Since a "mainline Protestant" church is not likely to have many, if any, Trump fans, and Catholic churches tend to have very openly Pro-Life people, I'm going to guess that ismnotwasm's daughter somehow wandered into an Evangelical church without realizing many Evangelicals are Trump voters, agreeing with most of his policies. As facially odd as this seems to me, at the same time, most Evangelical churches violate Prog stereotypes and do not talk specifically political topics. I'm guessing Ohio-daughter was in an Evangelical church whose sermons and such focused on spiritual life and growth rather than political figures who will be off the national political scene in less than a decade.
In my earlier half of life, I was a semi-regular church-goer (the Baptist flavor). And in all of my time, I only ever heard a political statement from one Pastor, ever. It was a short blip in the sermon at the end, and not even really part of the sermon. Apparently the IRS was playing games with the church and he was asking for support. Regardless, I thought it was inappropriate to speak of it at the time he did. Those topics are for discussion in meetings, not Sunday sermon, and most other attendees appears a little set back by the comment due to it's placement. The "incident" wasn't even discussed afterwords.
It is very rare for church members to ever bring up politics, even at extra curricular events as it is a frowned upon topic, and would be considered borderline blasphemy to bring such a topic into the church. It is not why we go there. It is, in fact, one of the topics we purposefully leave behind so that church services can be taken in for the intended purpose, free from poisonous influences that are unrelated to the worship of God.