Author Topic: I have issues....  (Read 7813 times)

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Offline vesta111

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Re: I have issues....
« Reply #25 on: March 06, 2012, 01:38:20 PM »
CC, I had a stroke at 27 because of my auto immune disease. It can happen to anyone at any age. My grandma on the other hand is 98 years old and only been hospitalized when she had her two children and had her gallbladder out about 40 years ago. She is a hypochondriac though, so she would tell you that she has had everything that anyone else has ever had.

BEG, it often reminds me of the definition of hypochondriac is the Tomb Stone that reads---SEE I told you I was sick.

At 98 years old there is a possibility SHE has had a small dose of what ever else was going around, she fought it off or got to a doctor in time to get medication.

We learn from others and their illness what to watch for in our family's lives. So a friend or neighbor gets Lime Tick disease in the back yard you share and you get the same symptoms and ignore it ????

In my life I learned to pay attention to people with illness, for 3 years I had these digestive problems that came and went. I was mid-20ies thin as a rail, and neighbor was 45 and over weight.    She had Gall bladder disease and was operated on.  

Strange but I had the same symptoms yet I did not fit the profile for that disease as I was not in the category doctors used at that time of fat, 40, and some other darn thing I do not remember today.  

I was labeled a hypochondriac by family and Doctors.  Just every few months would the symptoms arise then I was in agony, given a bottle of Tums and  told to go to bed.  Problem, this acted up under stress,   until----

One day just walking across the living room floor I felt a huge bang on my back and I fell to the floor. Kids called an ambulance and I was sent for tests.    I was in the hospital for 3 weeks, Gall Bladder ready to rupture stones as big as as marbles.

Soon as I got home for 2 weeks I got an abscessed tooth, a bad one, blinding head aches and horrid pain.  Only when my face swelled up twice normal size was I brought to a dentist, we had no idea this was a tooth problem.

Finally when all was done and fixed, one child's teacher came to the house as that child had taken off time from school to help me.    She started out by saying her mother was a hypochondriac and kept her home from school. Nothing wrong with her mother until she died of cancer when she was a teenager.  Well then the mother was ill, was this woman nuts?

What I am trying to say is one has to pay attention to all the illnesses around them.  To ignore that Strep throat is going around, or Staph infections are on the up rise does not make one a hypochondriac , to watch every mole on the body or get heart palpitations is not a hypochondriac, to find a lump in the breast is not to be ignored.

Perhaps it is the hypochondriac that lives the longest, those that are told to ignore body signs and unusual bleeding are those that die early.


Offline Zeus

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Re: I have issues....
« Reply #26 on: March 06, 2012, 02:09:52 PM »

I think its a little of both plus the fact fil didn't want to admit to having diabetes. He thinks he has every illness he reads about, was convinced he had Meniere's disease or ms. I told him a joint a day would help, just kidding, but he actually asked his Dr about it. LOL

Dr. Told me I was borderline Diabetic. I told him he was full of it either your diabetic or you aren't. Went home and got on line to check it out and the dr. was right their is such a diagnosis guess I gotta consider giving up sugar in my coffee and my six pack a day of Mountain Dew.

I'd vote yes on a medical marijuana referendum.
It is said that branches draw their life from the vine. Each is separate yet all are one as they share one life giving stem . The Bible tells us we are called to a similar union in life, our lives with the life of God. We are incorporated into him; made sharers in his life. Apart from this union we can do nothing.

Offline Tess

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Re: I have issues....
« Reply #27 on: March 06, 2012, 04:35:17 PM »
I Kicked the ass of cancer with a less than 20% survival rate. Still got some issues arising from the chemo/Radiation lowering my auto immune system. So if I'm like my Grandfather and 1 or 2 other relatives who lived to be 100 plus 1 got about 50 yrs left.

That is of course if I don't kill myself first. When I plopped my self down in my bed this afternoon to catch a nap I was a wee bit closer to the head board than i thought ,rung by bell pretty good and almost went to sleep sooner than planed. :thatsright:

Tess I hope everything works out ok for you.

