Author Topic: Why does it take so long  (Read 3324 times)

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Offline BEG

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Why does it take so long
« on: June 30, 2010, 01:59:31 PM »
To get in to see a dermatologist?  I went to my primary doctor on Friday to get a referral to the derm for a small spot on my cheek. Called today to get an appointment and I won't be able to see her until Oct 7th. I'm sure if my doctor thought it looked scary and urgent I could get in sooner but over three months is a bit of a wait. I'm so excited for Obama care when I'm sure we would have to wait well over a yearfor a derm appointment. In fact, when looking up info on what I think the spot is I found a message board.  There was a poster from the UK bitching about getting in to see a derm, it took a year. Then she had to cancel the appointment because of an emergency and when they rescheduled it it took another 6 months.   
We switched from PPO this year to HMO because the difference in price per month was considerable. I haven't had an issue with anything as far as the insurance or doctors go so far but I think three months is too long of a wait.  I bet I would get in sooner if I had a PPO.  I can just picture what it will be like when we have to wait months for a MRI or 18 months or longer for a hip replacement (if we even get it at all).  I just can't wait when heathcare will be "free". 

Offline Hawkgirl

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Re: Why does it take so long
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2010, 04:50:33 PM »
3 months is too long...can you look for another dermatologist?  I have HMO medical and PPO dental. I never had a problem with either and always got appts quickly.

Offline BEG

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Re: Why does it take so long
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2010, 05:54:10 PM »
3 months is too long...can you look for another dermatologist?  I have HMO medical and PPO dental. I never had a problem with either and always got appts quickly.

I could but my doctor said she is an excellent derm. I think I'm just going to wait as I am 99% sure it isn't cancer. I just have never had to wait three months for a specialist before. When we first moved here I tried to get an appointment with an allergy doctor for my daughter and I couldn't get one for 3 1/2 months.

Come to think of it, I had to wait about a month and a half to see the allergy doctor for my daughter when she was diagnosed in Dallas years ago.  Once we were "in" it wouldn't take long to get in to see the doctor when we needed to.

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Re: Why does it take so long
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2010, 05:57:37 PM »
I could but my doctor said she is an excellent derm. I think I'm just going to wait as I am 99% sure it isn't cancer. I just have never had to wait three months for a specialist before. When we first moved here I tried to get an appointment with an allergy doctor for my daughter and I couldn't get one for 3 1/2 months.

Come to think of it, I had to wait about a month and a half to see the allergy doctor for my daughter when she was diagnosed in Dallas years ago.  Once we were "in" it wouldn't take long to get in to see the doctor when we needed to.

Go to an Oncologist if there's even a chance. I'd bet ya the derm will refer you anyway. I'm supposed to see mine every 6 months... oops.

The last time I made an appointment with a derm, it was an 8 month wait. She even told me to plan a year out. It's been that way since I can remember (20 years)??

Offline BEG

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Re: Why does it take so long
« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2010, 05:59:59 PM »
Oh I also told the receptionist to put me in the list on case someone cancels. Although she said that that list is quite a long one.

Offline vesta111

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Re: Why does it take so long
« Reply #5 on: June 30, 2010, 08:23:25 PM »
My observations on this subject just make me shake my head that we manage to live to an advanced age.

I had what I thought was a blackhead in the crease between my nose and cheek.  like an idiot I squeezed it as most people do with blackheads of my generation.

Anyone old enough to remember when tweezers came with a open hole on the top to remove a blackhead.??

It took a few months for me to realise that a bump was growing where the blackhead had been, because of its location it was not noticeable.  For 18 months nothing happend, it did not grow, discolor, just sat there out of sight.

I went to my PC to have her check a mole on my back, normal she said and for some reason I asked about the very small bump on my face.    A week later I was in the office of a dermatologist and a week later she had removed the bump for biopsy leaving me with 12 stitches.  She did such a fine job that when the stitches came out the scar could not be seen.

While in her waiting room both times I noticed the number of Mothers with their teenage kids who needed to be treated for a pimple on their nose,---oh the horror for the kids.  I also noticed a rack with all kinds of products for 101 kinds of skin care--cost was breath taking.

2 weeks later  I got a call from that doctor with bad news, she was sending me to another doctor as my biopsy had pulled up Cancer cells.

Off I went to see this new doctor that followed a treatment that required him to reopen the scar and pull out tissue from the surrounding area to see how far the Cancer had spread. 

Office procedure, Hubby was allowed to sit in the room and watch. So we went in to a mini-operating room and was numbed up like at the dentist and this doctor poked about and took tissue from the area and sent me home to wait for the new biopsy.  Just a bandage on my face, he had cauterised the wound and no blood.

2 hours later as I sat at home in semi shock, the doctor called me back as he had found the Cancer had spread so back we went and the doctor poked about even further from the original site.  At one point he left the room to put a rush order on this new biopsy and came back to tell me he had to go further a field.

Finally after a third biopsy he decided he had taken out all the tissue counting Cancer cells and sewed me up.  He told me to come back in a week to have the stitches removed, gave me a bag with antibiotic cream and dressings to be changed every 12 hours.

Home we went, surprisingly no pain, me in deeper shock .  I slept for the 12 hours and when I got up to change the dressing liked to have fainted dead away, the Doctor had used black thread to sew me up and that side of my face looked like train tracks all over my left cheek from nose to ear.

The very next day was when I was standing in one spot and my left leg caved in and I broke my ankle.  This all led to being diagnosed with severe nerve damage in that leg.   

All this within 5-6 weeks, Cancer and looking like Frankenstein, now I had Nuropathy, could not work, walk and had been told it would be 18 months before I fully healed from the scars on my face.

When you mention the amount of time it takes to get in to see a dermatologist I think back to both doctors with waiting rooms full of frantic mothers worried about their children's self image for having a pimple here or there and the people that may be developing Cancer that have to wait to get it looked at.

I lucked out on this one, I was seen and treated, very fast. Also the fact that I was self conscious about the huge bandage on my face kept me  at home and not driving my car and having my ankle break in heavy traffic.

I try to look at life as it was a blessing I did get Cancer and need to go through all the trauma just so I would have that big awful bandage on my face that kept me home and not out on the road where I could have caused the death of innocent people when my ankle broke.  I used to drive 5 speed stick, could have taken out more then just a few people.-

Never thought I would ever thank God for getting Cancer but we do know that God works in mysterious ways.

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Re: Why does it take so long
« Reply #6 on: July 02, 2010, 10:06:47 AM »
Three months is not unusual for my region.  Most MD's can spot a skin cancer so if your primary isn't worried neither should you be.  If you trust them.  And good luck!

BTW, if you recently changed insurance will your "spot" be covered?

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Offline Madam Firecracker

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Re: Why does it take so long
« Reply #7 on: July 02, 2010, 12:18:16 PM »
yeah 3 months was the same for me too BEG. But, my primary doc said if she had suspected it was serious, they would have found a way to see me ASAP.