Author Topic: Stop the Sugar Rush  (Read 5468 times)

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Offline Inga

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Stop the Sugar Rush
« on: February 11, 2009, 08:28:43 AM »

I'm in to jazzercise and love it. The up beat music is great.We have lots of fun. Is they anyone whom have taken it, or has opinions.They send articles every once in a while.Happy Reading. :spork:

Stop the Sugar Rush

( CARLSBAD, CA) – Valentine’s Day…It’s the season for heart-shaped candies, chocolate truffles, and giant-sized cookies. Love is in the air, but calories are in the edible gift exchanges. And while giving a box of chocolate-covered cherries may seem like an innocent, kind-hearted gesture, the toll that excess sugar takes on our health is reason to re-think your gifts from Cupid this year.

On any given week, the average American consumes 2-3 pounds of sugar. This is five times the amount of average sugar consumption just 20 years ago. It’s not surprising that sugar is creeping its way into every part of the American diet. Valentine’s Day aside, refined sugars are found in everything from bread to breakfast cereal to ketchup!

Foods that are high in refined sugars may taste great, but they are loaded with calories. The excess sugar that cannot be burned is stored as fat. Furthermore, sugar is devoid of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. And it’s deteriorating effect on the body’s immune system is just one reason why several health organizations, including the American Dietetic Association and the American Diabetic Association, list sugar consumption as one of the three main causes of degenerative disease.

Jazzercise Founder and CEO Judi Sheppard Missett suggests an alternative to sugar overload this Valentine’s Day. Talk to your sweetheart, friends, and loved ones, and suggest a moratorium on all sugar-laden gifts. Then, take a few extra steps to lower the sugar intake in your daily diet.

1.      What’s on Tap? - Carbonated beverages are the single greatest source of refined sugar in the American diet. A whopping one-half of all added sugars in the average American’s diet comes from soda and fruit drinks. Try eating the whole fruit instead of fruit juice and drink flavored water in place of soda.

2.      Mini-Size It – Portion sizes have grown exponentially during the past couple of decades. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the average commercial cookie had 55 calories in the 1980s compared to 275 calories in the present day. Meanwhile, the average slice of cheesecake increased from a mere 260 calories to a gut-busting 640 calories. Battle back against this super-sizing phenomenon by cutting your portion sizes in half.

3.      Au Naturale – Got a sweet tooth? Try appeasing your palate with natural sugars instead of refined ones. Eat a small bowl of fresh fruit for dessert. Or eat an apple, which contains only 73 calories, rather than the 390-calorie slice of apple pie.

Judi Sheppard Missett, who turned her love of jazz dance into a worldwide dance exercise phenomenon, founded the Jazzercise dance fitness program in 1969.  Judi has advanced the business opportunities of women and men in the fitness industry by growing the program into an international franchise business that today, hosts a network of 7,500 instructors teaching more than 32,000 classes weekly in 32 countries.

The workout program, which offers a fusion of jazz dance, resistance training, Pilates, yoga, and cardio box movements, has positively affected millions of people worldwide. Benefits include increased cardiovascular endurance, strength, and flexibility, as well as an overall "feel good" factor.  For more information on Jazzercise go to or call (800)FIT-IS-IT or (760)476-1750.

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Offline SaintLouieWoman

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Re: Stop the Sugar Rush
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2009, 08:55:06 PM »
I've never done Jazzercise, but the receptionist at my office loves it. She's lost pretty much weight and looks so much better now. She says that she also feels better.

Last Saturday SR and I joined a huge fitness center. It's got 3 swimming pools (2 indoor and 1 outdoor), hot tubs, eucalyptus steam rooms, saunas. The whole place seems to be all marble and granite. The benches in the locker rooms are granite, as are all the vanities. The lockers are dark wood. Even the desks are solid granite.

I've started doing their water aerobics. I love the classes. The one Monday was more dance type, lots of aerobic activity. The one yesterday was very strange, a tai chi water class. Today was a more muscle building class, with little foam dumbbells.

It obviously depends on keeping the costs down for such a plush place by having so many members to support it. It's so large (about the size of 2 big box stores combined) that it never seems that crowded.

I'm hoping to start some of their pilates and yoga classes next week.

