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Re: Everything I Know About Weight Loss
« Reply #25 on: June 11, 2013, 05:52:49 AM »
I've lost 5 pounds in the last 3 weeks or so, and I have a good 50 pounds to go before I reach my goal weight.  For me it is about being honest with myself about what I'm eating and eating in moderation.  Also, physical activity is huge when it comes to weight loss for me.  I was running regularly until I sprained my ankle a couple weeks ago.  I think it is just about healed enough for some easy jogging.

This. I have lost over 100 lbs and within 15 up or down maintain it(coming down pretty quickly off of 15 winter hibernation fat lbs;) something that happened while I still hunt for a fitness home in winter which I think I have. I also started training As a group fitness instructor before divorce necessitated much more regulate employment and time and attention to other things. Suffice to say this topic is a great interest for me to. The important thing for me I have found is activity and weight training for a slower metabolism. The muscle helps add a boost to the metabolism. But slack on the activity and I gain. Never been one to drop weight on diet alone.

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Re: Everything I Know About Weight Loss
« Reply #26 on: June 11, 2013, 05:54:13 AM »
I'll be the chubby guy in the same corner as Tots holding the other side of the "Boo! Fat Rules" banner.  :lmao:

I'm hoping Jtyangel sees this thread, she seems to be someone very well versed in fitness.

Haha. I have arrived but an in vacation visiting my family in Florida so my contributions will be sporadic:)

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Re: Everything I Know About Weight Loss
« Reply #27 on: June 11, 2013, 06:13:00 AM »
Ill add that my favorite workouts are hiking, boxing/kickboxing, and high interval low weight programs like body pump.

Offline Eupher

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Re: Everything I Know About Weight Loss
« Reply #28 on: June 11, 2013, 07:40:54 AM »
I realize now that my admonition to avoid carbs, drink lots of water, and not worry too much about fat, was only half the story.

I agree with the consensus - that exercise is crucial to any weight loss program.

Gotta stoke the internal furnace and keep it stoked.

For me, during my active duty Army years, it was long-distance running. I was a smoker and I thought I was going to die while running a mile in late 1978. I was but 22 years old. In early 1979, I quit smoking (went to a pipe to kind of "bridge" that process) and began running.

I was never a fast runner, but I'd routinely run about 5 miles in 40 minutes. I remember the first time I ran for an hour, and getting to that milestone was surprisingly memorable. Back roads in Germany. Beautiful.

Once in Berlin in about 1985 or so, I ran my first 10 km. It felt like a cakewalk. Quickly graduated to 20 km runs (mostly while doing volksmarches, which weren't always accurate, distance-wise) but were always entertaining because there was always something different to see just up ahead. Did I say this was Germany? Lovely terrain.

I ran my first volksmarch marathon in 1988. This one was every bit of 42 km 195 meters. Took me 4 hours and 30 minutes. I was pumped.

There were plenty of runs of 20 or more kms. One course in Berlin, which took you through the Grunewald, was 29 kms. The crowning glory on that run was the final 2 kms or so would take you by a nude beach.  :-)

In 1992, I ran 5 marathons that year. On weekends, sometimes it would be a marathon on Saturday and a 20 km on Sunday. Kept the weight off nicely, but my diet wasn't anything to crow about.

Since retirement, I've had to stop running -- the knees just simply scream at me anymore. So I use an elliptical these days, or quite often just walk. And since 2011, I've incorporated weight training into the mix as well. Lots of pushups, situps, and various dumbbell exercises -- nothing really too heavy -- along with a modest weight machine we have in the basement.
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Re: Everything I Know About Weight Loss
« Reply #29 on: June 11, 2013, 07:56:12 AM »
Here are my responses in no particular order:

Pubes, Euph, didja have to go there?   :thatsright:

CC, I know where we can get poster board for dirt cheap!   :wink:

JTY, Celtic, current medical dilemma doesn't allow for tight fitting anything, especially shoes.  Can you recommend any kind of cardio that would work in this case?  If I wear my tennis shoes for a work out one day, they are swollen with hives the next, and I am unable to wear any shoe, with the exception of a pair of flip flops that look oh-so-chic with big ole red swollen feet.

I have never had any metabolism to speak of, the fact that I don't exercise is more than likely a good part of it.  I really need to find something to do.   

R.I.P. LC and Crockspot.  Miss you guys.

