Author Topic: 100 (More) Things You Can Say To Irritate A Republican  (Read 4856 times)

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Re: 100 (More) Things You Can Say To Irritate A Republican
« Reply #25 on: April 15, 2012, 07:55:43 PM »
One thing that pisses off every liberal.   The truth.
Well, every once in a rare while libs like the truth, if it advances their agenda.
There were only two options for gender. At last count there are at least 12, according to libs. By that standard, I'm a male lesbian.

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Re: 100 (More) Things You Can Say To Irritate A Republican
« Reply #26 on: April 15, 2012, 09:15:15 PM »
100 Things You Can Say To Irritate A Democrat

1. Have a blessed day.

Repeat 99 times.

Works each time and you don't even have to be creative.
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Offline Ralph Wiggum

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Re: Re: Re: 100 (More) Things You Can Say To Irritate A Republican
« Reply #27 on: April 16, 2012, 01:04:23 AM »
101.  Germany attacked Pearl Harbor.

This list is dumb.  This is what happens when DUmmies try to be insightful/smart/witty.  The end result is a huge pile of poo that makes no sense.

I asked that at my trivia show the other night...according to John Belushi, who bombed Pearl Harbor? Nobody got the joke.
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Re: 100 (More) Things You Can Say To Irritate A Republican
« Reply #28 on: April 16, 2012, 01:47:07 AM »
That's the one thing that's always puzzled me about the left. They must put everyone in little boxes and when somone has the audacity to choose not to live the way they think they're supposed to, they become anxious and insecure which manifests itself in anger & hate.

Blacks must believe the right is the enemy, they must feel victimized & helpless. They must believe only the government (Democrats) are compassionate enough to help them. They must feel the only way they can get ahead is through government set asides that get them into colleges or jobs because of the color of their skin. A black person who makes it on his own must be some kind of minstrel or "house negro" of the right. Because they can't see past color they are incapable of understanding that we respect people because of the content of their character. The irony of this situation is, if we don't like 0bama, object to his policies & won't vote for him we're racists but if we like Herman Cain, think he's incredibly intelligent, like his policies and would vote for him, we're racists merely voting for our "token" black.

All women must be pro abortion, believe they've been subjugated by men and be resentful because of said inequality. We must believe women earn less than men because men run the world and think women aren't worth as much. We must believe Margaret Sanger was  a saint. We must all want more from life than staying home and taking care of our children but that if we choose to have children we're entitled to time off with no repercussions, day care subsidies, free after school programs and we're owed more than men because we work outside the home while having a womb. Those of us that choose to be home are mindless, Stepford Wives who allow men to run our lives.

Gays must think & believe certain things, so should Christians & conservatives. Kinda makes you realize who the real slaves are.


And they then scratch their heads as to why we liken them to the old USSR.
The libs/dems of today are the Quislings of former years. The cowards who would vote a fraud into office in exchange for handouts from the devil.

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Re: 100 (More) Things You Can Say To Irritate A Republican
« Reply #29 on: April 16, 2012, 10:31:54 AM »
58. The Founding Fathers did not free the slaves.
59. The Revolution was NOT fought over slavery.
60. Paul Revere warned the Americans, NOT the British.
94. Democrats will be working hard to bring jobs to Americans, while the Republicans tea bag each other in the middle of the aisles.
95. Voter disenfranchisement is immoral and un-American, that’s why Republicans do it.
96. Republicans would let your house burn down unless you pay them to put it out.
97. Democrats want to take care of the sick. Republicans take their credit cards and then deny them medical attention.
98. Republicans say teachers are union thugs, then proceed to rape and mug the entire middle class on behalf of corporations.
99. Republicans think rape isn’t a crime, but miscarriages are.
100. Republicans are idiots and arguing with them is a waste of time!
WTF is wrong with these people?

I was rendered speechless by this excerpt, BD. 

No. 100 is particularly insightful isn't it?  A watertight argument if I've ever seen one.   

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Re: 100 (More) Things You Can Say To Irritate A Republican
« Reply #30 on: April 16, 2012, 11:45:22 AM »
Long post ahead, as I address some of the points on that asinine list:
"2. Jesus healed the sick and helped the poor, for free."
He did that of His own free will, not because the government forced Him to do it. btw, here's a fact to
irritate a Democrat/ liberal with: Statistics have shown that conservatives give much more generously to the needy than liberals do.