Offline Inga

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Re: Stop the Sugar Rush
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2009, 09:10:05 PM »
I've been to jazzercise today. I'm trying to stay busy while Thor is gone to San Angelo. Thought about going to the swimming pool a time are two, also Walking at Waterloo park, a lap are two. But all in all keeping activity is a very good way to increase health.

Several years back I took Yoga, I loved it.
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Offline debk

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Re: Stop the Sugar Rush
« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2009, 09:41:42 PM »
I don't know if I wrote about it...but I found out just how many calories are in margaritas (780!  :o :o) and that's been my drink of choice for about a year.

Two weeks ago, I went back to vodka tonics. Though for the most part, I only drink on Friday and Saturday nights, I am not drinking as many drinks and am drinking water along with the vodka tonic. I got on the scales yesterday for the first time in a week and have lost 5 pounds.

The weird thing is, I have found that since I switched, I am not craving sweets as much as what I was while drinking the margaritas. It was like I had to keep my sugar level up higher than normal, otherwise I was kind of shaky. My blood sugar has always been on the low side, and it was like I couldn't get enough. I have even gotten to the point of keeping cans of cream cheese frosting in the refrig to get spoonfuls of when I needed a "hit" of sugar. I'm also not eating as much in general.

Who knew?  :thatsright:
Just hand over the chocolate...back away slowly...far away....and you won't get hurt....

Save the Earth... it's the only planet with chocolate.

"My therapist told me the way to achieve true inner peace is to finish what I start. So far I've finished two bags of M&M's and a chocolate cake. I feel better already." – Dave Barry

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Offline Inga

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Re: Stop the Sugar Rush
« Reply #4 on: March 05, 2009, 09:59:36 PM »
I don't know if I wrote about it...but I found out just how many calories are in margaritas (780!  :o :o) and that's been my drink of choice for about a year.

Two weeks ago, I went back to vodka tonics. Though for the most part, I only drink on Friday and Saturday nights, I am not drinking as many drinks and am drinking water along with the vodka tonic. I got on the scales yesterday for the first time in a week and have lost 5 pounds.

The weird thing is, I have found that since I switched, I am not craving sweets as much as what I was while drinking the margaritas. It was like I had to keep my sugar level up higher than normal, otherwise I was kind of shaky. My blood sugar has always been on the low side, and it was like I couldn't get enough. I have even gotten to the point of keeping cans of cream cheese frosting in the refrig to get spoonfuls of when I needed a "hit" of sugar. I'm also not eating as much in general.

Who knew?  :thatsright:

Deb, Vodka helps prevent type 2 diabetes, It does help with sugar cravings,weight lose and is even used for making herbal

You're a pretty and smart women. ::)
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Offline debk

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Re: Stop the Sugar Rush
« Reply #5 on: March 05, 2009, 10:12:42 PM »
Deb, Vodka helps prevent type 2 diabetes, It does help with sugar cravings,weight lose and is even used for making herbal

You're a pretty and smart women. ::)

My dad and his mother were both adult diabetics, and I'm at about the age when they developed it. I went through a glucose tolerance test in college, and at the end of 6 hrs, my sugar level bottomed out, and I'm well aware of what happens to me when I "bottom". I get the worst internal shakes. I used to grab a snickers bar or I have been known to kill off close to a dozen Krispy Kremes. I finally got smart and realized that putting more sugar in, was not the answer. While it helped short term....I still went back to bottom.

Now, I always keep a big container of cashews in the pantry, a variety cheese slices in the 'frig and red grapes on the counter. Since I've discovered the olive bar at the grocery, I usually have a container from there in the frig too. I snack on some combination of those a couple of times in the afternoon, and I grab a few grapes off and on all day long. I know peanut butter would work too, but I've never been a fan of the stuff except while  pregnant with my youngest, I craved PB and J sandwiches (weird).

I knew that something wasn't quite right but it never occurred to me that it was the margaritas. I do eat sweets everyday, but not usually to the extent that I have been for the last year or so.
Just hand over the chocolate...back away slowly...far away....and you won't get hurt....

Save the Earth... it's the only planet with chocolate.

"My therapist told me the way to achieve true inner peace is to finish what I start. So far I've finished two bags of M&M's and a chocolate cake. I feel better already." – Dave Barry

A balanced diet is chocolate in both hands.

