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EDITORIAL: How the Democratic Smear Machine Works
« on: November 09, 2011, 12:35:00 PM »
We have reached a stage in American politics where perception eclipses reality in many circumstances. While character assassination has always been a part of politics in general, specific methodologies have recently been developed in the past 50 years has been utilized to subvert the actual political process from voter intent to media-fueled appearance of impropriety.

With that said, there is a situation that is indicative of this very phenomenon. GOP candidate Herman Cain has been rising in the polls, becoming the highest poll ranking strong conservative presidential candidate since Ronald Reagan. With this obvious threat to liberal monocracy, Cain may very likely would become the GOP nominee opponent against the president with the worst performance in recent, perhaps all of, US history.

To that end, there is one singular goal: Stop Herman Cain, ANY WAY POSSIBLE.

In addition, there is a supporting goal: Ensure that Mitt Romney is the GOP nominee. But that is not nearly as important as stopping Herman Cain, which is, in fact, the Prime Directive.

Using that Prime Directive, we can now see with clarity every nuance of the saga of the process of assassinating Herman Cain’s character. Using sexual harassment and abuse as the instigation tools, the Left has been utilizing a very systematic method for sowing the seeds of distrust in the populace about his very presence.

Now we can look at the particular strategy the Left uses for this operation. What is their best chance to use the tools at their disposal for achieving the Prime Directive? When should it be utilized? Whom can the Left convince to become part of this operation? Where can this operation take place?

The advantage the Left has, at this point, is the need to negate specifics with many of the questions. Indeed, lack of specificity is PARAMOUNT in their strategy. With clarity comes targets; with targets comes responses in which it may become necessary to expend resources for damage control. Without clarity, there are no targets, which allows the seeding of “public discourse” relevant to Cain’s particular “indiscretions.”

The entire episode epitomizes the above tenets. Please note: the objective itself, Stop Herman Cain Any Way Possible, is NOT specified; if it were, the operation would become impossible.

In addition, we must also be frank: This is one operation cannot be overused for every little detail. It is like a huge weapon which can only be used once or twice. So when to use it?

Obviously, if they would have used it when Herman Cain was low in the polls, they would have had a much easier time to extinguish his candidacy. Although it wouldn’t have received nearly the same amount of press, it would most probably have rendered its effectiveness where it mattered: among the GOP voter base, who would not have wanted to elevate a “tainted” candidate. But this would only work if the Left had known Herman Cain would have become as popular as he did, which of course most people would not have that perception.

After all, Michele Bachmann could have risen. Same for Rick Perry, Rick Santorum, and hell, even Newt Gingrich. To be blunt, there is no doubt that if one of those individuals have risen to the same level as Herman Cain, THEY would have been the target of such an operation. Perhaps interns in Perry’s governorship, employees of Gingrich’s conservative think tank, etc. No lack of potential operational targets.

So now that Herman Cain has risen in the polls, it is apparent to many people that he could easily become the GOP nominee. Therefore, the operation has intensified its scrutiny on his former life.

Unfortunately for them, he is not a politician. In addition, he has never had a hint of scandal associated with his life. He is highly popular among the base. Finally, he is someone who is the Poster Child of the Great American Success Story. Black, poor, growing up in racial segregation, but knowing that he alone could define his success, Herman Cain represents the Jack Armstrong ideal of success.

So how do you take someone like HIM down? Simple. The same way you did for someone who exhibited the same traits and took nearly the same route. Meet Clarence Thomas.

To achieve the Prime Directive, it is better to use the “drip, drip, drip” method of sensationalistic release, and let the bloggers do their inevitable embellishment. Facts are the ENEMY here. A scandal over a sustained period of time has the BEST chance of taking hold. Their primary purpose is to wear down the patience of the people whom are on the fence about Cain so they defect to other candidates, and a longer period of time gives them greater likelihood of defecting.

So here we go; how to take out a political mark (Herman Cain).

