Author Topic: Mind Your Manners!  (Read 2958 times)

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Offline Alpha Mare

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Mind Your Manners!
« on: June 26, 2010, 02:15:02 PM »
Drug Cartel Leader Big on Murder — and Manners

Apatzingan — As the leader of one of Mexico's most ruthless criminal gangs, Nazario Moreno Gonzalez is the mastermind of hair-raising brutality in his native Michoacán state. He also would like the world to know he has a pious, loving and huggy-kissy side, and so he's penned a booklet titled "Thoughts."
"If you want to say 'I love you!' to those who surround you and to your friends, say it today," the drug lord exhorts readers.

In the 104-page booklet, published this year, he offers advice on personal empowerment, Christian living and proper deportment.
"Manners are a way of showing respect for others," he writes. "If you don't have them, don't expect to be respected."

At the entrance to his hometown, Guanajuatillo, a town of 572 people 15 miles south of Apatzingán, a bronze bust hails him as a patriot, according to a journalist who spoke on condition of anonymity to avoid joining a long list of journalists slain by Michoacán narco gangs.

If it seems bizarre for the leader of a drug gang that beheads or quarters enemies to offer advice on Christian living, well, maybe. However, the gang known as La Familia Michoacana is a pseudo-Christian posse that mixes zeal and inspiring slogans in its pronouncements. Members are ordered to study the Bible and pray the rosary, even as they gun down police, dismember opponents and manufacture highly addictive crystal methamphetamine.

« Last Edit: June 26, 2010, 03:00:38 PM by Chris »
"Political correctness is tyranny with manners."
    - Charlton Heston

Offline vesta111

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Re: Mind Your Manners!
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2010, 07:54:15 AM »

News on Fox today tells of the Police just giving up on this problem.  The so called corruption of the cops being bribed to look the other way, the cops that refuse the money are having their family's threatened, their kids targeted for death--

What are our options for surviving this mess.??

Well my Pepe went to the boarder in the Army to Deming New Mexico first world war and helped to put the Mexicans in their place.

We could send in 10,000 troops to take care of the problem today.


We can take a chance and allow their blood crop to be treated as we do booze and tobacco,   tax the heck out of it, control the sale of it, allow people to grow their own and open the fields so farmers can improve their land by growing hemp.

OR----   We can make the same mistake we made with Prohibition and allow the Mexican Mafia to take over half the country.

Beleave me, as long as anything is illegal that people want, there is someone willing to face death to deliver it.

Alpha my neck of the woods found that Prohibition was the best thing to happen for my G-grand parents.  Little old ladys made bath tub Gin, no one threw out ageing potatoes as with sugar they made Vodka.

The very same people today that rant and rave about pot, are descended from people that ran the coast to Canada to bring in illegal booze.

Or-----We can just allow our country to descend  into a law less land, one out of worse nightmare or Road Rage movie we have ever seen.

We are at war with these drug dealers.  They have a huge steak in moving their goods north to America.  Billions of dollers ride on America buying their goods. Billions of dollers ride on keeping this plant illegal in the States as the industerys will loose big time money if it and Hemp become legal.

What to do ????

Offline longview

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Re: Mind Your Manners!
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2010, 12:14:29 PM »
Reminds me of the disconnect between some lifestyles and religious practices of mafia folks I neighbored as a kid in Detroit.  They seemed sincere in both arenas.

Offline Alpha Mare

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Re: Mind Your Manners!
« Reply #3 on: June 28, 2010, 12:22:37 AM »
Hemp and marijuana are different varieties of cannabis; hemp has virtually no THC.  Only the DEA classifies it the same. Hemp was grown here until the 1950's- "Hemp for Victory" in WWII. It still grows wild all over the Midwest, looks like little trees along the highways.
"Political correctness is tyranny with manners."
    - Charlton Heston

Offline vesta111

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Re: Mind Your Manners!
« Reply #4 on: June 28, 2010, 05:35:13 AM »
Hemp and marijuana are different varieties of cannabis; hemp has virtually no THC.  Only the DEA classifies it the same. Hemp was grown here until the 1950's- "Hemp for Victory" in WWII. It still grows wild all over the Midwest, looks like little trees along the highways.

I attended a few years ago a work shop sort of thing for people that wanted to change the law on growing Hemp--not pot, Hemp.

I had just happened to find the booth set up at the mall and was curious.  I ended up spending a couple hours talking to farmers, business men that wanted to produce cloth, shoes and you name it from the fiber.

I met a young man and woman that worked with antiquities and was shown photos of  South American long dead, 300-400 years ago that were wrapped in Hemp clothing. Enough of the wrappings had survived to be recognisable.

The farmers I spoke with claimed that soil that will not grow even weeds can grow Hemp and the plant itself improves the soil in a few short years.

Why is this illegal, when I asked this question I got the same thing from each person ----Washington Lobbyists for company's that are afraid of loosing money due to the longevity of the fiber.    In other words why should anyone who owns a boat replace the rigging and lines every two years when Hemp lines will last longer then the boat itself .?

Now about this incredible problem with the Mexican drug cartels.  Just how long can the border states put up with this crap?? 

 Darn but I am reminded of bumper stickers and T Shirts that proclaim that the South will rise again.  Well at one time I though this was a  crazy statement, today I am not so sure.

Are we headed for another war over States Rights VS Federal Government.?

Will the right to form a militia and the right to bear arms stand against the Federal Laws that can and do over ride States Rights.??

As a Yankee I never thought I would EVER,ever,ever support States Rights.

A spark, one out of the blue can and will set us off both Citizens and the Alians that are here to work.

All this will take is a sloppy raid by the drug cartels, say by mistake the drug runners take out a school. 

Sooner or later there will be a tragedy that Obama will have to address. Until then, he is moving people towards States rights faster then was done in our Civil War and put brother against brother sons against fathers.