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Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas admitted on Wednesday that "FEMA does not have the funds to make it through the season.” One reason for that is that under Biden-Harris, FEMA spent $650 million this fiscal year providing services and housing to illegal aliens. And $364 million the year before that. If you thought the Federal Emergency Management Agency was just in the business of providing relief to Americans of all creeds and colors when disaster strikes, let's just say that the Biden-Harris administration has broadened the agency's portfolio to include non-emergency aid to folks who aren't even supposed to be here.
Funny how the money printer can go BRRRRRRRRRR for keeping a war going in Ukraine, or to pay over 10 million FOREIGN INVADERS $13,000 a month in subsidies, but when ACTUAL US Citizens are hit with a hurricane and could use some actual assistance with putting their lives back together, all of a sudden, it's
Sux don’t it! We definitely need a change in goobermint.Those sob’s in Washington stopped working for us a long time ago, we need to take our country back.
More footage of helicopters causing disruption to hurricane relief centers in North Carolina has surfaced on social media.The latest video appears to show a Chinook-style chopper doing some serious damage to an aid site as it flew at low altitude, causing three individuals to be sent to the hospital and doing over six figures worth of damage.An individual on X stated:“Here are 3 “rotor wash” incidents on western NC local relief stations I am aware of at this time. The first video is a military Chinook style helicopter that rotor washed another relief station blowing away aid, injuring 3 people, and causing 100k in damages to people’s cars and campers (see 4th upload for details). The 2nd and 3rd videos are similar incidents. This is absolutely disgusting behavior and the worst part is it’s being perpetuated by the very people in the govt who are supposed to be helping people in this devastating situation, FEMA and the military. Why is FEMA at war with us?”Another user wrote:“A second helicopter, a North Carolina National Guard Chinook, has “rotor washed” another relief station blowing away aid, injuring 3 people, and causing $100k in damages to people’s cars and campers.” One user commented in frustration, “This is absolutely disgusting behavior and the worst part is it’s being perpetuated by the very people in the govt who are supposed to be helping people in this devastating situation, FEMA and the military.”