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Offline Eupher

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Re: Everything I Know About Weight Loss
« Reply #30 on: June 11, 2013, 08:33:55 AM »
Here are my responses in no particular order:

Pubes, Euph, didja have to go there?   :thatsright:

Why, yes. Yes, I did.  :-)
Adams E2 Euphonium, built in 2017
Boosey & Co. Imperial Euphonium, built in 1941
Edwards B454 bass trombone, built 2012
Bach Stradivarius 42OG tenor trombone, built 1992
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Fender Precision Bass Guitar, built ?
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Re: Everything I Know About Weight Loss
« Reply #31 on: June 11, 2013, 12:29:46 PM »
Here are my responses in no particular order:

Pubes, Euph, didja have to go there?   :thatsright:

CC, I know where we can get poster board for dirt cheap!   :wink:

JTY, Celtic, current medical dilemma doesn't allow for tight fitting anything, especially shoes.  Can you recommend any kind of cardio that would work in this case?  If I wear my tennis shoes for a work out one day, they are swollen with hives the next, and I am unable to wear any shoe, with the exception of a pair of flip flops that look oh-so-chic with big ole red swollen feet.

I have never had any metabolism to speak of, the fact that I don't exercise is more than likely a good part of it.  I really need to find something to do.   

Swimming is always an option.  Another possibility might be doing work out videos at home with bare feet.  Jillian Michael's kickboxing workout DVD's are fun, and a pretty good workout.  I've heard good things about Zumba as well.

Additionally, you might want to look into "unshoes" or "luna sandals."  They were developed by proponents of barefoot running to protect the bottom of your foot while allowing it a full range of motion.  Full disclosure, I've never tried them, but if your main issue is that you can't wear shoes while exercising they might be an option.

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Re: Everything I Know About Weight Loss
« Reply #32 on: June 11, 2013, 03:35:01 PM »
I am so glad so many forum members decided to say Boo, or Fat Rules !  x_0
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Re: Everything I Know About Weight Loss
« Reply #33 on: June 12, 2013, 07:21:01 AM »
Swimming is always an option.  Another possibility might be doing work out videos at home with bare feet.  Jillian Michael's kickboxing workout DVD's are fun, and a pretty good workout.  I've heard good things about Zumba as well.

Additionally, you might want to look into "unshoes" or "luna sandals."  They were developed by proponents of barefoot running to protect the bottom of your foot while allowing it a full range of motion.  Full disclosure, I've never tried them, but if your main issue is that you can't wear shoes while exercising they might be an option.

Thanks CR!  I am going to check into those shoes.  I love swimming, but hate to get a gym membership just for the pool. 
R.I.P. LC and Crockspot.  Miss you guys.

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Re: Everything I Know About Weight Loss
« Reply #34 on: June 12, 2013, 07:27:43 AM »
Installment 2...

Body Types

Form birth we are gifted,or cursed with one of 3 body types...
Some have a body type that is naturally skinny, naturally fat, or naturally muscular. With the right exercise program or sloppy habits, we can change our natural body  to any other. Furthermore, the older we get the stronger the tendency to become the ectomorph, the fat body type. It is nice to have the desired body type, but not necessary, and certainly not a major obstacle to achieving specific weight loss, or fitness levels.

Basal Metabolism

This is the caloric consumption of your body at rest, not asleep. Your body position would be supine, when heart rate is at it's minimum, respiration at it's minimum, and all muscles relaxed. There would be little to no digestion taking place. In this state no demands above the minimum for vital signs are being tasked on the body. For the average American male that metabolic rate would require about 200 calories to sustain basal metabolism. For women slightly less. That baseline runs in the background of caloric output constantly. Any other caloric demands on the body are over and above basal metabolism.
Basal metabolism can be changed most desirably by higher fitness levels. On the downside basal metabolism decreases with weight loss, though not as much metabolism loss with fat loss as with muscle loss.
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Re: Everything I Know About Weight Loss
« Reply #35 on: June 13, 2013, 09:04:46 PM »
Installment 3...

Body Mass Index (BMI) aka Body Fat Percentages

One measure of cardio vascular health, or even fitness levels, is the BMI. It is a measure of total body fat as a ratio to non fat. There are a number of ways to measure BMI, the least accurate (but more than accurate enough) that I am familiar with is the tape measure method. A tape measure is used to determine the circumference of the neck to set a baseline for a non fatty portion of the body that will give a fairly accurate indication of the proportion of the rest of the body in lean mass. Then a measurement of the widest part of the abdomen is used to reveal the circumference of that area which for males is the area most likely to accumulated fat. Another more accurate method of determining BMI, is a submersion method using Archimede's principal to determine body density converted to fat percentage.
In terms of body fat percentages, as a baseline, a competitive male marathon runner, or triathlete will have about 4 to 6% body fat, a female, 6 to 8% body fat.
As for the non marathon runners we have…
Normal body fat percentage……….about 12 to 18% for males, 14 to 20% for females
Overfat body fat percentage……….about 18 to 26% for males, 20 to 28% for females
Obese  body fat percentage……….anywhere over 26% males, over 28% for females
But really, once you get into the higher overfat numbers and above, once you have reached to 25% body fat arena, who wants a quarter or more of their body weight to be pure fat ?
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Re: Everything I Know About Weight Loss
« Reply #36 on: June 15, 2013, 02:18:05 AM »
Installment 4...

