Current Events > Political Ammunition
Islam is no different than a cockroach infestation
--- Quote from: Hella Jeff on June 07, 2011, 12:31:00 AM --- Tell me, if all these things are somehow inherent to the Muslim religion then why did Muslim ruled Spain get along without them for several hundread years?
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Oh, Muslims are fine with other people so long as they convert, accept taxation and subjugation, or are beheaded. ...and the Aztecs were also peaceful. ...right after they killed everyone that didn't go along with their rule.
Islam is a f'n cult. It should be viewed as such and dealt with appropriately.
--- Quote from: Rebel on June 07, 2011, 08:10:49 AM ---Oh, Muslims are fine with other people so long as they convert, accept taxation and subjugation, or are beheaded. ...and the Aztecs were also peaceful. ...right after they killed everyone that didn't go along with their rule.
Islam is a f'n cult. It should be viewed as such and dealt with appropriately.
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I view it as a treasonous organization that advocates the violent overthrow of the U.S. government.
--- Quote from: Hella Jeff on June 07, 2011, 12:31:00 AM --- I find it funny that you say that "ethnic cleansing" is going on in Palestine due to Muslims.
Tell me, if all these things are somehow inherent to the Muslim religion then why did Muslim ruled Spain get along without them for several hundread years?
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Lol. Which "several hundread years" is that?
Lots of persecutions of (Catholic) Christians went on. If you care to, look up St. Eulogius sometime.
AFAIC, the troll can go flush itself down the nearest toilet.
HI5 to the rest of you for stating the truth, obvious as it is to US, there's alot of ignorant liberals out there who persist in the notion that we evil Westerners picked on the poor Muslims.
Au contraire, those assholes spilled out of their homeland to attempt the conversion of the world for their religion. They haven't stopped since, and the only NO they understand is a forceful, military no.
I was going to add links, but youall already know I am right, and the straphangers tut tutting over our "xenophobia, racism, etc., ad nauseum" wouldn't be satisfied if Jesus walked up to them and told them...those that actually even believe in Jesus, of course. ::)
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