"9. The Earth is round."
Um, okay, when have Republicans ever disputed this, and why would it irritate them to hear it?

"21. The Presidents’ full name is Barack Hussein Obama and he was born in the United States of America."
For someone who wrote this list to claim that Republicans are stupid, here he made a couple grammatical errors of the sort that an average third grader would be able to avoid making (It should read "The president's full name is...").

"25. Jesus was a liberal."
No, He wasn't, neither was He really a conservative. He espoused no political platform, and both the conservative Pharisees and the liberal Sadducees wanted Him dead.

"27. Tea parties are for little girls."
How very mature and intelligent of you to say! Would you say that of the Boston Tea Party, which the Tea Party movement gets its name from?

"28. Public schools educate all children; private schools are for indoctrinating children."
The only things public schools "Educate" children on are sex ed, self- esteem, and "Social justice," hence why a lot of kids who graduate from public high schools can barely read if they can read at all and have trouble with basic math, yet are pros at putting condoms on cucumbers and whining about how "The system" is "Keeping them down." Private schools hold kids to much higher standards of discipline and academic performance, and parents are able to play a much greater role in them than in public schools, where the only authority comes from the teacher's unions. Children are also much more at risk of being molested by a public school teacher than by a private school teacher, or a priest/ minister for that matter.

"29. The Constitution is the law, NOT the Bible."
Yet it was written by men who believed in the Bible.

"30. Sharia law doesn’t exist in America."
Not at the moment, no (Thank God), but radical Muslim activists are eager to change that, and spineless, traitorous liberal politicians will help it happen out of fear of being accused of racism if they don't. In Britain (Which has long been kind of a "Canary in the coalmine" early warning system of what can happen to America if we allow the far left to gain too much control), Muslims are rapidly gaining control, demanding that their neighborhoods be Muslim- only areas, and demanding that they be allowed to govern said areas through sharia law.

"31. The President is NOT a Muslim."
Perhaps not, but his sympathies lie heavily with Muslims, at the expense of every other group. btw, you again make one of the grammar mistakes you made for post #21, of the sort that an average child would be able to avoid, especially if said child were educated in a private school.

"33. Fox News isn’t real news, it’s just a racist, sexist, hateful, right-wing propaganda machine."
Yet liberals like you believe Rolling Stone Magazine and 'The Daily Show with Jon Stewart' are valid, respectable media outlets of real news.

"41. Health care is a right, not a product."
Funny, I don't see the right to free health care anywhere in the Constitution.

"45. Barack Obama ordered the killing of Osama Bin Laden. It took him two and half years to do what Bush couldn’t do in eight."
First, he did so using the sorts of intelligence methods first applied during the Bush Administration, which liberals like you loved complaining about. Second, after Obama learned about where bin Laden was located, it took him almost a day to give the order to move in on him, enough time for Obama to sleep on it and play a few relaxing games of golf, which Obama has shown time and time again that he considers to be a far better use of his time than actually doing his job.

"46. Waterboarding IS torture."
No, it is not. When properly administered (With the subject's vital signs being monitored by a doctor), the subject is in no physical danger, though they are made to believe they are. It's more of a psychological means of interrogation than a physical means, thus it is not torture. It has also provided information that has helped thwart several planned terrorist attacks against America, such as a plot to bomb the Brooklyn Bridge.

"48. Republicans invaded Iraq for oil, so Iraq should be allowed to invade Texas to get it back."
Okay, here you are openly calling for a foreign nation to invade America. That constitutes treason. Had you been around during the early days of our country, those founding fathers that you claim are all such devout liberals would have had you tarred and feathered for saying that, and that's if they were feeling merciful.

"49. Separation of church and state is in the Constitution, it’s called the First Amendment."
No, it is not. The Establishment Clause of the First Amendment, which ignorant liberals like you claim calls for separation of church and state, simply meant that Congress cannot establish an official, mandatory state religion (i.e. The Church of England). The First Amendment also says that there is to be no "Prohibiting the free exercise thereof," which is what you liberals constantly desire to do with your efforts to silence any public expression of the Christian faith. The term "separation of church and state" was taken from a letter that Jefferson wrote to a group of Baptists (Then a religious minority in America) to assure them that the government will not meddle in their church's affairs, which ironically is exactly what Obama is doing with his requirement in the health care bill that religious employers must supply their employees with free birth control. Jefferson never intended for it to be used the other way around, to silence public religious expression the way liberals like you want to do.
"50. Muslims are protected by the Constitution, just as much as Christians."
We never said they aren't, as long as they are American citizens.

