I always had this theory that when one has a craving for some certain food, it's actually the body needing a nutrient it's not getting.
For example, I'm a glutton when it comes to sour cream, although sour cream doesn't even rate as one of my top ten favorite foods; I dine upon it as if ice cream.
I suspect it's because there's some nutrient or trace element in sour cream that this body needs, but isn't getting. I have no idea what it would be, but it's obviously present in sour cream.
Before I go any further, I should point point out that I'm no connoisseur, no bon vivant; to me, food's just a fuel, like gasoline to an automobile.
I came from a family of high-livers when it comes to food, and thus far I've happily avoided their fates, being spared the ailments and afflictions of affluenza and the too-easy, too-comfortable, too-secure, style of life. It's obvious others in other families can live decadently with only little ill effect, but in my own genetic bloodline, it appears decadence kills, and so I don't want to have anything to do with it.
Tonight, about 1:00 a.m., I awoke with an insatiable desire for milk. As I have no cholesterol, blood pressure, or weight problems, I drink only the real thing, only 100% whole milk.
There is always kept at least four gallons of milk in this refrigerator, which on average lasts me circa five days.
So when I woke up, I was safe, with that inventory; I could satisfy the longing.
Well, that was an hour and a half ago, and thus far I've finished off one and a third gallons of milk; I think the longing, while not yet completely satisfied, is pretty much satisfied now.
But I wonder what trace element or nutrient there is in milk, that my body was screaming for.