Author Topic: Run a way doctors  (Read 2070 times)

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Offline vesta111

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Run a way doctors
« on: November 21, 2011, 02:22:10 PM »
 What a coincidence , my PC and heart doctor all have run away with in the last 3 WEEKS.

At first I found it kind or strange when both doctors cancelled my appoints in two weeks, -                               did they head for the south seas with each other as both are young and worked together.????

I received a phone call today telling me I must call my insurance Co. to replace my PC. now working else where,  where. I was not told.     Great, now my heart doctor also canceled my appointments and each time I call the office I am told they will set me up for a new appointment but they never call.

Interesting after 18 years I now have to go to a strange PC doctor's , I insist on a female,  tired of males trying to tell me how my body works and  their big hands doing a Pap smear.  Screw that I do not want some male telling me cramps are normal when they never had them.

So I have lined up a female PC to take over for the doctor who just off and split her patients, impossible in this area to find a female heart doctor,.

I get bent over having to see any male doctor, this body is so different from the male body, I want a doctor that understands the differences in sex,  I have no prostrate and males have no uterus or ovary's.

My body is a Lamborghini, I will not intrust it to a Jeep dealship mechanic.

Offline Lacarnut

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Re: Run a way doctors
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2011, 03:01:17 PM »
Well, Lambos are high maintenance. :-)

Offline Gina

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Re: Run a way doctors
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2011, 03:20:47 PM »
I prefer a man dr over any other.  A woman dr is going to have the same equipment but her dealing with pain/illnesses is not going to be the same as mine and I am damned if I am going to have to suck it up just because she can deal differently.

"An army of deer led by a lion is more to be feared than an army of lions led by a deer." Phillip of Macedonia, father to Alexander.

Offline vesta111

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Re: Run a way doctors
« Reply #3 on: November 23, 2011, 05:33:21 PM »
I prefer a man dr over any other.  A woman dr is going to have the same equipment but her dealing with pain/illnesses is not going to be the same as mine and I am damned if I am going to have to suck it up just because she can deal differently.

Gina, males just do not understand woman.   Go to a male doctor and even with 8 years of education they just don't THINK as a woman.

If the males specialise in heart, liver or kidneys, no problem both sexes have these organs and they both work the same way.

When it comes to woman, breeding machines with different hormones and a body built to be an incubator, this takes an expert, a Female Doctor to understand.

Yes, the male Doctors study the female body know the science behind the workings, but with their male patients they are most at ease-----They know what another male is going through.

 Female doctors have no idea what infection of the prostrate gland feels like, but they know full well the feelings of an infected ovary.

I feel comfortable with a same sex Doctor today.    Never felt this way until I ran into a Male GYN Doctor at a military hospital.  The worse experience in my life and the Nurse in the room knew full well what was going on but turned her back and got busy with her clip board. She had seen all this before I gather but could not say a word, this was after all a Doctor----.  Perhaps if his patients got together to complain something could have been done but as Military Dependents we all saw a different Doctor each time we went in for any problem.

One pregnancy I saw 5 different Doctors and  baby was delivered by a Doctor I had never seen.  Obama Care must be much like this.

Male Doctors and Male nurses are great when it comes to a broken bone  and infections from bacteria on ones foot.   When it comes to my female organs I want another female with the same body make up to be there.

Get real here Gina, go to a woman Doctor with heavy periods awful cramps and she is alert,  calls for blood tests and wants to see again in 3 days.    Go to a male Doctor and he sends you home telling you to take aspirin and if this gets worse in 2 weeks to call him.