"51. Barack Obama is the first African-American President, get over it."
Wrong! Obama is not an African- American; He is of mixed race, born of a white mother and a father who has far more Arabic blood in him than African. In either case, we simply feel he is an idiot who has proven to be an incredibly poor president, our dislike of him has nothing to do with race.

"52. The Oval Office is NOT a “whites only” office."
We never said it was. I wouldn't mind seeing Allen West in the Oval Office some day.

"53. America is a nation of immigrants, therefore we are all anchor babies."
Most of our ancestors who came here from other countries did so legally. That's the difference.

"58. The Founding Fathers did not free the slaves.
 59. The Revolution was NOT fought over slavery.
 60. Paul Revere warned the Americans, NOT the British."
Okay, what the hell are you talking about with these? None of these have ever been disputed by conservatives/ Republicans. I don't get what point you're making, were you stoned or something when you wrote these?

"72. Labor unions built this country."
Okay, yes, labor unions did a lot of good at one time (i.e. weekends off, the end of child labor), but that was decades ago. Unions have not made any such positive contributions to society since then, they are no longer needed. That's why the people who brag about how vital unions are constantly resort to bringing up what unions did decades ago, they haven't done anything good since then. They have in fact done a good deal of harm since then, such as public sector unions holding the American public in general hostage to their demands (i.e. The Wisconsin Teacher's Unions encouraging teachers to abdicate their responsibility to teach children who had been entrusted to them, proving that they care a great deal more about money than about ensuring kids get a good education).

"74. Jesus was a Jew, not a Christian."
First, that fact has never really been disputed, and I am an aspiring minister who does not feel annoyed or irritated in the least by it. Second, if you want to find anti- Semites, try looking on the left (Though the left often tries to hide their anti- Semitism by using the euphemistic term "Zionists" when what they mean is "Jews"). Just a few days ago, black supremacist/ anti- Semite extraordinaire Louis Farrakhan, not exactly a devoted Republican, claimed that Jesus was not Jewish.

"91. Republicans have their own terrorists, just look up Timothy McVeigh."
First, McVeigh was not much of a conservative, based on his own writings. Second, Democrats/ liberals have a whole boatload of terrorists and other such extremists, such as the Unabomber and Bill Ayers. Third, conservatives are quick to condemn and distance themselves from the fringe psychos on their side. Liberals, in contrast, view the fringe psychos on their own side as brave heroes "Sticking it to the man" or "Standing up for social justice" or some crap like that.

"99. Republicans think rape isn’t a crime, but miscarriages are."
Republicans have never said either of those things. That is an inexcusable libel.
I think that takes care of it.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2012, 11:51:27 AM by movie buff »

Offline obumazombie

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Re: 100 (More) Things You Can Say To Irritate A Republican
« Reply #31 on: April 16, 2012, 11:49:28 AM »
I beg to disagree with one of you conclusions.
Jesus was far more of a conservative in that he believed in and espoused individual salvation.
If he was liberal he would have espoused collective salvation.
There were only two options for gender. At last count there are at least 12, according to libs. By that standard, I'm a male lesbian.

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Re: 100 (More) Things You Can Say To Irritate A Republican
« Reply #32 on: April 16, 2012, 11:51:45 AM »
"2. Jesus healed the sick and helped the poor, for free."
He did that of His own free will, not because the government forced Him to do it. btw, here's a fact to
irritate a Democrat/ liberal with: Statistics have shown that conservatives give much more generously to the needy than liberals do.

I love pulling this little fact out:

Mississippi   50   5   45   1
Arkansas   47   6   41   2
Oklahoma   43   8   35   3
Louisiana   42   10   32   4
Alabama   38   7   31   5
Tennessee   34   3   31   6

These are the top 5 states by charitable donations.  The first column is What the state "has"  As you can see they have very little but give a ton compared to states who have way more and give very little.  You can clearly see the first 6 are red states.  Can you guess who is at the bottom of the list?
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Re: 100 (More) Things You Can Say To Irritate A Republican
« Reply #33 on: April 16, 2012, 02:25:47 PM »
101.  Germany attacked Pearl Harbor.

This list is dumb.  This is what happens when DUmmies try to be insightful/smart/witty.  The end result is a huge pile of poo that makes no sense.

