You know, I'm getting a little irked with members here, especially those in the DUmpster, and especially vesta111, who've been ignoring a question I posed. It's a rather delicate subject, yes, but hey, in the DUmpster things such as human-animal sexual acts or excretory functions, as described by the primitives on Skins's island, are freely and wantonly discussed.
A primitive had a boil excised from the top of his butt-crack.
It seemed a rather complicated procedure.
I've never had a boil in my life, and while I've probably seen them on other people, never having heard the world "boil" in association with them, "boil" is just a four-letter word to me, signifying, possibly, an unnatural protuberance in the skin with liquid inside that needs drained out.
And no, I'm not willing to google-image it, because I'd just as soon keep seeing it as those words describe it, "an unnatural protuberance in the skin with liquid inside that needs drained out."
When I was a teenager, like every other teenager, I had pimples.
Usually I'd just pop them, and it worked out fine. I never used anything other than soap-and-water.
However, once in a while, there'd be a particularly difficult one, that squeezing wouldn't make it pop.
In that case, I'd just grab a pin or needle, holding it inside the flame of a lit match to sterilize it, and then jab it into the white crust, popping it, draining it. The parents, both registered nurses, would yell at me if they saw me doing it, but nothing bad ever happened, and I continued doing it.
If one has a boil and it's supposed to be drained, why not just stick a pin or needle into it, puncturing it?
No thanks to vesta111, to whom my question was directed, and she utterly ignored it.