Author Topic: Stories & Opinions Worth Knowing but Maybe Not Quite Threadworthy 11/10  (Read 1946 times)

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Greene Pushes for Vote on Mayorkas Impeachment

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene moved on Thursday to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, accusing him of failing to protect the United States from an “invasion” of “border crossers.”

The Georgia Republican reportedly introduced the resolution as privileged, which means it requires action within two legislative days.

“As Secretary of the Department of Homeland Secretary, Alejandro Mayorkas, has violated his oath to uphold this constitutional duty by allowing the invasion of approximately 10,000,000 illegals across our borders,” the resolution states. “The ongoing invasion at our southern border is a direct national security threat against the States and against the citizens therein.”

It accuses Mayorkas of having “willfully abandoned his duty to secure the border” and protect the U.S. from “invasion.”

Greene also charges that Mayorkas has violated the Secure Fence Act of 2006, which declares that the border is operationally secure only if no people or contraband improperly enter the country.

“Alejandro Nicholas Mayorkas, in his inability to enforce the law, has engaged in a pattern of conduct that is incompatible with his duties as a civil officer of the United States,” Greene’s resolution says.

Pushing back on claims that he has broken the law, Mayorkas said in July that the standard set in the Secure Fence Act is impossible to achieve.

“The Secure Fence Act, specifically the statute, defines operational control as not having one individual cross the border illegally,” Mayorkas told lawmakers. “Under that statutory definition, no administration has achieved operational control.”

The Department of Homeland Security said Thursday that the Republican push to impeach Mayorkas over policy differences is “baseless,” given that the secretary has not met the constitutionally-required threshold for high crimes and misdemeanors.

“While the House Majority has wasted months trying to score points with baseless attacks, Secretary Mayorkas has been doing his job and working to keep Americans safe,” DHS said in a statement obtained by The Hill.

“Instead of continuing their reckless impeachment charades and attacks on law enforcement, Congress should work with us to keep our country safe, build on the progress DHS is making, and deliver desperately needed reforms for our broken immigration system that only legislation can fix.”

MTG is pissing in the wind again. Mayorkas is simply doing what SharterJoe (sycophant to Barry Soetoro) is telling him to do.

Next story:

House GOP Lacks Votes for Mayorkas Impeachment

House Republicans seeking to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas for failure to adequately police the southern border do not have the votes to do so, Politico reported.

Rep. Chip Roy, R-Texas, who is among those who've lobbied GOP leadership to move forward with impeachment proceedings, admits the votes just might not exist in Republicans' narrow House majority.

"We have what — a majority of three, or four, or five depending on the day and people's health? So, if there’s a handful of people that don't cross the line, that's where we are," Roy said, Politico reported.

One GOP lawmaker told Politico that the effort to impeach Mayorkas has died down "some." The representative added that although the Biden administration has made bad policy decisions related to the border, "incompetence isn't an impeachable offense."

Even some conservatives and members of the Judiciary Committee, which deliberates over whether to initiate an impeachment inquiry, do not appear to be behind the effort.

Rep. Ken Buck, R-Colo., a Judiciary Committee and Freedom Caucus member, said he remains unconvinced that impeaching Mayorkas is necessary.

"Think about it — you replace Mayorkas with another Biden appointee," said Buck, who added that impeachment is "a rare occurrence. It's supposed to be."

Rep. Don Bacon, R-Neb., said he hasn't heard much recently about impeaching Mayorkas.

"In the end, what are you going to get?" Bacon said, Politico reported. "You’re going to get Biden’s policies."

Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., who last year said he might be open to holding impeachment proceedings, has signaled he's not convinced about pursuing them.

"The only time you use impeachment is if someone has done something that rises to impeachment," McCarthy told Politico, adding that committees continue to investigate the DHS secretary.

Some Republicans who have supported investigations into Mayorkas, Attorney General Merrick Garland, and President Joe Biden also have warned that holding impeachment votes without proof of wrongdoing could result in the GOP losing control of the House in 2024.

Mayorkas' biggest critics, though, believe the impeachment issue is not dead.

Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Ariz., a member of the Judiciary Committee, is holding a joint field hearing Tuesday on "Biden’s border crisis," Politico reported.

Biggs has already introduced impeachment articles against Mayorkas, but he acknowledged during a tele-townhall last week that the House GOP remains short of the votes needs to move forward.

Roy, for one, is eyeing the Sept. 30 deadline to fund the government. The Texan has vowed to oppose any spending bills that fund the DHS without enacting immigration and border reforms — which include impeaching the secretary.

"I think the case has been made. And I think we are going to see a pretty big fight play out between now and Sept. 30 about what the next steps are with respect to dealing with the border," Roy said, Politico reported.

