Author Topic: Face it, we're not going to get the Mueller Report, or his damn taxes....  (Read 1746 times)

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Offline fatboy

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Throwing up the white flag without a fight?

Tue Apr 9, 2019, 10:03 PM

Star Member a kennedy (17,440 posts)

Face it, we're not going to get the Mueller Report, or his damn taxes....
they will stall, decline, and will eventually end up in court and it’ll be YEARS. This is their plan, and the American Public, and I am SICK OF IT ALREADY. This is the plan, stall, delay and hope everyone will get sick of it and then all answers will come out and NO ONE WILL CARE BECAUSE IT’ll be in about 5 years!!!! And I hope I am sooooooooooooo wrong. It just doesn’t look like any of this is going to end soon enough for my liking.

I would perfer to look at not what we are not getting but what we are getting: A second Trump term, some transparancy with respect to the Obama administration, a look into the Clinton machine, a reformed justice system, control over the border, real health care insurance programs, an economy that sizzles and so forth.

Response to Cousin Dupree (Reply #7)

Tue Apr 9, 2019, 11:29 PM

Star Member Hoyt (37,114 posts)

15. We'll know next week. I think he's forced into being careful about what's redacted.
I’m beginning to believe Mueller might not have found as much as we had hoped, not that it wasn’t there. He just didn’t find it. Congress has known enough to throw trump out of office for over a year. The majority, just don’t care.

If Barr was really covering up, he would never have written the “does not exonerate him.” I get Barr is walking a tight rope, but apparently Mueller was too.

We’ll have a better feel next week.

In a rare exhibition of reality based thinking, DUmmy Hoyt takes a break from his work as a gun grabber to make a little bit of sense.

Summarizing the existence of all of the outrage in the DUmmy camp of late, all hope is lost!

Response to a kennedy (Original post)

Tue Apr 9, 2019, 10:13 PM

Marie Marie (6,570 posts)

2. I tend to agree. I am losing hope that we will prevail on getting either.
And I too, hope that I am wrong.

Question: At what point since Trump entered the race during the 2016 election cycle have the DUmmies been correct?

No indictments, no impeachment and a second Trump term.

Too bad, too sad...

Response to a kennedy (Original post)

Tue Apr 9, 2019, 10:15 PM

Star Member Demovictory9 (5,889 posts)

4. there must be some real stinky stuff in the Mueller report and Trump's taxes.

Check with Pam.

Response to a kennedy (Original post)

Tue Apr 9, 2019, 10:16 PM

Initech (74,755 posts)

5. I'm starting to think that war is the only way this is going to end.
And that's exactly what they want. Notice the extreme increase in violent rhetoric, hostility and calls for civil war? Notice the gun nuts and doomsday preppers buying weapons and end times supplies in droves? They want a war and they will probably get it if we let them get to us.

So Trump continues his winning streak and the Republicans take back control of the house, retain control of the Senate and state governments next year. The economy is booming and law and order is beginning to be restored. The democrat party gets implicated in numerous scandals and begins to fall apart. And it is at that point the conservatives start a civil war.

Sheer genius!

 :p :p :p :p

« Last Edit: April 10, 2019, 06:54:26 AM by fatboy »
"We will bring back our jobs. We will bring back our borders. We will bring back our wealth - and we will bring back our dreams!" -President Donald J. Trump 1/20/17

Offline Texacon

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Election night 2020 is going to be SO much fun!

It amuses me the DUmmies think there's some kind of smoking gun to be found in Trump's taxes.  And we all know there's nothing in the Mueller report or it would have been out way before now.

  Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day.  Set a man on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life.


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Tue Apr 9, 2019, 10:03 PM

Star Member a kennedy (17,440 posts)

Face it, we're not going to get the Mueller Report, or his damn taxes....
they will stall, decline, and will eventually end up in court and it’ll be YEARS. This is their plan, and the American Public, and I am SICK OF IT ALREADY. This is the plan, stall, delay and hope everyone will get sick of it and then all answers will come out and NO ONE WILL CARE BECAUSE IT’ll be in about 5 years!!!! And I hope I am sooooooooooooo wrong. It just doesn’t look like any of this is going to end soon enough for my liking.

It sucks when the other side uses your tactics against you doesn't it! :bird: :bird:

Like your  hero the chocolate jeezus said " elections have consequences." You lost so sit down ans STFU. :loser: :loser: :loser: :loser:
Life is tough and it’s even tougher when you’re stupid

Basking in the glow of my white Privilege and toxic masculinity while I water the Begonias with liberal tears!

I will give up my guns when the liberals give up their illegal aliens

We need a Bull Shit tax to make the Democrats go broke!

