Author Topic: Antifa activists say violence is necessary  (Read 15031 times)

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Antifa activists say violence is necessary
« on: September 14, 2017, 11:19:04 AM »
Interesting little tidbit, via Drudge, from The Hill.  We knew that they endorsed violence, but to have them on the record, for most of the Swamp to see, is a tad surprising.

Antifa activists say violence is necessary

By Katie Bo Williams - 09/14/17 06:30 AM EDT

Anti-fascist activists, or “antifa,” increasingly mobilized in the wake of President Trump’s election, are unapologetic about what they describe as the necessary use of violence to combat authoritarianism.

While both experts on the movement and activists within it emphasize that not everyone who participates in anti-fascist activism engages in violence, they say the use of force is intrinsic to their political philosophy.

“The justification [of the use of violence] is that Nazi ideology at its very core is founded on violence and on wielding power by any means,” said Mike Isaacson, who is one of the founders of Smash Racism D.C., an antifa organization in Washington.

Isaacson is unequivocal in his defense of violence as a legitimate tool to combat the creeping threat of what he deems authoritarianism.

“There is the question of whether these people should feel safe organizing as Nazis in public, and I don’t think they should,” said Isaacson.

And, just who are so-called Nazis, to Antifa?

Anyone they don't like.  Plus, all Republicans.

The rest of this is here:

Keep your powder dry. :whistling:
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Offline thundley4

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Re: Antifa activists say violence is necessary
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2017, 01:29:06 PM »
They have declared themselves to be terrorists and no different from ISIS.

Offline BlueStateSaint

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"Timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the tempestuous sea of Liberty." - Thomas Jefferson

"All you have to do is look straight and see the road, and when you see it, don't sit looking at it - walk!" -Ayn Rand
"Those that trust God with their safety must yet use proper means for their safety, otherwise they tempt Him, and do not trust Him.  God will provide, but so must we also." - Matthew Henry, Commentary on 2 Chronicles 32, from Matthew Henry's Commentary on the Whole Bible

"These anti-gun fools are more dangerous to liberty than street criminals or foreign spies."--Theodore Haas, Dachau Survivor

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Offline DLR Pyro

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Re: Antifa activists say violence is necessary
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2017, 03:11:10 PM »
Anti-fascist activists, or “antifa,” increasingly mobilized in the wake of President Trump’s election, are unapologetic about what they describe as the necessary use of violence to combat authoritarianism.

So the other night on the telethon to raise money for hurricane victims when Queen B said the following...
"During a time where it's impossible to watch the news without seeing violence or racism in this country,
she must have been referring to antifa.
Biden is an illegitimate President.  Change my mind.

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Re: Antifa activists say violence is necessary
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2017, 06:32:26 PM »
They have declared themselves to be terrorists and no different from ISIS.

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Re: Antifa activists say violence is necessary
« Reply #5 on: September 14, 2017, 08:26:24 PM »
There needs to be a website dedicated to IDing these individuals so they can't hide behind their masks. They keep this up and at some point a bunch of people are going to open fire and slaughter them, and if I'm on the jury the verdict is Not Guilty.

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Re: Antifa activists say violence is necessary
« Reply #6 on: September 14, 2017, 11:03:07 PM »
Authoritarian behavior is just as much at home on the left or right of the spectrum, in today's USA the Left pretty much has the market cornered.
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Re: Antifa activists say violence is necessary
« Reply #7 on: September 15, 2017, 06:50:51 AM »
President Trump needs to have Antifa officially declared a terrorist organization. To shoot down claims of racism/ authoritarianism/silencing dissent/ Whatever other lame excuse they'll use, point out that they first started being viewed as terrorists during the Obama administration.

Offline Old n Grumpy

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Re: Antifa activists say violence is necessary
« Reply #8 on: September 15, 2017, 10:02:17 AM »
There needs to be a website dedicated to IDing these individuals so they can't hide behind their masks. They keep this up and at some point a bunch of people are going to open fire and slaughter them, and if I'm on the jury the verdict is Not Guilty.


That is an excellent idea, if they know they will be outed and ostrisized or put in danger of retribution they won't be so willing to go out and spew hate, violence and destruction. They need to learn breaking the law has consequences.
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Re: Antifa activists say violence is necessary
« Reply #9 on: September 15, 2017, 01:54:12 PM »
Is it me, or do they seem to be a bunch of skinny white kids?

If so, I'm really shaking in my boots........ :sarcasm:
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"Practice random violence and senseless acts of brutality"

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