Why, yes! Yes, of course!
Lurch sports a set, now that you mention it.

Why Yes, I can think of more then a few.
Very close family member had a tooth pulled and received a dry socket. Anyone ever had one knows the pain that will cause. Her dentist went on vacation and stubborn her waited for him to come home.
Some of the smartest people I know can become total idiots at times. The dentist came home and fixed her right up, then a few weeks later she began to get boils in her mouth and inside her southern regions. Heck of a mess, her doctor was flummoxed had no idea what was going on.
The boils were spreading down her throat and she was in agony. Fortunately the doctor's partner had just returned from SO. America and was astounded to see the very disease she had was Called the Brazilion Fire..
Where the heck does one get this disease in NH ??????
I to this day believe it came from the pulled tooth and the instruments of her doctor not being properly sterilised.
Last 6 weeks or so news of a dentist that infected hundreds of his patients hit the news.
the dentist was treating Aids patients and the State welfare people and had not one working autoclave in working condition. When one gets a cavity fixed the drill will spit out pieces of bone etc and you need to wash out your mouth.
If the drill is not changed from patient to patient then you ingest what ever the last patient was afflicted with.
Most of us with TATS watch to see if the Artist is taking the needles from sealed packets, clean and sterile. BUT, how many of us have any idea whose mouth the instruments were in at a dentists office ???