Homeland Security Committee Chair Mark Green, R-Tenn., said his panel would not make a final decision about any impeachment referrals to the Judiciary Committee until a five-phase investigation into the agency is completed.

"Clearly it's not as exciting" as other investigations, Green said, Politico reported. "But we ain't stopping."

Part of this centers on how MTG has - on some level - alienated herself from the GOP caucus. She's already been ousted from the Freedom caucus and while she's been assigned (after Pelousy's pulling her off on her previous committees) to the Oversight and Homeland Security Committees and various subcommittees in 2023, she doesn't pull punches and the squishes in the GOP caucus have a problem with that. I think they tolerate her more than anything.
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Re: Stories & Opinions Worth Knowing but Maybe Not Quite Threadworthy 11/10
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2023, 12:16:52 PM »
. I think they tolerate her more than anything.

That’s to bad,she seems to have more balls than the rest of the republicans
Life is tough and it’s even tougher when you’re stupid

Basking in the glow of my white Privilege and toxic masculinity while I water the Begonias with liberal tears!

I will give up my guns when the liberals give up their illegal aliens

We need a Bull Shit tax to make the Democrats go broke!

Offline Eupher

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Re: Stories & Opinions Worth Knowing but Maybe Not Quite Threadworthy 11/10
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2023, 02:04:21 PM »
Don't get excited - the important part of this story is bolded below.

Shock Poll Shows That Even California Hates Biden and Newsom Running the State Into the Ground

It was beginning to seem like nothing could sway Californian opinions on the Democrats and their one-party government, which has been running the state into the ground since pushing for a failed high-speed railway project between two areas with very low population. However, The Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies released a poll showing that Californians have finally had enough of President Joe Biden and Governor Gavin Newsom’s disastrous leadership.

The multi-billion-costing project was only the first of failed policies that have taken the Golden State from one of the most coveted places in the world to a communist bloc where any sane businessman has already fled for the greener pastures of Texas or Florida. Even with signs of California’s authoritarian Democrat regime pushing draconian COVID-19 lockdowns by treating its citizens like prisoners, the voting population came out in force to support Joe Biden in 2020 and Gavin Newsom in 2022. 

Since then, inflation has hit California harder than almost any other state because California’s Democrat policies hit businesses even harder than the rest of the country. Newsom enacted a mandate on trucking, which requires fleets in California to abide by insane environmental standards no other state requires, making the cost of transporting goods far higher than anywhere else in the country. Couple that with more than a dollar paid in taxes and fees per gallon of gas and Californians are squeezed with more than $6/gallon gas in many areas of the state.

The list of failures continues as fires have ravaged California, upping homeowners’ insurance premiums to bank-breaking levels because of a lack of forest management. A housing crisis exists, even with the mass exodus of citizens, to the point where San Francisco Bay Area houses are still the highest prices in the country with no signs of softening like much of the rest of the real estate market.

On top of all the general economic failures squeezing Californians’ bank accounts, San Francisco and other major cities have been entirely run into the ground and turned into crime havens where it’s not safe to even get off the freeway.

Even through 2023, the Democrat leadership responsible for the catastrophes could get through politically unscathed — until now.

The Berkeley GIS’s most recent poll shows Joe Biden finally has a majority of Californians disapproving of his job as president. 52% of Californians voiced their disdain for the president, demonstrating that there is finally a breaking point for citizens. This upward tick in disapproval came completely from Democrats and independents, as almost all the state’s Republicans had already disapproved of Biden’s job. 

For Gavin Newsom, he boasts a 49% disapproval rating, with only 44% of Californians thinking he’s doing a good job. The 7% who don’t know might be part of the homeless encampments in San Francisco doped up on fentanyl, but they were unavailable for comment for PJ Media as I was too afraid to park my car there to ask their thoughts.

The poll states that there’s no one issue in which the Democrats lost favor with the voters. Still, timing-wise, it seems it has to do more with the Democrat split regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as liberals have gone at each others’ throats over the topic over the last few weeks.

Despite the state’s troubles, the poll still shows Biden defeating President Trump in the 2024 election. Californians may hate the jobs Biden and Newsom are doing but not enough to make a change to fix the problems.

As the old axiom goes, "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink."
Adams E2 Euphonium, built in 2017
Boosey & Co. Imperial Euphonium, built in 1941
Edwards B454 bass trombone, built 2012
Bach Stradivarius 42OG tenor trombone, built 1992
Kanstul 33-T BBb tuba, built 2011
Fender Precision Bass Guitar, built ?
Mouthpiece data provided on request.