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At least 1100 dead, Israeli PM Netanyahu declares 'war' after Hamas terrorists l

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At least 1100 dead, Israeli PM Netanyahu declares 'war' after Hamas terrorists launch massive attack

--- Quote ---Hamas has launched the biggest attack on Israel in years, killing at least 1,100 and wounding more than 2,000 with a barrage of rockets as gunfights are reported in Sderot and other cities in southern Israel.
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Another war in the Middle East?

Horrifying images reveal Hamas massacre at rave, where Israeli officers acted as human shields to protect civilians

--- Quote ---At least 260 people were killed in the “massacre’’ at an Israeli music fest, which included Israeli officers being blown away while acting as human shields and hostages having their legs shot off so they couldn’t run, survivors say.

Graphic new images include a photo of scores of dead lying in a tent at the rave, which turned into bloody mayhem after heavily armed Palestinian terrorists paraglided across the Gaza Strip border in Saturday’s early-morning sneak attack on Israel.

Video showed the unsuspecting crowd earlier dancing to music as the terrorist motorized paragliders could be seen coming down in the distance.

The disturbing photos posted online by the Israeli MInistry of Foreign Affairs also show people who were gunned down in the street while fleeing the Tribe of Nova music festival near Gaza, while one snapshot captures a bloodied hostage loaded in the back of a Hamas terror vehicle.
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Many of the deaths happened at the Tribe of Nova music festival. At least 260 people were massacred. Untold numbers have been kidnapped by Hamas.

Drafe Hoblin:
Unknown number of dead Americans at the music-site.

Biden and Dr. Biden host a bbq at the Rose Garden with live band.


--- Quote from: Drafe Hoblin on October 08, 2023, 09:29:45 PM ---
Biden and Dr. Biden host a bbq at the Rose Garden with live band.

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Interesting. Reminds me of the time when Barry Soetoro announced the beheading of journalist James Foley and 10 minutes later, hit the links for a round of golf.

SharterJoe isn't running the show. He's just doing what he's told.

Iran Makes It Clear They're Behind Hamas' Barbaric Terrorism

Waaaaay too many Twitter tweets in this "article" to actually post some text, so here's the link to Katie Pavlich's non-article.

She gets into how SharterJoe's administration became a place where Palestinian sympathizers are instrumental in shaping US policy. This, despite Senate objections.

If even 1/10 of this is true, SharterJoe and Antony Blinken are guilty of treason.


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