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The DUmpster / Re: A MAGA wearing camouflage
« Last post by DUmpDiver on Today at 11:22:09 AM »
I saw that same guy in Chicago right near Subway at 2am. He was carrying a noose and a bottle of bleach.
The DUmpster / Re: Nancy Pelosi slammed Katy Tur just now.
« Last post by 67 Rover on Today at 10:44:54 AM »
MSNBC hired a Trump Apologist?????

OK another sign we are at end times.   :o
The DUmpster / Re: A MAGA wearing camouflage
« Last post by SVPete on Today at 09:29:07 AM »
Maybe Cyanose should use the energy with which he scrutinizes other people's wardrobes for something more remunerative than just gaining DUmp Cred. I have better things to do than being a DUmp-Karen examining and (very) psycho-analyzing the apparel of fellow shoppers in Safeway or Target.
The DUmpster / Re: Nancy Pelosi slammed Katy Tur just now.
« Last post by SVPete on Today at 09:22:52 AM »
So did Pelosi give any good answers, or is this DU thread just to celebrate her "slamming" a dissenter?

EDIT: I just watched the clip. If anything, it was the other way around; Tur staggered Pelosi with that point.

The TL;DR version of the segment is that Pelosi had been hot-airing about Trump having lost millions of jobs during his Presidency. Then Tur kind of quietly, almost hesitantly, dropped the truth bomb that there had been a pandemic. That contextual truth that exposed Pelosi's deception-by-omission is why Pelosi called Tur a "Trump Apologist".

It would be interesting to see graphs of unemployment for blue states that shut down hard and long vs. red states that shut down briefly if at all. Painting with a broad brush, I would expect the latter to have suffered fewer losses (percentages, not pure numbers, of course) and to have recovered more quickly.
The DUmpster / Re: A MAGA wearing camouflage
« Last post by Patriot Guard Rider on Today at 09:21:23 AM »

Oh, **** off. This never happened.

Of all the things in the history of the world that never happened, this never happened the most..
The DUmpster / Re: A MAGA wearing camouflage
« Last post by Old n Grumpy on Today at 08:40:12 AM »
A Monday morning bouncy on Tuesday with a bunch of stupid replies. :thatsright: :loser: :loser: :loser:

They can’t go a day without making up some story to mock or denigrate someone. They have to keep the hate flowing.
The DUmpster / A MAGA wearing camouflage
« Last post by CC27 on Today at 07:45:57 AM »
Cyrano (15,044 posts)

A MAGA wearing camouflage
I stopped at Dunkin" Donuts this morning and saw a guy dressed in camouflage colored pants and shirt and wearing a red MAGA hat. I guess he is all ready for Civil War 2.0.

The purpose of camouflage wear is to make one less visible. It's effective in jungles, but in a suburban setting it makes you stand out as though you were wearing a clown costume.

I wondered where he was going. No one goes to work dressed like that except for military personnel, and no soldier would wear a field uniform with a MAGA hat. Maybe he was going home to do, ... whatever it is MAGAs do at home. Then again, this is a fairly liberal neighborhood and he may have been on his own little "reconnaissance mission."

Whatever. Everyone at Dunkin' Donuts looked at him and then turned away. I'm sure that many shared my thought that he may have been armed, or had an assault rifle in his car. -- Do you suppose we'll ever get back to being a country that doesn't have far too many potentially dangerous assholes roaming among us?

Oh, **** off. This never happened.
The DUmpster / Re: Nancy Pelosi slammed Katy Tur just now.
« Last post by ADsOutburst on Today at 06:09:14 AM »
So did Pelosi give any good answers, or is this DU thread just to celebrate her "slamming" a dissenter?

EDIT: I just watched the clip. If anything, it was the other way around; Tur staggered Pelosi with that point.
Politics / Re: Higher Education and Indoctrination.
« Last post by Old n Grumpy on Today at 06:07:45 AM »
The schools let this get out of hand. All the students involved in violent or destructive behavior or anti-Semitic behavior should be expelled. if they are foreign exchange students, they should be deported. This whole thing needs to be investigated and find out who is supporting it financially and they should be prosecuted.

Faculty who is prompting these students to do this should also be fired and held accountable. The management of the schools need to be held accountable and federal funding needs to be stopped.

Cuddling these protesters only makes them boulder. They’re just spoiled children and they need to be taught a lesson and the outside agitators need to spend time behind bars and maybe get hit over the head with a couple
The DUmpster / Re: Nancy Pelosi slammed Katy Tur just now.
« Last post by CollectivismMustDie on Today at 05:16:11 AM »
Most of those jobs (56%) would return before Trump left office.

Amazing. Imagine calling 56 percent of anything "most" of it.

Keep 56 percent of your paycheck and you keep 'most' of it?

A massive explosion happens in a neighborhood, and 44 percent of those in the neighborhood are killed, and that means 'most' survived?

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