Thank you!  SO COOL about the cancer ass-kicking.  My mom was diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer 2 years ago and has beat it back twice now!  She is my hero.  I guess that is why I am taking this probably more seriously than I did when I first started getting these symptoms.  I've got an appointment for the week after we get back from Orlando.
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Offline Tess

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Re: I have issues....
« Reply #28 on: March 06, 2012, 04:44:11 PM »
THank you everyone!  I am so touched and realizing that I do need to take my health more seriously.  I have never been one to rush to the doctor for anything.  It took me 11 years just to get back to my "women's" doctor...yeah, I'm that bad.

I guess I feel that I should be more of a priority, eh?  lol
Tact is for people who aren't witty enough to be sarcastic.

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Offline Chris_

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Re: I have issues....
« Reply #29 on: March 06, 2012, 04:46:50 PM »
Good luck with the doctor.  I hope everything turns out okay.
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Offline Zeus

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Re: I have issues....
« Reply #30 on: March 06, 2012, 05:04:54 PM »
Thank you!  SO COOL about the cancer ass-kicking.  My mom was diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer 2 years ago and has beat it back twice now!  She is my hero.  I guess that is why I am taking this probably more seriously than I did when I first started getting these symptoms.  I've got an appointment for the week after we get back from Orlando.

My Dad and sisters swear cancer killed my mom. they don't care much for my answer, It wasn't cancer that took my mom. It was multiple strokes and both my sisters agree that mom was ok with dying and left it up to God. he called my mom home in the middle of the night while she was peaceably sleeping. She had a fair run at life she was 70 yrs old.

My self at first hearing I had cancer I felt if it's my time it's my time. Then I began thinking I have never just accepted things I always fought for what I felt was justified a fight and although i don't fear death I wasn't ready. The heavenly father must have agreed with me because the cancer is not in remission it is gone.

I brag not for me but for others that may face seemingly unsurmountable odds in life. You always have a choice, accept what is and go with the flow or fight because the odds may not be in your favor but their is always hope.

10 or 20 yrs ago your situation may have been ify but nowadays It's In and out ya go pay at the door as you leave. A pray never hurts though so I will keep you in mine.
It is said that branches draw their life from the vine. Each is separate yet all are one as they share one life giving stem . The Bible tells us we are called to a similar union in life, our lives with the life of God. We are incorporated into him; made sharers in his life. Apart from this union we can do nothing.

Offline Tess

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Re: I have issues....
« Reply #31 on: March 06, 2012, 05:14:12 PM »
My Dad and sisters swear cancer killed my mom. they don't care much for my answer, It wasn't cancer that took my mom. It was multiple strokes and both my sisters agree that mom was ok with dying and left it up to God. he called my mom home in the middle of the night while she was peaceably sleeping. She had a fair run at life she was 70 yrs old.

My self at first hearing I had cancer I felt if it's my time it's my time. Then I began thinking I have never just accepted things I always fought for what I felt was justified a fight and although i don't fear death I wasn't ready. The heavenly father must have agreed with me because the cancer is not in remission it is gone.

I brag not for me but for others that may face seemingly unsurmountable odds in life. You always have a choice, accept what is and go with the flow or fight because the odds may not be in your favor but their is always hope.

10 or 20 yrs ago your situation may have been ify but nowadays It's In and out ya go pay at the door as you leave. A pray never hurts though so I will keep you in mine.

What a perfect way to sum things up!  YOu are so right!

And thank you darlin!!!
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Offline BEG

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Re: I have issues....
« Reply #32 on: March 06, 2012, 05:23:47 PM »
BEG, it often reminds me of the definition of hypochondriac is the Tomb Stone that reads---SEE I told you I was sick.

At 98 years old there is a possibility SHE has had a small dose of what ever else was going around, she fought it off or got to a doctor in time to get medication.

We learn from others and their illness what to watch for in our family's lives. So a friend or neighbor gets Lime Tick disease in the back yard you share and you get the same symptoms and ignore it ????

In my life I learned to pay attention to people with illness, for 3 years I had these digestive problems that came and went. I was mid-20ies thin as a rail, and neighbor was 45 and over weight.    She had Gall bladder disease and was operated on.  