Yeah, nuttin' more than slingin' shit on the wall to see which pile sticks. Whata bunch of LOSERS!

If they had to come up with a factual quote, they'd turn into "Silly Putty"!
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Re: 100 (More) Things You Can Say To Irritate A Republican
« Reply #34 on: April 16, 2012, 03:08:03 PM »
None of those things irritated me  :shrug:

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Re: 100 (More) Things You Can Say To Irritate A Republican
« Reply #35 on: April 16, 2012, 03:57:12 PM »
This is interesting, seems the Republicans spent centuries trying to free Blacks, and to this day Democrats do nothing but want to keep them enslaved, 1st they were enslaved by a Master, and now they're enslaved by the Democratic Party.

    October 13, 1858
    During Lincoln-Douglas debates, U.S. Senator Stephen Douglas (D-IL) states: “I do not regard the Negro as my equal, and positively deny that he is my brother, or any kin to me whatever”; Douglas became Democratic Party’s 1860 presidential nominee

    April 16, 1862
    President Lincoln signs bill abolishing slavery in District of Columbia; in Congress, 99% of Republicans vote yes, 83% of Democrats vote no

    July 17, 1862
Over unanimous Democrat opposition, Republican Congress passes Confiscation Act stating that slaves of the Confederacy “shall be forever free”

    January 31, 1865
13th Amendment banning slavery passed by U.S. House with unanimous Republican support, intense Democrat opposition

    April 8, 1865
13th Amendment banning slavery passed by U.S. Senate with 100% Republican support, 63% Democrat opposition

    November 22, 1865
Republicans denounce Democrat legislature of Mississippi for enacting “black codes,” which institutionalized racial discrimination

    February 5, 1866
U.S. Rep. Thaddeus Stevens (R-PA) introduces legislation, successfully opposed by Democrat President Andrew Johnson, to implement “40 acres and a mule” relief by distributing land to former slaves

    June 8, 1866
    U.S. Senate passes Republicans’ 14th Amendment guaranteeing due process and equal protection of the law to all citizens; 94% of Republicans vote yes and 100% of Democrats vote no

    January 8, 1867
    Republicans override Democrat President Andrew Johnson’s veto of law granting voting rights to African-Americans in D.C.

    July 19, 1867
    Republican Congress overrides Democrat President Andrew Johnson’s veto of legislation protecting voting rights of African-Americans

    March 30, 1868
    Republicans begin impeachment trial of Democrat President Andrew Johnson, who declared: “This is a country for white men, and by God, as long as I am President, it shall be a government of white men”

    September 12, 1868
    Civil rights activist Tunis Campbell and 24 other African-Americans in Georgia Senate, every one a Republican, expelled by Democrat majority; would later be reinstated by Republican Congress

    October 7, 1868
    Republicans denounce Democratic Party’s national campaign theme: “This is a white man’s country: Let white men rule”

    October 22, 1868
    While campaigning for re-election, Republican U.S. Rep. James Hinds (R-AR) is assassinated by Democrat terrorists who organized as the Ku Klux Klan

    December 10, 1869
    Republican Gov. John Campbell of Wyoming Territory signs FIRST-in-nation law granting women right to vote and to hold public office

    February 3, 1870
    After passing House with 98% Republican support and 97% Democrat opposition, Republicans’ 15th Amendment is ratified, granting vote to all Americans regardless of race

    May 31, 1870
    President U.S. Grant signs Republicans’ Enforcement Act, providing stiff penalties for depriving any American’s civil rights

    June 22, 1870
    Republican Congress creates U.S. Department of Justice, to safeguard the civil rights of African-Americans against Democrats in the South

    September 6, 1870
    Women vote in Wyoming, in FIRST election after women’s suffrage signed into law by Republican Gov. John Campbell

    February 28, 1871
    Republican Congress passes Enforcement Act providing federal protection for African-American voters

    April 20, 1871
    Republican Congress enacts the Ku Klux Klan Act, outlawing Democratic Party-affiliated terrorist groups which oppressed African-Americans

    October 10, 1871
    Following warnings by Philadelphia Democrats against black voting, African-American Republican civil rights activist Octavius Catto murdered by Democratic Party operative; his military funeral was attended by thousands

    October 18, 1871
    After violence against Republicans in South Carolina, President Ulysses Grant deploys U.S. troops to combat Democrat terrorists who formed the Ku Klux Klan

    November 18, 1872
    Susan B. Anthony arrested for voting, after boasting to Elizabeth Cady Stanton that she voted for “the Republican ticket, straight”

