Author Topic: Anti-Christian NYTs piece, ref the DUmp  (Read 671 times)

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Anti-Christian NYTs piece, ref the DUmp
« on: October 25, 2008, 03:28:29 PM »
Pluvious  (162 posts)      Sat Oct-25-08 04:20 PM
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Extreme Christianism - re Palin - Andrew Sullivan 25-OCT-2008
Man, the rest of the electorate needs to wake the hell up !!!


The NYT has a very helpful piece today on Sarah Palin's theology. Money quote:

Critics say the goal of the spiritual warfare movement is to create a theocracy. Bruce Wilson, a researcher for Talk2Action, a Web site that tracks religious groups, said: “One of the imperatives of the movement is to achieve worldly power, including political control. Then you can more effectively drive out the demons. The ultimate goal is to purify the earth.”

This is now a conservative notion: purifying the earth? It's striking to me, after all the legitimate interest in Trinity United and Obama, that Palin's deep and long relationship withe the movement known as "spiritual warfare" has not been more discussed. Jeremiah Wright has had exponentially more air time than Pastor Muthee, and yet Wright is a milque-toast establishmentarian compared to the witchcraft-believing theocrat who has personally blessed Palin and now dominates her home-town church:
Ms. Palin has had long associations with religious leaders who practice a particularly assertive and urgent brand of Pentecostalism known as “spiritual warfare.” Its adherents believe that demonic forces can colonize specific geographic areas and individuals, and that “spiritual warriors” must “battle” them to assert God’s control, using prayer and evangelism. The movement’s fixation on demons, its aggressiveness and its leaders’ claims to exalted spiritual authority have troubled even some Pentecostal Christians...

Ms. Palin declined an interview, and the McCain campaign did not respond to specific questions about her faith. Thus, it is difficult to say with certainty what she believes.

So we have the possibility of a witchcraft-believing, earth-purifying theocrat in the White House and they won't even respond to questions about it. Reassured much?

These are the freeks who believe in witchcraft, crystal balls, spiritguides, etc etc etc ...
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