:28 PM »
Nicely done, Delilah. A  :cheersmate: for you.
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John Adams warned in a letter, “Remember democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet, that did not commit suicide.”

Offline BattleHymn

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Re: #5 - mopinko
« Reply #5 on: January 13, 2016, 07:44:34 PM »
I had Big Mo scratched in for the #3 spot.  Oh well! 

If ever there were a case where frank should take one for the team, it's Big Mo.  She practically came right out and said so herself, back in September:

Sat Sep 26, 2015, 10:01 PM
Star Member mopinko (45,033 posts)
8. how old are you?

lonely straight female, but getting pretty old.

Offline Dblhaul

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Re: #5 - mopinko
« Reply #6 on: January 13, 2016, 08:31:40 PM »
Thank you Delilah for the fantastic job you have been doing! It all brings a smile to my face to see just how dumb the dummies really are!

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Re: #5 - mopinko
« Reply #7 on: January 13, 2016, 09:28:40 PM »
Mien Gott! What an awful human being! I don't pay that much attention to mopinko, I don't think I could stomach it.
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― Homer, The Odyssey

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Re: #5 - mopinko
« Reply #8 on: January 13, 2016, 10:02:33 PM »
I'm good with chickens.   Our hens have been mostly good except for the gimp that got tangled up in her wayward ways.

I don't think Mopinko will ever describe how gimpy left this world as well as I won't do.

Offline Chris_

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Re: #5 - mopinko
« Reply #9 on: January 13, 2016, 10:37:26 PM »
I'm good with chickens.   Our hens have been mostly good except for the gimp that got tangled up in her wayward ways.

I don't think Mopinko will ever describe how gimpy left this world as well as I won't do.
mopinko's estate looks like a rubbish dump, chickens or no. 

I wonder whatever happened with her interaction with the government she voted for as a resident of Chicago.  I haven't bothered to look.
If you want to worship an orange pile of garbage with a reckless disregard for everything, get on down to Arbys & try our loaded curly fries.

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Re: #5 - mopinko
« Reply #10 on: January 14, 2016, 06:19:39 AM »
Really enjoying your work Delilah. Thanks!
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Re: #5 - mopinko
« Reply #11 on: January 15, 2016, 04:26:08 PM »
She has suck an awesome descriptive primitive/DUmmy name.
It's like the nirvana Xanadu of primitive/Dummy names.
Mighty Mo is a pinko.
She probably imagines herself to be proud that she's a commie/pinko.
There were only two options for gender. At last count there are at least 12, according to libs. By that standard, I'm a male lesbian.

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Re: #5 - mopinko
« Reply #12 on: January 21, 2016, 12:41:37 PM »

... just saying....
The torch of moral clarity since 12/18/07

2016 DOTY: 06 Omaha Steve - Is dying for ****'s face! How could you not vote for him, you heartless bastards!?!

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Re: #5 - mopinko
« Reply #13 on: January 21, 2016, 01:02:19 PM »
She has suck an awesome descriptive primitive/DUmmy name.
It's like the nirvana Xanadu of primitive/Dummy names.
Mighty Mo is a pinko.
She probably imagines herself to be proud that she's a commie/pinko.

I meant "such", but if the shoe fits...
There were only two options for gender. At last count there are at least 12, according to libs. By that standard, I'm a male lesbian.