1.   First, recognize the most opportune time. There are several stages to consider, each with their own pitfalls. After doing their research, they probably came to the conclusion that taking him out after he has sustained a solid, non-reversible rise in the polls was the best time.
2.   Start from the present day and examine his career backward. If there is appreciable smoke in the recent past, that becomes the primary focus; otherwise the farther back events had occurred, the more unlikely Cain would remember it, and the better to obfuscate and extend the process (drip, drip, drip).
3.   Create a template that establishes wrongdoing: sexual abuse, illegal immigrant hiring, racism, etc. Fine tune the template (for instance, “black man / white woman template”) to create a PRIMARY subject, along with SUPPORTIVE subjects.
4.   Release ambiguous charges against the mark. In this case, sexual harassment, or anything that can be CONSTRUED as sexual harassment.
5.   Once a time period has been decided, engineer the release of stories through obscure sources, such as a below-the-fold blog (like Politico). Knowing that a liberal-biased mainstream media would fan the flames of speculation, the process lets the situation simmer to an ever-encroaching boiling point (drip, drip, drip).
6.   Ensure that your subject(s) do(es) NOT say anything that is contradictory to the Prime Directive.
7.   Make sure that the information released is hints (or screams) of sensationalism, but make sure that there is no definable target. This is extremely important to establish the sustained release process.
8.   Using Journolist, monitor the info release and see if other sources come forward. Ideally, someone will come forth with credible information; more likely, more ambiguous information comes forward.
9.   Use the media to stoke the misinformation.
10.   Constantly badger the mark with charges of “not making the record straight.” Remember, it is not the credibility of the subjects (specifically, their lawyers) making the charges; as long as there is a multiple amount, then that detracts from the veracity of the subjects.
11.   Once the mark responds, attack EVERY aspect of the response for inconsistencies. Report inconsistencies as lies, which will NOW create the main focal point of the operation.
12.   Gauge the reaction of the target populace. If the reaction does not hurt the mark, then increase the pressure. In this case, come up with a credible-appearing subject who can be identified and can take payments that cannot be traced through legal means.
13.   Hire a lawyer or firm who can find and promote and pay the subject, as well as the lawyer’s or firm’s fee for representation.
14.   Announce a statement and hold a press conference.
15.   Engineer the subject’s statement so the subject does not directly answer any questions from the media without his or her lawyer.
16.   Establish the credibility of the subject with affidavits that the press will not follow up on because of “attorney/client” privilege outside a court of law.
17.   Make sure your subject goes on the circuit of NON-CONFRONTATIONAL shows. This fuels emotional temperatures.
18.   The mark will be forced to respond again. Again, attack EVERY aspect of his response and report the inconsistencies.
19.   Gauge the reaction of the target populace again. Hammer at the MAIN group that needs to be affected, the moderates.
20.   Rinse and repeat until the target populace shows credible signs of being affected. In addition, keep on promoting the PREFERRED candidate, in this case, Mitt Romney.

This is basically the step-by-step process that has been utilized against Herman Cain.

Now, keep this in mind.

If it had been Rick Perry tied near the top, then HE would have been the target of the 20-step process to take him out. There would most probably have been interns or Texas state administrators who were slighted out of a job, or any of his associations, or business dealings prior to the governorship.

If it had been Newt Gingrich, they would have found any number of sources since he left Congress, or even IN Congress.

So how to fight it? Not a simple answer. I’m open to ideas.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2011, 01:00:49 PM by GOP Congress »
"The main purpose of the Democrat Party and the Left is to destroy the United States, transform Western Civilization to a tribal-based dystopia, and to ultimately kill all conservatives and non progressives." - Jonah Kyle

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Re: EDITORIAL: How the Democratic Smear Machine Works
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2011, 01:01:58 PM »
This is the short version, called the Whipsaw...........

Knowing what your opponent is doing is half the battle of defeating him........


