Current Events > Political Ammunition

Barney Frank admits mortgages were given to the wrong people

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If Barney Frank were abducted, would any lamestreamMedia outlet report it ?
Luckily we have a case study with the Cincinnattie Enquirer to give us a hint...

Whatever they do, they don't really want to hurt the cause...that's for sure.

DLR Pyro:
Going to prison would be like going to Disneyland for bawney fwank

Yep, but isn't it a liberal thing that if something doesn't work, they keep trying it again & again.  Those 100% mortgages & stated incomes were given to some people with low credit scores.  The feds wanted it & the banks kept churning them out.  But then it all crashed.  & now they're starting it all over again.  Go figure.


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