Heart Rate Zones

When exercising, the most effective weight loss will occur at the proper target heart rate zone. An individual's heart rate zone increases with fitness levels, and decreases with age. Depending on the type of exercise being performed will dictate the proper heart rate. For fat burning you would be in zone at about 55 to 65% of your max heart rate for your age. Cardio vascular exercise would be around 65 to 75%. For anaerobic exercise such as weightlifting 75 to 100 % of max. It should be considered dangerous and ineffective to try and purposely exceed your max heart rate without a thorough knowledge of the proper regimens to build up your max heart rate.

Fat Comparisons

A pound of fat has a caloric content of 3,500 calories. A calorie is also known as a btu ( British Thermal Unit). The working definition of a calorie is the amount of heat required to raise 1 cc of water 1 degree centigrade. If your pound of fat could be burned at a perfect efficiency, and all the heat released by the burning of it was transferred to 100 cc's ( about a coffee cup full) of water at room temperature ( approx. 22 degrees) it would raise the temperature of that 100 cc's to about 57 degrees centigrade, which is more than scalding hot water. Talk about a cup of hot coffee spilled in your lap at the McD's drive thru !
A pack of butter of the most popular size is a 1 pound pack with 4 sticks. That closely resembles the caloric content of a pound of fat. For every pound you are over your ideal weight you might as well spread one pound of butter over your body, and don't let any melt off.
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Re: Everything I Know About Weight Loss
« Reply #37 on: June 15, 2013, 10:30:24 AM »
Installment 4...

you might as well spread one pound of butter over your body

OK!!!!  now we're getting kinky here.  Tell us more.

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Re: Everything I Know About Weight Loss
« Reply #38 on: June 16, 2013, 12:25:41 AM »
OK!!!!  now we're getting kinky here.  Tell us more.
Now I know how to get the forum's attention !
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Re: Everything I Know About Weight Loss
« Reply #39 on: June 16, 2013, 12:40:34 AM »
Now I know how to get the forum's attention !
I'm reading but I don't get it

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Re: Everything I Know About Weight Loss
« Reply #40 on: June 17, 2013, 12:19:19 AM »
Installment 5...

Rate of Weight Loss
Ideal Caloric Deficit
Ideal Rate of Weight Loss

A difficult, and aggravating fact of weight loss is that the rate of weight loss will be equal to or less than the rate of weight gain once your diet "ends". If you want to lose weight rapidly, it is certainly possible, but just remember, the "back end" weight gain will be just as fast if not faster, all other things being equal. Furthermore rapid weight loss is inadvisable for many reasons, not the least of which it can become very hazardous to good health very rapidly. Very slow weight loss is also possible, and much more of a healthy option. Also any weight lost at this rate would be regained at an approximately equal rate, if not a little faster. The optimal weight loss rate is for most people 1 to 2 pounds a week, which for our purposes is a median rate. For really obese people these numbers can be proportionally but carefully increased.
Recalling our fat to calorie ratio, and applying it to our pound of weight loss per week, we find that we must decrease our weekly caloric intake by 3,500 calories. By the same token we could substitute a caloric output increase of 3,500 calories per week, or some combination of the 2. On a per day basis a 500 calorie deficit would need to be established. On the diet side for the average person that would represent a one fifth reduction of the approximately 2,500 calorie per day intake. On the exercise side that would be about an hours workout at a moderate exertion level on a daily basis, or some combination of both.

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Re: Everything I Know About Weight Loss
« Reply #41 on: June 19, 2013, 01:22:59 AM »
Installment 6...

Water, Fat, and Muscle Weight Loss Hierarchies.
Water, Fat, and Muscle Weight gain Hierarchies.

