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PCIdiot is trying to sound profound again. Too bad he fails every time.
Has any DU-member dared to explain to PCIntern the difference between Fantasies-I-Want-To-Be-True and facts?

ETA: Looking over the list of posts and checking out a few, a couple of people kinda-sorta pointed out that there is no evidence of what PCIntern wants to be true. Less bluntly than me, of course.
The DUmpster / Re: Grocery prices are finally falling..Yeah!!!!
« Last post by SVPete on Today at 04:37:49 PM »
These idiots believe that inflation is falling because the percentage rate at which it's rising is "smaller".  :thatsright:

Yeah, they don't get that it's like compound interest.

As to the supposed improvement, .2% is so small that it's insignificant wrt a shopping trip of more than two or three items. And it's just one month. Maybe it's a trend, maybe the rate will roar on up next month.
The DUmpster / I believe that the document trial postponement is even worse
« Last post by CC27 on Today at 04:19:55 PM »
PCIntern (25,705 posts

I believe that the document trial postponement is even worse
than it appears to be.

I am of the opinion that these people “know stuff” that we don’t. I would venture to say that there is some word in the ethereal circles that there’s proof that some of these documents were given/sold to foreign powers or brokers who will then sell them to these powers and if this broke before the election it would “most likely” doom the candidacy.

Nothing but nothing is EVER what it appears to be and I always remind myself of that closed door House meeting where the Dems emerged literally shaking with upset and rage. Something was seen in there which was beyond the pale, and that was before all the public knew about this disaster of monumental magnitude in National Security.

Meanwhile, I still cannot believe that this guy is still a contender - in any other Universe he’d be politically exiled or doing time in prison.

As an aside, you know how all the experts are telling us about this trial, prefacing their remarks with the phrase “of course we don’t know what the jury is going to do but…”? Well, the experts told us we would lose upwards of 100000 troops in the Gulf War, that there was a gigantic Red Wave coming in 2022, that Betamax was superior to VHS and woukd dominate the market, that Enron possessed a stellar business model, that Lance Armstrong was possibly the greatest athlete who ever lived, and that during the tech boom, you could have a company with no product, no assets, and no patents or copyrights and this company was worth billions. They spoke with such surety and positive outlook that HOW DARE YOU question their opinion?


Grasping at straws again ahole?
The DUmpster / Re: Grocery prices are finally falling..Yeah!!!!
« Last post by DefiantSix on Today at 03:29:15 PM »
These idiots believe that inflation is falling because the percentage rate at which it's rising is "smaller".  :thatsright:

That's okay; remember when this country purported to live on a "budget", and any reduction of the rate of increase in the deep state's funding was always labeled as a "DRACONIAN CUT" by these mouth breathers?  :panic:

 :ohnoes: :ohnoes: :ohnoes:
The DUmpster / Re: Grocery prices are finally falling..Yeah!!!!
« Last post by ADsOutburst on Today at 02:51:12 PM »
So it's not that things are better, they're just marginally less bad (but dems are content to call that "better").
It sounds like more left wing dirty tricks. They are at the stage of whatever it takes since their law fair is failing and their candidate looks like a cadaver.

Trump supporters are now sending threatening letters to get people to vote for him

“We see you haven’t voted yet. Your voting record is public,” a recent mailer to Texas Republicans says. “Your neighbors are watching and will know if you miss this critical runoff election. We will notify President Trump if you don’t vote. You can’t afford to have that on your record.”

The mailer, which says it was sent by “The America First Conservatives Election Department,” showed up to voters leading up to the state’s May 28 primary election. Trump is likely to win the primary regardless – his opponents have all dropped out of the primary – but the mailer still strikes an ominous tone.

It adds, “We will contact you after the election to make sure you voted. Please don’t make us report you to President Trump! We are sending an official list of Republicans who fail to vote in the upcoming runoff to President Trump. Public records show that YOU HAVE NOT VOTED. President Trump will be VERY DISAPPOINTED.”

One redditor claims to have received this mailer, one rando alphabetsoup "news" site picks it up, along with more reddit comments, and it gets floated up the bowl to 

The gullibility of people is insane.  If these are real, if they are sent out by people who genuinely support Trump, so what?  What comes of it?  The May election in Texas is a run-off election for some candidates for the state congress.  All the verbage sounds like something the DUmp would come up with to "DU the poll" on a larger scale.  There are some crazy and stupid people out there that support Trump, but this seems beyond even most of them.  But it feeds the TDS, so the pill is swallowed without question by most. 

The DUmpster / Re: Got Some Good News
« Last post by Old n Grumpy on Today at 01:30:26 PM »
This is biden buying votes  :thatsright: :loser:
The DUmpster / Re: Grocery prices are finally falling..Yeah!!!!
« Last post by Wineslob on Today at 01:18:17 PM »
These idiots believe that inflation is falling because the percentage rate at which it's rising is "smaller".  :thatsright:
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