Author Topic: RE Discussionist:  (Read 13061 times)

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Offline Will Morningstar

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RE Discussionist:
« on: March 27, 2019, 02:22:19 PM »
Many years ago, I once had a landlord who broke his own doors and paid the crackheads to crap in the stairwells. The dried impacted excrement was two inches thick on the stairs at the rear.

I stood up to him, and became the president of the tenants' association. Phil never did succeed in converting to condos.

In September 2017,  I was an innocent, inexperienced member of the public, who joined an online forum called Discussionist, which I learned about from Democratic Underground. Within 10 minutes I was viciously and personally attacked by a bunch of white supremacists and the site's own Administrator. This cruel Administrator and his friends tried to hurt me, slander me, and take away my dignity, for over a year. He won't back down, only escalates. He won't get off my case. The same spew of filth, since seven minutes after I joined the site.

That first day, a man named Frank Solich stepped in and tried to make them stop. But nothing would make them stop. And these colours don't run.

Both and are owned by Mr. David "Skinner" Allen.

(Mr. Allen's primary site, Democratic Underground, has since 2002, been a primary quasi-official networking and news aggregation site affiliated with the United States Democratic Party. Five years ago, Mr. Allen founded Discussionist as a neutral town square "to promote civil discourse" among members of the general public of all views. -- Ed.)

I don't back down. The only reason I stayed is because I wouldn't give in to a bunch of creeps (The Qu00b Squad). I neither enjoy nor seek maltreatment and personal abuse. They've cowed the normal folks, but they can't cow me. No "weakling fruity whiny cuck soi boi victimhood" here. And 18 months later, I've still never heard of this "Attera" who the Discussionist Administrator still lies and tells everyone is me. Each and every one of the filthy things the Discussionist Administrator and his few creepy friends continue to say about me, from day one to date is a total lie. Not one of their many dozens of filthy lies has ever been true. They act with total impunity. Like a pack of snarling wolves.

I did NOT sign up for this. I've tried to be nice. But start something with me, I'll finish it. I shall. If only one of us can keep his good name, that will be me. Remember, I do have a telephone. And both patience, and unlimited long distance. From coast to coast to coast.

I find it passing strange that a prominent U.S. Democrat should be running a freakshow on the side. No matter how much he's made from my clicks (#1 on the site), I've never been his willing clickbait.

David advertised for members of the general public to join this website. He lied to me when he claimed to have his legally required Terms of Serviice. He can't turn his back while people are abused, hurt and torn down in his name. This is on him.

I Don't blame David for reaching his breaking point and walking away from the few relentless creeps who ruined his website. I do blame him for leaving me in their hands. And letting them take their enjoyment off me.

And don't blame me. This is only as personal as they made it. (Very personal.) This isn't some fake world where nothing matters. In this real world, actions have consequences. The reparations of my own damn name are my own damn business. And only reflect badly on bad actors.

Good actions have good consequences. Bad actions have bad consequences. An Administrator acts in a site-owner's name. A site-owner is personally responsible for the actions of his Administrator.

I've offered David an olive branch. He can do right by me, or not. His choice. I'll have my good name back, one way or another. Hopefully he'll never be treated the way he's treated me. No one should be.

It wouldn't be fair to blame the U.S. Democratic Party for this negligence, total contempt for legal Terms of Service, and refusal to protect the general public from the injuries routinely inflicted upon those who joined Discussionist in good faith. I have to believe that most Democrats wouldn't stand for this sort of willful negligence by one of their own.

At least my Conservative friends have ethics. And values. And morals. They would never treat me that way. Take a lesson, Mr. Allen.

-- Will Morningstar

c/o The DUmping Ground

« Last Edit: March 27, 2019, 02:26:34 PM by Will Morningstar »

Offline tikibarted

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Re: RE Discussionist:
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2019, 04:24:02 PM »

I stood up to him, and became the president of the tenants' association. Phil never did succeed in converting to condos.

So, let me understand, you figured out how to keep a man from managing or disposing of his own property, in whatever way he deemed appropriate to himself.  And you consider this to be an admirable trait?

...this is collectivism, and smells of socialism.

To follow that up with a whine about people "picking on you", on a message board...

And talking about your "courage" to continue to post...

I'm not sure we share a world view.

Maybe I'm being harsh and insensitive, and my standards of "courage" may have been skewed by military service...

Good luck with the rest of your life though.

Offline Richard Cranium

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Re: RE Discussionist:
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2019, 04:48:52 PM »
I was on Discussionist for a very long time and I remember you.  I do not remember anything like what you are describing.  The moderator  on discussionist is a liberal.  Also, there are no white supremacist there.

I call B.S. on your post.
Hi y'all :cheersmate:

Offline txradioguy

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Re: RE Discussionist:
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2019, 04:44:18 PM »
Discussionist was $kimmer's way of allowing the primitives from the Big Island to interact and supposedly "show up" us knuckle dragging Rethuglicans in the debate arena.  See we can't openly be Conservative and post at the DUmp and Dave and the other two tool bags who occupy the DU offices down on DuPont Circle in DC tend to ban members who come here and take on what we say about them in the DUmpster.

DU, jr was the best alternative he could come up with.

Only his plan failed.  The DUmmies who thought they were oh so superior to you and I were quickly and unceremoniously p3wnd in just about all the topic areas because as Ben Shapiro says "facts don't care about your feelings".  We were long on facts and all they had to counter the facts was feelz.   Their last and only line of defense these days seems to be to instantly report what they deem offensive posts and run for their safe space.