Offline Inga

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Re: Stop the Sugar Rush
« Reply #6 on: March 05, 2009, 10:25:58 PM »
Deb, It's not to late to reverse damage. You're heading in the right direction. Know that we all love you.

I to have a mom and pop that has diabetes, along with a younger brother. But so for I haven't . But sometimes I wonder,when fixing meals and desserts for Thor. But I wouldn't trade him for anything.

I know you know something about herbs. Do you know about Bitter melon for diabetes? It comes in capsules.

I also heard you could mix things like diet Coke or Dr Pepper to the Vodka as a sweet treat, I've never tried it myself.
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Offline debk

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Re: Stop the Sugar Rush
« Reply #7 on: March 05, 2009, 11:52:31 PM »
Deb, It's not to late to reverse damage. You're heading in the right direction. Know that we all love you.

I to have a mom and pop that has diabetes, along with a younger brother. But so for I haven't . But sometimes I wonder,when fixing meals and desserts for Thor. But I wouldn't trade him for anything.

I know you know something about herbs. Do you know about Bitter melon for diabetes? It comes in capsules.

I also heard you could mix things like diet Coke or Dr Pepper to the Vodka as a sweet treat, I've never tried it myself.

Right now, I'm mixing it with tonic as I am getting used to drinking it again. I will probably go to plain water with a couple of lime slices squeezed in it pretty soon. I have never liked alcohol and coke/diet coke. I don't like Dr Pepper no matter what.

I average about 1 drink per hour for the most part.....except those margaritas go down much easier and quicker. I learned the hard way, that no matter how good a Cosmopolitan may taste...and it's really screws up the sugar levels.

I do much better if I can taste the alcohol...because then I won't drink as much. If it's just sweet and fruity, especially citrus-y....they taste reallllllly good to me.

Good thing too much alcohol trashes my intestinal tract....or I could very easily be an alcoholic.
Just hand over the chocolate...back away slowly...far away....and you won't get hurt....

Save the Earth... it's the only planet with chocolate.

"My therapist told me the way to achieve true inner peace is to finish what I start. So far I've finished two bags of M&M's and a chocolate cake. I feel better already." – Dave Barry

A balanced diet is chocolate in both hands.

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Re: Stop the Sugar Rush
« Reply #8 on: March 06, 2009, 08:38:55 AM »
I heartily endorse all the comments above.

My particular problem with refined sugar is that it gives me the hiccoughs.

I have no idea why, but there you have it.

Since I consume a lot of liquids, I used to drink a lot of Diet Coca-Cola and Diet Dr. Pepper, so as to hinder any decayance of the teeth.  I did that for years, until I started getting uncomfortable in the stomach.  Then I switched to filling a glass with half of that, and half pure carbonated water (I am talking about convenience-store purchases here).

That worked for a bit, but then all this news about diet sodas started coming out, and I switched to half Coca-Cola or half Dr. Pepper (regular, not diet), half carbonated water.

For some reason unknown to my conscious mind, but known to my body, I naturally and instinctively downsized this to about a quarter regular soda, three quarters carbonated water.

From late spring all through summer and into early autumn, because of the oppressive heat, the diet is, easily, three-quarters liquid, because I leak water like a sieve.

If vegetables (about half the time), I dump a can of pure tomato juice into the blender, along with ice, and whatever fresh vegetables (I deal with only fresh or frozen stuff) are at hand.  If fruits (about half the time), I dump a can of pure orange juice (or whatever sort of pure fruit juice is at hand) into the blender, along with ice, and whatever fresh (or frozen) fruits are at hand.

I have a superduper blender which blends about a gallon.

It's weird, but I'm single and hidden in the Sandhills of Nebraska, so nobody sees it.
apres moi, le deluge

Offline Toastedturningtidelegs

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Re: Stop the Sugar Rush
« Reply #9 on: March 06, 2009, 11:24:26 AM »
Deb, Vodka helps prevent type 2 diabetes, It does help with sugar cravings,weight lose and is even used for making herbal

You're a pretty and smart women. ::)
Who told you that? :o It's always been my understanding that the body burns alcohol before it burns fat stores! I also always heard that the body converts alcohol to sugar!
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