Current Events > The DUmping Ground

Some DUmpDiver screens you guys never see.



Lord Undies:
Interesting but, every time I tiptoe through the DUmpsh*t, all I ever see are the same names over and over again.  Maybe I'm looking for stupid in all the wrong places. 

BadCat, I gotta say I admire you and am in awe of your ability to stand sifting through the toxic stew that is the DUmp.

Are you sure you're not Mike Rowe from "Dirty Jobs"?

Does the first name under a topic mean it was started by that person? I.e., did Skinner really start a thread called, "If you donate to a Democratic Presidential candidate, please donate through the D... (to which I assume is Democratic Underground)?

How f'n arrogant.  :whatever:


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