Strange but I had the same symptoms yet I did not fit the profile for that disease as I was not in the category doctors used at that time of fat, 40, and some other darn thing I do not remember today.  

I was labeled a hypochondriac by family and Doctors.  Just every few months would the symptoms arise then I was in agony, given a bottle of Tums and  told to go to bed.  Problem, this acted up under stress,   until----

One day just walking across the living room floor I felt a huge bang on my back and I fell to the floor. Kids called an ambulance and I was sent for tests.    I was in the hospital for 3 weeks, Gall Bladder ready to rupture stones as big as as marbles.

Soon as I got home for 2 weeks I got an abscessed tooth, a bad one, blinding head aches and horrid pain.  Only when my face swelled up twice normal size was I brought to a dentist, we had no idea this was a tooth problem.

Finally when all was done and fixed, one child's teacher came to the house as that child had taken off time from school to help me.    She started out by saying her mother was a hypochondriac and kept her home from school. Nothing wrong with her mother until she died of cancer when she was a teenager.  Well then the mother was ill, was this woman nuts?

What I am trying to say is one has to pay attention to all the illnesses around them.  To ignore that Strep throat is going around, or Staph infections are on the up rise does not make one a hypochondriac , to watch every mole on the body or get heart palpitations is not a hypochondriac, to find a lump in the breast is not to be ignored.

Perhaps it is the hypochondriac that lives the longest, those that are told to ignore body signs and unusual bleeding are those that die early.

Vesta, she is a hypochondriac.  I know her, I also know that my dad takes her to the doctor all the time and there is never anything wrong with her. Instead of being happy and glad she has lived to be 98 and never had a serious illness she is convinced she has/had every single illness that everyone else has had. Including my disease, Takayasu Arteritis.  She has been this way all her life.

Offline BEG

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Re: I have issues....
« Reply #33 on: March 06, 2012, 05:29:28 PM »
My Dad and sisters swear cancer killed my mom. they don't care much for my answer, It wasn't cancer that took my mom. It was multiple strokes and both my sisters agree that mom was ok with dying and left it up to God. he called my mom home in the middle of the night while she was peaceably sleeping. She had a fair run at life she was 70 yrs old.

My self at first hearing I had cancer I felt if it's my time it's my time. Then I began thinking I have never just accepted things I always fought for what I felt was justified a fight and although i don't fear death I wasn't ready. The heavenly father must have agreed with me because the cancer is not in remission it is gone.

I brag not for me but for others that may face seemingly unsurmountable odds in life. You always have a choice, accept what is and go with the flow or fight because the odds may not be in your favor but their is always hope.

10 or 20 yrs ago your situation may have been ify but nowadays It's In and out ya go pay at the door as you leave. A pray never hurts though so I will keep you in mine.

That was a great post! :)

Offline vesta111

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Re: I have issues....
« Reply #34 on: March 07, 2012, 09:20:55 AM »
Vesta, she is a hypochondriac.  I know her, I also know that my dad takes her to the doctor all the time and there is never anything wrong with her. Instead of being happy and glad she has lived to be 98 and never had a serious illness she is convinced she has/had every single illness that everyone else has had. Including my disease, Takayasu Arteritis.  She has been this way all her life.

Beg, 98 is some long time to live and watch the changes in life.

 So She came into he world in 1914 or so.  By the time she was 10 yeas old she had seen the epidemics Carry off children half her age,  Woman that died in childbirth or died due to what was called Milk Fever, or sepsis from the incomplete removal of after birth.

She lived in the era that males who returned from war brought home Syphilis, Clap, to pass it on to their wives who did no know they were infected. 

Tetanus, food poisoning, even an infected boil or tooth abscess could and did cause death. Botulism and even some canned goods where the manufacture used lead to weld the cans air tight, as discovered as most likely the cause of some Arctic expeditions in that time to perish for until now unknown reasons.

What a life granted by the grace of God she has seen.  Allergies to a bee sting, or some type of food, Gout, diabetes and everything under the sun, some how she and others survived bad well water, or in the city's sewers that ran down stream into the drinking water.