    January 17, 1874
    Armed Democrats seize Texas state government, ending Republican efforts to racially integrate government

    September 14, 1874
    Democrat white supremacists seize Louisiana statehouse in attempt to overthrow racially-integrated administration of Republican Governor William Kellogg; 27 killed

    March 1, 1875
    Civil Rights Act of 1875, guaranteeing access to public accommodations without regard to race, signed by Republican President U.S. Grant; passed with 92% Republican support over 100% Democrat opposition

    January 10, 1878
    U.S. Senator Aaron Sargent (R-CA) introduces Susan B. Anthony amendment for women’s suffrage; Democrat-controlled Senate defeated it 4 times before election of Republican House and Senate guaranteed its approval in 1919. Republicans foil Democratic efforts to keep women in the kitchen, where they belong

    February 8, 1894
    Democrat Congress and Democrat President Grover Cleveland join to repeal Republicans’ Enforcement Act, which had enabled African-Americans to vote

    January 15, 1901
    Republican Booker T. Washington protests Alabama Democratic Party’s refusal to permit voting by African-Americans

    May 29, 1902
    Virginia Democrats implement new state constitution, condemned by Republicans as illegal, reducing African-American voter registration by 86%

    February 12, 1909
    On 100th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln’s birth, African-American Republicans and women’s suffragists Ida Wells and Mary Terrell co-found the NAACP

    May 21, 1919
    Republican House passes constitutional amendment granting women the vote with 85% of Republicans in favor, but only 54% of Democrats; in Senate, 80% of Republicans would vote yes, but almost half of Democrats no

    August 18, 1920
    Republican-authored 19th Amendment, giving women the vote, becomes part of Constitution; 26 of the 36 states to ratify had Republican-controlled legislatures

    January 26, 1922
    House passes bill authored by U.S. Rep. Leonidas Dyer (R-MO) making lynching a federal crime; Senate Democrats block it with filibuster

    June 2, 1924
    Republican President Calvin Coolidge signs bill passed by Republican Congress granting U.S. citizenship to all Native Americans

    October 3, 1924
    Republicans denounce three-time Democrat presidential nominee William Jennings Bryan for defending the Ku Klux Klan at 1924 Democratic National Convention

    June 12, 1929
    First Lady Lou Hoover invites wife of U.S. Rep. Oscar De Priest (R-IL), an African-American, to tea at the White House, sparking protests by Democrats across the country

    August 17, 1937
    Republicans organize opposition to former Ku Klux Klansman and Democrat U.S. Senator Hugo Black, appointed to U.S. Supreme Court by FDR; his Klan background was hidden until after confirmation

    June 24, 1940
    Republican Party platform calls for integration of the armed forces; for the balance of his terms in office, FDR refuses to order it

    August 8, 1945
    Republicans condemn Harry Truman’s surprise use of the atomic bomb in Japan. The whining and criticism goes on for years. It begins two days after the Hiroshima bombing, when former Republican President Herbert Hoover writes to a friend that “The use of the atomic bomb, with its indiscriminate killing of women and children, revolts my soul.”

    September 30, 1953
    Earl Warren, California’s three-term Republican Governor and 1948 Republican vice presidential nominee, nominated to be Chief Justice; wrote landmark decision in Brown v. Board of Education

    November 25, 1955
    Eisenhower administration bans racial segregation of interstate bus travel

    March 12, 1956
    Ninety-seven Democrats in Congress condemn Supreme Court’s decision in Brown v. Board of Education, and pledge to continue segregation

    June 5, 1956
    Republican federal judge Frank Johnson rules in favor of Rosa Parks in decision striking down “blacks in the back of the bus” law

    November 6, 1956
    African-American civil rights leaders Martin Luther King and Ralph Abernathy vote for Republican Dwight Eisenhower for President

    September 9, 1957
    President Dwight Eisenhower signs Republican Party’s 1957 Civil Rights Act

    September 24, 1957
    Sparking criticism from Democrats such as Senators John Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson, President Dwight Eisenhower deploys the 82nd Airborne Division to Little Rock, AR to force Democrat Governor Orval Faubus to integrate public schools

    May 6, 1960
    President Dwight Eisenhower signs Republicans’ Civil Rights Act of 1960, overcoming 125-hour, around-the-clock filibuster by 18 Senate Democrats

