I'm wondering if hospital-grade, hospital-quality, hospital-owned scales to measure weight can ever suddenly abruptly within 24 hours go bad.
This one was last calibrated and found to be accurate, about five weeks ago.
There's a scale here, which I'm supposed to use at least once a day, and it internetally transmits the weight to the hospital, which is pretty far away.
When I stepped on it this morning, it claimed I'd lost a whopping 6.5 pounds the past twenty-four hours.
Other than it being abnormally hot around here--although I've stayed in the air-conditioning--I did nothing different the past 24 hours; drank about the same quantity of liquids (four quarts, about half of it plain ordinary water and ice, the rest of it being skim milk and ice), ate about the same quantity of foodstuffs (circa 1500 calories a day), and I most certainly didn't exert myself any more than I usually do.
The only "weight reduction" pharmaceutical I use (it's used for reasons other than for weight loss) is Ferosemide, 40g tablets, two of them once a day, and I've been on that for ages now, with no significant changes in weight, certainly nothing of this magnitude in this short of time.
It's 5:00 in the morning, too early to get anybody else all upset about this; I'll wait for the hospice people to come today, about mid-morning probably, and report back here what they say. I have no idea why I'm posting this, other than that I like posting about strange or new phenomenons (including primitives).