Author Topic: Just Spitballing Here, But What If The Libs In California Had...  (Read 10960 times)

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Offline obumazombie

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Just Spitballing Here, But What If The Libs In California Had...
« on: September 03, 2015, 03:19:53 PM »
Enough fore site to anticipate water demand, and respond to it...


On Wednesday night, Sarah Isgur Flores, Carly Fiorina’s Deputy Campaign Manager, hit back at MSNBC’s Chris Hayes over whether or not climate change was to blame for the California drought. 
Hayes seemed shocked that Fiorina would oppose the United States and other nations agreeing to spend trillions of dollars to fight climate change as a “remarkable thing for a Republican, a believer in American exceptionalism to say, that there is this huge pressing challenge, it’s a really big thing that the world has to come together in.

And it is not going to happen.”

Flores rejected Hayes’ notion that Republicans who believe in “American exceptionalism” should take the lead on fighting climate change and instead blamed liberal environmentalists for the California drought:

I think her point is that liberals have been willing to sacrifice jobs, people’s livelihoods on the name of ideology rather than actually explaining to people what it would take to make a difference.
Liberals don’t explain that.

All they do is destroy a lot of jobs in order to say they’re doing something.

Hayes continued to insist that the California drought was undoubtedly exacerbated by climate change but the Fiorina official pointed out that environmental leftists have refused to build a reservoir for decades:

The drought has been exacerbated because liberals in California haven’t been willing to build a reservoir in 30 years.
If they were willing to capture some of the rain water in years where there was more rain water, then the drought wouldn’t be as bad on years when there is drought, which is fairly common in California actually.

The MSNBC host continued to distort Fiorina’s views on dealing with climate change and proclaimed that “she says there is this problem and I’m just going to say, no one else will sign up for it, I’m going to walk away.
Is that the way she’s going to lead America?”

Flores called Hayes out for playing an edited clip of Fiorina’s comments and explained that the Republican presidential candidate rejected the view that government mandates would adequately combat climate change:

If you played the rest of the clip she would have said that innovation is the answer to this.
Not destroying jobs.

Not telling people that a law in California will somehow fix global warming when it won’t.
One nation acting alone will not fix this problem.

Fiorina and her staffer have about half the equation solved.
Never accept the premise of a lib.
And never accept any underlying premises.

full article...

There were only two options for gender. At last count there are at least 12, according to libs. By that standard, I'm a male lesbian.

Offline obumazombie

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Re: Just Spitballing Here, But What If The Libs In California Had...
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2015, 12:36:51 PM »
I think I actually spelled foresight but got autocorrected.
There were only two options for gender. At last count there are at least 12, according to libs. By that standard, I'm a male lesbian.