So it's kinda withered away as the DUmmies retreated to their echo chamber on the Big Island.

He can't turn his back while people are abused, hurt and torn down in his name. This is on him.

You missed the fun times during the primary between Obama and Hillary and then again between Hillary and Bernie.

Not only did $kimmer turn his back and allow the pitchfork and torches gang to run wild both times...IMHO he encouraged some of it back in 2008.
The libs/dems of today are the Quislings of former years. The cowards who would vote a fraud into office in exchange for handouts from the devil.

Creator of the largest Fight Club thread ever!

Offline Will Morningstar

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Re: RE Discussionist:
« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2019, 03:13:57 PM »
I was on Discussionist for a very long time and I remember you.  I do not remember anything like what you are describing.  The moderator  on discussionist is a liberal.  Also, there are no white supremacist there.

I call B.S. on your post.

Qukid (a Leftist not a Liberal),  was on me in the first 10 minutes, and never changed his ways. My first post: "Elect more Democrats: Ban the word " bernie" on DU". Qukid hates my guts. And no, there are NO LONGER any white supremacists on DI. At the time, Qukid teamed up with I814U2CY (FFR) and TheMoreYouKnowV.2 (FFR).

If you doubt me, please ask Cave Global Moderator Frank Solich. And see You will notice Frank posted this on Discussionist himself. He witnessed their initial attack, and their next two weeks. Frank saw exactly what I said he saw. And I'm here at Frank's invitation.

Not interested in proving established fact, thanks. But Frank and my other Conservative friends will tell you I'm a real Liberal who believes in personal liberty, honour, integrity, fairness and old-fashioned values.

Leftists like Qukid hate real Liberals most of all. That's why he tried and failed to bounce me on sight, and within a week was joining with those others to "convince" me to quit. I don't whinge and cry about it -- I stand up, and these colours don't run.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2019, 03:32:31 PM by Will Morningstar »

Offline Will Morningstar

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Re: RE Discussionist:
« Reply #5 on: April 01, 2019, 03:23:24 PM »
So, let me understand, you figured out how to keep a man from managing or disposing of his own property, in whatever way he deemed appropriate to himself.  And you consider this to be an admirable trait?

...this is collectivism, and smells of socialism.

To follow that up with a whine about people "picking on you", on a message board...

And talking about your "courage" to continue to post...

I'm not sure we share a world view.

Maybe I'm being harsh and insensitive, and my standards of "courage" may have been skewed by military service...

Good luck with the rest of your life though.

Whine? Sad. I didn't whine, I won. Sure he owned the building. But he had no right to have the stairwells filled with 100 pounds of human waste, any more than he could burn his tenants alive.

No "democratic socialist" here. LOLOLOLOL! True (classical?) Liberals like me fight for the liberties of the individual, and protect the weak against the strong.

Socialism is bullcrap. That's why socialists hate me a LOT more than they dislike my Conservative friends.

Offline Will Morningstar

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Re: RE Discussionist:
« Reply #6 on: April 01, 2019, 03:29:10 PM »
Discussionist was $kimmer's way of allowing the primitives from the Big Island to interact and supposedly "show up" us knuckle dragging Rethuglicans in the debate arena.  See we can't openly be Conservative and post at the DUmp and Dave and the other two tool bags who occupy the DU offices down on DuPont Circle in DC tend to ban members who come here and take on what we say about them in the DUmpster.

DU, jr was the best alternative he could come up with.

Only his plan failed.  The DUmmies who thought they were oh so superior to you and I were quickly and unceremoniously p3wnd in just about all the topic areas because as Ben Shapiro says "facts don't care about your feelings".  We were long on facts and all they had to counter the facts was feelz.   Their last and only line of defense these days seems to be to instantly report what they deem offensive posts and run for their safe space.

So it's kinda withered away as the DUmmies retreated to their echo chamber on the Big Island.

You missed the fun times during the primary between Obama and Hillary and then again between Hillary and Bernie.

Not only did $kimmer turn his back and allow the pitchfork and torches gang to run wild both times...IMHO he encouraged some of it back in 2008.

txradioguy: Thank you for your intelligent and perceptive post. Yes, we know these things, but David "Skinner" Allen advertised his Discussionist site to the general public. I intend to hold him to it. Remember, I'm Canadian, not an American Democrat, so I owe him nothing. If this is the way American Democrats behave, I'll make them wear it if I must. Nobody treats me that way and gets away with it.

Offline Muddling 2

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Re: RE Discussionist:
« Reply #7 on: September 05, 2021, 06:44:41 PM »
You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on having both at once.
Robert A. Heinlein

Offline franksolich

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Re: RE Discussionist:
« Reply #8 on: September 05, 2021, 07:13:25 PM »
apres moi, le deluge

Milo Yiannopoulos "It has been obvious since 2016 that Trump carries an anointing of some kind. My American friends, are you so blind to reason, and deaf to Heaven? Can he do all this, and cannot get a crown? This man is your King. Coronate him, and watch every devil shriek, and every demon howl."

Offline Muddling 2

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Re: RE Discussionist:
« Reply #9 on: September 05, 2021, 07:15:24 PM »
Dunno.  Just piqued my curiosity.
You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on having both at once.
Robert A. Heinlein