Current Events > Political Ammunition
Islam is no different than a cockroach infestation
--- Quote from: Rebel on June 16, 2011, 02:42:00 PM ---Question, would you rather live in Israel/Vatican City? Or Riyadh/Tehran?
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Oh, he'd much rather live in a bastion of freedom of religion and speech and right to life like Riyadh or Tehran. :rofl:
Bet he's packing his bags now to head over how these liberals love to bash Western culture and religion (yes, I know Israel isn't in Europe, lurking fools) FROM THE SAFETY OF WESTERN COUNTRIES. Yet they can't even be persuaded to step one foot on the soil of the paradisiacal nations they praise so lavishly. :mental:
--- Quote from: Boudicca on June 26, 2011, 11:20:05 AM ---Oh, he'd much rather live in a bastion of freedom of religion and speech and right to life like Riyadh or Tehran. :rofl:
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What gets me, also, is the criticism of Jewish influence on countries by people who apologize for Muslims' influence. It's no contest -- I'd rather live in a society that went to Moses for guidance than one that went to Mohammed for guidance -- no contest at all.
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