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[1] We must prevail, we can never allow ourselves to give up

[2] Attention ALL Members!! Political Rants and Raves Forum Rules.

[3] If True, the ABC News Presidential Debate Could Be Rocked by Explosive Scandal

[4] Older Voters Most Likely To Be Democrat While GOP Gains Young Adults, Poll Finds

[5] “Who Is Running The Country?”: Biden On The Beach For TWO WEEKS

[6] ADL Leader Slams DNC: 'I Could Not Have Imagined a Time Jews Would Have To Meet

[7] Most GOP-devastating statistic in Bill Clinton's DNC speech confirmed by fact...

[8] Progressive Jewish & Muslim protesters together unfurled a banner that read....

[9] JD Vance Tears Into Andy Beshear Over 'Disgusting' Rape Comment About Family


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