When on a weight loss program, especially one that includes exercise, the first results will almost always be water weight loss. Diets that do not include a good exercise program will then yield weight loss results as a result of muscle loss. Diets that continue past this point will begin to yield fat loss results. Fat loss for women is especially harsh on their appearance as it will be lost from the last place it was gained. This is also true for men. For women, the last place they gained fat is almost always in the breasts, therefore that will be the first place fat loss will be experienced. This can be emotionally and mentally grueling and many become despondent and quit their diets with that excuse. The problem is, if that woman begins to regain fat weight, she will not regain it in her breasts until she has gained fat weight in all the other trouble areas that she really wanted to lose fat from. The thighs, the hips, the stomach, the triceps region, the chin, what have you
The same goes for muscle, and water. Water weight will be the first to be regained, then fat, then muscle.
It is prudent to be aware of these facts before beginning a weight loss program to prevent discouragements of this sort.

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Re: Everything I Know About Weight Loss
« Reply #42 on: June 20, 2013, 01:17:11 AM »
Installment 7...

Starvation reflex

The body has a natural calorie counting ability that is curiously accurate. From it's current calorie intake, if it senses any excess, or deficit it responds quickly to each. The first reaction of the body to new caloric intake that can be immediately used, such as simple sugars, that there is a current demand for, it will prioritize those immediately. Then if there is  any deficit in blood sugars, the digestion process will program digestive system caloric output to replenishing blood sugar levels. Any increase in calories processed and made available by the digestive system over and above current caloric demands by the body. is converted directly into fat production. Any reduction in caloric intake beyond the current levels of digestion and blood sugars causes the body to react rather quickly into burning muscle mass to make up the deficit. It does this because muscle is a quicker easier, and lmost effective reserve to draw on. Also on a per volume basis the caloric content is comparable. The direct burning of fat is a longer process, and once it is triggered, very painful for the body. If anyone has ever seen a long distance athlete hit the wall, and become unable to continue, possibly unable to even walk or crawl, this is the stage that direct fat burning has been triggered. It is much easier for the body to just tap in to the muscle. The only way to turn off the starvation reflex trigger is to stress the muscles beyond their normal use. This causes the body through hormones and other chemical triggers to rearrange the nourishment hierarchy, and directs nutrients to the muscle to cause them to grow and build to answer the newly imposed exertions placed on them.
The starvation reflex on the stomach initially brings on increasing levels of hunger pangs that peak after a day or 2, then subside at a similar rate to near nothing after another day or two. The hunger sensations then level out at a nuisance to background level, and remain there throughout the starvation process. The stomach begins a shrinking process that continues at a slow rate until the eating process re instituted. The stomach will also atrophy somewhat, but not anywhere close to the rate that other musculature will atrophy.
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Re: Everything I Know About Weight Loss
« Reply #43 on: June 20, 2013, 01:30:43 AM »
BTW, I still don't get what you are doing.  Is this a warm-up to a regimen, not yet started?

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Re: Everything I Know About Weight Loss
« Reply #44 on: June 20, 2013, 01:35:02 AM »
BTW, I still don't get what you are doing.  Is this a warm-up to a regimen, not yet started?
I believe your question may be answered by a closer inspection of my posts in the thread. If not, it shouldn't be much longer, and I will have my complete treatise included in the thread to be evaluated as a in process.
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Re: Everything I Know About Weight Loss
« Reply #45 on: June 20, 2013, 10:41:09 AM »
BTW, I still don't get what you are doing.  Is this a warm-up to a regimen, not yet started?

It's always darkest before the dawn.

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Re: Everything I Know About Weight Loss
« Reply #46 on: June 20, 2013, 11:29:35 AM »
It's always darkest before the dawn.

Hmm, I'll keep checking, till I'm warned about the explicit photos  :-)

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Re: Everything I Know About Weight Loss
« Reply #47 on: June 20, 2013, 11:38:46 AM »
Hmm, I'll keep checking, till I'm warned about the explicit photos  :-)

Those are located over in the Short Bus. You can't miss it.  :naughty:
Adams E2 Euphonium, built in 2017
Boosey & Co. Imperial Euphonium, built in 1941
Edwards B454 bass trombone, built 2012
Bach Stradivarius 42OG tenor trombone, built 1992
Kanstul 33-T BBb tuba, built 2011
Fender Precision Bass Guitar, built ?
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Re: Everything I Know About Weight Loss
« Reply #48 on: June 22, 2013, 02:03:16 AM »
Installment 8

Comparative Densities of Fat and Muscle

Muscle is more dense than fat. Equal weights of muscle take up less room than equal weights of fat. When muscle loss occurs during weight loss, it occurs faster than fat loss, thus greater weight loss faster. When fat loss occurs during weight loss, the first evidence of it is more often noticed as inches lost than pounds lost. A lot of inches can be lost without much weight being lost due to the lower density of fat. If at the same time the muscles are being exerted more than normally, and growing in response, an actual weight gain may be encountered even though fat is being lost, and inches are being lost. Any weight plateau or weight gain must be considered against this baseline.