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Re: EDITORIAL: How the Democratic Smear Machine Works
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2011, 01:04:41 PM »
Yes, that was one of the stories in my research. I wanted to go a bit more "under the hood", so to speak, about how the particular smear against Cain is being utilized.
"The main purpose of the Democrat Party and the Left is to destroy the United States, transform Western Civilization to a tribal-based dystopia, and to ultimately kill all conservatives and non progressives." - Jonah Kyle

Offline Eupher

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Re: EDITORIAL: How the Democratic Smear Machine Works
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2011, 03:32:54 PM »
GOP, you and Marv both nail it.

Good job!
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Re: EDITORIAL: How the Democratic Smear Machine Works
« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2011, 04:57:48 PM »
What really angers me about this is not the obvious innuendos. Frankly, I'm angry because the natural process of finding out our best candidate is subverted. Now, I am biased. Barring any mistake, I'd like to see Herman Cain as the nominee myself. BUT...I do NOT want him to either be disqualified through smear. On the same token, I do not think it fair to the process for Cain to get any sympathy votes either.

I want Cain to get the nomination on his superior ability to represent and promote our conservative principles.

To that end, I am being shortchanged, along with every other voter. For instance, how many articles have been written on the Gingrich / Cain debate last weekend? I haven't looked, but I would bet that I can count the amount of press on NBC, ABC, and CBS to be less than 1/100th of the coverage (actually, smear campaign) on his alleged harassment claims.

In addition, what about the Perry campaign? Gingrich campaign? Bachmann campaign? Finally, what the hell is Romney doing? Now, I myself am keeping up with everything but I'm actively looking at their sites and google searches, not finding them at conventional sources.

So if Cain gets the nomination because of sympathy, or conversely, gets the bulwark of coverage (negative, of course), then that deprives us the chance at vetting out other candidates. And THAT'S the real tragedy, to be honest.

Unlike the Democrats, I DON'T want our guys winning through fakery or fiat. I want them to win based on our support of their ideas. This is what I will always remember from the campaign, and more importantly, what the general American public will take in. This type of tomfoolery will only increase, but its effect will only last until the MSM is overtaken completely by independent Internet news sources and organizations.
"The main purpose of the Democrat Party and the Left is to destroy the United States, transform Western Civilization to a tribal-based dystopia, and to ultimately kill all conservatives and non progressives." - Jonah Kyle

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Re: EDITORIAL: How the Democratic Smear Machine Works
« Reply #5 on: November 18, 2011, 01:06:42 PM »
The sad reality is you are only going to see the candidates from any side by who has the most money.  Wouldn't we all want some great hometown hero to come along who is devoid of all the political mindgames and lobbyist?  Of course, but, we will only see who rakes and takes in the millions.  Elections are bought, it will never change unless we change poltics forever.

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Re: EDITORIAL: How the Democratic Smear Machine Works
« Reply #6 on: November 28, 2011, 06:33:55 PM »
You can tell that the left is scared of Herman Cain, even as he is not currently at the top of the GOP polls. This means that the polls are IRRELEVANT, as I have pointed out in another thread. In addition, the left FEARS Herman Cain, probably more than anyone on the GOP primary ticket, because they know that he has not, by and large, been deterred by the critics.

So now the "up the ante" by putting out someone who had a 12 year sex thing with Herman Cain. To NORMAL people, if they read this, they will wonder why she waited so long to release this information? A woman who had had a 12 year heretofore secret relationship with a leading presidential contender would A) Not have waited past Cain's senatorial bid, B) not waited past Cains entry into the GOP nomination process, and C) not come out with her "affair" right after the other women started to spew their nonsense. So now they are trying to create the ILLUSION that Cain is a serial sex addict/rapist/predator, but this time they are using a method that has NO courtroom recourse: a "consensual affair."

