Current Events > Political Ammunition
A MUST READ: Why Socialism Always Results in Tyrannical Rule
So how much more will the people stand for, to regain our freedoms. Will we split? Are will we ride this horse right into communism? A million dollar questions.Will our constitution be next?????
--- Quote ---Will our constitution be next?????
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It will be if the liberals get their way.
SSG Snuggle Bunny:
Socialism is inevitably despotic because it cannot, by its very nature, permit competition, especially political competition.
In an economic sense it claims to provide service X. Ordinarlily service X would be supplied by providers A or B who in turn compete by providing better service at lower cost to attract ever-increasing shares of the market. In a free market system the exception to this is the monopoly, where one of the producers absolutely controls the entire market share. It no longer needs to compete because it can dictate cost and quality with impunity because the consumer has no place to go, i.e. voicing an economic vote.
In socialism the government steps and becomes that monopoly. If the commodity in question were healthcare the government cannot allow fre market healthcare to exist side-by-side. If the non-governemnt healthcare proves superior the amount of money collected for government supplied healthcare dwindles...or worse. The worse being a system supported by taxes which means only those who can afford private care while paying government taxes for a service provider they do not use could afford private care. Thus government services exacerbate the disparity between the haves and have-nots rather than alleviating them as promised.
But healthcare is a commodity that can come from numerous sources...political power is not. There can only be one federal government. Socialism is a monopoly on political power with all the attending ills economic monopolies bring, only with the power of the police and military behind them. A socialist system that is constantly dogged by competitors cannot exist even in definition. The role of president may transfer between parties every 4 to 12 years on average but centralized control of the means of the production cannot be turned off and on as if by a light switch. Once socialist policies are in place they must remain in place.
As conservatives we missed a golden opportunity to espouse the principles of federalism. We should have proclaimed loud and proud that if they want their government healthcare, gay marriage, welfare, public education, etc etc etc they were free and welcome to have it only with 1 caveat:
They must implement on a state level only.
We have 50 working social laboratories that can learn from each others successes and failures. We should be trumpeting the wisdom of that system and invite the left to enact their policies where they dominate politically while leaving the rest of the nation at peace.
Sam Adams:
Socialism is both tyrannical and a failure, because it allocates resources to where they do not belong.
The NY Times recently received 250 million dollars in bailout money. Not only is that inefficient (the Times should have been allowed to fail, so that its resources would go to more efficient uses), but that bailout money will be used to promote undemocratic propaganda.
The Village Idiot:
Socialism cannot work because it is impossible to get more out of government than you put in.
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