I wonder how old she was when she got her first pap smear, breast exam, first given antibiotics, tetanus shot, was given the test for TB, full blood work done ??? 

Darn BEG, she in 98 years beat the odds against disease, chemicals, poisons, and accidents. She has all new things to worry about today, drug recalls, food recalls, super infectious diseases that do not respond to antibiotics.   Even the OJ she drinks may be contaminated with pesticide.

Please Beg, give this Grand Old Lady a break, at that age seeing what she has in 98 years, she is doing everything to stay alive another year.  Seems like she still has her mental capacity to fight for her life.  Her body is running down, the clock is ticking, she cannot be healthy as a 80 year old,   at this time even a splinter that becomes infected can carry her away.   

My Mom at 90 has skin so thin just a scrape will open sores that can become infected, She heads for the Doctors for help, it must hurt like hell to have skin peeled off the body. 

Have to realise that at 98, all her childhood friends, people that remember her as a young bride or even as  grandmother have passed on.  Her children are growing old themselves and not remember her friends or herself at a far away time.    Sad, this was the lament of my grandmother.   " Every one I know today is someone I met when I was an old lady.  "

Offline BEG

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Re: I have issues....
« Reply #35 on: March 09, 2012, 10:08:35 AM »
Beg, 98 is some long time to live and watch the changes in life.

 So She came into he world in 1914 or so.  By the time she was 10 yeas old she had seen the epidemics Carry off children half her age,  Woman that died in childbirth or died due to what was called Milk Fever, or sepsis from the incomplete removal of after birth.

She lived in the era that males who returned from war brought home Syphilis, Clap, to pass it on to their wives who did no know they were infected. 

Tetanus, food poisoning, even an infected boil or tooth abscess could and did cause death. Botulism and even some canned goods where the manufacture used lead to weld the cans air tight, as discovered as most likely the cause of some Arctic expeditions in that time to perish for until now unknown reasons.

What a life granted by the grace of God she has seen.  Allergies to a bee sting, or some type of food, Gout, diabetes and everything under the sun, some how she and others survived bad well water, or in the city's sewers that ran down stream into the drinking water.

I wonder how old she was when she got her first pap smear, breast exam, first given antibiotics, tetanus shot, was given the test for TB, full blood work done ??? 

Darn BEG, she in 98 years beat the odds against disease, chemicals, poisons, and accidents. She has all new things to worry about today, drug recalls, food recalls, super infectious diseases that do not respond to antibiotics.   Even the OJ she drinks may be contaminated with pesticide.

Please Beg, give this Grand Old Lady a break, at that age seeing what she has in 98 years, she is doing everything to stay alive another year.  Seems like she still has her mental capacity to fight for her life.  Her body is running down, the clock is ticking, she cannot be healthy as a 80 year old,   at this time even a splinter that becomes infected can carry her away.   

My Mom at 90 has skin so thin just a scrape will open sores that can become infected, She heads for the Doctors for help, it must hurt like hell to have skin peeled off the body. 

Have to realise that at 98, all her childhood friends, people that remember her as a young bride or even as  grandmother have passed on.  Her children are growing old themselves and not remember her friends or herself at a far away time.    Sad, this was the lament of my grandmother.   " Every one I know today is someone I met when I was an old lady.  "

She was born December 1913.

Vesta, I called her a hypochondriac which is a fact, one of her doctors years ago also told my dad she thought she was a hypochondriac.  It's not like it has suddenly come on in the last few years. She has been this way her whole life.

I didn't call her a derogatory name or say anything else about her.  I don't know why you are arguing with me about this. Everyone in my family also know she is a hypochondriac, we don't call her that to her face. We enduldge her in every new found illnesses and take her to the doctor all the time.  :whatever:

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Re: I have issues....
« Reply #36 on: March 14, 2012, 10:01:17 PM »
Tess, your Dr would be a fool if he didn't refer you to a heart specialist for an echocardiogram and stress test. My problems popped up out of the blue with clear EKGs & regular Dr visits. Turns out I have several clogged arteries on my heart. Surgery is pending.
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