The Hunger Mechanism

Physiological feelings of hunger originate in the nervous system. The stomach has a network of interconnected nerves, much like a fishing net, embedded in the stomach wall,  that expand and contract along with the stomach in response to stomach content volumes introduced and digested. The nerves are at a null stimulation level about halfway between full empty, and full capacity. At this center point, the individual stomach nerves are neither stretched nor contracted, so they are in a neutral and relaxed state, and don't relay any nerve stimulation which would then be interpreted as hunger or fullness feelings. The more the individual nerves in the stomach's nervous system are stimulated towards either extreme the more the associated feeling will be transmitted.
The nervous system has another mechanism that is wondrous in some ways, in that it has the ability to normalize stimulation levels. Said another way, it can build up immunity to levels of stimulation. Often, when a physiological pain event occurs most commonly with an injury, original pain levels appear to recede long before the injury has begun any level of healing that would justify the pain reduction. This phenomenon applies to the hunger mechanism in that any level of hunger allowed to continue long enough will abate on it's own.
Another vexing problem surrounding body weight and body fat is psychological hunger. The wise dieter will learn to disassociate these two, and only respond to the physiological hunger signs, otherwise the psychological influences will booby trap the diet.

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Re: Everything I Know About Weight Loss
« Reply #49 on: June 23, 2013, 02:12:28 AM »
Installment 9

Managing Hunger Pangs and Hunger Side Effects

I describe feelings of hunger and fullness as a continuum, on a list that I identify with. It goes from ravenous to sated…
Ravenous…I could eat anything in sight
Hungry…….I want to eat right now
Satisfied..…I just stopped being hungry
Full……...…I first felt the full sensation
Overfull……I kept eating once I was full, but I could still eat a little more. Maybe room for dessert.
Sated…...…I couldn't eat another thing. A good Thanksgiving meal.

It is best to avoid, by ingestion, feelings of ravenous hunger. Once a level of ravenous hunger is achieved not only will the physiological effects be felt, but psychological responses will compound the condition. If one should experience ravenous hunger while on a weight loss program, they should eat only until they are just hungry. The problem is for most people, they will power through the hungry stage, and eat more before the stomach can relay lower levels of hunger, or higher levels of fullness,most usually to the sated state.
The hungry feeling is the feeling that the good dieter will become comfortable with, and learn to desire. If you want to lose weight you will have to learn to not only live with the hungry state, but learn to like it and enjoy it, and the knowledge that in this state the diet is at it's most effective. But let's face it by intent or default you will have some type of arrangement with hunger. You can make it your ally, your servant, and make yourself, through discipline make your hunger work for you as you make yourself the master of your hunger. Or, you can have a truce with hunger, in which case your weight loss will likely stall out, or plateau. The only other option, and one of the 3 is mandatory, is that your hunger will rule you, and drive you to heavier and heavier weights, and more unhealthy fat gain.
A good dieter in the hungry state will know by feeling and timing how to avoid the hunger state from becoming the ravenous state by shrewd placement of meals and healthy snacks throughout the day. The good dieter will also know how to eat portions at mealtime that will only alter his hunger state to satisfied, or possibly even full, but never more. Needless to say, eating till overfull or sated are counterproductive to weight loss, unless the food being consumed is of a very low calorie level, and even then should probably be avoided.
The award winning dieter will wake up hungry, and eat only enough to be hungry, but not ravenous at lunch. The same strategy should apply for dinner.
When eating dinner one should only eat enough to ensure an onset of hunger at the same time the tiredness and sleep mechanism occurs. That is, you should go to bed a little hungry. The nice thing about going to bed hungry is that as long as your hunger level is less than or equal to your sleepiness level, the tie will go to the sleepiness , and as you doze off you hunger feeling will seem to abate.
The wise dieter will never go to bed on an full stomach. The food you consumed right before going to bed will sit in your stomach as your metabolism plummets to near it's basal level. Your body will sense the caloric excess and channel nearly all of it into fat conversion. The only exception to this would be an exhaustive anaerobic workout prior to eating where the body would sense the demand for musculature requirements, and the body would target excess calories towards muscle production. Aside from that I can only think of one other legitimate reason to ever eat right before going to bed, and that would be if starting a hunger strike the next day. If you do have to eat shortly before going to bed try to minimize your meal, and try to at least walk it off with a good length walk.
There were only two options for gender. At last count there are at least 12, according to libs. By that standard, I'm a male lesbian.