Author Topic: My 'strange' illness  (Read 15957 times)

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My 'strange' illness
« on: August 19, 2013, 06:53:15 PM »
After a couple of weeks I'm still recovering from a strange flu-like illness.

About two weeks ago I woke up at 12:30 AM on Sunday freezing to death. Even the air touching my skin hurt. My knees were sore. As were the joints in my fingers.

According to the thermometer my temp was only 97.5, but by 4:30 AM I was heating to death. In 15 minutes my temp jumped from 99.7 to 100.2. I took some aspirin which seemed to get my temp under control, but through the day I would still fluctuate from freezing to being extremely hot.

On Monday the coughing started. The heat/cold feelings subsided a bit, but the cough constantly got worse.

On Wednesday I went to the doctor and he gave me some antibiotics and some high dollar cough syrup.

By Wednesday of last week I thought I was better. Then on Thursday the cough started coming back.

Today I seem to be doing better. Thankfully.

What is so strange is that through it all I never had any runny or stopped-up nose. No kind of sinus problems.

Also, the Thursday before the symptoms first started I got bit by some sort of insect on my forehead. By Friday it had swollen to the size of a golf ball. It remained swollen for several days. Although the swelling has gone away I can still feel the bite mark.

My wife thinks that whatever bit me caused the illness. I think it was just a coincidence. The doctor seemed intrigued, but not concerned, about the bite.

What do you guys say? You ever heard of an insect causing the above symptoms? Or of a flu or cold without a runny nose?
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Re: My 'strange' illness
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2013, 07:08:18 PM »
You ever heard of an insect causing the above symptoms

Yes I have but my attempts at self diagnosis have been spectacular failures.

Did your doc tell you what he thought was going on and did the doc know you had the third eye thing going?
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Re: My 'strange' illness
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2013, 07:57:48 PM »
Yes I have but my attempts at self diagnosis have been spectacular failures.

Did your doc tell you what he thought was going on and did the doc know you had the third eye thing going?

Yeah, I told him about the bite. It was still swollen some when I went to him, but it had already went down from its golf ball sized glory. He wondered if it could have been a tick, but I find it hard to believe that a tick could have bitten my on the forehead and then fallen off without me knowing it. Most of the time when a tick latches on it is tough to get it off. I tend to believe it was a mosquito, but I have no evidence other than the fact that we got into a ton of mosquitos that day.

The main thing the doctor seemed to be concerned about was me keeping check on my temp to make sure it didn't get too high.
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Re: My 'strange' illness
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2013, 07:59:14 PM »
Have you researched West Nile Virus?  Mosquitoes carry it.  We are getting a lot of it down our way.
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Re: My 'strange' illness
« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2013, 08:06:48 PM »
Have you researched West Nile Virus?  Mosquitoes carry it.  We are getting a lot of it down our way.

One my friends actually had what they think was the West Nile Virus (or one of the other mosquito-born viruses) just recently.

With what I had I never really had a temperature but for one day.

I forgot to add in my original post that when it was going on that I didn't have any energy and was sleepy all of the time. I originally attributed that to the cough syrup, but I was still tired and sleepy several days after I stopped taking it.
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Re: My 'strange' illness
« Reply #5 on: August 20, 2013, 12:25:42 PM »
Except for the bite on the forehead... sounds like the wicked cold/flu thing we had down here in the spring.

Chris and I both had it, several other CC'ers did too, I think.

Chris got it before I did, and I think his lasted about as long as mine did. I got it in February and it was May before I was completely over it.

Have you been checked for Lyme Disease? We have West Nile going on here too. All the rain is making the mosquitoes very prolific...  :censored:
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Re: My 'strange' illness
« Reply #6 on: August 20, 2013, 01:22:18 PM »
Except for the bite on the forehead... sounds like the wicked cold/flu thing we had down here in the spring.

Chris and I both had it, several other CC'ers did too, I think.

Chris got it before I did, and I think his lasted about as long as mine did. I got it in February and it was May before I was completely over it.

Have you been checked for Lyme Disease? We have West Nile going on here too. All the rain is making the mosquitoes very prolific...  :censored:

I just had the flu about two months ago. I had to go to the doctor for that also. If this was a second case of the flu I think it would be the first time I've been unfortunate enough to get it twice in one year.

I have NOT been checked for Lyme Disease.

I'm hoping whatever I did have was taken care of by the antibiotics. I know I'm feeling better. Still not 100%, but much better than I was. Thank the Lord.
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