Author Topic: New book by Bob Woodward  (Read 13400 times)

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Offline Boudicca

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New book by Bob Woodward
« on: September 07, 2012, 10:45:26 AM »

Heard about this on Rush yesterday morning.

House Speaker John Boehner pulled out of last summer’s historic debt deal after President Barack Obama pushed him one step too far with his demands, a new book by Watergate journalist Bob Woodward reveals.
The deal was just about tied up when Obama pressed the Ohio Republican to include more taxes, a demand that Boehner felt would never fly with his GOP colleagues.
Boehner told Woodward, Obama was “spewing coals” over the broken deal: “He was pissed. . . . He wasn’t going to get a damn dime more out of me. He knew how far out on a limb I was. But he was hot. It was clear to me that coming to an agreement with him was not going to happen, and that I had to go to Plan B.”

Nice of Bob to give O'boobie a pre-election present. :-)
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Offline JohnnyReb

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Re: New book by Bob Woodward
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2012, 11:50:17 AM »

Nice of Bob to give O'boobie a pre-election present.


Hey, he's had a thousand monkeys typing feverishly on this one.
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Re: New book by Bob Woodward
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2012, 11:54:27 AM »
There's lots of revelations in that book.

For one, the Republican resurgence of 2010 was so unexpected that the White House didn't even have John Boehner's telephone number so as to call him, to congratulate him.

Damn.  Even the "best and brightest" in the White House didn't see that coming?
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Re: New book by Bob Woodward
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2012, 01:52:57 PM »
There's lots of revelations in that book.

For one, the Republican resurgence of 2010 was so unexpected that the White House didn't even have John Boehner's telephone number so as to call him, to congratulate him.

Damn.  Even the "best and brightest" in the White House didn't see that coming?

When you have as much arrogance as 0bama does you miss what is right in front of you.
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