Offline landofconfusion80

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It sucks when the other side uses your tactics against you doesn't it! :bird: :bird:
" they can come for the ride, but they have to sit in the back" who was it that said that....hmmm..
Like your  hero the chocolate jeezus said " elections have consequences." You lost so sit down ans STFU. :loser: :loser: :loser: :loser:
One Who Grows (244 posts)
20. absolute bullshit. the cave is unspeakably vile.

I don't know how any of you can live with yourselves.


Offline DLR Pyro

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Star Member a kennedy (17,440 posts)

Face it, we're not going to get the Mueller Report, or his damn taxes....

Star Member Demovictory9 (5,889 posts)

4. there must be some real stinky stuff in the Mueller report and Trump's taxes.

What is it with the DUmmies and their voyeuristic obsession with President Trump's tax returns.  The man and his corporations are audited almost every year and don't the Dummies think that if there was anything foul with his tax returns that the obama weaponized irs would have brought it to the forefront during the 2016 election?

Initech (74,755 posts)

5. I'm starting to think that war is the only way this is going to end.
And that's exactly what they want. Notice the extreme increase in violent rhetoric, hostility and calls for civil war? Notice the gun nuts and doomsday preppers buying weapons and end times supplies in droves? They want a war and they will probably get it if we let them get to us.

mmm, yeah sparky.  As it has been said before, you guys want to start a war with a group of people who own and know how to use guns when your side can't even decide which bathroom to use...
Biden is an illegitimate President.  Change my mind.

Police lives matter.

Basking in the glow of my white privilege

ProudDad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Wed Mar-09-11 08:50 PM
64.I'd almost be willing to get a job in order to participate in

Offline SVPete

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Initech (74,755 posts)

5. I'm starting to think that war is the only way this is going to end.

Nope. The way Ds, libs, and Progs are acting, it's likely to end when Trump moves out of the WH in January, 2025. And if you'll just keep this up, it'll be Pence or some other R moving in to replace him.
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.

Offline zeitgeist

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The companion thread is here:

Reproduced here for your edification, for your enjoyment the comments are still at the link.

Woe is me  ~   :panic:

Cyrano (11,220 posts)

What if we lose? What if Trump wins and the GOP holds the Senate?
Yes, it's a horrifying thought. But what then?

It's time that all of us became students of history. In brief, there have been eras in which human beings were defeated by barbarism. And there have been times in which human enlightenment came to the surface and moved us all forward.

You don't need to look further back than the 20th Century to see that all of humanity was almost overtaken by fascism. It was beaten down, but not destroyed. It still exists today.

There's no guarantee that the next election will bring democracy back to America. Do you really think that Republicans aren't counting on gerrymandering, voter suppression, uncounted votes, "lost" votes, and so many other tactics to hold/steal the presidency and the senate?

And if they succeed, we can look forward to a warped, insane, fascist America.

So what do we do then?

For all the talk about another civil war, it ain't gonna' happen. There will be violence here and there, but it will be insufficient to overthrow those in power.

So let me go back to where I started regarding alternating eras of barbarism and enlightenment.

If, "if," we lose it all in 2020, we will enter a barbaric period. But that doesn't mean you stop talking about an enlightened society. It has been this way through all of human history. The word of a better way gets passed down from generation to generation. And, at some point, the masses have had it, and they overthrow tyrants. They reclaim their freedoms and their rights.

We may or may not see it in our lifetimes, but teach the next generation what it means to be free. Teach them about tyrants. Teach them about self-rule. Teach them about personal rights and democracy.

Hopefully, we won't have to endure an era of darkness. Hopefully, we will take back the presidency and the entire congress. And hopefully, if we do, we will have the wisdom to move humanity forward and end, once and for all, the gridlock that exists due to the never-ending battle between greed and democracy.

Perhaps our species is not there yet. Perhaps we'll have to endure another few rounds of autocracy vs a free people. But maybe not. It's all up to us.

< watch this space for coming distractions >

Offline BadCat

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we will enter a barbaric period

One which, NONE of you will survive.
Help keep America beautiful...deface a liberal.

The Democrat and Republican parties are simply the left and right wings of the same bird of prey.

The road to freedom is paved with dead liberals.


Offline 67 Rover

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You don't need to look further back than the 20th Century to see that all of humanity was almost overtaken by fascism. It was beaten down, but not destroyed. It still exists today.

Remind me again how many people were slaughtered in the 20th century from socialism and communism?
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Offline Wineslob

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This word "fascist", I don't think you DUmmies are capable of understanding what it means.........
“The national budget must be balanced. The public debt must be reduced; the arrogance of the authorities must be moderated and controlled. Payments to foreign governments must be reduced, if the nation doesn't want to go bankrupt. People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance.”

        -- Marcus Tullius Cicero, 55 BC (106-43 BC)

The unobtainable is unknown at

"Practice random violence and senseless acts of brutality"

If you want a gender neutral bathroom, go pee in the forest.