    May 2, 1963
    Republicans condemn Democrat sheriff of Birmingham, AL for arresting over 2,000 African-American schoolchildren marching for their civil rights

    September 29, 1963
    Gov. George Wallace (D-AL) defies order by U.S. District Judge Frank Johnson, appointed by President Dwight Eisenhower, to integrate Tuskegee High School

    June 9, 1964
    Republicans condemn 14-hour filibuster against 1964 Civil Rights Act by U.S. Senator and former Ku Klux Klansman Robert Byrd (D-WV), who still serves in the Senate

    June 10, 1964
    Senate Minority Leader Everett Dirksen (R-IL) criticizes Democrat filibuster against 1964 Civil Rights Act, calls on Democrats to stop opposing racial equality. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was introduced and approved by a staggering majority of Republicans in the Senate. The Act was opposed by most southern Democrat senators, several of whom were proud segregationists—one of them being Al Gore Sr. Democrat President Lyndon B. Johnson relied on Illinois Senator Everett Dirksen, the Republican leader from Illinois, to get the Act passed.

    August 4, 1965
    Senate Republican Leader Everett Dirksen (R-IL) overcomes Democrat attempts to block 1965 Voting Rights Act; 94% of Senate Republicans vote for landmark civil right legislation, while 27% of Democrats oppose. Voting Rights Act of 1965, abolishing literacy tests and other measures devised by Democrats to prevent African-Americans from voting, signed into law; higher percentage of Republicans than Democrats vote in favor

    February 19, 1976
    President Gerald Ford formally rescinds President Franklin Roosevelt’s notorious Executive Order authorizing internment of over 120,000 Japanese-Americans during WWII

    September 15, 1981
    President Ronald Reagan establishes the White House Initiative on Historically Black Colleges and Universities, to increase African-American participation in federal education programs

    June 29, 1982
    President Ronald Reagan signs 25-year extension of 1965 Voting Rights Act

    August 10, 1988
    President Ronald Reagan signs Civil Liberties Act of 1988, compensating Japanese-Americans for deprivation of civil rights and property during World War II internment ordered by FDR

    November 21, 1991
    President George H. W. Bush signs Civil Rights Act of 1991 to strengthen federal civil rights legislation

    August 20, 1996
    Bill authored by U.S. Rep. Susan Molinari (R-NY) to prohibit racial discrimination in adoptions, part of Republicans’ Contract With America, becomes law

"The nation that couldn’t be conquered by foreign enemies has been conquered by its elected officials" odawg Free Republic in reference to the GOP Elites who are no difference than the Democrats

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Re: 100 (More) Things You Can Say To Irritate A Republican
« Reply #36 on: April 16, 2012, 04:57:37 PM »
Gun control laws were first passed to keep blacks from owning guns.   I guess you could say that gun laws still prevent blacks from lawfully owning guns since the strictest laws are in DemonRat strongholds with large black populations.

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Re: 100 (More) Things You Can Say To Irritate A Republican
« Reply #37 on: April 16, 2012, 05:25:49 PM »
100 (More) Things You Can Say To Irritate A Republican

1. A Socialist wrote the Pledge of Allegiance. --True but who cares? We made it our own.
2. Jesus healed the sick and helped the poor, for free. --Not a bible scholar but I seem to remember something where Jesus told people they had actually healed themselves via faith.
3. Joseph McCarthy was an un-American, witch hunting sissy. --False

4. Jefferson Davis and Robert E. Lee were traitors. --Yeah, and?
5. The South lost the Civil War, get over it. --And?
6. The Founding Fathers were liberals. --Liberal thinkers not socialists disguised as liberals
7. Fascism is a right-wing trait. --False
8. Sarah Palin is an idiot. --False
9. The Earth is round. --Are you an idiot? Who says it isn't? Okay, asked and answered.
10. Reagan raised taxes eleven times as President. --Congresses pass budgets, Presidents decide on if they should sign them.
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Re: 100 (More) Things You Can Say To Irritate A Republican
« Reply #38 on: April 16, 2012, 10:24:57 PM »
Gun control laws were first passed to keep blacks from owning guns.   I guess you could say that gun laws still prevent blacks from lawfully owning guns since the strictest laws are in DemonRat strongholds with large black populations.

Yeah, and we all know none of them "gangstas" carry guns, right? Even if they don't just hold 'em sidewise so they can't hit the broad side of a barn! They don't have any!
I'm the guy your mother warned you about!