This ties in PRECISELY with the Smear Campaign in the original post. The left DESPERATELY want Mitt Romney to be the nominee, so if they can't force a GOP also-ran to run 3rd party, guaranteeing Obama's reelection, then at least all their main policies will remain in place unless the GOP can somehow muster up a significant Tea Party presence in both the House and Senate. Keep in mind: SELECTING MITT ROMNEY IS THE MAIN FOCUS, and Herman Cain REMAINS the top enemy of the left.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2011, 06:37:57 PM by GOP Congress »
"The main purpose of the Democrat Party and the Left is to destroy the United States, transform Western Civilization to a tribal-based dystopia, and to ultimately kill all conservatives and non progressives." - Jonah Kyle

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Re: EDITORIAL: How the Democratic Smear Machine Works
« Reply #7 on: November 28, 2011, 08:53:36 PM »
One of the main things to notice is exactly what news is covered in all the media.  From an entire debate, the only point covered heavily in the news is when one candidate forgets one detail.  If another does well, the only thing mentioned in the news is past mistakes.  If all do well, the debate isn't covered at all.

If the media did the same thing to Obama, we'd have heard the "57 states" on every news outlet for weeks.  His stumbling, stuttering mess on healthcare wouldn't be stuck away on a You Tube video, it would be played nightly for weeks on every news program, most of the comedy shows, and it would show up in an SNL skit.

On the other hand, we still have "news" sources quoting Palinisms that she never even said, they actually came from SNL.  

The criminal part is that so many Americans are too lazy to look past the headlines and TV news.

Elections are not only "bought," they are widely influenced by outright lies.  The left freaks out about corporations being able to purchase advertising exactly because they've been so successful in feeding the public on exactly the lies they wish believed.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2011, 08:55:44 PM by MrsSmith »

Antifa - the only fascists in America today.

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Re: EDITORIAL: How the Democratic Smear Machine Works
« Reply #8 on: December 03, 2011, 01:33:50 PM »
Sadly, it worked. The smear machine has accomplished its main mission: Eliminate Herman Cain.

I will be blunt. I believe that Herman Cain was the pragmatic frontrunner, and if the allegations were not made, he would be the odds-on favorite to win the presidency. I also believe that he is the only person in the race who would have seriously reversed Obama and the 111th socialist agenda, and I personally believe the Left knew that.

I cannot fathom the pain that the Cain family is feeling now. But I DO know that by not running, and I DO MEAN WHAT I AM SAYING WITH GREAT SINCERITY, I believe that any chance that America will return to its roots has take its biggest blow for at least a generation.

Romney and Gingrich will only be placeholders, not reformist conservatives. While we may have a more conservative Congress, I feel that with a RINO as president, the effect of Congress will be severely limited; and with that limitation comes less conservative resolve in the American public. We will NOT reverse Obamacare through executive and legislative action, and forget changing the tax structure, or the entire environment back to the constitutional intent. RINO's, by definition, are 5th columnists in that they negotiate with the anti-constitutionalists. The Democraic party has already proven it is not a political entity, and with the action of taking Cain out, they have now shown their true colors.

I have nothing but utter anger and contempt for a once-vibrant political process. The mainstream media and democratic party are now shown to be beyond politics; they are now a faction who will use ANY WEAPON to get their way. They will do ANYTHING to subvert political process. To that end, I am sorry that we have to put up with this crap.

But most importantly, our children, grandchildren, and possibly our great-grandchildren will have to bear the brunt of this evil action. Had Cain been elected with a conservative Congress, I have no doubt that this country would have been put back on the right track. Now, we have to "HOPE" that our country will survive. That stinks. It really stinks not to be able to do things our own way.

And lest you think I'm kidding about the fifth column?

This is as insidious as it gets. And it proves the point of my original post.

"The main purpose of the Democrat Party and the Left is to destroy the United States, transform Western Civilization to a tribal-based dystopia, and to ultimately kill all conservatives and non progressives." - Jonah Kyle

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Re: EDITORIAL: How the Democratic Smear Machine Works
« Reply #9 on: December 05, 2011, 09:57:41 AM »
Link says "post flagged for removal."

What did it say?
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Re: EDITORIAL: How the Democratic Smear Machine Works
« Reply #10 on: November 11, 2012, 12:02:55 PM »
Very astute.   Felt the media really feared him.
